NO DEAL! Shut it down. They have total control and they need total responsibility for this mess. They own it. I do not want to see ONE Dem attempting to work with them like things are business as normal, while the Republicans burn it all down anyway. I’m done being the grownups in the room. Fuck that noise. Dems need to walk away and start repeating like a mantra who’s in charge and who is supposed to be governing and who is responsible for this shit show. Republicans have NO plan to govern and America needs to see that.

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Fetterman i hear will vote yes

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While I was never a big fan of his, he has been a giant disappointment in his acquiescing to the trump crime syndicate. Just shameful. That fucking guy can go. 🤬

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Spot on. Dems need to message the HELL out of this every day and in plain language.

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It pains me to say this, but no help should be given to the House GOP. I loathe a government shutdown because of the people it will hurt. Members of the U.,S. Coast Guard fall under the authority of Homeland Security and, as such, will receive no paychecks during a shutdown. Nor will many other federal employees.

Bit it's vital that the Republicans own this. And Americans will understand who is responsible. Fox "news" viewers notwithstanding.

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It'll be Biden's fault, of course. 😖

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That's my rep, Jim McGovern. He's absolutely right: the g*****med Republicans own this one. Let 'em do it. Don't give them any help. Any Dem that votes with them should be run out of the party. No quarter asked or given.

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The GOP runs on double standards. And hypocrisy!

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Wow we all agree. Too bad our Elected Dems. can't seem to do that often enough. Just Say NO all the time. the republicans need our Dems. votes. The Dems. have bailed them out far too often. This time, NO DEAL, period.

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Yes - Dems should let them do it on their own.

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Truth! Keep it up!

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This is what I want to hear. Dems man up, sit down & stfu. It’s on repugs. Let them burn the house down

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I won't vote for my Dems if they help the GOP out of this mess! Impeach both presidents then lock them and their traitorous supporters up! I don't want to live in Russia!

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Definitely the rebound Ned to own this. No Dems should get involved. It is all on the republicans.

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I agree, they wanna tout that they own everything and they have a mandate…if they wanna fuck over the American people then the democrats need to keep any of the blood off their hands. They should schedule town halls and stand with protesters and fight with us!

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Absolutely agree!! Shut it down!

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I'm happy to see that the Democrats are giving Republinazis a dose of their own medicine. The Dems are always expected to play nice, while the Rs can be nasty and irrational, and if the Dems take a stand they are the bad guys. Suck it up Republinazis, hope you are get what you deserve for enabling the Mad King Con Artist Felon Rapist 47

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Democrats have responsibility to work for We the People just as Republicans do. The GOP needs to wake up! They are working for Trump and Musk, not for We the People!

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Oh, hell no!!

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