Well, of course… lie, distract, lie again, keep lying, and eventually the lie will become the truth because no one will be around to bother to prove it was a lie. Pretty much Trump‘s modus operandi.

The destruction of our country because of one of the worst liars that ever existed coddled by all who wanted to take advantage of that for their own benefit. What a travesty.

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Damn it Bea!! I was gonna say the same! So….very well said!!

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Always follow the money. Someone is making money off these lies, probably a lot of money.

Fun trivia, Regan almost signed a major climate change legislation. There was a normal congress delay and by the time the summer recess was over the oil industry realized what the legislation would mean and geared up to defeat it. They’ve been actively spreading climate falsehoods ever since. They’ve made billions since then. Spend a few million per year on your disinformation campaign and continue to take in billions in profits….great plan until the planet cannot support human life.

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Rupert Murdoch, his media corp, Putin, Netanyahu, Elonia, and the evil empire that is the Dumpsters family

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Good point. Lies pay off. Criminal and selfish way of making money. I suppose karma may arrive someday, but by then the planet may be destroyed.

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Totally agree with you Bea. Trump & all his minions are a bunch of liers.

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The guy has no fact based proof that garbage that came out of his mouth. There were no incidents under any of those administrations that he named. Only happened after Trump took the reins. Everybody should also pay attention to all the safety regulations that protect transportation. Like the planes falling apart in air, trains crashing from deregulations that Felon47 deregulated. Put the blame where the blame belongs. Another thing that the propaganda media is not talking about was Trump ordering the 2 reservoirs dams to be opened in California and flooded the part of the state that was not in the wild fires. That should be screamed out to the public.

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Not only did Orange Anus Mouth’s utterly ridiculous photo op flood areas in central California, it WASTED water that farmers will need this coming summer! He’s an idiot who doesn’t understand how anything works in the real world. He lives in a Fox “News” fantasyland where everything is incredibly simple, issues are black and white, he is a smart man and we all love him. His brain is shit. He is shit. All he ever says is shit. He is appointing other idiots who just repeat his shit. Dangerously stupid people are running this shitshow.

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My words exactly, but you put them together more efficiently. 👍

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Those 2 dams in California may not have more rainfall to refill now and the valley he flooded when they opened the gates of those 2 dams won't be able to water the Central Valley in the summer and farmers will lose crops and trees both for nuts and fruits. The States know their states way better than Trump. He screwed up big time.

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He screwed up big time and the media had little coverage of it. The media had better get on this shit that trump is causing or it will never change.

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I want to repost this.

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Feel free to do so. Just tap on the three dots and it gives you that option.

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And that is a fact folks!

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That airport has so much traffic and is woefully understaffed with air traffic controllers. DEI has nothing to do with it. Not choosing to permit them to bring up the number of controllers is the issue. If DEI is applied to white males, Trump would be unemployed.

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In fairness, he hadn’t been white for years.

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That's true I admit it he has been keeping the tanning beds or spray tan more likely in business for decades

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It is actually a specific make and color/shade of orange bronzer that he applies to his face. He must do it himself because he misses around his eyes and it stops abruptly by his ears and hairline.

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Why would you choose orange and it's on his neck and hands also, icky

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I think he thinks it makes his pasty and mottled skin look "healthy"... It is

Bronx Colors Orange BHC06....as reported in HuffPost in 2019: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-makeup-brand_l_5de9729ee4b0913e6f8d6e7f

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True, he’s the color of Cheetos. 🤮🤮

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It’s too bad, because it gives Cheetos a bad name. I happen to like the snack, not the human embodiment of a snack food

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You have now ruined Cheetos for me and I like them

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I’m so sorry!! I love them, too. I could use some other choice words for the POS. I have a lot! Some REALLY bad.

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I wonder how DEI suddenly caused the air crash for the first time in the last 2 decades; coincidentally as soon as the new Exec Orders were signed.

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Well said! Unfortunately, ‘he’ still can’t read. It’s too long for him to focus.

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Sigh. More nonsensical word salad. Where does Dump find these idiots?

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Answer: Duffy was a House Republican and on Fox News.---Jason

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Of course he was. 🙄

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DEI—aren’t those his kids? When there are willing—not saying capable—Fox Entertainment hosts and willing—not capable—Republicans let’s get them yup sounds like the guy occupying the White House. 🙄

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And MTV Real world - not qualifed

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He was on reality TV.

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Up his ass

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tRump finds these clowns at Fox (not) news.

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I love the word dump. Ive been searching for a name. That seems perfect. Thank you! dump it shall be.

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You are welcome, Sandra! Glad you will use it also. I have been calling him Dump for ages because he reminds me of a human dumpster - garbage in and garbage out. Such an icky, despicable monster - and he’s stinky too! Hehe 😁 Hugs!

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They flock to each other!

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Real World Reality TV show, second season. Or maybe the third.

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Reality TV. Duffy was on MTV where he met his wife who was also on the real world or road rules. Birds of a feather.

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On TV, of course! 🤦‍♀️

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It was on their watch.

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In this instance it is precisely correct to lay blame at the feet of one person of color🍊.

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Orange, that is.

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Color courtesy of Bronx Colors Orange BHC 06......

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Most of Trump's picks don't have enough (if any) relevant experience to have a clue. They're loyal bobbleheads put in place only to do Trump's bidding... that of yet another unworthy flesh bag that doesn't have a clue.

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“Sean Duffy’s response was racist and sexist,” and you printed every damn word of it. Free advertising.

Everybody knows what they are. Shouldn’t we be spending our time flipping the House and Senate to legislate against their racism, sexism & fascism?

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As soon as Dem leadership focuses on that by providing unified direction... the nation has been waiting. So far... its been crickets with only a few chirps of awareness.

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So you think we should all boycott the Dem candidates for Congress until a genie in the lamp appears. Sounds like you’re against diversity, equality, and inclusion within the Democratic Party.

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I neither said nor implied anthing of the kind. I said Dem leaders have gone silent. I've implied their abandonment of party direction. Period. All the other emotion you've ascribed is as false as 47's. So, try opening your mind a bit.

You seem to be suggesting we continually and blindly follow an, as yet, unclarifurled platform. It's all there is, but it's just that kind of blindness that created MAGA and allowed Fetterman and possibly a couple of others whose skins seem to be shedding.

For any open seat the only option available for democracy is to vote blue down-ballot. And know with certainty that even that is a crap shoot without clear party direction.

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That’s exactly the opposite of what I am saying. We will never find a one size fits all unified direction because all congressional districts are vastly diverse. All their life experiences and hopes need to be considered equally and included in any policy discussions.

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That's partially true. There is no one size. Regardless, a unified leadership response is the only way to move forward. Only failure exists when you have multiple chieftains doing their own thing. Focus together or fail. That's just Leadership 101.

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Air traffic controllers have been short since the 80’s if not longer!!! Check the hiring process it only takes a high school diploma to get into the training!!! These people that are being put into his cabinet need to educate themselves instead of repeating the bull!!!!

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Remember when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers?

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Rename the airport: Ronald Reagan Killed Passengers National Airport

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“I’ll take that as a no.”

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Why would anyone believe that DEI had anything to do with this tragic collision? These are the same people who have been working for the past four years. There is a reason that this tragedy occurred, but it was not DEI.

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But Trump wants to change the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. He is like the worst type of partner, controlling, verbally abusive, closed minded, and a narcissist. I want a fucking DIVORCE now, and I’m keeping the house and the kid away from the prick.

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Yes it feels like a return to an abusive marriage. I was in one I know. PTSD I want a divorce as well from this administration.

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I worry that while ludicrous positions such as these command the headlines, the real destruction is taking place unseen. Trump is a practiced conman. Distracting us from the real plan may be the real plan

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Ah, we are aware of theplan. plam. Destroy Fed Govt, steal money.

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When they blame DEI, I hear their racism and sexism loud and clear. Every air traffic controller, pilot, etc., must successfully go through the same rigorous process in order to be hired. Period.

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We’re stuck with this garbage for at least 4 years. We are on thin ice. Best to look for another country to emigrate to. Leave this for the garbage to complete the turn to the banana republic we’re becoming. The irony is, he “won” with the Latino vote who left their countries because they were run by dictators, and they voted for what’s familiar, turning us into a dictatorship.

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What is a "racist road"? Just what we needed another Trump toadie who speaks in word salad. Irritating, though, that there is no recognition of zero airline disasters like the one at DCA during either Obama's or Biden's admininstration. So if DEI causes plane crashes, why weren't there any before now?

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Isn't interesting that after trump took the reins, fired the head of FAA, TWO MAJOR AIRCRAFT EVENTS CAUSING FATALITIES! Not sure again what did Biden have to do with this?

This is solidly on trumps head! He is insane and we Americans need to call for trump to be IMPEACHED!!!

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