aca enrollment numbers

Obamacare Knocks Out The GOP As Enrollment Poised To Shatter 2015 Goal

Obamacare Knocks Out The GOP As Enrollment Poised To Shatter 2015 Goal

The latest good news for President Obama is that the Affordable Care Act is poised to shatter his administration's enrollment…

10 years ago

Americans Love Their Obamacare: The ACA Is On Pace To Smash 2015 Sign Up Target

The latest estimated enrollment numbers show that the ACA is on pace to blow past the Obama administration's goal of…

10 years ago

From Boehner to Rush: Republicans Are Crushed as Obamacare Enrollment Hits 17.8 Million

Republicans are so crushed by the news that total ACA enrollment has reached 17.8 million that they are immediately trying…

11 years ago