conservative media

Rachel Maddow Shreds Tucker Carlson Without Ever Saying His Name

Rachel Maddow Shreds Tucker Carlson Without Ever Saying His Name

Rachel Maddow debunked the power of Tucker Carlson and conservative media, without ever saying the name of the former Fox…

1 year ago

Rush Limbaugh’s Replacement Dan Bongino Whines That Joe Biden is Boring and “Terrible For Talk Radio”

Rush Limbaugh was the voice of Conservative radio for decades. He passed away, however, at the same time that Donald…

4 years ago

Republicans Are Carrying Out An Assault On Democracy In Florida

Yesterday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent out a series of  Tweets implying a vast conspiracy was taking place due to…

6 years ago

Conservative Attacks On Trump May Backfire By Encouraging Him To Run As A Spoiler In 2016

If the conservative media and the GOP establishment take down Trump, he may decide to deliver payback by running a…

9 years ago

Despite Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Pledge, Koch-Republicans Will Block Infrastructure Spending

It is likely that Senator Sanders was sending a message to the Koch brothers that regardless they currently control government…

9 years ago

Police Would Have Massacred Texas Bikers If They Were Black

For the second time in a year, law enforcement officials held their violent aggression and hostility normally reserved for peaceful…

9 years ago

Media Intentionally Hides Republicans’ Economic Failures And Democrats’ Success

t is true that Republican policies are why Americans are rapidly losing economic ground to the few wealthy elites, but…

10 years ago

White Supremacist Group Places Racist Billboard Along Highway In Alabama

For the second time in less than two years, a billboard has gone up near Birmingham, Alabama, carrying a pro-white,…

10 years ago

In 2014 America Abandoned Its Constitution And Devolved Into a Fascist Theocracy

Republicans in state after state spent the past year hastily passing legislation abolishing other Americans' 14th Amendment rights

10 years ago

GOP On GOP Violence: Marco Rubio Slams Rand Paul For Agreeing With Obama’s Cuba Policy

During an appearance on Fox News' The Kelly File Thursday night, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) criticized Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)…

10 years ago

Fox News Blames Obama for Apartheid, Racist Cops, and GOP Jobs Obstruction

The latest "blame Obama" crusade is reaction to the President's request for funding to train and outfit racist cops with…

10 years ago

Conservative Pundit Ben Stein Says Poor Black People Are “Pathetic” And “Self-Defeating”

Ben Stein appeared on Newsmax TV Monday afternoon and declared that the biggest problem with race in America is that…

10 years ago

For the Love of America, Ignore Republican Fear-Mongering and Vote

Not believing in reality doesn't make you immune to it. Republicans will just blame the nearest Democrat, but all of…

10 years ago

Report Confirms Fracking is Poisoning California’s Dwindling Aquifers

This week, yet another report reveals that fracking in California has contaminated aquifers during a historical drought.

10 years ago

For Republicans ISIL is Only an Excuse to Attack Our President

The suspicion that Republicans are far more horrified by a black president than Islamic terrorists is borne out by the…

10 years ago

Thanks, Obama! Unemployment Rate Drops To Lowest Level Since September 2008

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released June's jobs report on Thursday. The report was released a day earlier than normal…

10 years ago

Fox News’ Latest Attempt To Connect Bill Ayers And President Obama Ends Disastrously

This week, Fox News host Megyn Kelly aired a two-part interview with Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers. It ended in…

10 years ago

Men Behaving Badly! Right-Wing Males Act Like Jerks After SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby Decision

Male conservative members of the media, as well as Republican men in office, decided to act like a bunch of…

10 years ago

You’ve Got To Be Kidding! Republicans Claim Benghazi Suspect Capture Is A Distraction

The way Republicans and conservative media reacted to this good news, which also provided proof that the President is adhering…

10 years ago

Another Solid Jobs Report Shows Why Republicans Are Laser Focused On Fake Scandals

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the jobs report for the month on May. For the fourth month…

10 years ago

Conservative Media’s Lack Of Empathy For Bowe Bergdahl And His Family Is Sickening

Republicans in Washington and the right-wing media decided to push all-in by claiming the President had negotiated with terrorists and…

10 years ago

Conservatives Call For The Lynching of President Obama

A racist conservative Facebook group "America the next generation" created a photo-shopped image of President Barack Obama with a hangman's…

11 years ago

Fox News and Right Wing Media Attack Journalists For Reporting the Truth About Benghazi

Real journalists' assessment of criticism of the reporter on the ground proves that Fox News' hosts do not understand what…

11 years ago

MSNBC Helped Sarah Palin Muzzle the 1st Amendment By Not Supporting Martin Bashir

What MSNBC accomplished by not supporting Bashir's 1st Amendment right was to muzzle and pre-censor the rest of the network's…

11 years ago

The Real Villains Behind the Criticisms of Obamacare

The media is quick to look for anything negative about Obamacare, but they protect the real culprit: insurance company behavior

11 years ago

The Koch Brothers Seditious Shutdown Conspiracy Should Get Them 20 Years in Prison

The DOJ will have an easy time prosecuting and convicting the Kochs because there are money trails leading directly to…

11 years ago

The Mainstream Media Continues to Ignore Rampant Republican Fueled Racism

Instead of a public outcry against blatant racism, main stream media failed to report the story on every evening newscast…

11 years ago

Hagel Accuser Ted Cruz Wants Everyone To Stop Asking Questions About His Past

Ted Cruz's spokesperson thinks it's 'curious' that the New Yorker would cover a speech he gave two years ago when…

12 years ago

The Media Busts Mitt Romney for Trying to Breitbart Them on Redistribution

Mitt Romney and Republicans pounced on a deceptively edited video of Barack Obama, never bothering with facts or reality. Now…

12 years ago