2016 campaign

Bernie Sanders Alumni Want to Meet to Discuss ‘Sexual Violence’ on Campaign

Bernie Sanders Alumni Want to Meet to Discuss ‘Sexual Violence’ on Campaign

POLITICO has reported that a group of alumni of Sen. Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign are demanding a meeting with…

6 years ago

New Clinton Book Has Explosive 2016 Campaign Details

Hillary Clinton just won’t go away, or so it seems.  Seldom has a losing presidential candidate generated so much publicity…

7 years ago

Robert Mueller’s Noose Tightens As Trump’s Russia-Connected Data Firm Asked To Hand Over Emails

Unlike the non-scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account that defined last year's campaign coverage, this one…

7 years ago

Russia Noose Tightens As Jeff Sessions Knew About Trump Adviser’s 2016 Russia Trip

Sessions didn't just meet with the Russians himself, but he was informed about similar contacts made by others in the…

7 years ago

Obama Drops A Devastating Truth Bomb About Why Trump’s Presidency Is Such A Failure

"If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you're not gonna be able to govern them. You won't…

7 years ago

Rachel Maddow Sets Trap For Russian Trolls By Creating Fake Online Secession Movement

Hoping to lure Russian trolls into an online trap, Rachel Maddow announced that she is setting up a fake secession…

7 years ago

Trump Is Sinking Fast As Robert Mueller Is Now Going After Air Force One Phone Records

The fact that Mueller is requesting Air Force One phone records shows that he is clearly ramping up his inquiry…

7 years ago

Another NYT Bombshell: Donald Trump Jr. Knew Russian Government Was Helping His Dad’s Campaign

Donald Trump Jr. was told in an email that the damaging info on Hillary Clinton that he sought during his…

7 years ago

Game Over: The Sanders Campaign Is Not Trying To Win Over Clinton Superdelegates

Bernie Sanders campaign has no plans to try to flip superdelegates to his side.

9 years ago