Adolf Hitler

WATCH: Fox News Bill Hemmer Embarrassingly Claims Karl Marx Wrote Mein Kampf

WATCH: Fox News Bill Hemmer Embarrassingly Claims Karl Marx Wrote Mein Kampf

Many of today's Conservatives like to compare Democratic policies to historical events or works of literature. This was most evident…

3 years ago

Top Democrat Compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

The number three ranking Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives was seen today on TV comparing the President of…

6 years ago

Sean Spicer Thinks The Problem With His Hitler Lie Was That It Wasn’t ‘On Topic’

"Clearly, I'm aware of [the atrocities of the Holocaust]," Spicer said. "I should've just stayed on topic"

8 years ago

Donald Trump Channels Adolf Hitler to Attack the ‘Lying’ Press

Hitler used to refer to the lying press of his enemies, as in the "Marxist Lügenpresse," while today Trump, disturbingly,…

8 years ago

The ‘Plain Folk’ Have Gotten Their Wish: a White House ‘Adorned by a Downright Moron’

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire...and the White House…

8 years ago

Like Americans and Trump, Some Germans Weren’t Fooled by Hitler’s Populism Either

As you can see from the 1932 photo montage above, not all Germans were fooled by Hitler. The caption reads,…

8 years ago

Move Over Trump: Adolf Hitler Said He Would ‘Make Germany Great Again’

"He told people that he would make Germany great again. He blamed Jews, Socialists, Communists, and others for the troubles…

8 years ago

If It Walks, Talks, and Acts Like Nazis – Call “Alt-right” Nazis, Not Racists

“What, if anything, distinguishes the alt-right from more hidebound racist movements such as the American Nazi Party and the Ku…

8 years ago

Godwin’s Law Is Wrong: Trump Nazi Comparisons Are Legit

"Trump supporters are sending messages threatening to send me and my ‘ilk’ to the gas chambers and ‘get ready for…

8 years ago

Trump Supporter Shouts “Sieg Heil” As African American Protester Is Removed

It was bound to happen sooner rather than later, but although everyone knew it was coming it was still a…

9 years ago

CNN’s Sally Kohn Calls Trump a Fascist, Invokes Hitler

The media has increasingly called out Trump rhetoric, with the Times calling him a demagogue and Sally Kohn invoking Hitler…

9 years ago

Not Just Trump: Republicans Embrace Hitler’s Nazi Tactics to Target Muslims

Trump is not alone. Increasingly, Republicans are calling for concentration camps to be built to house Syrian refugees for now

9 years ago

Mike Huckabee Compares President Obama To Nazis Exterminating Jews

Huckabee, who believed in diplomacy for white presidents, claims that Obama "will take the Israelis and march them to the…

9 years ago

Nazi-Friendly Rick Wiles Says Our Government is Run by Nazis

No, our government is not run by Nazis, but I have no doubt that if it was, Jim Bakker and…

10 years ago

Extremist Conservatives Echo The Dangerous Movements of Decades Past

There is a gross misconception among the people and pundits alike that extremism in the Republican Party is limited to…

10 years ago

Republican Congressman Compares Obama To Hitler For Not Attending Paris Unity Rally

If you were wondering how long it would take for a Republican to invoke Adolf Hitler in the made-for-Beltway-media controversy…

10 years ago

Jessa Duggar Blamed Darwin for Holocaust But Should Look in Her Bible Instead

Jessa Duggar owes her religion to the anti-Semitic Martin Luther. But Darwin, who lived three centuries after Luther, is to…

10 years ago

Beck Compares Revelation of Chris McDaniel’s Racism to Bogus Protocols of Elders of Zion

There can be no possible comparison between what was said about McDaniel and the Protocols, because what was said about…

10 years ago

Neptune: The Allied Invasion of Europe and the D-Day Landings

Craig L. Symonds' Neptune: The Allied Invasion of Europe and the D-Day Landings, is not a blow-by-blow account of the…

11 years ago

Republicans Are Following The Nazi Model of Forced Marriage for Women To the Letter

The Nazi goal, like the religious right and patriarchs in conservative ranks, was to send women into domestic servitude married,…

11 years ago

Lone Star Lunacy as ‘Obama=Hitler’ Candidate Leads Democratic Senate Primary

Kesha Rogers, a LaRouche supporter who equates Obama to Hitler and calls for his impeachment, is leading the Dem Senate…

11 years ago

If Republicans Don’t Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Republicans, like the Nazis, want to enforce through legislation obedience to and a belief in a mythical white paradise

11 years ago

Tom Perkins Is Wrong – Germany’s 1 Percent Were Hitler’s Allies, Not his Victims

Venture capitalist Tom Perkins would have you believe America's 1 percent are yesterday's Jews but nothing could be further from…

11 years ago

The Chamber Of Commerce Attacks Obama Because He Won’t Screw You With Trickle-Down

The Chamber of Commerce president gave his state of American business address that was replete with propaganda that the economy…

11 years ago

The Supreme Court Joins The Right Wing Attempt to Replace the Constitution With the Bible

The Supreme Court is likely not done facilitating theocratic tyranny or disabusing the people from their 1st and 14th Amendment…

11 years ago

Republicans Channel Hitler as They Claim to See Him Everywhere

Republicans love to play mix 'n match labels with Nazis and Communists but themselves channel Hitler as they do so…

11 years ago

A Party Gone Mad – Today’s Republicans are Yesterday’s Fascists

You shouldn't have to be a liberal to think fascism is a bad thing. Republicans should think so too, and…

11 years ago

Romney Throws Details out Window, Turns to God

Mitt Romney has never been very specific about what he would do as president to "fix" things. He just says…

12 years ago

Hitler Explains to GOP Why They Are Wrong about National Socialism

Republicans love the socialism in National Socialism but as Hitler explained to his fellow Nazis, socialists were just "salon Bolsheviks"

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Says Sikh Temple Shooter a Liberal Because He’s a Nazi

Fischer claims the the neo-Nazi Sikh temple shooter was a liberal because he was a Nazi but a glance at…

12 years ago