Only idiots would vote for Trump or GOP. You can expect to 'get what you pay for.'..and with 'the donald", that =0.

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I just cannot believe that Americans, average people who absolutely rely on these programs just to get by are not in the streets with torches and pitchforks over these scum literally taking OUR money and giving it to the richest people humanity has ever known. They are so in the pockets of billionaires they will do ANYTHING so steal more of our money to funnel into their 15th mega-mansion. We HAVE to do something about citizens united. WE HAVE to fight these scum from taking every drop of prosperity for themselves while we cannot even buy food for our children. I'm ready to fight them. I swear to god we need to do something drastic. These republicans make me literally sick. How could people be so stupid not to realize that Trump and his oligarch friends don't give a rats ass about any of the social issues they used to get elected, the ENTIRE GOAL of Trump was and still is to make the billionaires even richer. No amount of money is EVER enough for these scum. They are evil incarnate. They would watch people starve to death in front of their eyes and not bat an eye. They need to go. Forever.

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I know it always amazes me the people who voted for Republicans who are the most vulnerable! Those who rely completely on Social Security etc ! They have fallen victim to Fox tv and been lied to for years, brainwashed basically. When you try to talk some sense to them they won’t listen, the propaganda has worked and they don’t even understand how they lost out or believe that Trump and his gang of vile criminals are going to take their Social Security and give it to the 1%! That makes no sense to anyone but it’s a payback of sorts to their donators with your Social Security or something.

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I always wonder that myself, how could Trump voters be so consistently STUPID? Don’t they ever do any research , are they’re memories of4 years ago that dim? He was a TERRIBLE president, played golf most of the time and cheated at that too. What is the matter with the brains of50% of American voters, they don’t remember how bad it was, about COVID, about how they tried to get rid of him by impeachment? He was never, NEVER good! I guess we may have to learn our lesson just like the Germans did 80 years ago with a similar dictator! I hope it doesn’t last 13 years!

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Realize that, most likely, the people that will be most affected by their vote for the felon never heard that all of these things will be happening to them, as they only have a single "news" source, the right wing media, both in terms of TV/Radio and social media. So they never heard anything but gilded lies about what was going to happen. NOW that they will start being hurt by these actions (redistributing most of the wealth of the nation from the poor/middle class to the uber-wealthy), they will STILL hear nothing of the truth, as these same outlets will be spewing lies about "them libruls" having caused all of the problems. They will NEVER hear the actual truth that they are being screwed over by the very people they voted into power. The billionaires OWN all of the media, effectively, therefore control the message that their cult hears. So at the end of four years of disaster of the GOP running and ruining this country, the ONLY thing this same group of voters will have heard for the entire four years is that the Dems have caused all of their pain. Therefore - vote GOP next time as well.

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this this this! They will believe the bullshit they tell them because they are completely and utterly brainwashed. They can KNOW 100% that Trump is giving tax breaks to billionaires and cutting social security, even if they rely on SS for all their income, and they will STILL believe them when they say "that's just fake news, the left wing mob did it not us", and something in their brain damaged minds turns off their critical thinking utterly! I just can't understand even a LITTLE bit. The democrats cannot find the right message to these people. The democrats have utterly failed us all with their ridiculous identity politics. Americans are only worried about trans rights because the damn left won't stfu about it! WOKISM is 1000% the reason we lost this election. I PROMISE YOU. if you think I'm over-reacting I am NOT. My entire family voted for trump and has been trump supporters for 8 years a ton of my friends switched to voting for him this time. I'm telling you people are sick of the pandering and wokism. It's so disingenuous it makes people extremely angry at a basic level. Why are we making the message of our party nothing but virtue signaling to a tiny group of people. IDGAF what trans people do I don't think it's this massive issue we should be focused on AT ALL! I don't ever even think about it in my day except when msnbc or fox news comes on. I do care that I cannot afford food and rent and gas!!! Do I care if someone wants to be called they/them? whatever idgaf!!! They need to completely drop these gender and race based politics and get BACK to the middle, BACK to being the party of the average American union worker whose SOLE purpose is to fight for a better life for hard working normal people. We will never win another election if we don't. They have played RIGHT into their hands. These over-educated "do better" far left weirdos need to just gtfo the way and let some common sense people run the show. We are in a DESPERATE situation now, we don't have time for your virtue signaling so you can feel like the most progressive person in your twitter feed! Americans are HURTING and Trump is about to make it light years worse!!! It's the oligarchy vs EVERYONE else. Period. If we don't treat this like a full scale war then we are screwed. because they've got the court bought, the house and senate bought, and now their man is in and turning Musk on figuring out how they can siphon the last few drops of blood out of us. We need to drop EVERY narrative other than "Trump and his billionaire friends are trying to rob you", that message needs to be driven home every single freaking day until people hear it enough to put 2 and 2 together.

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So very sad 😞 I guess we all are facing having to suffer the worst situation imaginable, or more accurately un-imaginable, in order to learn. My question is how will non-Uber rich Americans be able to survive what’s ahead? Will the MAGA supporters take responsibility for what they’ve done?

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Republicans have been decimating rural red states for decades. This is nothing new, other than the fact that it’s become so transparent.

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This is a level of collective mental disorder that is stunning. Cutting taxes for the wealthy by 4.2 TRILLION is insane when you realize the same people are crying, whining and threatening over the 32 TRILLION deficit. Are farmers so cowed they will just lie down and take it? Are people on SNAP so powerless that they will just go hungry? Are Trump voters just going to dig deeper into their denial and ignorance while they lose all access to healthcare? Is the water supply being dosed with some sort of mysterious drug that leads to brain-dead zombies? WTH?

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Because crying about the debt is only a means to get elected! The entire goal is to get the tax cuts. They know the govt will just be forced to take out debt to keep the govt running, and who has to pay that back? ALL OF US! It's literally a direct transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the richest human beings who have EVER lived. We might as well all just write a check to jeff bezos and elon musk and send it to them and save some time. The average American is so stupid in 2024 that they believe them STILL that "they're going to use the money to hire! And invest!" They spent 80% of the last trump tax cut on stock buy backs. A DIRECT transfer of funds from the Govt to the billionaires and top 10%. But they will believe them, they are so utterly brainwashed by Trump and his echo chamber on social media that it wouldn't even matter if he went on TV and blatantly said he planned on making the average americans life worse while enriching the top 10%. They are that stupid.

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Nancy Moynihan, it does seem like there is a collective mental disorder or a disease that causes complete stupidly in the brain of certain voters when they go to vote. As usual my major concern is the demon called Fox noise. Too many Americans have no ability to think critically, it’s getting worse and worse. They tune into Fox and believe every lie that crew spews 24/7 the worst part is trying to convince them that they’re being lied to. Of course Trump loves Fox and they flatter him constantly. Let’s not forget that Fox is not an American Company it’s owned by Rupert Murdock an Australian who whole purpose was to destroy America because he hates us! Why can’t we pull is license?

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Yes, there is always Fux Spews in the ear of Earth 2 inhabitants. Fox is for the Believers. The people whose developmental challenges make then susceptible to Believing. Think of all the ways we are enticed to simply believe. Religions are most interested in and supported by the believers. Politicians, Sales Professional, Marketers and Advertisers, Police and Military all strive to expand the capacity for just believing the story instead of thinking independently. Yes I am over-simplifying this but the people who watch Fox are simple believers who do not think past the first two sentence. My bias is clear but I think it is even possible that a significant element in the national polarization is the divide between the thinkers and the believers. Critical thinking is a capacity that must be developed voluntarily and with guidance. Fox is for the believers.

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Ok , this message is not clear. How many people can read this and immediately see how this affects ME. This is why we are not getting across to our constituents. All the GOP/MAGA have to do is yell lies about brown people eating your cats and it works. How can we do better? Not a rhetorical question, please brainstorm this.

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Perhaps it is not a matter of us doing better. It is a matter of what they hear, what their denial hears, what their fear hears. Something is very wrong on the receiving end of all this. Perhaps there is no messaging shift that will permeate that level of collective denial.

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But I think it needs to start with not being wonky. I’m a PT. I don’t tell my patient “well you have severe spinal stenosis. When that happens, it causes the anterior tibialis to not fire and that means you don’t dorsi flex your foot. What they need to do is a small surgery where they resect a portion of the lamina in order to remove pressure from the spinal cord.” What I tell them is “well the canal your spinal cord runs through has gotten narrowed and it’s getting pressure on it. It’s actually a pretty common problem when you reach around 70. It’s pressing on a nerve that makes you lift your foot so you drag it and trip over it. So what they do is they go in there and they just take a small piece out of the side of the spinal column just at one or two levels or vertebrae, with a small incision. It takes the pressure off the spinal cord. It’s a pretty simple day surgery. I see it all the time and it has great results 99% of the time.” I use my hands to show what I mean, my index finger is the spinous process or “the part you can feel when you run your thumb down someone’s back”, my pinky and my thumb are the transverse processes, or “the part where the muscles attach.” In between the thumb and the index finger is the lamina or “the part they cut a little wedge in.” I draw a circle underneath my index finger and say “here’s the hole the spinal cord goes through and instead of being circular, it becomes kind of triangular.”

That’s what I mean. Make it clear and easy.

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I agree completely and try to think about this from the perspective of the person hearing the message. I think you have an important point about simplifying. I also know from decades of professional experience that even simple will rarely break through denial which a powerful psychological force that is ignored at our peril. It got us donnie dead bodies and his sycophant band of bros. It will get us ever worse outcomes if allowed to grow. See a person's denial as a suit of armor that can only be penetrated in the creases and by direct assault. People don't change until they are desperate.

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I wish I knew, first of all though I certainly never believed such a crock ever! Secondly why are so many Americans so gullible that they would actually believe such nonsense? And the Source, he’s pathetic!

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It’s the mean, dumb people. They are mean and dumb and there is no reasoning with them. They worship their mean, dumb cult leader without question.

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Are they dumb? Most have jobs, real estate, children, investments etc etc. There is more to it than dumb and stupid although I do think there is a case to be made for mean...as an expression of how powerless they feel to deal with their own anger and expectation.

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They voted for the jackass. So now they will pay for their stupidity

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MAGA voters are the epitome of born losers.

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Republicans are not pro life...they are pro power. Like any bully they prey on the weakest among us. A pregnant woman's life or a starving child...they just look away. Trump screwed the farmers last time also. He'd rather give farmers billions rather than let them work and feed the children. This is his idea of making America great. Idiot felon in chief. His voters will be very sorry too.

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Anyone but the rich and corporations made a mistake voting for Trump. Basically we are screwed. Trump will pander to the rich, give them their tax break and cut all the programs that made America a place where Americans feel fortunate to live. Fox News, conservative media did a hit job on the American people. People are starting to wake up an getting real worried. And I would say most of these people are ones who voting for Trump thinking he cares about them. He doesn't, and neither do the rich who supported him. It was all just a ploy to transfer our money to the rich. Watch prices for everything skyrocket! Trump played them, and so did the Republican Party!

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I'd like to see a list of ALL these elites who are looking forward to this windfall Trump has promised them. I'd like to know for certain that they are well-aware of the fact that it is taking food out of the mouths of those who have no ability to pay for food without SNAP. They have the ability to refuse these tax breaks but choose to accept them. Their names should be flown all over the internet like the names of wanted criminals. I hope all their businesses fail. One name I'm sure will be on the list is Zuckerberg of META fame.

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Fool me once, fool me twice. Screw me once, screw me many times. We have been to this corn huskers and wheat bale rodeo before: FOUR YEARS AGO. No doubt these farmers voted for "him" last time. In 2020 farmers were subsidized in the billions. I grew up in farm country. I do not remember the farmers being so stupid.

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The rubes got owned

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MAGA Elites want to own and control ALL farms.

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The oligarchs are BEHIND MAGA!!! They want to own EVERYTHING! This is a war make no mistake. Americans need to realize just how much they've been fooled by Trump. He is going to make their lives so much worse by taking every social program he can from the people who rely on them just to survive. These billionaire oligarchs are the most evil human beings on the planet and must be stopped.

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Cutting the deficit doesn’t do much. You have to reduce the debt. There are only two ways to do it: reduce spending or increase taxes. The problem is that there appear to be strong limits on how much spending can be reduced. Musk has reduced his best possible result on cutting spending to one trillion. That’s not going to enable a four trillion reduction in taxes. I personally feel that any funds that are

freed up should go to reducing the debt, not reducing taxes. Otherwise, the debt will keep growing until it dwarfs the amount owed until it dwarfs World War II.

Relying on the Laffer Curve would only work if our taxes were at the level before the French revolution. Actually, it would have to be much higher.

The only to make a drastic reduction in taxes is to screw everyone.

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This is just another example of people voting against their own interests. The bad part of this is that children who will suffer for the ignorance of their parents and grandparents. I wouldn't have any problem with this if it weren't for the children involved. Trump voters deserve what they get.

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Good! Great! Fantastic! It is after all, what the People wanted! The majority of voters did not want Kamala. Weather it was Her personally, Message, not getting Through, Didn't know or trust her, are raciest, Think Women are less than, or just being a glutton for Punishment! But they Know T-Rump! Unless you were living under a Rock, a chronic drug Addict or Alcoholic, in a comma, living with the Amish, or can't process critical thought! Then you know exactly Who he is! An agent of incompetence, Deflection, Delusion, and Division! Motivated by one unifying end Goal, GRIFT by Bluster, Bravado, Bullying, and BULLSHIT! So just let it Go! Give them what they Demanded! If they were completely unbothered by his first four years of Malfeasance, then they deserve everything he can and will do to them (And the rest of us non Elites!) His incompetence and dysfunctional Management Skill untold Numbers of Citizens literally Killed with COVID! His INTEGRITY was on full display then! His Stupid stubbornness damn near killed Himself! And Still he wouldn't relent from Idiocracy! So please remember during the next four years, You asked for this! When he is still blaming Somebody else for things not going Well, promises not happening, inflation, Austerity, DEBT, and WAR! War,,,, I mean Defense, is a untouchable Necessity! 50 new Weapons platforms are way more critical than Children Scamming free meals from School! Plus the Military Industrial Complex has a lotta new High Tech Toys that are just begging to be tried out in a real Theater of Operation. And those fancy Rockets don't just build themselves! Might have to cut some of that SSI. People living on a fixed income have grown to fond of just having enough to eat! If they need to learn to get by with less. They a lookre living longer now! So why they are waiting to die, they can just work a little longer, work a little harder, maybe get an extra job or two! They'll be just fine, just tug on them Boot straps Harder! Enjoy,You àsked for IT!

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