A lowered flag is totally appropriate ( because it’s Trump taking office). Additionally, honoring Carter is the right thing to do.

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Out right stupidity from a convicted felon!

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We will have to remember to keep the flags raised upon your death Mr. Trump.

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Will we still have an American flag?

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If the dems hold the fort for two years and we win back the house, one or both we should make it. Trump will be weakened and hopefully gone. Possibly earlier through a third impeachment year three. Keep the faith! RESIST!

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There are three good reasons to fly the flag at half-staff on 1/20: to show respect for #JimmyCarter, to show respect for #MLK, and to show disrespect for #Trump.

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Please, please lock him out of the funeral.

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What a disgusting pig.

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The felon hates President Carter, one of the reasons he is trying to takeover the Panama Canal. His goal, undo anything a demrcrstic President has achieved!

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Appropriate for how atleast half the country feels about you TRAITOR Trump. And probably more that REGRET THE VOTE...

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It's just a tiny speck in the enormous sea of his stupidity, but lowered flags on land are half staff, not half mast.

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Didn't know that but it makes sense. Half pole would be better than half mast. But many naval expressions have become common, as with sports lingo.

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Good for Joe Biden.

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Such a pussy

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Jan 4Edited

What’s interesting is his comment “Let’s see how it plays out” - like he knows his supporters are going to climb the flagpoles and raise the flag.

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I hate him. I hate P01135809. He’s the biggest POS _EVER_ and anyone who supports him is the same.

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All the flags should be removed when Trump dies! He bought his Presidencies and desecrated everything our country holds dear.

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We know who it’s all about…. a little man with a big ego that cares nothing nor knows nothing of respect nor devotion. See him for what he is

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Bahhaaa poor baby trumpy

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