
Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

Airman Ordered to Swear a Religious Oath or Get Out of the Air Force

The United States Air Force, itself sworn to "support and defend the Constitution," cannot abide by, support, or defend either…

10 years ago

Did A White Supremacist Shoot Sikhs in Wisconsin Because of Atheists?

According to Pat Robertson, god led Wade Michael Page to the Sikh temple and killed the church-goer because atheists hate…

12 years ago

Hate Religion Rears Its Ugly Head Again as Obama Hung in Effigy

Terry Jones of Florida Dove World Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida dredged up a past that is shameful and violent,…

13 years ago

Living Proof That Obama is a Christian…It’s In the Bible

When President Obama spoke up and said he supported same sex marriage, then yes, he is doing God's work. Why?…

13 years ago