That his supporters think that Donald might actually convince all those French Canadians to become America's 51st state is beyond ludicrous.

There's no way the Canucks are ever going to embrace trumpism. They're not that ignorant. Or stupid.

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Of course it’s ludicrous and will never happen. But they would make a great state. They would vote Blue and have a lot of electoral college votes.

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I think we'd be better off becoming Canadians than they would becoming members of the clown show. I think it's just a distraction to keep his dumbest fan club members riled up.

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Can't guarantee they'd all vote liberal, but hey, my favorite comedy moment this week was the idea of Trudeau reminding him Canada has provinces that could become 50 states,

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They hate Trump.

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With good reason!! I do, too!

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Quebec has never been as aligned with the rest of Canada as they are right now. And the vast majority of Canadians are not going along either. If Canada ever became a state, or a series of states, the GOP would never win again.

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They literally booed our National anthem at a hockey game.

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As sad as this sounds, who could blame them?

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Exactly. I saw a clip from years ago when a Canadian crowd actually finished it when the singers microphone stopped working. The whole Canadian crowd singing our anthem. I'll see if I can find it.

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Here's that clip, it's from 2014 when Obama was President.


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It takes a SPECIAL kind of STOOPID to “embrace Trumpism” and America has fallen to the challenge.

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They won’t be able to speak French anymore if they became the 51st state -

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And what about Puerto Rica? Oh, here are some paper towels and "I don't really care" jackets.

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What’s he going to do when they are talking French. Send ICE after them.

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First of all, Brett Bair is the biggest brown noser that I have ever seen.

He led trump in this interview. He gave him the softest questions I have ever seen. He is no reporter. He is a disgrace.

trump is looking old and feeble. Everything he said about trade is a lie! Everything he said about musk is a lie. Everything he said about government departments is a lie.

The reason the United States is not a wealthy country is because the oligarchs are not paying their way, not in wages and benefits to their employees, not in paying their fair share of taxes, and in not giving back to this country that has afforded them their success.

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Virginia Arthur gave a concise and complete summary...I don't need to add more, thank you!

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That was not an “interview”. It was one guy blowing smoke up another guy’s arse!

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Fox is a lie itself and they are getting exclusive Presidential interviews only because they agreed to easy questions that are mostly useless information, and to fawn all over Trump as though he were a king. I watch Fox Faux News once in a while when I need a really good laugh. It's so ridiculous- anybody that believes the political stuff on that network is a complete and total idiot. It's the National Enquirer of television. Noah's ark is found evey few years, a human/alien baby is born, a crocodile with 2 heads can predict the future. Yawn.

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That is the best description of FOX Faux News that I have heard to date!

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Trump's dementia was on full display! Even Bret Baier couldn't save him. Nobody can.

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they helped sell, legitimize him and now cant undo what they've done.... im assuming they share some if our horror‼️

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trump is and will always be a F’n idiot and fat ass lying piece of shit!

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He’s a disgrace and we should be embarrassed as a nation about him and also the lies Fox News promotes. Shameful what they have done.

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I don't think that Trump is with it and that would explain his use of Elon

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They may just be waiting for him to go a step too far. Vance is ready to step in at any time. I believe he is even more dangerous than Trump.

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At 3:30pm, I changed the channel from the Fox pre-game show. I cannot stand to hear Trumpty Dumpty’s voice. His interviews are all the same. It’s all about him. Well, FU45.

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and science fiction... imagine if another world leader spent a rally discussing his dilemma of being eaten by a shark, drowning, jumping on a passing object or getting cancer from electric wind farms.

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Plain, deceitful, disgraceful, and garbage. I hope this covers my thoughts without vulgar language

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Aw go ahead. Let 'er rip. Sometimes a few 4 letter words helps to make a point.

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No 12-letter words?


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Vulgar language is a safety valve I use frequently to defuse my internal “pressure cooker” of anger, frustration and despair. At eighty two years of age and a woman, I have earned the right.

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Bonus points at 73 I let them rip occasionally and totally offend my trump voting husband ! LoL

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My mother was probably in her eighties, we were driving thru the city, when some wanker cut me off. Mom said “Bullshit!” I said, “Mother!” She just gave her cute grin, & said, “I *like* that word: “bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!” One of my favorite memories of her! ❤️

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Oh, and there is *absolutely* NO WAY IN HELL that she would’ve voted for him!! She *proudly* voted for Obama both times. She passed away in 2015, so, thankfully missed tRump’s first term, the COVID nightmare, and now this nightmare. I miss her; she was a sweet, smart, cute woman, with a good sense of humor. But she would have been devastated by all of this.

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I’m a 77 yo woman and found that stringing together as many vulgarities as I can (re:tRUMP) cathartic and immensely satisfying!

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At age 78 I, too, have earned the right.

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i admire your restraint but losing mine...

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Remember he (tRrump) is a convicted felon, twice impeached, selling bibles, selling golden shoes, selling cards about himself and filed for bankruptcy to many times to count. He is the leader of the biggest shit show ever.💩💩💩

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and a cheat + thief, con man, screaming bigot, pedophile(epstein yrs) & social reject in NYC for adult life prior to escalator to hell.

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Well, I’m not watching the Super Bowl because football is (pardon my French) pretty fucking boring. And so, no, I haven’t seen the interview with Anus-Mouth, but I’m fairly sure most people who watched it will believe every word he said, because the only people who’d watch that interview willingly are the people who voted for him.

And speaking as someone who doesn’t live in the US, do any of you shitfucks realize how offensive it is, this hyper-inflated influence the average American voter wields over the rest of the world? We’d have liked to have nice things too, like clean air, and stable economies, and no microplastics in my nutsack, but NOOOOOOO… it’s the price of fucking eggs and Hilary’s goddamned emails yet again, didn’t you know? Or maybe you decided not to vote at all, because the Dems need to be taught a lesson, re: Gaza. I hope you’re fucking happy now.

You assholes broke it, you owe it to the rest of the planet to fucking fix it.

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You are 1000% right I’m just as angry as you are! I voted for Harris/Walz and was totally disappointed in the results. Angry at the Democrats that sat out for God only knows what reason. Angry the magapublicans that won’t stand up against CF47, muskrat & his doucheboys letting them dismantle the government!!🤬🤬

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You are right. It hurts ti be lumped together with people who voted for Trump, but I get it. Many of us who did NOT vote for Trump are still a bit shocked a t our loss. Trump said Elin fixed the computers to make sure Trump won- I believe it. Please stand with us as we fight to eliminate this huge stain the Trump caused when he let loose in the diaper of America. We will clean it up somehow, and then everyone will be able to see and say,"Hey! The Emperor (king, President, whatever) really DOES have NO CLOTHES ON!!

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MAGA lovers remember, you voted for this idiot.

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He’s, at best, a dimwit and at worst, a racist dictator!

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Boycott this game . Hope he gets booed and poops his paints

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Philadelphia Eagles fans booed him. Loved it!!!

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Apparently he did get booed & a one finger salute too!

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So happy thanks for letting me know ! And I see eagles are up ! Fly Eagles !!!!

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our clue to hidden booing was he was only on camera for poss 30 secs & camera immd returned to field action.

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Boycott the game if it makes you feel better, but I’m not going to let Shitler ruin it for me. Taylor’s presence will cancel out trump’s negativity.

Go Chiefs!

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jon batiste for me!

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I WAS going to watch, but now I won’t.

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unexpected game and exciting halves!

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Read this. God give me strength.

Yes America, we have the dumbest president EVER.

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I knew we had the dumbest president during his first term…breaks my heart that he was elected again! 💔🤬😡🤦🏼‍♀️

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That the election was manipulated to look like Trump won.

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Maybe there was but there were also 3.5 million people whose right to vote were suppressed. Many states have illegal voter purges. Other have laws that create the problems with access to voting. In Georgia one person can challenge a persons right to vote. Most people aren’t notified that there was a challenge. One woman was able to challenge 300k voters and most without proof.

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Yes, all that happened. They don't put all their eggs in 1 basket. They use multiple ways to cheat, in case certain ways are not enough. Also it makes it harder to track down.

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They have no problem lying, cheating and stealing to win.

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gonna break our country unless we dance pretty fast... he bought himself a brain in elon who no one was ready for!

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Elon is not as smart as he looks. And does he look smart?

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Thank you for this. We should listen to the experts and call out Trump’s lies.

He has surrounded himself with people who are not experts in government, the law, the Constitution, trade, or finance. He is totally ignorant and has no one to advise him properly.

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And it’s showing with losing most lawsuits. His attorneys are clueless and can’t seem to convince the judges their cases. Mistakes using unclassified emails for CIA business. Transportation secy saying bids for work would go to areas with highest birthdates. Well that’s illegal like everything else. Most of the money from Infrastructure bill has been allocated. So hopefully they wil get funding. Senior citizen areas I guess will never have new roads. Hope a bridge doesn’t collapse. A real shitshow.

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And THAT is a good thing

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Yes, it is one way for him to make his presidency the biggest failure in American history.

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Trump is an idiot. And now he has angered our dear allies and trusted neighbors in Canada.

For example, on 9/11, a small airport in Newfoundland (a Canadian province) took in HUNDREDS of planes inbound from the east, headed to the US. They fed people and took care of them, and gave them safe harbor when the US was under attack. Just extraordinary support. They have had our backs for a long, long time.

And now these exemplary Canadians have begun pulling some American products off their store shelves. They are posting on FB, sharing Canadian-made alternatives to American-made products. I don’t blame them a bit. Trump insulted their sovereignty and their leadership. Trump knows nothing.

Way to go, dumb Trump, you’ve poked the wrong bear. I love Canada and have visited many times over the year. Oh, Canada, I stand with you 🇨🇦.

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As do I

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They should have asked him a trick question about the SuperBowl, lesser known statistic and about football. Maybe about a player from each team. He knows nothing about the sport, nor did he ever toss a ball around with his sons, Beavis, Butthead and Barron.

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