It is likely that Senator Sanders was sending a message to the Koch brothers that regardless they currently control government…
What is missing from the long list of Koch demands to abolish virtually the entire government is exactly how it…
Regardless what one thinks about marijuana use, whether for recreational purposes or for its many medicinal applications, the time has…
Republicans began 2014 the same way they started the past three years; working solely for their special interests' campaign donations…
A South Carolina legislator illegally charges taxpayers for Walter Williams flights. Ethics committee says ignorance of law is excuse.
The real tragedy is that as stupid Southern voters do the Kochs' bidding by keeping Republicans in power, at least…
ALEC members were recently asked to sign a pledge to support democracy, and they refused. Not only did they refuse…
As millions of Americans go hungry, federal government pays about $20 billion in cash annually to farmers and farmland owners…
One of the reasons Republicans drool to end the USPS is that it delivers millions of parcels every single day,…
There is no conceivable outcome in which GOP opposition to Chuck Hagel ends happily for Republicans
Earth to the Republican Party: David Stockman, the architect of Reaganomics, declared on NPR that “Reagan would never support extending…
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