Biden is way over Trumpler's head in intelligence. Is he getting old, yes. Is he smart, yes. My dad was in his 90's when he came up with an idea for helicopter blades. He sent it to the head of Boeing Helicopters. The head of Boeing Helicopters wrote back my dad "Chuck, our supercomputers just figured that out, good job." Think about it. He was at the top of his game in aircraft flight test and was with Kelly Johnson and such since 1938. There is something to "Real Experience." I have 50 years into civil rights and busting fraud. Experience.

Trumpler, Vanceler, and Muskler are just loud mouthed idiots who think they know things they know nothing about as they are so delusional in their outlook on themselves. They think Biden and many others are idiots when it is them.

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President Biden is an outstanding man with first tier experience and intelligence, one of Democracy’s creatives.

The other guy is a fat stoat with no positive aspects.

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Even weasels are smarter...

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than orange offal

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President Biden is a class act on all accounts by me. I am not surprised that up to the very last he did all that he could to protect our democracy, public servants and the environment. Is he perfect/ none of us are but did he get up every day and consider what was best for all Americans. I believe he did and I am grateful. ♥️

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I agree with you wholeheartedly. President Biden always worked for the good of this country and for ALL us Americans!! Classy til the end❤️ America will miss him,

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How do you tell them apart?

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oh you ninny little incel...you're quite mistaken about who exactly is mr.vonshitzenpantz. Mr. Wet Wipes (his nickname) was hired by Mark Burnett to shuffle orange frump out of rooms when he stank up the place, in order to clean him up with a HUGE wad of wet wipes. This truth is WIDELY KNOWN, while Joseph Biden still rides a bike and is physically AND mentally fit, but has a touch of arthritis. So what? He's playing chess while frump is still trying to sort soft alphabet letters. SO weird that you magat cultists can't bear to hear the scatological truths about your stinky orange 'chosen one', yet you'd still kiss his bum if he ordered it, lol. YECH! The TRUTH is that you worship a moron with the psychological makeup of at best a 7yr old holding a lifelong grudge about mashed potatoes being dumped on his nasty head (look that up too).

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Couldn’t have said it better, gal!

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👏👏👏brava Elizabeth!!

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Nanette & Kris10 - My vision isn't the best, so I occasionally miss when someone 'applauds', so I'm taking a wee bow and thanking you both, as well as so many others. I don't write much original material but do so enjoy responding to dimwits who somehow imagine orange man is their 'lord' or 'king'. My neighbour is a die-hard magat who refuses to believe anything I explain about him 'unless I see and hear it for myself'. WHEN I provide proof, she dismisses it as 'fake'. What DOES one do?

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Dont try too reason with the un reasonable! You can “vent” here! Even if nobody reads it, I always feel better afterward! Safe spaces! I have a Thump supporter in my family!! Luckily they live 1000 miles away! But, it made this past christmas really wierd… so dont feel alone!! ✌️

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I think you’re confused. 🤔 It’s Trump who does that and wears adult diapers. Biden’s pants are normal sized with no backend bulges. Plus no one has ever said he stinks which there are too many to count reports and videos of Trump farting, pooping and folks turning away in disgust concerning him.

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Elizabeth Shultz, that is Great... Thank You! I applaud you. 👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😆

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Thank you, Ortiz. Much appreciated. :)

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Give it a rest…MAGAS have their own page….

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I think you are confused. Biden is not spelled “Trump” If you are smart enough and rich enough you should get a dictionary.

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I like that Biden out smarted Trump. However, that is a low bar.

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The main issue is the result: no extension of offshore drilling and national parks drilling.

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Get real.

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If you believe yourself The Smartest Person in the Room, you're probably not.

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Especially when you need to tell everyone you’re smart. Only a moron does that. If you’re smart, people can see it. You don’t need to tell them. That only reveals what an insecure dumbass you really are.

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The funniest part (to me) was when he somehow thought he could convince others that he 'inherited' his 'genius' Uncle's intelligence. I wanted just one of the reporters to ask if he thought it worked by osmosis - and how did he not pass these 'fantastic genes' to his own offspring?

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When I was a youngster I had a fish tank and I would have to remove fish that didn’t survive my efforts if caring fir them . I asked adults why did they keep dying . It was explained to me the fish didn’t inherit the knowledge their parents had and couldn’t find the food I kept putting in the tank.

That’s similar to the problem that we are faced with today . Some people can’t find their food !

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I Love It. Joe has Trumps number.

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I think it’s the Dunning Kruger effect. They think they know more than they do. The result is that they are total fuckups. And of course we’re all going to be on the shit end of that stick.

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Exactly. So easy to see in their behaviors and speech against everyone who has gone against him.

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THIS is the main reason President Biden was forced to (and I kept my fingers crossed that he WOULD) issue pre-emptive 'pardons' although that word shouldn't apply~it should be named something ELSE when it's for a person's protection against a vicious and venomous individual given unlimited powers by idiots on Scotus to deliberately go after and hurt innocent people who did their jobs in an exemplary fashion and are now being faced with prison and financial ruin! Further, he similarly protected members of his own family who were also being threatened (death threats AND vile attacks on their good names: his brother and other members of his extended family). frump's entire life has been spent using lawyers to file fake lawsuits against people who do NOT have the financial means to hire attorneys to continue paying for the delays after delays frump DELIBERATELY causes specifically to run up these folks' bills. He leaves them bankrupt despite them having NOTHING to do with him. It's purely a way to torment and torture those who refuse to bow down to his 'highness'. President Biden had no choice and I for one resent ANYONE calling him out for issuing these protective pardons, by asserting that by doing so he gave frump carte blanche to do the same! NO! frump began this by pre-emptively pardoning traitor Flynn and other HORRID people who had betrayed our Country and violated our laws.

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I will be pissed for the rest of my life that the Democrats forced Biden off the ticket. He would have won, even with the cheating the Republicans were doing

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I doubt it. The narrative of him as senile and ineffective was too strong, despite significant evidence to the contrary. Also, Harris was a better orator. The mistakes of the Dems I believe should be ascribed to other sources.

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No, I don’t think so. I’ve been a Biden guy for a long time, but the debate convinced me that he couldn’t overcome what we all saw and the dye was cast. Time caught up to him. It does eventually with all of us. Unfortunately, Trump was going to be the beneficiary of Bidens age issues which were on full display.

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Has Biden ever claimed to be a genius. Has he ever told you how smart he is? Trump has. Do you need somebody to tell you that they’re a genius? That they’re real smart. Do you not see that it’s embarrassing to listen to anybody talking like that? I mean, that kind of thing goes unsaid. If a person has to tell you that kind of shit he’s trying to convince you he’s something he knows he isn’t. If you don’t, then you’re exactly the kind of rube he can sink his teeth into. What’s it like being a rube?

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If you’re smart, people can tell. If you’re stupid they can see that too. Nothing you can say is going to change anybody’s mind regarding your intelligence. They’ll draw their own conclusions.

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President Biden makes me proud EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! He is smart, kind, and decent! He s everything that Trump isn’t!!!

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He's also rated as one of our BEST Presidents - high up on the scale, while frump ends up - what was it, 2nd from the bottom? LOL.

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Surely he's on the bottom or under it!!

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Trump is

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As of today, 45th and 47th in order of intelligence. Or maybe just 47th.

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If not, the best president of all time.

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I would 💙 your comment a millions times if times if I could. Feel the same way.

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You sound like a 7 year old on the playground.

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It probably is.

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Lol I’m guessing by your idiotic comments you’re either a bot, Russian troll or a sadly stupid maga cult member. Go back under your rock

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He’s a troll.

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One would imagine that, since they continue to crow about 'winning' they'd have no reason at all to invade 'our' spaces to attack our comments, wot? Methinks there's already a certain level of buyer's remorse at work, especially since their perceived 'manly man' is too scared to stand out in the cold AS EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT HAS DONE! Is he afraid his teensy little mushroom might freeze and fall off?

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There is a screenshot from X circulating on Reddit of a man whose wife recently got a job offer for a nurse position at the VA in another town. They e already sold their home and purchased a home in the new town. Now, with Mangolini’s federal hiring freeze, all new jobs are rescinded. Those people are shit out of luck! The real kicker is that they’re hardcore maga and now will suffer. FAFO even. In his post he’s begging people to present his situation to Trunp in hopes that he will allow the wife to start the job. And that SURELY this was an unintended consequence of his decisions, and Turd would never do anything to hurt them. Lmao

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That is too rich! The best FAFO of all for the magats to NOW know just what he is. He doesn't give ONE SHIT about any of 'em.

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Take your small teste elsewhere. You are neither witty nor welcome here

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Block this guy y’all. Buh-bye little teste! Buh-bye micro!

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I'll say this for trump - he's a good whiner. And it doesn't take much to trigger him - he whines about President Carter dying and causing flags to be flown at half-staff, now he's whining about President Biden making the transition too rough. Speaking of rough transitions, the one we had four years ago makes this one look like a walk in the park. trump is incapable of shame, of reflection, of a sense of humor, or of a sense of irony.

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Republicans killed irony decades ago. TY for your comments.

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Trump is incapable of anything/everything with the exception of being the conman/grifter he’s been his whole life.

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Go prove it. Trump owes the state of NY millions in taxes. He finally got caught. He’s a whineyass little bitch. An embarrassment to the entire world except for the worst tyrants. They.love him. BTW Mr Smirnov went to prison today. He was the star witness I the bullshit you’re talking about. He lied to the FBI and admitted he made it all up. Your problem seems to be gullibility. I’m not sure what the cure is. Maybe a little critical thinking would help.

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A little critical thinking just might have saved us ALL from this demented moronic racist about to re-stain our Oval Office. Ugh. Imagine the scenario described by Cassidy Hutchison: the whiny toddler THROWING his dinner (presumably another fatburger covered in ketchup) at the WHITE HOUSE walls - and expecting his 'servants' (how he perceives other people to be) to rush to clean it up for him. He's a wastrel who's never lifted a finger or done a real day's work in his entire misbegotten life...never shopped in a store, never paid an actual bill. IN fact, he's never functioned in life as a real or normal human being as the rest of us have. Yet magats imagine that this clown is capable of running our Country? Actually it's true: he plans to run it right into the ground while destroying our Constitution and managing to rob America blind. Last time around he golfed for an entire YEAR, so perhaps he'll spend minimum two years cheating at golf this time and give us all some relief.

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Teste! Your ignorance is showing! Bugger off now and go play with your own kind

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I suggest drilling on the beaches where Mar-a-Lago and Ivanka's house and the houses of all the MAGA fans are. If I remember correctly, even DeSantis is opposed to off shore drilling off his state.

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Considering he's changing the Gulf to America, it would be fitting so he can destroy the waters and coast like he's destroying the rest of this country

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Given that most of those coasts are red states, he might be surprised at their reactions. They depend on those coasts for commerce and tourism.

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Does changing the name of the Gulf to Gulf of America lower the price of eggs. I thought the price of groceries was the big issue. We traded democracy for lowering the cost of…eggs.

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He can try - but NO ONE ELSE will change the Gulf of Mexico's name or call it anything else just to satisfy his vastly undeserved ego. Besides, he doesn't give a rat's azz about this Country, so this utter stupidity about changing the Gulf's name is simply another distraction for his rubes to focus on as he fleeces them.

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The trouble is we are losing on both counts; the world will still refuse to change the name of the Gulf and the chickens keep dying from the bird flu so less chickens = less eggs = higher prices.

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Agree. T

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That of course js MAGA bullshit. He’s given Trump and everyone the strongest economy in the world and the world knows it. So do you, you just won’t admit it. Watch what Trump does to it. He’ll wreck it like he wrecks everything while trying to go after his imaginary enemies.

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Testicle, it's unfortunate that your lack of education is showing.....you cover up before you get sick

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It's not true, but I'm sure my Google algorithm is much more diverse than yours. You keep swallowing what you're being fed and let your God? Sort the truth out.

Statistics show migrants follow the law better than citizens and it makes sense since in a few days we will have a RAPIST married to a migrant, born of a migrant, who has allowed many to be killed and terrorists reign, but it's forgiven since his orange glow skin tone doesn't have much melanin. But his hate filled speech fills the minds of the uneducated to make this about us verses them but literally who are the US's and who are the THEMs? When you look closer Trump only cares about one us and that's him alone.

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Well said Abi. Well said!

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You're 100% correct, Abi. ALL the stats have proven that the crimes committed - are by US citizens - and only RARELY by immigrants, but frump has sold his ultra-stupid magat cultists on his lies about migrants, so they swallow his spew hook, line and sinker. It's still astonishing, since he's the LEAST educated or knowledgeable about anything individual ever to stain our WH.

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Florida has long history of being extremely hostile to offshore drilling, goes back decades. When your beaches are a major economic resource, this makes perfect sense. Loiusiana, otoh, has one beach, Grand Isle, and I can personally attest it's nothing to write home about.

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I will take Grand Isle, LA over any place in Florida in a heart beat.

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Not much of an economic engine, though. Btw, in another life, worked out of Port Fourchon, just to the west of Grand Isle, on a workboat on charter to Amoco, now part of BP. I learned to watch my speed im Golden Meadow!

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Man, just saying I'm familiar with offshore oil in the Gulf and with Grand Isle. The last bit was about a notorious speed trap enroute, in case the individual responding was actually familiar with Grand Isle.

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You Do Understand !! What You'll Get From All Those Drill Holes…!!..?? …A Bunch Of Hot Gas !!!!?

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President Biden is simply continuing to do his job. He is not doing this to foil dt, who does not understand anything that is not gamesmanship, and so perhaps dt will then be foiled. However, Joe’s work ethic makes it both possible and necessary, to do all he can when he can. Joe works on the environment for our country and our world; future generations will see this like we see FDR and national parks.

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Because you can’t indict a sitting POTUS, remember. If you could Trump would have been gone by now. Trump is already #45 as worst presidents in American history according to presidential historians. I’m sure he’ll dig that hole even deeper this time.

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That bit about about not indicting a sitting POTUS needs to go. Other countries, real democracies, have no problem taking their kings, presidents, PMs to task for their crimes. The current head of South Korea is vastly in trouble for declaring martial law. Odd, their politicians aren't bowing down in abject fear of him. Here, the Rs and MAGAs will cringe and let President Orange Snake AKA POS do whatever he wants. Hitler and Stalin are applauding in whatever miserable afterlife they're in at what is going on in the once vaunted US.

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I think he managed to stay in office by RETURNING THEM, not hiding them in a bathroom. And, given that the Republican-led House has spent two years trying to find ways to impeach him, I suspect they haven’t because there’s NOTHING THERE - you know, real fact-wise, not alternative fact. And finally, it’s obvious the moron’s strings are being pulled by Elon Musk. Any other questions?

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Good questions all.

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Great. Atta boy Joe. Smart beats dumb every time.

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Thank you President Biden!

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Yes. A thousand thanks for a job very well done. May you be around at least for 20 more years.!

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I don't think he wants to be around to see the country he loves and served faithfully fall to a petty conman. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I do either. I attended the joyful 200th birthday bash of the US. I will cry at the 250th.

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Me too, Eva. The 200th Anniversary was so much fun! The summer, especially, everyone was so proud of the USA. Being 11 helped make it that way too.

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Joe Biden has far more intelligence in his little toe than trump could ever conjure up. Biden is a SEASONED, EXPERIENCED litigator, congressman and president.

I would never grow tired of him being our President.

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I agree I’m going to miss him

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Dementia DonOLD as usual living in his own world, and thinks it is the real world, but it’s not. And not being very bright to begin with, never really comprehends what’s going on around him. But if it is not singing his praises, it’s bad, and he really doesn’t like it.

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The result of not ever being told NO for 78 years…and of course not being very smart. He only knows manipulation and lies and threats. Just a despicable human.

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Then you aren’t seeing things clearly. Nobody is jealous of Trump. Who would want to raise a child to be like that. Who wants to be friends with someone like that? Nobody envies having the tag “convicted felon” hung around their neck like a dead albatross. Nope if you find that something to envy then you need your eyes checked. BTW, Trump wears depends. He craps his pants on the golf course. Not a pretty site.

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You seem to have a fascination with fascism. You should really enjoy what’s headed your way. If this was Germany and it was the 1930s I’m sure you’d fit right in. Just practice that goose-step. I’m sure you’ll get it.

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Looking in the mirror are you? LOL

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The real problem is that the Rs have decided to enable him.

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But why? I get why the rich seeking power coddle him. But why do everyday Americans?

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They believe the lie of his TV show, his bluster, his "wealth", and his current shows. Conmen are very good at what they do. In that, he is number 1.

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Hey, your boy, Shit for Brains, totally screwed up the COVID epidemic thru his gross incompetence and eternal stupidity! He took a booming economy Obama handed him and ran it into the ground. Just like he’s going to do now! He’s an idiot and fool. People (read dictators) play him like a piano and he’s too stupid to know he’s being played. He won’t last long!

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I just hope that we can survive the coming horror reality

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You mean the one he stored the classified documents that he stole?

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Though he is old, he is fierce.

I'll miss you every day, Joe.

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Thank you for making my day😉

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No surprise here. Biden may be old and slowing down, but he is still living in a reality based world. Delusional Donald, in contrast, ain’t playing with a full deck and hasn’t been for a long time.

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Yes he’s half a sandwich shy of a picnic !

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He was born without a full deck. That is ONE THING HE CANNOT BUY. I believe his Ho, Elona does not have a full deck either. Type 1 , ASD.

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That’s the main thing isn’t it? You’ve hit on the enormous difference in the two men. One lives in the reality based world and the other is a delusional man-child. He still acts like a third grade schoolyard bully. And every leader in the world knows his weakness. It’s his narcissism. It’s so out front of him that he’s vulnerable to flattery. Just tell him how smart he is or how women want him to because he’s such a stud. Have you ever heard Biden brag about how smart he is. Or Obama? Only a moron does that, and he does it to try to convince you, because he knows he isn’t. He only hopes you think so. That’s why he calls everyone else stupid. To make you think he’s smart. And people fall for it.

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A wee bit of correction if I may? Only DUMB people fall for it - the rest of us see right through this incredible stupidity and cannot fathom how so many Americans are so blindly dumb to believe his lies!

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Let's just hope that, if sued to protect the ban, the case doesn't end up in front of Aileen "Loose" Cannon.

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Don't worry, they'll bring the case in DC, not Florida.

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Exactly - she's a DISTRICT Court Judge who has zero jurisdiction anywhere else! She vastly overstepped by trying to shut down Jack Smith's report. While she 'could' put a hold on the portion related to Florida, it's a 2-part report and the rest related to the Jan. 6th Insurrection - in DC. She had no right to poke her nose into that one - the main reason she was - again, overruled by the CONSERVATIVE 11th Circuit. She seems incapable of learning some basic truths. Before frump appointed her, she'd only heard 4 cases! Now of course, he wants to dump 2 of his oldest scotus guys in favour of her LIFETIME appointment! A 'judge' who continues to be overruled because she literally has no clue about the cases in front of her. Now, I'm all for brilliant women jurists, but she isn't one of them!

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Remember, Felon34 is the moron who bankrupted a casino. He's failed at every business venture he's undertaken and was only rescued from financial ignominy by Mark Burnett and the Tale Told By A Fool - "The Apprentice."

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2 casinos he was money laundering

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That man (trump) is just an IDIOT

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He is more than just an idiot he is a vicious, nasty liar who will do anything to get attention and money while doing more to destroy We the People’s Democracy.

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A woman of few words you are. Well chosen.👍

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Is mathematically possible to square idiot? Fits him like a T.

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Like taking candy from a baby.

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Like taking candy from an orange whiny stinky baldheaded baby shaking his tiny hands and stomping his little bone spurred gold shoed feet

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Who then takes his ball and goes home

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Unfortunately we have to wait 4 years for that to happen. Here’s to hoping we still have a viable democracy when he leaves. (And the door hits him in the a$$.

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we wish he would! Unfortunately, he sees 'the ball' as our Country and thinks it's HIS to play with and no one else's. He's BEEN a whiny brat his entire misbegotten life - sent away to military school at 12 because his parents couldn't control him, he became a bully then, paid someone to take his SAT's for him (his older sister the judge confirmed this ON TAPE). He's as dumb as a doorpost, repeating the same stupidities over and over. That's why he hired Roy Cohn to teach him how to function in their world - and all he's done since then is just to rinse and repeat Cohn's lessons on how to behave like a vicious creep. He's the same amoral scum he's always been, simply older, uglier and nastier.

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Thank you for making me laugh out loud. Right on!!!

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Very good description 💙

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