Central Valley

Drought-Stricken California Farmers Buy Recycled Oil Wastewater For Irrigation

Drought-Stricken California Farmers Buy Recycled Oil Wastewater For Irrigation

Before anyone praises the oil industry for making a profit from stealing irrigation water to process oil and then selling…

10 years ago

Corporate Greed Forces First City In California To Run Out Of Water

For several California cities, that corporate greed is finally paying dividends, and not the good kind, leaving them without water.

10 years ago

Jeff Denham Is The Koch Brothers’ Favorite California Tea Partier

Jeff Denham is a typical teabagger-Republican in that his campaign rhetoric is dictated by the Koch's Americans for Prosperity and…

10 years ago

Report Confirms Fracking is Poisoning California’s Dwindling Aquifers

This week, yet another report reveals that fracking in California has contaminated aquifers during a historical drought.

10 years ago

Kevin McCarthy’s Rise to Majority Leader Is Great News For The Polluting Koch Brothers

It was little surprise then, that Republicans elected Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as the new House Majority Leader to use his…

11 years ago