Bill O’Reilly Says ‘War on Christmas’ Has Been Won But ‘Insurgents Remain’

Bill O’Reilly Says ‘War on Christmas’ Has Been Won But ‘Insurgents Remain’

O'Reilly says, "Don't like Christmas? Ignore it." Right. Like Evangelicals ignore the things they don't like.

8 years ago

Bryan Fischer Suggests Lots of People Die Around the Clintons, And it’s No Accident

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8 years ago

Donald Trump Wants to Close Mosques in America to Fight the Islamic State in Syria

Trump wants to close mosques in order to fight the Islamic State, despite the First Amendment's guarantee of the free…

9 years ago

Ted Cruz and His Mad Scramble for the Hate Vote

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9 years ago

Angie’s List Halts Indiana HQ Expansion in Response to Religious Tyranny Act

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10 years ago

Donald Trump Can’t Figure Out Why Jews Support Obama

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10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Literally Demonizes Michael Brown, Saying He was Demonically Possessed

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10 years ago

Fundamentalists Want to Drive Your Womb Like a Clown Car

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11 years ago

Buster Wilson Wakes Up to Discover He’s a Hate Monger

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12 years ago

Buster Wilson Claims Obama Wants to Declare Christians to be Mentally Ill and Lock Them Up

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12 years ago

Republican Congressman Says He’s Not Convinced Sandy Victims Need Relief

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12 years ago

The Religious Right Wants You Dead in God’s Name

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12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Jesus Had Capitalism in His DNA

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12 years ago

Hate Group Blames Colorado Massacre on America’s Lost Fear of God

The AFA says people died because we've lost our fear of God; more accurately, they died because we insist on…

12 years ago

Lawrence O’Donnell Pokes Fun at Right Wing Fanatic Buster Wilson’s Meat

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12 years ago

The Response To Stir Up Extremists in Kansas City

After underwhelming Houston, Iowa, South Carolina and Florida, The Response is bringing its brand of extremist Christianity to Kansas City…

12 years ago

Before the Supreme Court Rules on Obamacare, a Warning from George Washington

As Americans await the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act, we should keep in mind a warning from…

13 years ago

Internet Homophobia Would Have Been Impossible Without Gay Genius Alan Turing

Every time Bryan Fischer sits down to blog a homophobic rant, he ought to give thanks for Alan Turing, the…

13 years ago

Obama Has Removed the Last Shred of Divine Covering Over the White House? Really?

Apparently, President Obama has ripped away from imaginary protective layer over the White House for which surface-to-air missiles are no…

13 years ago

Conservatism Looks More Like an Online MMORPG Every Day

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13 years ago

Under-Mom’d One Million Moms Throws Hissy Fit at GAP

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13 years ago

Taking a Ride on Bryan Fischer’s Secular Sharia Crazy Bus

After putting words in George Washington's mouth, Bryan FIscher produces bullshit from his and claims "the Ten Commandments of secular…

13 years ago

The Ten Commandments Resurface as the Personhood Amendment

Anti-choice advocates in Mississippi have begun to advance so-called Personhood Amendments to attack birth-control, abortion, cloning, and stem-cell research.

14 years ago

Bryan Fischer’s Faked Research about Gays and Lesbians

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14 years ago