This must not happen. What will help people in rural areas get their meds and Mail and packages as private companies do not want to bother as there is no profit?

Why do we now see packages go from USP to USPS even in large cities now? Not enough profit in the last mile?

The post office is for people and not designed for profit.

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The postal service is self-sustaining through its sale of stamps and packaging and shipping costs, just like Social Security & Medicare which I (we) pay for from our Social Security checks. The MAGA Trumpers and Musk want these privatized because they are so profitable. Yet the B.S. they keep slinging makes the less informed or educated think these money-grubbing S.O.B.'s walk on water. Our country is going to tank if they don't start wising up.

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Just one more dirty deal that Mr and Mrs Musk-trump have made for the American people and we did not ask for or even vote for this shit. We have to do something to get these unlawful aliens out of our country.

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These actions MUST BE STOPPED. The USPS must be kept independent of the government

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I can't believe it! Are you really saying you want the USPS to be privatized? Hell NO.

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NO privatizing of USPS or anything else. These oligarchs are only trying to make bundles of money for themselves. They don’t care a hoot about anyone, including their maga supporters.

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Did I miss something? A deal struck between DeJoy and Musk?? Musk has got to go. His intrusion into American politics and government is truly dangerous.

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Trump and Musk(rat) must GO. We have become a ridiculed nation and our closest allies are doubting us.EVERY day is a nightmare to see how pathetic a nation we are. I am very glad that my WWII era parents are no longer alive. They would be suffering every day; as are we…

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My daughter is a manager at Miller knoll- furniture manufacturer in Michigan. They just laid off, not her, MANY people because of Trump’s teriffs.

This is a nightmare.

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I think France did thank the US for their WWII help, Captain Bone Spurs……

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I am also glad that my WWII parents are not alive to see this.

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Trump and the unelected, unvetted, unapproved by Congress Musk are at WAR AGAINST WE AMERICANS! He has been looking all over the world to start a war and no one is buying his insanity! Now he is trying to shut us up, sit us down and require us to stay at home so he can gut our institutions, take our hard earned money and walk away to Russia asking them to do their dirty work to enslave and kills us: American genocide!!!

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It’s about time that this was investigated. Many are wondering how (1) Mr. DeJoy has been allowed to remain in his position through Biden’s term and (2) why he hasn’t been investigated previously for his early decisions to dismantle and thereby destroy numerous large high capacity mail handling machines in postal facilities throughout the country.

R. Gittings, Maryland

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GOP kept the idiot DeJoy in place. Better be pressuring your GOP congresspeople to stop this sh*^%

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This cannot and MUST NOT happen!! We live in a rural area and depend on our USPS service to deliver our mail and packages in a timely fashion. We have had approximately 3 different carriers during our 27 years in this very small rural community. All three are amazing people who delivered either directly into our mailbox on our lane, or right to the front door in the event of larger packages. WTF! If it ain’t broke, DON’T FIX IT! Screw DOGE!! SCREW ELON MUSK SEVERAL TIMES OVER! AND TRUMP? GOD AND THE DEVIL HAVE THE PERFECT PLACE FOR HIM!! GO STRAIGHT TO HELL! DO NOT PASS GO! DO NOT COLLECT ANYTHING ON YOUR WAY! JUST BURN BABY TRUMPY! BURN IN HELL’S FIERY FURNACE BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!!

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Hope it does some good………but I doubt it. Our HerrFuhrer” could give 2 shots about the postal service and the VETERANS that work there

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Trump & Musk are both billionaire crooks. That’s what they have in common. Loathe them both. I do hope it works, but I highly doubt it until they are both out of the WHITE HOUSE FOREVER! “NO THIRD TERM FOR ANY PRESIDENT!!!

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Aside from being crooks and billionaires, they both prefer an apartheid living arrangement. Hardly the stuff true American patriots are made of. They should be stripped of their citizenship status and shipped out of the country.

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Post Office should never be privatized.

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Should not be tolerated. Congress needs to reign in these illegal actions

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Cruel, scummy and disgusting. We the people sure as hell don’t count. We paid taxes for these services and we are getting screwed. Postal workers are hard workers, day in and day out. They do not have cushy jobs. They are out in all weather, walking miles each day and even if they have trucks, the trunks don’t have any luxury , no air conditioning and poor heat. Many don’t take time for lunch and potty breaks are difficult or nonexistent. Some days they work into the night to finish their deliveries. Time off is poor, one day a week and Sunday but not connected. Maybe a weekend every 3 rd week. Vacations are difficult to schedule and by no means can you rely on time being appproved. They go into dangerous neighborhoods each day.

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I swear...this is the most corruptly dangerous administration ever. They are trying to kill people at every turn. Don't mess with our med deliveries!

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I am sad to wake up in this America, EVERY DAY.

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