adequate food

Proof That Republicans Are Creating Poverty: America Is Number One In Low Wage Jobs

Proof That Republicans Are Creating Poverty: America Is Number One In Low Wage Jobs

According to new research on America's world-leading economic inequality, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported that in…

10 years ago

SHAME: Millions of Americans Are Going Hungry and Republicans Plan to Make Even Worse

While the wealthiest 1% of Americans' fortunes increase dramatically, millions of Americans are going hungry and Republicans plan to make…

11 years ago

For Many Americans There is Little To Be Thankful For On Thanksgiving

There are plenty of things for all Americans to be thankful for, but sadly, a substantial segment of the population…

11 years ago

For America’s Hidden Hungry Children and Adults This Won’t Be a Happy Easter

There are millions of Americans who will seek out real Easter eggs to feed their children, wait for their $189…

12 years ago