She's not speaking to us. She's speaking to the MAGAts, all of whom fall in the demographic of the 30% of Americans who can't read and comprehend at the 5th grade level. And the "average Americans" who can't do that at the 6th grade level.
I think the phrase "That's not how this works." needs to be retired. Musk and his tech-kids, plus Trump and his goons - they are single-handedly deciding how things work. Stand by for further defiance of - well - everything. The defence forces, executive departments, the courts, the media - all muzzled or ignored, and Congress is already under control. Who is going to stop Trump and Musk?
Yes, but even if he has one or the other, we won’t know for a while, possibly a couple weeks. As long as he’s alive, we’ll be given some form of the Woodrow Wilson treatment. Alive but not functioning. Fortunately we have more media and methods of surfacing the truth. But I do think his people are stupid enough to try it.
Love your TRUTH. The idiots are back in the White House. Our democracy, laws and courts are powerful. Our elected democratic leaders must speak loudly every chance they get and not help the opposition.
Good god! It’s so painfully obvious the guy has absolutely no clue as to how the government operates! Makes me wince. Then laugh. Then cry.
Unlike his incompetence in running a democratic nation, he’s a master at sensationalizing one horrific crime and selling it as if it were happening all day, everyday across the country. He’s using this poor girl’s death for his stump speech while ignoring millions of deaths due to COVID calling it a democratic hoax. Those are HIS words!
You gotta wonder about people that take the job of Press Secretary for this Regime. I got a brief glimpse of the blonde lady with the large crucifix around her neck behind the podium a few days ago and wondered what she was getting in return for selling her integrity and soul.
The giant crucifix is kind of a "tell", they are "the hypocrites who love to pray in the temples and synagogues that they may be seen by others" that Jesus talks about in that Bible they're so fond of thumping everyone with, but have never read. Bet any money they have never even heard the passage about "praying in secret"...
They never get past the OT parts they like. They completely miss the OT parts where the rulers are literally, well damned may be too strong, but they pay big time. David didn't behave - he lost his sons and his kingdom. Other rulers also paid, even Solomon. And it resulted in an exile to Babylon. There is prophet after prophet that warned the rulers to take care of the poor, their citizens, etc. and when they didn't, the rulers lost.
Alas the Donald never took a course in Constitutional law. There tough checks and balances in that nice document and notice to Donald you cannot con that.
Dems should dwell on the win and tell voters what misery they saved them from instead of antagonizing Trump of his loss so voters know the Dems are on it. The Republicans will never admit out loud that they didn't really want these pauses either because the Felon-in-Chief is listening...they are afraid of him. So Dems can take the credit. This is how we use his stupidity against him.
It would appear to be time to begin what I assume will be his many impeachments, lets see if he can break his own record of being the only POTUS impeached twice.
I still unfortunately believe it is only a matter of time until he starts defying court orders using his drunkard SecDef to try and order military action. I mean, I'm sure there was a reason to put a Christian nationalist Nazi in charge of the US Military. So then the question becomes, what do the rank and file do with unlawful orders? You know, my life situation was already precarious, and extremely anxiety inducing before this madness started, I really didn't need this on top of it. I was *just* starting to get a little of my generalized anxiety under control too, now I'm back to square freaking one, I will never forgive the moronic lunatics who voted for this, a pox on all their houses....
Unfortunately, do not depend on the military. Hegseth is quite popular with the young grunts, because he had "mud on his boots." The sad truth is - given where most recruits come from these days - that my memory of the Navy as "the largest collection of white male morons I was ever around" is more true now (Yes, I knew some really excellent people back then, but there were way too many white male morons). Also the "SpecOps crowd - most of whom are avowed "Crusaders" as the SEALs call themselves - is fully on board with this (look at the number of far right "former SEAL" Republican congress critters there are).
Yeah, I didn't have much hope for em, the military back in CT tended to be comprised of "conservative Republicans". Hell I registered as Republican because my dad, who worked for Supervisor of Shipbuilding (divison of the Navy) as a mechanical engineer on most of the nuke subs built before he passed in 85, was a Republican, even though as far as I recall him as a person, he was pretty liberal.
I grew up in a pretty conservative town, most of the people I know from high school are trump supporters. Weirdly, the ones from HS that I'm friends with now, are "normal", and were not my "crowd" back then, odd that, momma always said I hung out with a "bad crowd", guess she was right lol.
Sadly, since like most public spaces here in my state, Fox is on the idot box in militery spaces, so the military are "conditioned" by the propaganda 24x7. The only real hope I have for them is that he fucks them over, and loses their support. THAT, is entirely possible, either way, pretty sure war is coming, he'll stoke one overseas, or it'll start here. It's not even two weeks yet, and his approval is dropping like a stone, he'll be needing a distraction, THIS time, it's gonna be harder to ignore his fuckups, cause they'll be so much more blatant. We better start thinking outsede the box, cause I'm betting they're not leaving in four years, or ever, on that, I'd stake my life.
Unfortunately, checks and balances and separation of powers played no role here. Fortunately, popular pushback did. Neither the Speaker nor the Majority Leader questioned donvict’s abuse of power; in fact, they supported it.
It’s typical gaslighting by the facist republicons. Text book … lie lie lie.
You can’t rescind a memo and continue with your ILLEGAL actions. That’s not how this works.
She's not speaking to us. She's speaking to the MAGAts, all of whom fall in the demographic of the 30% of Americans who can't read and comprehend at the 5th grade level. And the "average Americans" who can't do that at the 6th grade level.
That's why the TV show was titled "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader". most of the contestants weren't.
I think the phrase "That's not how this works." needs to be retired. Musk and his tech-kids, plus Trump and his goons - they are single-handedly deciding how things work. Stand by for further defiance of - well - everything. The defence forces, executive departments, the courts, the media - all muzzled or ignored, and Congress is already under control. Who is going to stop Trump and Musk?
Isn't Donald Trump due for a heart attack or a stroke?
Yes, but even if he has one or the other, we won’t know for a while, possibly a couple weeks. As long as he’s alive, we’ll be given some form of the Woodrow Wilson treatment. Alive but not functioning. Fortunately we have more media and methods of surfacing the truth. But I do think his people are stupid enough to try it.
I'm beginning to think the malevolence is the only thing keeping him alive, just so it has a place to stay.
It has been said “the cruelty IS the point.”
Something I’ve been saying since 2015 when that felon came on the political scene.
We can only hope the heart attack AND stroke get here quickly.
At this point I assume he made a deal with the devil to get where he is now and will live to 100, criming all the way.
I'm thinking something more sinister! But I'll take the heart attack or stroke.
Love your TRUTH. The idiots are back in the White House. Our democracy, laws and courts are powerful. Our elected democratic leaders must speak loudly every chance they get and not help the opposition.
Good god! It’s so painfully obvious the guy has absolutely no clue as to how the government operates! Makes me wince. Then laugh. Then cry.
Unlike his incompetence in running a democratic nation, he’s a master at sensationalizing one horrific crime and selling it as if it were happening all day, everyday across the country. He’s using this poor girl’s death for his stump speech while ignoring millions of deaths due to COVID calling it a democratic hoax. Those are HIS words!
You gotta wonder about people that take the job of Press Secretary for this Regime. I got a brief glimpse of the blonde lady with the large crucifix around her neck behind the podium a few days ago and wondered what she was getting in return for selling her integrity and soul.
The giant crucifix is kind of a "tell", they are "the hypocrites who love to pray in the temples and synagogues that they may be seen by others" that Jesus talks about in that Bible they're so fond of thumping everyone with, but have never read. Bet any money they have never even heard the passage about "praying in secret"...
Excellent point - somewhere, Jesus must be cringing! And, by their actions, it's pretty clear they don't make a habit of cracking open the "Good Book"
If they do crack open the Bible, they never get past the Old Testament
They never get past the OT parts they like. They completely miss the OT parts where the rulers are literally, well damned may be too strong, but they pay big time. David didn't behave - he lost his sons and his kingdom. Other rulers also paid, even Solomon. And it resulted in an exile to Babylon. There is prophet after prophet that warned the rulers to take care of the poor, their citizens, etc. and when they didn't, the rulers lost.
So true ....... they got stuck at the "revenge" part!!
She’s 27 and her husband is 60…🤔🤔
Oh dear - Daddy issues??
Are you serious?
Her husband is old enough to be her grandfather. He must be wealthy.
She's got a side gig as his "fluffer."
Impeach Trump!
Again and again until it sticks!
But then you have crazy Vance
Maybe crazy, but not insane like trump
Worse, check out Peter Thiel and his pal Curtis Yarvin. not behind a paywall yet. Paywall so I can't read it. an interview with Yarvin
And others. He's finally getting the attention he wants and we need.
Baby steps
We don’t have much time for baby steps. How will we accomplish this!!!
I wish I had an answer for that.
Typical Trumpian behavior
Alas the Donald never took a course in Constitutional law. There tough checks and balances in that nice document and notice to Donald you cannot con that.
Dems should dwell on the win and tell voters what misery they saved them from instead of antagonizing Trump of his loss so voters know the Dems are on it. The Republicans will never admit out loud that they didn't really want these pauses either because the Felon-in-Chief is listening...they are afraid of him. So Dems can take the credit. This is how we use his stupidity against him.
I see she has her cross on. Another phony Christian . I’m so sick of
cruel idiots with crosses on.
The Emperor has no clothes.
YES!! 👍🏼 I’m ponder if that book is still in print? Must go look.
It would appear to be time to begin what I assume will be his many impeachments, lets see if he can break his own record of being the only POTUS impeached twice.
I still unfortunately believe it is only a matter of time until he starts defying court orders using his drunkard SecDef to try and order military action. I mean, I'm sure there was a reason to put a Christian nationalist Nazi in charge of the US Military. So then the question becomes, what do the rank and file do with unlawful orders? You know, my life situation was already precarious, and extremely anxiety inducing before this madness started, I really didn't need this on top of it. I was *just* starting to get a little of my generalized anxiety under control too, now I'm back to square freaking one, I will never forgive the moronic lunatics who voted for this, a pox on all their houses....
Unfortunately, do not depend on the military. Hegseth is quite popular with the young grunts, because he had "mud on his boots." The sad truth is - given where most recruits come from these days - that my memory of the Navy as "the largest collection of white male morons I was ever around" is more true now (Yes, I knew some really excellent people back then, but there were way too many white male morons). Also the "SpecOps crowd - most of whom are avowed "Crusaders" as the SEALs call themselves - is fully on board with this (look at the number of far right "former SEAL" Republican congress critters there are).
Yeah, I didn't have much hope for em, the military back in CT tended to be comprised of "conservative Republicans". Hell I registered as Republican because my dad, who worked for Supervisor of Shipbuilding (divison of the Navy) as a mechanical engineer on most of the nuke subs built before he passed in 85, was a Republican, even though as far as I recall him as a person, he was pretty liberal.
I grew up in a pretty conservative town, most of the people I know from high school are trump supporters. Weirdly, the ones from HS that I'm friends with now, are "normal", and were not my "crowd" back then, odd that, momma always said I hung out with a "bad crowd", guess she was right lol.
Sadly, since like most public spaces here in my state, Fox is on the idot box in militery spaces, so the military are "conditioned" by the propaganda 24x7. The only real hope I have for them is that he fucks them over, and loses their support. THAT, is entirely possible, either way, pretty sure war is coming, he'll stoke one overseas, or it'll start here. It's not even two weeks yet, and his approval is dropping like a stone, he'll be needing a distraction, THIS time, it's gonna be harder to ignore his fuckups, cause they'll be so much more blatant. We better start thinking outsede the box, cause I'm betting they're not leaving in four years, or ever, on that, I'd stake my life.
Unfortunately, checks and balances and separation of powers played no role here. Fortunately, popular pushback did. Neither the Speaker nor the Majority Leader questioned donvict’s abuse of power; in fact, they supported it.
You're mistaken. The restraining order that was granted yesterday was definitely about checks and balances and separation of powers. ---Jason
Okay - but those with the purse power remained compliant. The judiciary should have been unnecessary.
Yes it was the will of the people that got this change. And you are right the Dems need to be more aggressive and fight back.
The judiciary branch is part of checks and balances…
So sick