Short answer. We can't. There is nothing in our system to get rid of him besides impeachment/conviction, and Republicans control everything, so instead of getting rid of him, let's focus on electing Democratic majorities that can neutralize him.---Jason
Trump has immunity, but the individual members of his administration do not. Judges can punish them for violating court orders. I say take them down and then impeach.
So, for example, Noem in her personal capacity re the "Venezuelan" removal because she violated her Constitutional oath as a Secretary of HLS? Did Stephen Drakul Miller take the oath?
Miller and Noem allegedly knew about the order and instructed the planes to leave the U.S. thereafter (initial story in Axios, i.e. hours before anyone started paying attention). If that's the situation, then upon what grounds would you style a "take down" of Trump's underlyings? I brainstormed that ^^^ off the top of my head and it sounds reach-y, but maybe. So, how would you "take them down"?
The Supreme Court can re-convene to visit the immunity issue as well as re-visit the Constitution regarding a criminal in the White House and force a constitutional crisis where they can demand re-election
We will! However; I believe time is putrid and 2026 is out of the time frame. There is growing evidence of 2024 being manipulated. We must take care of business first before we can have a real election. So I say again time is putred people!
And I sure am not going to stop at just the Republicans I'm going to vigorously back primarying some of the Democrats as well. I'm done with the good old boys club!
"There's nothing in our system to get rid of him besides impeachment/conviction." That's the half you got right.
"We can't" is the wrong answer. That's called giving up without even trying.
Yes, Republicans have majorities in both the House and Senate. But not every Republican is a MAGA extremist. Many are moderate conservatives who have deep loyalties to the institutions of our government, to NATO and the security of the free world. Their donors represent powerful economic interests like the pharmaceutical industry, big agriculture, manufacturing and retail. All are increasingly at risk. It's not unrealistic to expect them to begin demanding their legislators bring this crisis to an end.
This is where our participation as active citizens can play a role, both by increasing pressure on traditional moderate Republicans and by providing reassurance to them that there is broad public support for doing the right thing. We need to work to bring about the impeachment of the President and Vice President, as well as the removal and replacement of Speaker Mike Johnson.
To learn more about the rationale and mechanics of Impeachment, and what we can do to help bring it about, please see these posts from :
Couldn't the courts indict some of the people surrounding Trump who are orchestrating criminal acts? They don't have immunity and they are certainly committing crimes, even though they may be folliwing T orders. I realize T could at some point pardon them. But, it seems a gigantuc use of this methodology would gum up the works for T/M, and slow down the massacre some. Any thoughts?
Impeachment is a start. Then start on his felonies. He is trying to stop judges--even going so far as to remove them from office. HE is the one who needs to be removed from office! Once he goes to jail, he cannot rule. Once Muskrat is deported, he will have no power. He has money. So what! He is a clear and present danger to our nation. My ancestors fought in the first American Revolution and I am ready to fight in the Second Revolution--because everything Trump is doing is ANTI-American. We fought and beat England so we would not have to be ruled by a king. why in hell would we want to start that again?
Lynne, we need to revisit why the American Revolution wasn't what it's purported be. Someone like Trump was built into our future with that first sales job.😵💫
Dude~ so true about 'the weeds for most people'.....Steve's people probably not in that group.... they're more on the tip of the Spear of Change and just getting organized now👍
1st Fear: Maga wants to fill you with FEAR. Fear works. Fear Divides. Fear turns people inward and against each other. Why do you think convicts, perverts, drug addicts, liars, drunks and ... well, "Deplorables" are in charge now; fear. Fear of everything from brown people to vaccines. IT IS TIME TO STOP THE FEAR! Turn maga "Fear" into YOUR ACTION!
2nd Status: Realize the Senate, Juries, Courts, Judges, Media, Monopolies, and Voters have ALL let us down and there is NO HERO coming to the rescue. Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Personally, I don't believe in turning the other cheek, so, Yes, you will need to get "Mean." If you are in a maga dominated area and you fear "bodily harm," consider getting fit, a personal small can of pepper spray to carry with you, or a weapon. Learn how to use and operate for self defense. I personally had not touched a rifle or piece in decades; not anymore.
3rd Action:
* STICK TOGETHER! You do not want to be the lamb on it's own in a field.
* Avoid trash talking other Democrats and the False Equivalent arguments. I personally voted for Jimmy Carter and have NEVER voted gop or maga and find the trash talk to be insulting and very counter productive. Remember that MAGA is the real enemy!
* Real magas are gone and will give theirs lives to the cult leader no matter what you say or do (remember Covid cult members dying to own libs in hospitals.) Stop funding maga businesses. Cut ties with maga relatives. Cut ties with any/all maga media outlets. Cut ties with maga states as best you can. Get off twitter, facebook and join Blue Sky (not perfect but better then maga Zuck and Elon.) When you leave them, tell them in email or writing why you are cutting ties.
* Get rid of google as your primary search engine on all your tech and switch to a anything not google. I like Ecosia and DuckDuckGo. Try to power down all your tech and media randomly for a day. It may be hard to break the habit, but I feel better afterwards.
* Make your voice heard. Join or volunteer for a local Democratic Club in your area; yes it is the only Nationwide Progressive Political Organization that is involved in all 50 States; this is why Bernie is a Democrat every 4 years, so he can use the Democratic Infrastructure. Call OUT Jill Stein and other BS "Independent" party candidates as well because they usually more right wing then maga and narcissistic too. Most seem to want our country to fail.
* Start a local Group Pod Cast and get Local Democrats, Progressives, Indys and old school republicans to just talk about their views, ideas, what they have witnessed in the "defecation show of maga." Offer real solutions and keep it simple. You will need to self promote. Joe Rogaine is a college dropout has been tv celebrity; We can do better.
* When posting, stick with facts, truth as best you can. Also, offer a better solution which are always available to anything maga. If you do come across a "troll or AI bot" take off the gloves or call "it" out and then mute.
* Take the Time and get involved now. Support local progressives groups, non-profits and candidates in local elections, City, County, and Schools.
* Put your Harris/Walz signs back up in your homes or apartments. Put favorite bumper stickers on your car. Also, consider putting American flag(s) up and on you car as well. We have every right to that flag.
* File your tax return via paper NOT efile. I personally am considering not filing at all... what's the point of Taxation Without Representation again? sarc.
* Make a sign and join in local Protest marches in your area. (sign kit: non-greasy cardboard, can of white enamel spray paint for the background, 1/2" brush & black, dark blue or red paint works fine, you can print your own stencils in dark colors in a 108pt+ font too.)
* Be ready for Nationwide work/sick stoppages and outages; they will be coming.
* Use 5calls daily to contact maga officials and respectfully vent top 5 concerns and how it will affect YOUR vote.
* Support local Minorities, Unions and their Members, and young voters that are also scared; even if you only have kind words.
* Write letters in local newspapers, if you still have one. Stay involved
* Get some 3x5 self stick labels, put your favorite two word phrase in a large dark sharpie color on the labels; my favorite is "F*CK TR**P" or "F*CK EL*N). Keep them handy and put them on bathroom stalls, local road or bike path signage, dumpsters are good, etc. Yes, you may have to work quickly and be cool.
* If and When your Group is successful in an event like; trash pickup, helping a minority group, town hall, get out the vote, supporting a cause, washing cars, etc., make sure to PROMOTE THE SUCCESS. Democrats, like me, usually do not blow their own horn, but we are working on it.
* Remember, Humans only protect and help "things" that they love and have empathy for. When any person in the "media" say's "them, those, others or worse," it is meant to de-humanize. Try to avoid it and call the media out.
I agree it may be a bit reachy. Judicial knows very well it has this power and they obviously haven’t used it yet. Why? Are they waiting for a bigger fish? Are they afraid of the backlash from Trump? Or do they just need a little push from Congress? Reachy? Maybe. But it could be one of the best bad ideas we have.
The Alito court has handed a lot of power to corporate billionaires via Citizens United and immunity for the executive. The Signatories of the US Constitution NEVER wanted Immunity for the executive/president because they had just declared War on King George. And, YES some judges are fearful.
Heard that. Elon is addicted to Ketemine and shoots it on a regular basis. I just wonder what he is taking to counter the effects of the sedative. My hunch is Cocaine or Speed.
It’s nice to hear that people are getting more positive about helping Ukraine but the biggest question on my mind right now is how do we get the “failed president” and his supporters OUT of American politics altogether?
We have GOT to purge ourselves of this madness, this atrocity of a corrupt administration and I don’t see it happening quickly enough. Nevertheless we must set foot on the path back to democracy because right now we are well down the path of authoritarian dictatorship at the hands of oligarchs who COULDN’T CARE LESS about the good people of America, they never have and they never will.
Agreed, we’re all chomping to get rid of this corrupt regime . However Trump/Musk gangsterism has shredded the rules of civilized society. It’s not happening quickly enough because they’re not playing with the same rulebook. Trump thugs forcefully dismantle critical institutions, discredit and disregard judge’s orders, and criminalize dissent. It’s a Thugtocracy and we’re outgunned.
We must find ways to bring the American people together and FIGHT TOGETHER!
This is not something we need “bipartisan support” to accomplish - This new initiative must be COMPLETELY NONPARTISAN!!
It is the American people standing up to the oligarchs and plutocrats who are destroying our democracy, our country, our very system of government!! FIGHT NOW PEOPLE!!!
First we must bring back US History to the Middle and High Schools nationwide with an emphasis on who Won our Civil War and the period from 1928 to 1952. Also, bring back Civics to the High Schools nationwide.
I can't tell you how many times young people have approached me while doing voter registration drives with the, "I want to start a [federal] petition, because of the 1st Amendment." Then I have to tell them sad truth about the southern state "gag rules" against citizen petitions to end slavery in the 1830's and the 1984 Supreme Court ruling that said, "Nothing in the First Amendment or in this Court's case law interpreting it suggests that the rights to speak, associate, and PETITION require government policymakers to listen or respond to communications of members of the public on public issues." Even though the Magan Carta, The Founding Signatories and the Declaration of Independence all promoted the Peoples Right to Petition. Nice 'eh?
You take down the original foreigner, maga Murdoch, at Fuxx Entertainment that started this defecation show in 1986. Take down the reich wing Sinclair group. Then, get former Democratic Presidential candidate, Mike Bloomberg, and off his butt and start a new fresh Progressive Channel, Pod Cast or Sirius outlet with say Senator Al Franken at the helm.
The public opinions sway dramatically on Ukraine but it is in the US vital national interests to make Ukraine free and prosperous. Send them our best weapons WITHOUT restrictions on their use. The Kremlin is a legitimate military target.
No. It may seem that way to you because there are more Repugnants leaving the GOP and going Independent. There are 2 Senators who caucus with the Democrats that I know of. One is Bernie Sanders and the other is Angus King. I'm not aware of any Representatives who are registered Independent that caucus with the Dems. Maybe someone else here knows.
The broad flight from the GOP that we're now experiencing is new to American history. Pockets of Independents have emerged (New England, Minnesota, random Western states during the Progressive Era) and then receded. Far more frequent have been individuals leaving the Democrats for Independents: Manchin, Sinema, Virginia's Harry Byrd, etc. As you note, other than Angus King and Bernie Sanders, there no are elected Independents in the House or Senate and they both caucus with the Democrats.
King and Sander are Independent Senators and I do not find any Independents in the current House. The American independent party is the party of George Wallace.
I disagree with your first sentence. What we are experiencing now is not new,, but you need to go back in history to the period when what were the Dems at that time were what we now call Repub. and vice versa. During the Civil War the South had the majority slave owners and they were all Democrats. They were the elitists with their grand plantations. The North was the Republican stronghold where most opposed slavery, even President Lincoln who also owned slaves. There was a metamorphosis that took place slowly over the years during and following the Civil War, and the best I can pin point it at is sometime between the periods of Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, and his cousin, FDR, a Democrat.
By today's standards Teddy would be considered a Democrat and so might Lincoln. Each had a conscience that poked at them to the point of forcing change. Teddy declaring lands to be saved for the benefit of all Americans to enjoy as well as bringing a halt to the near annihalation of buffalo, and Lincoln realizing that while he hated slavery that was so rampant in the South and often brutal, he himself had a few as did a small number of business owners in the North, and was fighting with himself about the need to end it. Leadership in the South was all Democrats. Those KKK members that were raining terror on the Blacks were Democrats. It was during the depression that the Democrats in the South seemed mostly to start becoming Republicans, and the Republicans in the North started voting Democrat. They were captivated by the actiions taken by FDR who managed to end the depression.
Trump needs to move to Russia and take Musk and his narly crew with him. As far as I am concerned he is a traitor and can't be trusted. Ukraine needs our support and they need not loose one square inch of their land..and I hope Zelenskyy doesn't make ANY DEALS with the crook currently in office. He and Putin are nothing but liars and thieves.
The one positive thing that the trump administration has done is to polarize other nations, and Americas to fight against the insanity he is inflicting
Still supporting Gay Vailmont and Josh Weil for the April 1st elections in Florida for congress. If dems could miraculously win those and Susan Crawford wins SC nomination in Wisconsin it might shake things up a bit😉
We need to try and help the democrats running in special elections win. And we need to show massive solidarity against MAGA/MUSK and read up on how to stop a dictator. Also is great if you aren't familiar with them join. Also, read this, if you haven't...
We are now holding a weekly "overpass rally" over I-81 in rural Shenandoah County VA. We have 70% red voters. The turnout has been phenomenal. Why? Our rallying cry is the US-Ukraine alliance. The truckers LOVE us, and the locals, do, too! Truckers know that trade and strong alliances are their income. Now if we can get the votes to turn...
Mr felon/rapist has done enough damage he and his swamp all need to be gone now. How do we make that happen?
Short answer. We can't. There is nothing in our system to get rid of him besides impeachment/conviction, and Republicans control everything, so instead of getting rid of him, let's focus on electing Democratic majorities that can neutralize him.---Jason
Trump has immunity, but the individual members of his administration do not. Judges can punish them for violating court orders. I say take them down and then impeach.
So, for example, Noem in her personal capacity re the "Venezuelan" removal because she violated her Constitutional oath as a Secretary of HLS? Did Stephen Drakul Miller take the oath?
Miller and Noem allegedly knew about the order and instructed the planes to leave the U.S. thereafter (initial story in Axios, i.e. hours before anyone started paying attention). If that's the situation, then upon what grounds would you style a "take down" of Trump's underlyings? I brainstormed that ^^^ off the top of my head and it sounds reach-y, but maybe. So, how would you "take them down"?
How you ask, those are the things that cannot be answered in polite company. 😉
He has immunity now. Can the Supreme Court reverse the decision?
In this environment who knows. I highly doubt it, but I’m certainly no SCOTUS expert.
The Supreme Court can re-convene to visit the immunity issue as well as re-visit the Constitution regarding a criminal in the White House and force a constitutional crisis where they can demand re-election
Now THIS Idea I Like!!
you are encouraged to restack.
If they did it for Roe v. Wade. They can do it for for the Immunity Clause
Have to make sure the elections are not rigged again or we won’t get the dems to neutralize him
We need to make sure Musk is no where near any of our elections going forward. That includes his Starlink stuff.
Voting machines are not connect to the internet:
Election Truth Alliance. Check them out. There is hope if you look for it.
Thank you for the reply I am doing my best to support that happening
Let's all work hard to flip the House & Senate in 2026
We will! However; I believe time is putrid and 2026 is out of the time frame. There is growing evidence of 2024 being manipulated. We must take care of business first before we can have a real election. So I say again time is putred people!
And I sure am not going to stop at just the Republicans I'm going to vigorously back primarying some of the Democrats as well. I'm done with the good old boys club!
Women comprise more than 50% of the United States' population. Further, men got us into this.
You're half right, Jason.
"There's nothing in our system to get rid of him besides impeachment/conviction." That's the half you got right.
"We can't" is the wrong answer. That's called giving up without even trying.
Yes, Republicans have majorities in both the House and Senate. But not every Republican is a MAGA extremist. Many are moderate conservatives who have deep loyalties to the institutions of our government, to NATO and the security of the free world. Their donors represent powerful economic interests like the pharmaceutical industry, big agriculture, manufacturing and retail. All are increasingly at risk. It's not unrealistic to expect them to begin demanding their legislators bring this crisis to an end.
This is where our participation as active citizens can play a role, both by increasing pressure on traditional moderate Republicans and by providing reassurance to them that there is broad public support for doing the right thing. We need to work to bring about the impeachment of the President and Vice President, as well as the removal and replacement of Speaker Mike Johnson.
To learn more about the rationale and mechanics of Impeachment, and what we can do to help bring it about, please see these posts from :
Feb. 12,
Feb. 18,
Feb. 25, https://jerryweiss,
Couldn't the courts indict some of the people surrounding Trump who are orchestrating criminal acts? They don't have immunity and they are certainly committing crimes, even though they may be folliwing T orders. I realize T could at some point pardon them. But, it seems a gigantuc use of this methodology would gum up the works for T/M, and slow down the massacre some. Any thoughts?
Impeachment is the only answer, apparently. And we cannot let either of them get away with their middle fingers up to our Laws and Constitution.
The American Revolution was fought to never allow a king to rule our country. The GOP is trying its hardest to allow it again. WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT!
Well, we *can* physically revolt. That is a discussed option.
You sound like you are giving up. STOP!
A thousand percent!
With things the way they are now; what do you know about the death of Former US Attorney, Jessica Aber, who was appointed by President Biden?
We should fire the GOP!! They have violated their oath to the American people and to protect the Constitution, so we should get them out!!!
Impeachment is a start. Then start on his felonies. He is trying to stop judges--even going so far as to remove them from office. HE is the one who needs to be removed from office! Once he goes to jail, he cannot rule. Once Muskrat is deported, he will have no power. He has money. So what! He is a clear and present danger to our nation. My ancestors fought in the first American Revolution and I am ready to fight in the Second Revolution--because everything Trump is doing is ANTI-American. We fought and beat England so we would not have to be ruled by a king. why in hell would we want to start that again?
Lynne, we need to revisit why the American Revolution wasn't what it's purported be. Someone like Trump was built into our future with that first sales job.😵💫
Yes I agree but now you're getting into the weeds too deep for most people to understand and to do the proper research. Let's just keep it simple.
Dude~ so true about 'the weeds for most people'.....Steve's people probably not in that group.... they're more on the tip of the Spear of Change and just getting organized now👍
a natiowide write in campaign to present to the Supreme Court justices and the legislature, demanding a recount, or re-election campaign again
Until then, several states have special elections this year and we at least have a bunch of federal judges holding back or undoing his antics.
1st Fear: Maga wants to fill you with FEAR. Fear works. Fear Divides. Fear turns people inward and against each other. Why do you think convicts, perverts, drug addicts, liars, drunks and ... well, "Deplorables" are in charge now; fear. Fear of everything from brown people to vaccines. IT IS TIME TO STOP THE FEAR! Turn maga "Fear" into YOUR ACTION!
2nd Status: Realize the Senate, Juries, Courts, Judges, Media, Monopolies, and Voters have ALL let us down and there is NO HERO coming to the rescue. Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Personally, I don't believe in turning the other cheek, so, Yes, you will need to get "Mean." If you are in a maga dominated area and you fear "bodily harm," consider getting fit, a personal small can of pepper spray to carry with you, or a weapon. Learn how to use and operate for self defense. I personally had not touched a rifle or piece in decades; not anymore.
3rd Action:
* STICK TOGETHER! You do not want to be the lamb on it's own in a field.
* Avoid trash talking other Democrats and the False Equivalent arguments. I personally voted for Jimmy Carter and have NEVER voted gop or maga and find the trash talk to be insulting and very counter productive. Remember that MAGA is the real enemy!
* Real magas are gone and will give theirs lives to the cult leader no matter what you say or do (remember Covid cult members dying to own libs in hospitals.) Stop funding maga businesses. Cut ties with maga relatives. Cut ties with any/all maga media outlets. Cut ties with maga states as best you can. Get off twitter, facebook and join Blue Sky (not perfect but better then maga Zuck and Elon.) When you leave them, tell them in email or writing why you are cutting ties.
* Get rid of google as your primary search engine on all your tech and switch to a anything not google. I like Ecosia and DuckDuckGo. Try to power down all your tech and media randomly for a day. It may be hard to break the habit, but I feel better afterwards.
* Make your voice heard. Join or volunteer for a local Democratic Club in your area; yes it is the only Nationwide Progressive Political Organization that is involved in all 50 States; this is why Bernie is a Democrat every 4 years, so he can use the Democratic Infrastructure. Call OUT Jill Stein and other BS "Independent" party candidates as well because they usually more right wing then maga and narcissistic too. Most seem to want our country to fail.
* Start a local Group Pod Cast and get Local Democrats, Progressives, Indys and old school republicans to just talk about their views, ideas, what they have witnessed in the "defecation show of maga." Offer real solutions and keep it simple. You will need to self promote. Joe Rogaine is a college dropout has been tv celebrity; We can do better.
* When posting, stick with facts, truth as best you can. Also, offer a better solution which are always available to anything maga. If you do come across a "troll or AI bot" take off the gloves or call "it" out and then mute.
* Take the Time and get involved now. Support local progressives groups, non-profits and candidates in local elections, City, County, and Schools.
* Put your Harris/Walz signs back up in your homes or apartments. Put favorite bumper stickers on your car. Also, consider putting American flag(s) up and on you car as well. We have every right to that flag.
* File your tax return via paper NOT efile. I personally am considering not filing at all... what's the point of Taxation Without Representation again? sarc.
* Make a sign and join in local Protest marches in your area. (sign kit: non-greasy cardboard, can of white enamel spray paint for the background, 1/2" brush & black, dark blue or red paint works fine, you can print your own stencils in dark colors in a 108pt+ font too.)
* Be ready for Nationwide work/sick stoppages and outages; they will be coming.
* Use 5calls daily to contact maga officials and respectfully vent top 5 concerns and how it will affect YOUR vote.
* Support local Minorities, Unions and their Members, and young voters that are also scared; even if you only have kind words.
* Write letters in local newspapers, if you still have one. Stay involved
* Get some 3x5 self stick labels, put your favorite two word phrase in a large dark sharpie color on the labels; my favorite is "F*CK TR**P" or "F*CK EL*N). Keep them handy and put them on bathroom stalls, local road or bike path signage, dumpsters are good, etc. Yes, you may have to work quickly and be cool.
* If and When your Group is successful in an event like; trash pickup, helping a minority group, town hall, get out the vote, supporting a cause, washing cars, etc., make sure to PROMOTE THE SUCCESS. Democrats, like me, usually do not blow their own horn, but we are working on it.
* Remember, Humans only protect and help "things" that they love and have empathy for. When any person in the "media" say's "them, those, others or worse," it is meant to de-humanize. Try to avoid it and call the media out.
In the words of President Obama... YES WE CAN!
Hmmm. Well, how bout an A-10 Warthog? That oughta
do the trick quite nicely. 😎
I appreciate your ferver, but that would be overkill beyond the shadow of a doubt.
I agree it may be a bit reachy. Judicial knows very well it has this power and they obviously haven’t used it yet. Why? Are they waiting for a bigger fish? Are they afraid of the backlash from Trump? Or do they just need a little push from Congress? Reachy? Maybe. But it could be one of the best bad ideas we have.
The Alito court has handed a lot of power to corporate billionaires via Citizens United and immunity for the executive. The Signatories of the US Constitution NEVER wanted Immunity for the executive/president because they had just declared War on King George. And, YES some judges are fearful.
FYI - This was reported by PoliticusUSA on Substack.
Here’s an update from Allison Gill at The Breakdown.
Gives me hope that the people of our nation is seeing through Trump/Republicans/Musk..
Ukraine for NATO membership! Zelenskky for Nobel Peace Prize!! DeportElonMusk STOP $tarlink $atellite $teal! ImpeachTraitorTrump_JDVicious!
With you all the way!!!!
Heard that. Elon is addicted to Ketemine and shoots it on a regular basis. I just wonder what he is taking to counter the effects of the sedative. My hunch is Cocaine or Speed.
Trump is a Russian asset.
It’s nice to hear that people are getting more positive about helping Ukraine but the biggest question on my mind right now is how do we get the “failed president” and his supporters OUT of American politics altogether?
We have GOT to purge ourselves of this madness, this atrocity of a corrupt administration and I don’t see it happening quickly enough. Nevertheless we must set foot on the path back to democracy because right now we are well down the path of authoritarian dictatorship at the hands of oligarchs who COULDN’T CARE LESS about the good people of America, they never have and they never will.
Agreed, we’re all chomping to get rid of this corrupt regime . However Trump/Musk gangsterism has shredded the rules of civilized society. It’s not happening quickly enough because they’re not playing with the same rulebook. Trump thugs forcefully dismantle critical institutions, discredit and disregard judge’s orders, and criminalize dissent. It’s a Thugtocracy and we’re outgunned.
We have to FIGHT!
We cannot allow them to outgun us!
We must find ways to bring the American people together and FIGHT TOGETHER!
This is not something we need “bipartisan support” to accomplish - This new initiative must be COMPLETELY NONPARTISAN!!
It is the American people standing up to the oligarchs and plutocrats who are destroying our democracy, our country, our very system of government!! FIGHT NOW PEOPLE!!!
Don't let the corporate media and social media of the hook.
First we must bring back US History to the Middle and High Schools nationwide with an emphasis on who Won our Civil War and the period from 1928 to 1952. Also, bring back Civics to the High Schools nationwide.
I can't tell you how many times young people have approached me while doing voter registration drives with the, "I want to start a [federal] petition, because of the 1st Amendment." Then I have to tell them sad truth about the southern state "gag rules" against citizen petitions to end slavery in the 1830's and the 1984 Supreme Court ruling that said, "Nothing in the First Amendment or in this Court's case law interpreting it suggests that the rights to speak, associate, and PETITION require government policymakers to listen or respond to communications of members of the public on public issues." Even though the Magan Carta, The Founding Signatories and the Declaration of Independence all promoted the Peoples Right to Petition. Nice 'eh?
You take down the original foreigner, maga Murdoch, at Fuxx Entertainment that started this defecation show in 1986. Take down the reich wing Sinclair group. Then, get former Democratic Presidential candidate, Mike Bloomberg, and off his butt and start a new fresh Progressive Channel, Pod Cast or Sirius outlet with say Senator Al Franken at the helm.
I definitely support the Ukraine!
The public opinions sway dramatically on Ukraine but it is in the US vital national interests to make Ukraine free and prosperous. Send them our best weapons WITHOUT restrictions on their use. The Kremlin is a legitimate military target.
Send a postcard to the White House stating, "I VOTE to support Ukraine!"
And another to state, "I VOTE to FIRE MUSK!"
And another to state, "I do not VOTE to give tax breaks to the billionaires!"
And another to state, "I WILL VOTE IN THE PRIMARY!"
Or one postcard to state all of the above.
Anything sent to does not go through, so a physical postcard is our only route. And it supports the USPS. 😊
Good Idea, Thanks.
The USA has no kings what so ever, Just Democrats & Republicans.
and Independents.
It seems to me that Independents are Republicans in sheeps clothing.
No. It may seem that way to you because there are more Repugnants leaving the GOP and going Independent. There are 2 Senators who caucus with the Democrats that I know of. One is Bernie Sanders and the other is Angus King. I'm not aware of any Representatives who are registered Independent that caucus with the Dems. Maybe someone else here knows.
The broad flight from the GOP that we're now experiencing is new to American history. Pockets of Independents have emerged (New England, Minnesota, random Western states during the Progressive Era) and then receded. Far more frequent have been individuals leaving the Democrats for Independents: Manchin, Sinema, Virginia's Harry Byrd, etc. As you note, other than Angus King and Bernie Sanders, there no are elected Independents in the House or Senate and they both caucus with the Democrats.
King and Sander are Independent Senators and I do not find any Independents in the current House. The American independent party is the party of George Wallace.
I disagree with your first sentence. What we are experiencing now is not new,, but you need to go back in history to the period when what were the Dems at that time were what we now call Repub. and vice versa. During the Civil War the South had the majority slave owners and they were all Democrats. They were the elitists with their grand plantations. The North was the Republican stronghold where most opposed slavery, even President Lincoln who also owned slaves. There was a metamorphosis that took place slowly over the years during and following the Civil War, and the best I can pin point it at is sometime between the periods of Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, and his cousin, FDR, a Democrat.
By today's standards Teddy would be considered a Democrat and so might Lincoln. Each had a conscience that poked at them to the point of forcing change. Teddy declaring lands to be saved for the benefit of all Americans to enjoy as well as bringing a halt to the near annihalation of buffalo, and Lincoln realizing that while he hated slavery that was so rampant in the South and often brutal, he himself had a few as did a small number of business owners in the North, and was fighting with himself about the need to end it. Leadership in the South was all Democrats. Those KKK members that were raining terror on the Blacks were Democrats. It was during the depression that the Democrats in the South seemed mostly to start becoming Republicans, and the Republicans in the North started voting Democrat. They were captivated by the actiions taken by FDR who managed to end the depression.
You seem to reference Republican party formation and then go into an involved "what-if" scenario. I wasn't talking about those things.
I think you left out an important word in the text by mistake “Americans have NOT do enough to support Ukraine.” . the word “not” is missing.
I read that, too!!! An important mixup!!
Trump needs to move to Russia and take Musk and his narly crew with him. As far as I am concerned he is a traitor and can't be trusted. Ukraine needs our support and they need not loose one square inch of their land..and I hope Zelenskyy doesn't make ANY DEALS with the crook currently in office. He and Putin are nothing but liars and thieves.
The one positive thing that the trump administration has done is to polarize other nations, and Americas to fight against the insanity he is inflicting
Still supporting Gay Vailmont and Josh Weil for the April 1st elections in Florida for congress. If dems could miraculously win those and Susan Crawford wins SC nomination in Wisconsin it might shake things up a bit😉
April 5 is a big protest day, nationwide check out:
We need to try and help the democrats running in special elections win. And we need to show massive solidarity against MAGA/MUSK and read up on how to stop a dictator. Also is great if you aren't familiar with them join. Also, read this, if you haven't...
We are now holding a weekly "overpass rally" over I-81 in rural Shenandoah County VA. We have 70% red voters. The turnout has been phenomenal. Why? Our rallying cry is the US-Ukraine alliance. The truckers LOVE us, and the locals, do, too! Truckers know that trade and strong alliances are their income. Now if we can get the votes to turn...