By the way, the Speaker of the House controls the camera feed and what it can shoot on the House floor. That's why people at home didn't see most of what Democrats were doing.---Jason

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EVERYONE needs to call out Mike Johnson for being such a hypocrite. All his claims about being such a Christian are so much hyperbole. He supports all the cuts in funding that is currently going on in DC. For example a true Christian would not take food or medicine from people who need it, would not halt any scientific research, especially for children. Would not just sit back with that nasty smile while Measles is spreading. Not state that they will make all trump's changes permanent, unchangeable by any future President, while they cause so much harm. And publicly discusses his and his son's porn use. DISGUSTING PERVERT!!! SELF AGGRANDIZING FAILURE AS A HUMAN. I make no claims to Christian perfection, I am simply a senior citizen with all my flaws and failures. We all have flaws, but this guy has around a zillion. Please call him out, Drown him in letters, phone calls, emails. Wipe that smirk off his face. PLEASE!!!!

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You stated that very well.

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It's time to ask him what was the Evangelical question not so long ago, "What would Jesus do?" and let him stew on that one. It's time to call him out for what/who he is: a hypocrite.

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Can there be another camera in there?

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Nope. There is only one central feed controlled by the Speaker. That is why the coverage is always more interesting when there is no speaker elected, because without a Speaker C-SPAN can have as many cameras shooting as much as they want. When Johnson gaveled out and spoke to Green, the camera could cut to Green, but notice that when Johnson told Trump to resume his speech, Green's exit was not shown on TV.---Jason

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Why did the speaker have that option? I thought it was a joint address!

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Because of the size of the chambers, any joint address happens in the house. This is the same when they count electoral votes etc…if it happens inside the house the speaker gets gavel privileges.

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The lack of cameras pointing at dems was a favor to THEM. Even more people would have be disgusted with their disrespectful behavior to the American guests in attendance, such as Marc Fogel, a teacher who was recently freed after being wrongfully detained for years in a Russian prison, Corey Comperatore’s family, including his wife Helen and daughters Allyson and Kaylee, Payton McNabb, a former high school volleyball player who was left with a traumatic brain injury after competing against a transgender female, and January Littlejohn, a parents’ rights advocate who sued a Florida school board after officials allowed her middle-school-age daughter to socially transition to a different sexual identity without informing her. Alexis Nungaray, whose 12-year-old daughter Jocelyn was sexually assaulted and killed, allegedly by two illegal migrants from Venezuela, was also in attendance. DJ Daniel, a 13-year-old cancer survivor, was another of Trump’s guests and was made an honorary Secret Service agent in a touching moment during the president’s speech.

Hate Trump, fine. But showing zero respect to those people is unforgivable.

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Ridiculous. You’re the reason Trump can have ‘A NOBODY’ invade our federal government destroying everything in his path.

Did you agree with January 6th insurrection?

You’re easily fooled by smoke and mirrors. trumps using those people as props, just like you are now.

You’re the reason soon, we as a country, will be abandon by our allies to be left with Putin.

Go back to Facebook.

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Dems can only see this as a cynical stunt, because that's where their minds are. Trump was trying to show them the human face underneath it all, and they recoiled. Humanity scares them because it's raw and real, and not in their control.

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Naw, it's because we're not groomed and brainwashed like you magats are.

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No, that’s not it. Have a great day🫶🏼

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Trump used those people for his own gratification and aggrandizement. That's not what you do to people that have been damaged. Not one thing he did will make their lives better, and most of what he said was bullshit anyway. Go stick your head back in the toilet.

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I respected your reply right up until the last sentence. You just couldn't help yourself, could you?

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Why would I need to? I don't respect your opinion in the least. The time for being nice and taking the high road has long since passed. These gas bags need to be removed from office, and from invading our personal information, and in a more perfect world, imprisoned. DJT is nothing more than a convicted criminal, a liar, a cheat, and a pimple on the collective asses of the American people. Is that plain enough for you? NO RESPECT when you can't see the true bottom line here.

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Personal insults and intolerance for an opinion that differs is a typical liberal response. You don't have to take my opinion so personal.

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No, personal insults were an art form reaching a new standard that was set by our Russian asset, Fascist President. Every single campaign speech of his was designed around a stream of personal insults, whether it was DeSantis, Christy, Nicki Haley or K. Harris and the MAGA audiences lapped it up and encouraged it. You can have your political opinion, no matter how many oppose it, but you can’t whitewash arrogant petulance because you agree with the petulant recipient of your dedication.

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Oh it's not personal, to the extent that I feel the same way about anyone that voted for him, and who continues to try and gaslight those of us that know the truth. You can fool yourself (and call it anything you want) but you are't fooling the majority of us. Might as well get that understood right now. If people are to stupid or willful to see what is happening right under their noses, than that's how they will be treated.

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Fred maybe you should be directing your ire to ypur dear leader

who can always find a nasty name or lie about anyone who crosses him.

You are brainwashed, deluded or just as loathsome as trump and muskrat. They are greedy oligarchs who only care about themselves and gaining more money and more power.

trumo and his herd of turds are destroying our democracy for their own gain.

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You’re ridiculous Fredrik - really - I laughed and smiled the whole way through your write up - are you cutting and pasting this everywhere today? Laughable lil Freddie - keep up the great work 😎you’re probably on the wrong thread, and the wrong app 😁

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I'm glad you liked it! Any thoughts on the actual content though? Now that i know how you feel about me, please, tell me how you feel about their behavior toward those people.

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You have the wrong end of the stick, unless you also thought mango was soooo fine. We have every right to protest and those you mentioned would be right there. Disrespect????? Good Grief!! Who do you think they were protesting for? On who's behalf? The one who wants to take over Gaza, throw the people out that mango does not like, make it the Riviera of th Middle East to so MAGATS MAGGOTS can vacation there????? Read, learn, study, get some facts and then apologize to the protestors WHO ARE FIGHTING FOR THE COUNTRY I ASSUME YOU LIVE IN, THE FORMER USA. NOT UNITED STATES OF TRUMP.

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Protesting trump is fine. Those guests did nothing wrong though. They were so clouded with hatred for trump that it boiled over onto a cancer survivor. That was sad.

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Their “behavior,” you have not stated what you found disrespectful to the guests, was for trump and trump alone.

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This was an opportunity for democrats to embrace something wonderful and many of them decided it was better to remain divided than to make sense. Healthy children SHOULD BE a bipartisan issue. This was as nonpartisan as you can get, and they still couldn't stand and applaud a young cancer survivor.The fact the the left sat silent, arms folded, with no reaction for this child shows their true values.

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Another confused one. Study, learn, get educated.

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Oh, and the republicans are saints and never did anything like that!?

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He used that child as a prop. This was a night of him lying, and acting like was rally for his MAGA base. I guess it was, since apparently that is who you are. Musk, with Trump’s approval, ended government funding for research into childhood cancers. As a great grandmother to 5, soon to be six, I am so angry that he did that! It is all so he can give larger tax breaks to billionaires who already don’t pay their fair share in taxes!

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I was listening to Steve Schmidt live fact correct which had to occur after every single sentence . Then he added mocking comments which were both informative and hilarious .

The only time the mocking stopped altogether , and Steve was reverent commenting was during the victims - but he did provide appropriate commentary even then , respecting those individuals .

Over 7k people joined - probably more have watched even today . A very good sized following- you can go watch today , I’m sure he has posted it . I think it would be very good for you to get a good dose of reality outside of the cult bubble.

We see enough pasted talking points to know exactly what you’re doing - and frankly it’s laughable.

Out here and with Dems, progressives etc - we like to engage in critical thinking - it kinda defines us, tbh. Come loaded for bear and not talking points - this looks like a 4th graders attempt to make a point - but, but didn’t you care 🙄

We feel very sad about the victims that DJT uses to puff himself up. Like he gives 2 shits about Corey Comperatore , his wife, or his daughters , like he gives 2 💩💩about anyone other than himself - I assure you , he does not.

Any way, go listen to the live comments by Steve Schmidt last night - it’ll give you a good idea of lies, lies, lies, lies, liiiiiiiieess, me, me, me , lies lies lies , God saved me to save the country , but alas god didn’t care about the brave firefighter with children and wife who loved him bc I was more important .😉🤩

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Transgender MICE😱millions on TRANS gender 🐭🐁!!!!


Aurora CO has been destroyed , destroyed I tell you !!’ By the barbarian HORDES!!! They’re coming for YOU!!! For your mother ! For your kids!!! The barbarian hordes who are BROWN!!!

Oh we gonna sell $5 million US residency cards - probably only for Russian (white) immigrants , or S African (white) citizens who have $5 million laying around - rap sheet ok - but it’ll cost $5million more - damn , he should’ve waited to let the Tate bros in 😡🤬 I BET the new visas have DJT image on them and says “In Donald J Trump We Trust”

Wonder if he can get in on Ross Ulbrechts Silk Road 2😏

Why didn’t he bring up the J6 er killed by LE? Hmmmm I guess optics wait comment think of it, why were Russ and the Tate bros invited ? Or Tarrio? Or Rhodes? 🥺😢

(I drive past there to/from work every day , I’d go there at night - no, it’s not destroyed. I can go tomorrow and take photos if you’d like.)


It was all the greatest hits. From 10 years ago

1 hr and 40 minutes 😂😁🙄😒😩😴😴😴😴

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Wait... the Tate brothers were there?

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Yes. Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 22, and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, were each charged with capital murder for Nungaray’s June 16 death. Martinez-Rangel and Peña each remain jailed on $10 million bonds.

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You’ve got to be kidding. You believe what you just wrote?????? Don’t make me laugh.😂

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Thank you for the clarification.

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And an angry defiant Al green too. I wish the others were as brave as he was

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Lots of Democrats as in dozens walked out. It was barely mentioned.---Jason

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They didn’t show a lot of that, I don’t think.

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They should have all supported Mr Green and walked out behind him.

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Damn right.

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Heck, he got to leave before fatso got started. I think he won!

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Can you imagine sitting through 1 hour and 40 minutes of Grandpa rambling on about how bad things are.

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😂snoozer I listened to Steve Schmidt mock the whole thing live - it was great - the only time he was serious was for recognition of victims - the rest was glorious

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GAK!! jd3 was heard on a hot mike complaining it was too long.

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I'm an 83 year-old geezer, not at all a "younger viewer". I did NOT watch the National Felon's speech! Every Dem in the house should have walked out when Al Green got expelled!

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Thank you!! My sentiments exactly at 78. My 21 year old grandson cannot stand him either.

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Damnd right, Lindsay!

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His viewership shouldn’t even be that high. He needs to be gone!!!

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Maybe we should make a bumper sticker saying trump, be like McKinley.

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Yes, two watchers would have been too many. I cannot listen to one word from him.

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Speech full of lies - would not consider watching it -glad it was a small viewing audience

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Considering all he has destroyed in his six weeks in office, it’s par for the course! I chose not to watch so I really have no opinion but, what could he possibly say to convince me he’s out for the good of the country.

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First get on his knees, second apologize for every nasty thing he has ever done, bullet listed. Then go home and get permanent laryingitis. It would be such a relief to never hear that voice again.

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Just another lie filled campaign rally with imaginary problems and trying to foist the blame off on someone else.

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Time for (another) impeachment for the orange, sociopathic, convicted felon.

I'll watch that!

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Has been started.

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Who you gonna get to start the proceedings?

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To your question:

I'm not sure but leaning on Mark Kelly's office about how to proceed.

We citizens of this country must be proactive in DOING SOMETHING to protect our Democracy.

The fraud is in the Oval Office!

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YES!! A two for one, jdv and djt. Then fire the South African, I have no idea why the government gor involved with starlink. HUGE mistake.

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Al Green already talked about articles of Impeachment

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The rest of the Democrats should have left when Al Green was expelled. That would’ve been a show of solidarity which word does not seem to be in the Democrat lexicon.

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Why? The cameras wouldn't have shown it. Nobody would have known until the speech was over. Many Democrats walked out while Trump was talking, but if you were watching on TV, you'd have no idea it happened.--Jason

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So true.

Cameramen/women are specifically instructed as to how to present an event -

Simply another method in which to control objective media!

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Trump comes across as a slimy mob boss with his blustering and lying. He is a massive turn off and his outrageous self aggrandizement is laughable. He thinks he can force the congress and the country to let him do whatever he wants. Who is going to stop him? Looking at you, John Roberts.

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He’s lower than a slimy mob boss

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Don't count on Roberts. He is well schooled in the precedents of constitutional law. He knows how and why they should be followed. But he is an untrustworthy coward. Put no faith in him!

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We need a drangue: The kucedra or kulshedra is a mythological creature in Albanian mythology that is usually depicted as a large, multi-headed dragon with 7 heads. In Albanian mythology, she is usually attacked and defeated by a drangue, a divine being who is regarded as the protector of mankind.

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No one wants to listen to a corrupt illiterate cruel liar who serves Putin and his billionaire buddies. Trump is scum. Al Green is standing up for the American people. Trump is lying to the American people so he can steal our money, our country, and hand the riches over to his friends…. Trillions and trillions in tax cuts for them. Illegal firings, tariffs, a crashing stock market, and the raping of American rights for us. We must continue to RESIST. We must continue to call out the corrupt Republican Party who have DEFRAUDED the American people. Full stop.

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I am 73 yrs old and I did not waste my time and watch him. I cannot put up with his lies.

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He's an utter nightmare. I haven't had a good night sleep in six weeks.

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I understand that. I itch all over, tummy troubles, all stress related.

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The Dems should have been disruptive at every turn all together. Stomp feet, blow whistles, whatever works. We cannot just sit here for 4 years. Trump is an abomination.

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Abomination is the shoe that fits him!

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I did not watch his propaganda rambling, because I knew it would be filled with misinformation/disinformation and straight up lies! And it was!

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Did not watch, went to a 50501calif rally instead.

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