Hoover started a trade war with tariffs that was instrumental in the economic downturn known as the Great Depression! It looks like we’re gonna relive 1929. Way to go Felon47!

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1929 led t o 1932.

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20 years prior to that was the McKinley tariffs that killed the US economy. Trump loves McKinley.

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And that led to 1939…

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Everything he touches dies

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except he himself

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Every day I hope he chokes on a Big Mac

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What has happened to all the good snipers?

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In the Ukrainian army.

In 2023, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian sniper Viacheslav Kovalskyi completed a confirmed shot from 3,800 meters (12,467 feet or 2.36 miles).

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It would be wonderful but his butt kissing house and congress don't have the balls.

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Krasnov is the only president who could list among his skills the fact he could fuck up a wet dream.

Please Canada, tank our auto industry, and cut us off from your gas and oil that we use for the majority of go-juice for our cars. It seems all those here under 60 need a trip in the time machine back to November 1973.

It took the Great Depression to convince people to not let Republicans near the economy for 58 years. Since the majority of the residents in this country (I'm fucked if I'm going to call them "my fellow Americans" they're too fucking stupid to be rewarded with that title) are dumber than shit, it's going to take some Serious Bad Times to smack them back to actual reality. Fuck'm.

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Yes please Canada

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Not at all surprised. He lives in a fantasy world where he believes that no one understands ANYTHING better than he does.

Problem is he is WRONG 😑.

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Although it angers me, I wasn’t surprised. I expected this and he didn’t disappoint America. The question I have is how are the MAGA taking it and the Republicans? Are the Republicans so wealthy that it doesn’t matter to them? Well, it matters to me. I want to see my family and Grandchildren but how will I afford to see them, I want to buy groceries and eat healthy but now I can’t afford it. Trump is evil, corrupt and is a selfish masochist. In other words , he doesn’t care. But I care and America cares.

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It was planned. He and the other thugs will buy up stocks while they are low and make a fortune when they go back up. Same old story. Wake up America 🇺🇸 it’s part of Project 2025!!!

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Yes… but they forget the ones who disagree with their project will not follow. We will not buy things or help the economy because they will reap what they sow… I can eat powdered eggs and grow my own vegetables if need be…

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And buy at local farmers markets if you can't grow your own! Support local farmers!!!

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Applesauce is a fine vegan substitute for eggs in baking.

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You can’t wake up these MAGAs if you stuck C4 up their ass & set it off. Oooo Donnie the great gold god wuvz us. No he doesn’t you ijits!!!

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They’re relentlessly stupid

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What they do periodically to make themselves richer 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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It's the Trump Slump!

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When are those rich dudes going to start using their heads and realize that if the economy depended on only their having money, it will crash. And they won't be spared. Gee, the Great Depression was almost 100 years ago. Guess those idiots forgot how many of them lost everything, including their lives.

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I remember reading that they were jumping out of windows to their deaths. I find it amusing that these rich people don't know how or want to survive without having millions. Maybe it's because poor people making a lot less usually don't gamble with it.

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The more harm he does, the faster we will get him the hell out of the White House.

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Can’t kick out a President for incompetence or ruining the economy or even the country.

To get him out of the White House before the 2028 election would require he be impeached. For impeachment (simple majority in House of Reps on charge of Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors(TBCM)) then to result in a removal from office requires a trial in Senate with 2/3 voting guilty. Out of 100 in Senate that would take 67 votes. That would currently require at least 20 (R) senators “guilty” votes. Good luck with that. Conceivable but highly unlikely with the current batch of bobble-head cowards.

If only (D) senators were to ever vote guilty for TBCM, after the 2026 midterms would require that (D) senator count to jump by 20 (from the current 47). In 2026 there are only 22 (R) senators defending their seats - many in (R) stronghold states.

And IF we could remove Big-T, we’d still be left with Vance anyway.

A blue wave would still be a good thing in the midterms, just to rope in Trumpian policy stuff. Worth working on, but a high priority currently is to shut down DOGE. Enormous damage without oversight !!

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I want to hear if people in red states are seeing this. Trump bankruptcy started with 4 casinos in Atlantic City !

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They are still believing in the Bible that it’s the last days so they are oblivious. The others will be mad when beer prices rise!!

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LOL. I love your comment about beer prices.

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It’s true…. The Lord is upon us. Quit run to the liquor store we need a keg.

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I live in Oklahoma. Yes we see it. We’ve been an oil oligarchy for the last 10 years. DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. Resist!

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Trump is one of the few men who could f up a wet dream.

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The Wall Street Boys need to remember that when the TITANIC sank, it was the Engine Room that flooded first.

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How are we going to get through 4 years of this shit show- retired and watching my account tank- worst leader in hx of US

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I can't believe the republican Congress still blindly follows this walking disaster of a person. Even more so the people who voted for him. Retired too and wondering how to get him out of there...keep pushing for truth and justice! Viva le resistance!

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Lock him up! He is a traitor to this Country and he will make things a lot worse, except for the billionaires and millionaires!🤮

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I absolutely think that Trump no longer cares. His focus is screwing Ukraine, giving Vlad a blow job and burning America to the ground. The crash is just icing on the cake. REVOLUTION!!!

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This seems to be the fundamental truth, and what it's going to take.

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