Brett Kavanaugh alleged rape witness

Confirmation Could Mean Impeachment and Jail for Kavanaugh

Confirmation Could Mean Impeachment and Jail for Kavanaugh

If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed by the Senate it doesn’t mean he’ll definitely sit on the high court for life.…

6 years ago

Kavanaugh’s Yale Roommate Says He Was ‘Capable’ of Sexual Assault

Brett Kavanaugh's roommate at Yale University, issued a statement Monday saying that he remembers that "Brett was a notably heavy…

6 years ago

Avenatti: ‘Brett Kavanaugh Is A Liar’ and His Claims Are ‘Laughable’

Like many people, Michael Avenatti thinks that Brett Kavanaugh’s interview on Fox News was pathetic, and his claims of being…

6 years ago

How Trump and the GOP Plan to Keep Fighting Kavanaugh’s Accusers

Nobody expected Donald Trump to give in easily. Despite new allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh…

6 years ago

If Kavanaugh Goes On Supreme Court Democrats Can Still Destroy Him

Nobody knows what will happen this week when Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Ford testify before the Judiciary Committee of the…

6 years ago

Kavanaugh Having Trouble With Questions About His Sex Life and Alcohol

People in the Donald Trump White House have been leaking information to the Washington Post again. According to confidential sources…

6 years ago

Republicans Fear Kavanaugh Sex Allegations Will Hurt Them in Midterms

Republicans are afraid that the sexual assault accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh will hurt them in the…

6 years ago

If Witnesses Are Allowed To Testify, It Is Going To Get Ugly For Kavanaugh

"Of course there is never any excuse to rape someone. But it’s possible to have two seemingly contradictory thoughts to…

6 years ago