Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton, ‘A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon.’

Bill Clinton, ‘A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy an assault weapon.’

President Clinton took down the entire rationale of the Republican Party with one sentence. Clinton said, 'A great democracy does…

11 years ago

Bill Clinton Obliterates the Latest Republican Attempt to Stop Hillary

It took Bill Clinton less than 60 seconds to destroy the latest Republican attempt to stop his wife Hillary from…

11 years ago

Bill Clinton Brilliantly Eviscerates the Blind Stupidity of The Tea Party

Former President Bill Clinton called out the tea party for discouraging bipartisanship by wanting people to check their brains at…

12 years ago

Negotiating Middle East Peace Was Easier for Bill Clinton Than Getting Led Zeppelin to Reunite

It turns out that negotiating peace in the Middle East was probably easier for Bill Clinton than convincing Led Zeppelin…

12 years ago

Right Wingers Claim Prayer Doomed Manchin-Toomey

You probably didn't know this but gun safety laws are "pagan" and it was prayer that defeated Manchin-Toomey

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Calls Out (With a Smile) George W. Bush for Rewriting History

In his gentle smiling Bubba way, former president Bill Clinton began his speech at the Bush Library by mentioning that…

12 years ago

House Republicans Dig In Their Heels and Refuse To Create Middle Class Jobs

The House Democrats plan is founded on creating jobs and a thriving middle class that will never see the light…

12 years ago

Republicans Again Go the Palin Route With Marco Rubio’s State of the Union Response

Sen. Rubio has a long way to go with the Hispanic community before he can deliver what the Republican Party…

12 years ago

Presidents Bush and Clinton Also Used Executive Orders to Reform Gun Laws

Republicans are threatening to impeach Obama over executive action on gun control, but many presidents have issued executive orders on…

12 years ago

President Obama is More Popular Now than During His First Term

The GOP finds itself in trouble as Obama's popularity soars and their own plummets, and Obama's second term only promises…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Puts the Republican Spin about Sandy in Bill Clinton’s Mouth

Mitt Romney is now claiming that Bill Clinton told him that he might have won, were it not for Hurricane…

12 years ago

Obama’s Economic Message: I’m Bill Clinton, Romney is George W. Bush

The Obama campaign is summarizing their economic pitch to voters with a simple comparison. Obama is offering the policies of…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Slams Romney and Exposes the Top 4 Things that Mitt is Hiding

Former President Clinton slammed Mitt Romney in Ohio today, and spelled out the four biggest things that the Republican nominee…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Explains What’s Missing in Mitt Romney’s Tax Math

President Clinton explains Mitt Romney's $5 trillion tax cut and how middle class families will have to pay for $250,000…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Hammers Romney and Warns Voters Not to Be Fooled By His Lies

Bill Clinton is hammering Mitt Romney for saying anything in an attempt to get elected president. The former president is…

12 years ago

Pre-Debate Obama Exposes Romney’s Real Record of Job Killing

Obama is pulling a Clinton (Explainer in Chief ) before the debates, explaining to the people what Romney's business record…

12 years ago

A 7 Point Swing For Elizabeth Warren Powers Her into the Lead over Scott Brown

A new PPP poll of the Massachusetts Senate race has found that support for Elizabeth Warren has swung seven points…

12 years ago

Obama Explains in 60 Seconds Why You’re Better Off Today than You Were 4 Years Ago

The Obama campaign answered Mitt Romney's are you better off question with a devastating 60 second reply showing Americans exactly…

12 years ago

Ask Osama bin Laden is he is better off now than he was four years ago

John Kerry exposed the Romney-Ryan foreign policy as the neocon shell game that it is, contrasting it with the steady…

12 years ago

Obama Unleashes a Barrage of Truth and Honesty that Leaves Republicans Defenseless

Obama waited until the opportune time to unleash a barrage of truth and honesty that leaves Republicans few options that…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton’s Truth Serum Overpowers Paul Ryan’s Faith Based Temper Tantrum

Bill Clinton's delivered a dose of DNC truth serum to Romney, Ryan, and their crowd of habitual liars, religious sycophants,…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Mixed Teacher and Preacher While Giving the Convention Speech of His Life

Bill Clinton delivered what may have been his finest speech in entering Barack Obama's name into nomination at the Democratic…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Tears Apart Every Single Romney/Ryan Lie at the DNC

Bill Clinton took the stage tonight and sizzled while debunking every single lie told by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Puts Little Boy Paul Ryan Back In His Place

In an interview with NBC, Bill Clinton turned Paul Ryan over his knee and gave the Ayn Rand worshiper a…

12 years ago

President Obama Must Use the Convention to Tell the Unvarnished Truth

Tuesday is the opening day of the Democratic Convention. The speakers must speak the truth. The Bush administration screwed everything…

12 years ago

Americans Are More Interested in Bill Clinton’s Convention Speech Than Romney’s

According to new poll by the Pew Research Center, more Americans are interested in Bill Clinton's convention speech (52%) than…

12 years ago

A Scared Romney Tries to Drive Wedge Between Obama and Clinton with New Ad

Romney's new ad accuses Obama of being a big government liberal who is handing welfare checks out willy-nilly, and who…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Makes Mitt Romney Feel his Release Your Tax Returns Pain

Bill Clinton showed why he is Mitt Romney's worst nightmare as he told the Today show audience a little story…

12 years ago

Bill Clinton Takes Down Romney By Speaking the Truth About Obama

President Obama's latest ad touts the truth about his national security record and Mitt Romney's Bush policy of ignoring bin…

13 years ago

PBS’s Clinton Evokes Reminders Of Attacks On Obama

Part one of PBS's two part biography of Bill Clinton airs tonight and the similarities between the attacks on Clinton…

13 years ago

On Jon Stewart Bill Clinton Calls Out the Tea Party

In an interview with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show last night former President Bill Clinton explained and broke down…

14 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Blames Bill Clinton Not Bush for Letting Bin Laden Go

Rudy Giuliani was on Meet The Press today engaging in a bit of GOP revisionist history, as he claimed that…

14 years ago

The Death of the Center: Welcome to the Age of Political Nihilism

Once upon a time, there was an America where politicians would seek to find consensus on issues, who would be…

14 years ago

From Clinton to Obama: Reregulating the Deregulatory Era

Coming from what many would consider a "far Left" ideological foundation, my assertion is that this antagonism between the so-called…

15 years ago

Bill Clinton Blames Right Wing Media for Threats and Violence

Former President Bill Clinton was on ABC's This Week this morning, where he took on the right wing media for…

15 years ago

Fox News Rewrites History In Order to Blame Bill Clinton for 9/11

The latest big lie being spread through right wing media is that Bill Clinton not George W. Bush is to…

15 years ago