buffett rule

Americans Should be Outraged that Romney Pays Only 0.2% in Payroll Taxes

Americans Should be Outraged that Romney Pays Only 0.2% in Payroll Taxes

Americans should be most outraged at the 0.2% Romney pays in payroll taxes when working Americans earning less than $106,800…

12 years ago

Republicans Protect 4,000 Millionaires but Cut Food Stamps for 46 Million

Republicans have cut food assistance for 46.4 million Americans, while at the same time refusing to raise taxes on the…

13 years ago

Bernie Sanders Opens up a Can of Whoop Ass on GOP Oligarchs

In response to Buffett Rule being blocked by Senate Republicans, Bernie Sanders opened up a can on the GOP and…

13 years ago

Obama Skewers Senate Republicans for Blocking the Buffett Rule

After Senate Republicans blocked the Buffett Rule, President Obama took them to task and continued riding a wave of fairness…

13 years ago

GOP Tax Deadbeats Duck Their Civic Duty While Offending America’s Sense of Fairness

Every American benefits from taxpayer dollars and although they complain about paying taxes, it is Republicans who rail against paying…

13 years ago

GOP Tantrums Are No Match for Obama’s Denouncement of Their Economic Failures

Republicans are so busy throwing tantrums that they fail to recognize that President Obama is denouncing their unfair assaults on…

13 years ago

Game On: President Obama’s Buffett Rule Versus Bush-Romney

George Bush is back to remind everyone that he “dramatically raised the deficit”. Lawrence O’Donnell observed that Bush’s appearance is…

13 years ago

Before Obama A Socialist President Named Reagan Supported the Buffet Rule

Before Barack Obama another president stood up on a June day in Atlanta, and supported the socialist Buffett Rule. That…

13 years ago