Tagged BP Oil Spill


Fox News Claims Obama Put a Gun to BP’s Head

Fox News ratcheted up their pro-BP rhetoric today when the Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore went on their On The Record program and claimed that President Obama put a gun to BP’s head, “The federal government, that is to say the Obama administration put a gun to BP’s head and said either go along with this agreement, or the future of this company will be very much in jeopardy.”


Sarah Palin Claims that She Knows How to Fix the BP Oil Leak

Sarah Palin turned up on The O’Reilly Factor tonight and claimed that she knows how to stop the Gulf oil leak. Palin claimed that we should rely on foreign countries to fix the oil leak, “What the federal government should have done was accept the assistance of foreign countries, of entrepreneurial Americans who have solutions…who can’t even get a phone call returned.”


While In the Gulf Obama Shows the GOP How to Lead

President Obama delivered remarks in Venice, LA today after touring the Gulf Coast area and getting a look at the BP Oil Spill. While the right wing media has been portraying this event as Obama’s Katrina, the president showed the type of leadership that was missing from the GOP after Hurricane Katrina, “Your government will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to stop this crisis.” Obama sure isn’t W.

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