Just to point out Elon is not an innovator. He has invented nothing. He bought companies from real innovators. Musk is not a patriot either. He has been doing his own business-based shuttle diplomacy with Ci unchecked for months. He pushed for the far fringe of Nazism in Germany. He has attacked our institutions with such zeal he has fired thousands and thousands he was not permitted to fire. Musk loves himself, not this country. He may like Trump, but Musk’s son repeated a comment he must have heard from his dad that Trump is not the real President.
I think it is coming as the actual impact of his horrible policies hits middle America. They haven’t all cottonedon to just how awful tariffs, education, job firings, etc. are going to be for them.
Who's even surprised by this? Donnie's had mental issues going back decades! And mental midget MAGAs, incel dumb gamer bois put him in charge again! Look at the stats on his 'voters'! No surprises here!
The more I hear him talk, it's becoming very apparent that something is "not right" about Felon Husk. His facial expressions are almost robotic....he's actually a cyborg sent from the future to destroy humanity
The man has triple citizenship: US, Canada, and South Africa. This suggests to me a lack of deep loyalty to any nation. His loyalty is to money and to his ego, period.
Musk's saddest day was when apartheid ended in South Africa. White's only suits him fine. Rich whites suits him even more. He and Trump are cut from the same cloth.
Worse than not being a patriot…Musk is an immigrant who is against immigration. He is a Canadian citizen born in South Africa who thinks of himself as the unelected President. The vast majority of his wealth comes from government contracts, yet he opposes government spending, he can’t qualify for the security clearance because of his relationships with Russia and China, but he wants us to trust him with universal access to everything. Musk admitted before the election that if Trump didn’t win, he would end up in jail…how about we start pulling on that thread.
I love how he can’t leave Biden out of it. Everything is still his fault!! In our daily family life when something goes wrong or we can’t find whatever maybe the broom we all blame Trump. Helps us laugh and get through the day.
Trump's mental condition is much worse than that. Politicus readers should read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump". I saw one of the psychiatrists (Lance Dodes, M.D.) who helped write this book interviewed and he called Trump a "psychopath." This book is a must read for anyone who desires to know just how sick this man is.
I honestly tried to follow his "weave" when he was asked the "how are you helping veterans" question by the Argentine press. Impossible. He continued his NYT fake news rant and then went to tariffs, men in women's supports, judges who are terrible, to tariffs again, to the NYT story to Biden . . . it was too much. And the blather just kept COMING no matter what question Peter Doocey lobbed at him. The Oval Office is a sound stage.
Absolutely. Whenever Donald’s lips are moving, 99% of words released are lies. I wish there was more reporters not afraid of his bullying bull shit. Please start treating him as the dispicable, sub human, con man he has shown himself to be. He has earned no respect and is only reluctantly tolerated abroad when necessary. Such an embarrassment for true Americans.
Trump called on Fox's Peter Doocey for all but three (?) of the questions. Further, each one dealt with a separate dicey topic and allowed Trump the airtime to come at the T.V. audience with another reverso-lie. The entire event was scripted to cover his ass from the Elon-China War Games debacle and to deflect from his illegal and immoral actions.
That's what I mean by the Oval Office is a sound stage. Every event is scripted with lies produced by Trump for the viewing public. Consider MTG's "reporter" boyfriend asking the suit question to Zelenskyy to deflect from Trump's then still-hidden ardor for Putin. At least AP was there somehow. That's important because the smaller news market rely on it for national content. They have become persistent in getting the news and its implications out.
I completely agree. I believe Trump is as dangerous as Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Weinstein, Diddy, OJ Simpson, all suffered the same personality disorder. What’s worse is the media normalizing pathologies. They have completely ignored the elephant in the room as Dr Bandy Lee explains. I read the book as soon as it was out.
Bunch of cowards. They absolutely know he’s nuts. This is Germany 1930’s. Except Hitler had the good sense to listen to his Finance minister. Trump thinks he knows everything. It’s a total s…show
So is Elon Musk. Both were spoiled rotten from birth, have an inflated view of themselves, couldn't care less about other people and only view the world as "what's in it for me?'
Do you really believe kaptain ketamine is as smart as he wants you to believe he is? He's an investor who came from money. He isn't an engineer. He has smart people working for him. He has invented nothing himself. Savvy investor does not equal genius. Maybe smarter than average, but 🤏
Except when he implements Project 2025, deporting immigrants, threatening the media and sworn enemies, and tariffs. On those he surprised the unknowing by being honest.
He can try. Even El Salvador said none of the people sent were Venezuelan gang members. Some were women, some were minorities. Judge Boasberg is not amused and ordered DHS to stop. Krasnov has no Congressional majority, Judiciary pushing back, AOC and Bernie on tour, Dems going to Republican areas, and people yelling at Republican members to fight back. Krasnov is fighting 900 years of history, going back to the Magna Carta, and he’s going to lose. The majority population is heavily armed and not on his side. Military is not on his side. He’s got big problems.
Yes, but then we get vance, who’s really no better. Another racist, misogynist who disparage the poor and lies about innocent people of color- Haitians who came here legally, whose lives and safety depend on remaining here. He claims to be a practicing Catholic, a Christian, yet when he tells the world about the Christian duty to love others he gets it so wrong the Pope himself speaks out to correct him. He, like trump, is a vicious man.
He would take the chair in the Oval and the 'move fast and break things' would continue unabashed, but they would lose the entire maga base then, I think. Maga doesn't want jd or anyone else. Only DonOld.
I’ve been in a room with Trump once and I could not get out of there quick enough. You know when you just feel a really negative and icky energy? And he put himself right at the door of the 21 club so anybody leaving would have to talk to him. I mean, anybody important I left his girlfriend. Melania was staring at my date while Trump had his eyes on my chest. I’ve hated this guy since I was 16 years old when he left his family for Marla Maples. He’s never been a good person. I don’t understand how our country got this so wrong twice.
I can’t even look at him. I have to take days off in this resistance, if I’m going to make it four years. My parents are lifelong Democrats, salt of the earth, kind of folk, and they are both 90 and 91 and likely one of them will die with Trump still the president. That really affects me for some reason. They deserved better we all do.
My dad was a historian. He talked about WWII, Hitler and fascism for as long as I can remember. He revered the greatest generation. His proudest moment as an American was the day Obama was elected. I’m so glad he is not here to witness the horrific support, by half of the electorate, of who he would identify as our Hitler
Did you see the latest, Trump and his anti-DEI crackpots are erasing names and photographs of women and minorities in Arlington National Cemetery. Also they went after Enola Gay, because gay is in the name. And the latest is they were trying to delete sports icon Jackie Robinson and our Native Talkers who allowed us to have safe, secure privileged communications in WWII. I would guess all our WWI and WWII vets are rolling in their graves.
I can’t even express to you how much this bothers me. I just don’t understand the Democrats game plan – are they just waiting for the worst things to happen so they can win the midterm elections? How much will be ruined before this nation wakes up and realizes that they’ve been had? I never thought it would come to this. And RFK Junior talking about letting bird flu run rampant. And that’s what bothers me so much. They are doing so much that it makes it almost impossible for people like you and me to keep up with it. It’s just continual shock and R and I thought Trump would be bad, but I never thought it would be this bad. I would never have voted for him in 1 million years and I didn’t think he would get elected again. I’m starting to understand how he got elected and why and what the Democrats need to do. But first they need even a handful of Republicans to break with Trump policies. When they start ignoring Scotus, you know we are in trouble. Hang in there my friends I would prep for six months just in case. I hate to be the crazy person in the crowd but better safe than sorry. It’s looking wild right now. They are just warming up.
Your dad was a decent and good man. I’m married to a British guy and he said to me why is it so important to you that Obama is elected – and I told him let’s forget that he is a energetic, positive, inclusive individual – and remember what this means for the black community. It was an incredible moment and I hang onto that. We can be that again. I truly believe it – and we can put all those names back on the wall. We can write all of these wrongs. They are not permanent. We will not let that happen. We will take our nation back. We are far more powerful than we know... God bless your father. He sounds like a wonderful man.
So true. It just makes me so angry that people are so selfish. We could be the greatest nation in the world if we would just do community better and not call it communism.
God bless him, Jimmy Carter said he wanted to live long enough to vote for Kamala, any human with an ounce of decency could see she is the better person
I really hate that he gets called the worst president. He was one of the most dignified, caring, and humble men let alone presidents. We need a Jimmy Carter right now. I’m so glad he’s not here to see this also.
He’s worse than a malignant narcissist, he a sociopath- no conscience, shallow feelings, and quite willing to do anything out of self interest. He cares not a fig for anyone else.
In the mid 90s, I was a first-year associate and in Sparks when Trump and dregs walked in. The whole place slowly went silent, no fork clatter, nothing. A restaurant guy appeared, cupped Trump's elbow, and escorted him out. The biggest wig at my table said "Chump" and put a piece of red meat in his mouth as everyone else smiled and nodded. My intro to Trump.
I was in New York starting in 1993 until 2007 and it’s still my hometown :-) running into Trump was not hard. I had the displeasure in 1998. I think it was right when I was interviewed to be the personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein I kid you not! It was down to me and the other girl who has been in the news. I’m so glad that never happened. You know when you live in New York you have a very dramatic life, especially in the 90s. I interviewed with Maxwell at her townhouse, which was completely gutted. I felt like I was being watched. But back to the Trump situation I was eating dinner with a friend at the 21 club when Trump walks in and he takes the table right at the door so anybody that leaves has to see and walk by him. And he was 6 feet away from me staring at my chest. I felt so uncomfortable . Melanie is looking at my date. We still talk about that moment. It was such a creepy thing. I felt such negative energy from this guy. I truly believe that New York Society shunning Trump caused him to want to show them up. I hope that New York City does not suffer too much under the Trump regime. I’m also worried about some of the people that spoke out against him. I hope my fears are wrong. But being in a room with him, that felt like I was in a room with someone with a black heart.
Rep Jamie Raskin agrees, yet he is unable to find two republicans to sign onto the filing for impeachment ; to be impeached would require four republicans to reach a simple majority.
Holy hell! You'd think they could find 4 Republicans to join in. Mind blowing that none are willing to be honest with themselves and admit djt needs to go! I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror!
I agree. It is only a matter of time before he commits “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Unfortunately, this Congress is as weak as a lamb. My fear is that, when the time comes either they will not act, or the Republicans will stand by him once again.
He has no conscience. He’s retiring and has no fear that Trump will ruin him politically anymore. He is short sighted, however. Trump will find something on him, if he hasn’t already, force him to bend the knee, even in private life. It worked with Mark Zuckerberg, it’ll work with McConnell.
But then we are left with JD who, IMHO, is potentially worse! Both need to be impeached! At least the 3rd in line has a modicum, not much, of integrity.
That is a scary thought! If Dumpster Fire croaks (fingers crossed) JD would be POTUS, and by then they will have put mechanisms in place to ensure that Democrats would never win another election
Is there a provision in the Constitution for insurance impeaching the vice president? I am not aware of one. Any lawyers out there to answer the question?
This is very disturbing. Most disturbing of all is that one branch of our government is full of cowardly sycophants who will not stand up to our Felon in Chief and a psychopath who has totally
Trump controls the marshalls, so the answer to your question is never, or more accurately on the third Monday in January 2029 when the next Democratic president takes office.---Jason
I follow business in China and Musk is well-hated. They seem not to like that he's so feckless, abrupt, and public. He seems embarassing. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, is quite well-liked.
This (longish) video is from the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's business paper since the 1900s (yes, now under the CCP, but in capitalist-fashion). Tesla's board has real reason to worry.
It’s possible. But I truly think he gets off on getting so much attention. Good or bad, it’s attention. I often think he’s far worse than Trump, which makes him totally evil. Trump is evil too, but I think Musk is more so. Both of them only love money. It’s their God.
He already has way too much access to classified information due to Space X and Starlink and yet he is in constant communication with Putin and Xi. Don't trust him at all.
No American should ever Trust Trump again, especially now that he’s shown his true colors. He is not a good man or patriot. He’s fooled a lot of unsuspecting Americans.
Wish he just totally melted down into a puddle of slime, so we could clean it with a mop. I make sure I have happy focused times in my day. But, thr unraveling of our beloved Republic 🇺🇸 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 breaks my heart. I am in tears now. My doggies are snuggled in my lap and brings joy. 🗽🗽🗽
Great idea! Picturing someone throwing a bucket of water on him....."I'm melting...melting! my beautiful wickedness is melting!" I agree....our doggos try to climb on my lap even though they're 70 lbs plus always makes me laugh. We have to hold on and stay focused through the pain.... sending hugs
He needs to be locked up and have all electronic devices removed and silenced. He belongs in prison or an insane asylum for the criminally insane. This needs to be done immediately before they do any more damage to America. He is lying right now.
They all got caught trying to hide Musk's sit-down meeting. Was Ivanka going to be there, too, to save her line of crap clothing? Certainly The Convict wants to protect the slave labor that produce his magat junk. This was just another in the many ways that The Convict is giving out top secret information to our enemies. And Musk is an enemy pf the US.
Ivanka is in Saudi Arabia with Jared and their $2B Affinity Partners. Maybe they're having drinks with Steve Witkoff and the Russians who are there to discuss Ukraine, Yemen, and Israel.
Just to point out Elon is not an innovator. He has invented nothing. He bought companies from real innovators. Musk is not a patriot either. He has been doing his own business-based shuttle diplomacy with Ci unchecked for months. He pushed for the far fringe of Nazism in Germany. He has attacked our institutions with such zeal he has fired thousands and thousands he was not permitted to fire. Musk loves himself, not this country. He may like Trump, but Musk’s son repeated a comment he must have heard from his dad that Trump is not the real President.
I have been saying the exact same thing. He’s a fraud
Everyone knows Trump has and is a total fraud. WHEN will that make any difference.
I think it is coming as the actual impact of his horrible policies hits middle America. They haven’t all cottonedon to just how awful tariffs, education, job firings, etc. are going to be for them.
Two peas in a pod
Exactly. I have said the same. You got it right.
Fraud, criminal, rapist, cheat. But MAGAS worship him.
Who's even surprised by this? Donnie's had mental issues going back decades! And mental midget MAGAs, incel dumb gamer bois put him in charge again! Look at the stats on his 'voters'! No surprises here!
Ditto! Where's a hacker when you need one? If Skum can hack our data, someone should hack his. (Anyone else a fan of "Leverage"?)
His was hacked 2 weeks ago.
He’s a malicious virus.🦠
He’s the kind of guy that is disturbingly off putting. It’s great that it was pointed out that he got rich on other people’s hard work.
The more I hear him talk, it's becoming very apparent that something is "not right" about Felon Husk. His facial expressions are almost robotic....he's actually a cyborg sent from the future to destroy humanity
If you’d had that much work done, you’d look cyborg too!
He is an Elephant tranquilizer addict for starters…hopeless admitted ketamine addict. Cannot hardly speak a literal sentence s without mumbling…
Elon is no patriot, unless u want to count the so called patriots of MAGA!!
The man has triple citizenship: US, Canada, and South Africa. This suggests to me a lack of deep loyalty to any nation. His loyalty is to money and to his ego, period.
And to his BFF Ket
When a policy hurts them “personally”. We all will have to suffer higher prices for the Trump crowd to get it.
Musk's saddest day was when apartheid ended in South Africa. White's only suits him fine. Rich whites suits him even more. He and Trump are cut from the same cloth.
Most of his immigration 'policies', deportation of innocent people, ending of DEI, censoring books and language are all based on one thing: racism.
Musk programmed the Russian Tail Hack to rig the election for Trump as his son looked on and laughed.
Right. Tons of recalls on Tesla and 2 rocket explosions over our heads in as many months. Must have DOGE kids working for his companies also.
Everyone knows that! WHEN will that make any difference??
Worse than not being a patriot…Musk is an immigrant who is against immigration. He is a Canadian citizen born in South Africa who thinks of himself as the unelected President. The vast majority of his wealth comes from government contracts, yet he opposes government spending, he can’t qualify for the security clearance because of his relationships with Russia and China, but he wants us to trust him with universal access to everything. Musk admitted before the election that if Trump didn’t win, he would end up in jail…how about we start pulling on that thread.
I think you just did! Good!
I don’t believe a word Trump says. He’s a pathological liar
I love how he can’t leave Biden out of it. Everything is still his fault!! In our daily family life when something goes wrong or we can’t find whatever maybe the broom we all blame Trump. Helps us laugh and get through the day.
Trump's mental condition is much worse than that. Politicus readers should read "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump". I saw one of the psychiatrists (Lance Dodes, M.D.) who helped write this book interviewed and he called Trump a "psychopath." This book is a must read for anyone who desires to know just how sick this man is.
I honestly tried to follow his "weave" when he was asked the "how are you helping veterans" question by the Argentine press. Impossible. He continued his NYT fake news rant and then went to tariffs, men in women's supports, judges who are terrible, to tariffs again, to the NYT story to Biden . . . it was too much. And the blather just kept COMING no matter what question Peter Doocey lobbed at him. The Oval Office is a sound stage.
Absolutely. Whenever Donald’s lips are moving, 99% of words released are lies. I wish there was more reporters not afraid of his bullying bull shit. Please start treating him as the dispicable, sub human, con man he has shown himself to be. He has earned no respect and is only reluctantly tolerated abroad when necessary. Such an embarrassment for true Americans.
Trump called on Fox's Peter Doocey for all but three (?) of the questions. Further, each one dealt with a separate dicey topic and allowed Trump the airtime to come at the T.V. audience with another reverso-lie. The entire event was scripted to cover his ass from the Elon-China War Games debacle and to deflect from his illegal and immoral actions.
That's what I mean by the Oval Office is a sound stage. Every event is scripted with lies produced by Trump for the viewing public. Consider MTG's "reporter" boyfriend asking the suit question to Zelenskyy to deflect from Trump's then still-hidden ardor for Putin. At least AP was there somehow. That's important because the smaller news market rely on it for national content. They have become persistent in getting the news and its implications out.
Trump can’t stay on subject his attention span is zero He changes subjects in the middle of a thought,kindly.
bigly. Poisoned brain from watching TV incessantly and eating toxic food.
If the Republicans thought Biden was senile and had handlers, they sure don’t care now.
I completely agree. I believe Trump is as dangerous as Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Weinstein, Diddy, OJ Simpson, all suffered the same personality disorder. What’s worse is the media normalizing pathologies. They have completely ignored the elephant in the room as Dr Bandy Lee explains. I read the book as soon as it was out.
It isn't just the media. The whole damn GOP is normalizing him!
Bunch of cowards. They absolutely know he’s nuts. This is Germany 1930’s. Except Hitler had the good sense to listen to his Finance minister. Trump thinks he knows everything. It’s a total s…show
Yes. The media is complicit.
So is Elon Musk. Both were spoiled rotten from birth, have an inflated view of themselves, couldn't care less about other people and only view the world as "what's in it for me?'
Something for nothing is all that they want. And too often, get.
You’re right,spoiled rotten. The difference is trump is as dumb as a stump and musk is dangerously smart. He plays trump like a drum.
Do you really believe kaptain ketamine is as smart as he wants you to believe he is? He's an investor who came from money. He isn't an engineer. He has smart people working for him. He has invented nothing himself. Savvy investor does not equal genius. Maybe smarter than average, but 🤏
Except when he implements Project 2025, deporting immigrants, threatening the media and sworn enemies, and tariffs. On those he surprised the unknowing by being honest.
He's contemplating jailing the 'terrorists' who burned T dealerships in El Salvador.
He can try. Even El Salvador said none of the people sent were Venezuelan gang members. Some were women, some were minorities. Judge Boasberg is not amused and ordered DHS to stop. Krasnov has no Congressional majority, Judiciary pushing back, AOC and Bernie on tour, Dems going to Republican areas, and people yelling at Republican members to fight back. Krasnov is fighting 900 years of history, going back to the Magna Carta, and he’s going to lose. The majority population is heavily armed and not on his side. Military is not on his side. He’s got big problems.
time for the 25th. he's incompetent and mentally deranged.
Agreed, however, then what does the US do about the Vance problem?
Yes, but then we get vance, who’s really no better. Another racist, misogynist who disparage the poor and lies about innocent people of color- Haitians who came here legally, whose lives and safety depend on remaining here. He claims to be a practicing Catholic, a Christian, yet when he tells the world about the Christian duty to love others he gets it so wrong the Pope himself speaks out to correct him. He, like trump, is a vicious man.
We are screwed unless firing squads make a come back.
He would take the chair in the Oval and the 'move fast and break things' would continue unabashed, but they would lose the entire maga base then, I think. Maga doesn't want jd or anyone else. Only DonOld.
I’ve been in a room with Trump once and I could not get out of there quick enough. You know when you just feel a really negative and icky energy? And he put himself right at the door of the 21 club so anybody leaving would have to talk to him. I mean, anybody important I left his girlfriend. Melania was staring at my date while Trump had his eyes on my chest. I’ve hated this guy since I was 16 years old when he left his family for Marla Maples. He’s never been a good person. I don’t understand how our country got this so wrong twice.
He’s a creep, a criminal and a malignant narcissist
I can’t even look at him. I have to take days off in this resistance, if I’m going to make it four years. My parents are lifelong Democrats, salt of the earth, kind of folk, and they are both 90 and 91 and likely one of them will die with Trump still the president. That really affects me for some reason. They deserved better we all do.
My dad was a historian. He talked about WWII, Hitler and fascism for as long as I can remember. He revered the greatest generation. His proudest moment as an American was the day Obama was elected. I’m so glad he is not here to witness the horrific support, by half of the electorate, of who he would identify as our Hitler
Did you see the latest, Trump and his anti-DEI crackpots are erasing names and photographs of women and minorities in Arlington National Cemetery. Also they went after Enola Gay, because gay is in the name. And the latest is they were trying to delete sports icon Jackie Robinson and our Native Talkers who allowed us to have safe, secure privileged communications in WWII. I would guess all our WWI and WWII vets are rolling in their graves.
I can’t even express to you how much this bothers me. I just don’t understand the Democrats game plan – are they just waiting for the worst things to happen so they can win the midterm elections? How much will be ruined before this nation wakes up and realizes that they’ve been had? I never thought it would come to this. And RFK Junior talking about letting bird flu run rampant. And that’s what bothers me so much. They are doing so much that it makes it almost impossible for people like you and me to keep up with it. It’s just continual shock and R and I thought Trump would be bad, but I never thought it would be this bad. I would never have voted for him in 1 million years and I didn’t think he would get elected again. I’m starting to understand how he got elected and why and what the Democrats need to do. But first they need even a handful of Republicans to break with Trump policies. When they start ignoring Scotus, you know we are in trouble. Hang in there my friends I would prep for six months just in case. I hate to be the crazy person in the crowd but better safe than sorry. It’s looking wild right now. They are just warming up.
Your dad was a decent and good man. I’m married to a British guy and he said to me why is it so important to you that Obama is elected – and I told him let’s forget that he is a energetic, positive, inclusive individual – and remember what this means for the black community. It was an incredible moment and I hang onto that. We can be that again. I truly believe it – and we can put all those names back on the wall. We can write all of these wrongs. They are not permanent. We will not let that happen. We will take our nation back. We are far more powerful than we know... God bless your father. He sounds like a wonderful man.
We all deserve a lot better
So true. It just makes me so angry that people are so selfish. We could be the greatest nation in the world if we would just do community better and not call it communism.
God bless him, Jimmy Carter said he wanted to live long enough to vote for Kamala, any human with an ounce of decency could see she is the better person
Blinds the eyes
I really hate that he gets called the worst president. He was one of the most dignified, caring, and humble men let alone presidents. We need a Jimmy Carter right now. I’m so glad he’s not here to see this also.
He’s worse than a malignant narcissist, he a sociopath- no conscience, shallow feelings, and quite willing to do anything out of self interest. He cares not a fig for anyone else.
In the mid 90s, I was a first-year associate and in Sparks when Trump and dregs walked in. The whole place slowly went silent, no fork clatter, nothing. A restaurant guy appeared, cupped Trump's elbow, and escorted him out. The biggest wig at my table said "Chump" and put a piece of red meat in his mouth as everyone else smiled and nodded. My intro to Trump.
I was in New York starting in 1993 until 2007 and it’s still my hometown :-) running into Trump was not hard. I had the displeasure in 1998. I think it was right when I was interviewed to be the personal assistant to Jeffrey Epstein I kid you not! It was down to me and the other girl who has been in the news. I’m so glad that never happened. You know when you live in New York you have a very dramatic life, especially in the 90s. I interviewed with Maxwell at her townhouse, which was completely gutted. I felt like I was being watched. But back to the Trump situation I was eating dinner with a friend at the 21 club when Trump walks in and he takes the table right at the door so anybody that leaves has to see and walk by him. And he was 6 feet away from me staring at my chest. I felt so uncomfortable . Melanie is looking at my date. We still talk about that moment. It was such a creepy thing. I felt such negative energy from this guy. I truly believe that New York Society shunning Trump caused him to want to show them up. I hope that New York City does not suffer too much under the Trump regime. I’m also worried about some of the people that spoke out against him. I hope my fears are wrong. But being in a room with him, that felt like I was in a room with someone with a black heart.
I love your story though. I’ll bet you have a lot of New York stories.
Time to IMPEACH Trump
Rep Jamie Raskin agrees, yet he is unable to find two republicans to sign onto the filing for impeachment ; to be impeached would require four republicans to reach a simple majority.
Republicans need to do this like it or not.Impeach Trump
Holy hell! You'd think they could find 4 Republicans to join in. Mind blowing that none are willing to be honest with themselves and admit djt needs to go! I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror!
Time yes, possible not yet.
I agree. It is only a matter of time before he commits “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Unfortunately, this Congress is as weak as a lamb. My fear is that, when the time comes either they will not act, or the Republicans will stand by him once again.
You can say that again.Time to impeach Trump
He needs to be impeached and removed from office! He’s an embarrassment and an idiot!
So are all the House Rs who refuse to do their jobs.
Mitch McConnell makes me sick; NOW he has a conscience. Where was he during the impeachments? Cheap, dirty sell-out.
He has no conscience. He’s retiring and has no fear that Trump will ruin him politically anymore. He is short sighted, however. Trump will find something on him, if he hasn’t already, force him to bend the knee, even in private life. It worked with Mark Zuckerberg, it’ll work with McConnell.
Heavy on the idiot.
But then we are left with JD who, IMHO, is potentially worse! Both need to be impeached! At least the 3rd in line has a modicum, not much, of integrity.
That is a scary thought! If Dumpster Fire croaks (fingers crossed) JD would be POTUS, and by then they will have put mechanisms in place to ensure that Democrats would never win another election
Yup. And that is scary as hell!
Is there a provision in the Constitution for insurance impeaching the vice president? I am not aware of one. Any lawyers out there to answer the question?
Trumps rants get more rambling and incoherent and divorced from truth daily. How is this lunatic salesman allowed to continue as the President ?
That’s because he’s insane. No doubt about it.
Of course they denied it ! 🤥🤥🤥
This is very disturbing. Most disturbing of all is that one branch of our government is full of cowardly sycophants who will not stand up to our Felon in Chief and a psychopath who has totally
When will the marshalls walk in there and arrest trump and musk. Seems necessary by now, no?
Trump controls the marshalls, so the answer to your question is never, or more accurately on the third Monday in January 2029 when the next Democratic president takes office.---Jason
Im hoping that a majority are faithful to their oath to the constitution rather than following the traitors
I'm wondering if Elon Musk is a spy and why I've never heard that possibility mentioned.
I follow business in China and Musk is well-hated. They seem not to like that he's so feckless, abrupt, and public. He seems embarassing. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, is quite well-liked.
This (longish) video is from the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong's business paper since the 1900s (yes, now under the CCP, but in capitalist-fashion). Tesla's board has real reason to worry.
It’s possible. But I truly think he gets off on getting so much attention. Good or bad, it’s attention. I often think he’s far worse than Trump, which makes him totally evil. Trump is evil too, but I think Musk is more so. Both of them only love money. It’s their God.
He already has way too much access to classified information due to Space X and Starlink and yet he is in constant communication with Putin and Xi. Don't trust him at all.
No American should ever Trust Trump again, especially now that he’s shown his true colors. He is not a good man or patriot. He’s fooled a lot of unsuspecting Americans.
@Kat. Hr showed his true colors in 2016.
Well at the very least 47 is a Manchurian Candidate
SOP for him. Nothing new except the truth leaked out.
Once Trump gets caught in lie, he gets defensive and starts insulting anybody!
Wish he just totally melted down into a puddle of slime, so we could clean it with a mop. I make sure I have happy focused times in my day. But, thr unraveling of our beloved Republic 🇺🇸 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 breaks my heart. I am in tears now. My doggies are snuggled in my lap and brings joy. 🗽🗽🗽
Great idea! Picturing someone throwing a bucket of water on him....."I'm melting...melting! my beautiful wickedness is melting!" I agree....our doggos try to climb on my lap even though they're 70 lbs plus always makes me laugh. We have to hold on and stay focused through the pain.... sending hugs
He needs to be locked up and have all electronic devices removed and silenced. He belongs in prison or an insane asylum for the criminally insane. This needs to be done immediately before they do any more damage to America. He is lying right now.
They all got caught trying to hide Musk's sit-down meeting. Was Ivanka going to be there, too, to save her line of crap clothing? Certainly The Convict wants to protect the slave labor that produce his magat junk. This was just another in the many ways that The Convict is giving out top secret information to our enemies. And Musk is an enemy pf the US.
Ivanka is in Saudi Arabia with Jared and their $2B Affinity Partners. Maybe they're having drinks with Steve Witkoff and the Russians who are there to discuss Ukraine, Yemen, and Israel.
Or Musk’ mother and son. Does he own a suit!