If Elon can call his X man to give him more votes than others trending, my intuition tells me he can mess with the tabulator and I've lived through all the shenanigans campaigns have done over the years and something IS fishy in Denmark, err, Philly! I don't care that you youngins will find out years, decades, later. This old gal felt it at 8:00 on November 5th!

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Thank you Michelle

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100% RIGGED!

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Well worded reporting! So many suspected him of cheating … but we don’t want to be victims of bogus of conspiracy theories either. So we still wonder. Did he? If he did, can he be caught?

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I would look at the amount of disinformation Musk was spreading and funding in PA, along with the lower mail-in ballot return rate and voter turnout in Philadelphia, to assess Musk's impact.--Jason

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Good points.

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Definitely cheated and if anyone knows how it is Elon & Trump

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Agreed….It could have more likely been something with mail in ballots since 45s appointee to run the US Postal service has fuc£ed up the postal service already…..https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_DeJoy

(Remember that 45 kept pushing mail-in ballots this time when he was so against it previously 🤔)

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So when did Elon really pick with the voting machines? This is the first time seeing or hearing about him doing that.

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No proof he did - or didn’t - have his tech peeps alter the count. Hard to do in PA.

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Thank you, Deb R, this needs to get out.

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Thank you !!

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Yes, but by the time it is proven Trump and Vought will have accomplished much of their agenda. Muck is a dirty self aggrandizing hooligan, better to be aware of what he is planning than to be caught again flat footed!

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Suspicion of voting fraud was voiced loudly, especially related to his $1M bribes to buy votes and phony voter registration website that Leon deployed on Xwitter to collect voter data. It was all done in plain sight. It was bragged about.

Yet, NOTHING WAS DONE. That it's openly discussed amongst reporters, felons, insurrectionists, and oligarchs should surprise no one. They believe themselves untouchable. Time will tell.

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That is not very surprising. He does that kind of stuff all the time. He has to be one of the most deceitful people on the face of the earth

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There are only two assets in play here: time, money....bridging computer systems is no impossibility....but....gonna need some money....if times short....gonna need a lot of money....you might have to be the RICHEST MAN IN THE FCKN WORLD.... these mofus had four years to fix their 2020 defects....only the delusional accept that the mofus won every toss-up.

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They was talk online about the possibility of cheating and they used starlink to do that I wonder if Donald was telling on himself

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I still believe that they cheated! How did musk know who won 4 hrs before the polls closed!

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He cheated in 16. He cheated in 20. He needed to win in 24 to stay out of prison. Of course he cheated again. His campaign was a joke. Where did all those Biden voters from 2020 go?

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That's exactly what I wrote to Biden and Harris on November 6th! How could anyone believe that he wouldn't cheat?

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Totally agree James. Cheating is his MO. And he makes it clear and drifts it right under our nose. I also keep thinking about Bill Clinton a couple weeks ago who said, “well he did win it fair and square…” NO HE DID NOT!

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Yes, he can’t stop himself bragging on what he got away with. Time will tell all.

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The DOJ didn’t act effectively. Once again Merrick Garland was the wrong man for the moment.

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Unlikely that cheating occurred. Conspiracies do not work. A third of our population refuses to even vote, much less take an interest.

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Dt has to brag, even when it incriminates him, and even when his inadequate verbal skills tangle things beyond definitive confession. I agree with comments already here - whatever he said and whether he meant it or not, Starfink was on the case, as was money and billionaire gamesmanship grifting: Just enough votes to get over the line, a little here a little there, nothing to attract attention. He simple did not win all 5 key states.

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Drumpf and Speaker Johnson's little secret that he, Drumpf, would tell us later? Well it's later, the Rat B@$+@rd!

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If his mouth is moving, he's lying. ‘Nuf said!

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The Donald is a delusional psychotic. Sounds like more of his desultory, manic ramblings. Sort of like his phantasms about windmills driving whales to suicide or electric boats and sharks. He’s a danger to himself and others and needs to be committed.

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This could be possible. You do not have to change voting in all locations, just some.

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And Drumpf ALWAYS tells on himself!

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If this is true, what can we actually do about it?

It's something that if it's true can't be let go must be investigated.

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Again good reporting. But tRump often tells us directly to our faces a truth couched in exaggerations. So I no longer believe that the ballots, machines, and other devices were not tampered with... This has become a very sore point with me, I am not a conspiracy theorist. However, what if he is telling us the truth... I also do not trust Musk, or Zuckerberg, or any Oligarchs.

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This is just the icing on the cake. The EO13848 has been activated with the treasury announcing that there was foreign interference in the 2024 election.

I suggest if you have never read the context of EO13848 go find it in archives give it a read fascinating stuff:)

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After the FOTUS's comments at his rally..."I don't need need anyone to vote for me"..."I have ENOUGH votes to win" along with Musk's Starlink, his "algorithms" and ALL the secret phone calls to Papa Putin in Russia, NO DOUBT the election was rigged. Call me a "Q" theorist. But tell me it's not possible.

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Once a cheater. Always a cheater. Does anyone really believe this lifelong cheater didn’t cheat to stay out of prison?

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