Bernie is a hero a man of integrity and principles. Fairness for all. A leader worth following.

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A man far beyond anyone else’s imagination and action, he has long been there for us

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They try to shame me. those critical comment writers, because I voted for Bernie. My vote, my choice. A politician does not have to be popular to have the right ideas. Let's hope they hear the man this time.

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I hope they do. He is a good man and worth 1000 musks and trumps. In fact he is priceless Just a decent ordinary no frills man.

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I'd have to say you're overvaluing MuskRat and Trumpty-Dumpty here.

As you point out, Bernie is priceless, MuskRat and the MAGAMaggot are worthless.

The value spread goes to infinity.

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We all saw with our own eyes the meeting filmed in the Oval Office uncovering for anyone who was conned into believe it is untrue that Trump/Vance/Musk are thugs and what we saw was a shameful shakedown.

We can only imagine the brutal intimidation, extortion and threats thrown at Zelensky by Trump and Vance and their minions. Very likely the agreed upon deal was changed once Zelensky landed in America.

Were there threats to his life and the lives of his family? Was there obscene criminal extortion? And brutal intimidation? Of course. For we have seen how Trump behaves when the camera is rolling which makes it easy to imagine how he behaves behind closed doors. "You will do it, or else."

Does Trump speak for you when he is shown to be such a big fool and embarrassment? Does Trump speak to you when he threatens to not help states unless they bend to his will which is in fact agrees to step aside while he assaults the people of those states?

Trump is a coward who is very aware of our power. Thus, he fired all the JAGs in the military whose function was oversight to prevent the military ever carrying out an illegal Executive Branch order.

And Patel is having everyone in the FBI trained for hand-to-hand combat by wrestling professionals. Why? Crowd control. That is what Trump has planned for you and your children. Do you still support him?

If not, you are welcome to join us in what will be an epic overthrow of our self-appointed King. We need you in fact. God bless and save America. United we stand. Divided we fall and all we cherish will be lost.

No one should have expected our democracy and Constitution and our rights that we have had for 80+ year provided by the courage and sacrifice and lives lost amongst the generations that came before us to never be challenged.

There is fight in all of us. It is in our DNA. But never in history have we enjoyed a Victory over challenges to our democracy when we were divided. This can only be achieved if we unite. There is a bit of repair to be done. But we are strong and can create history together, united.

We cannot if we remain divided or incite division thru misinformation which is coming from both sides. FACT: Biden won in 2021, and Trump won in 2024.

Trump is an evil and cruel man who no longer hides his face. Who cannot see this self-appointed King is pure evil motivated to acquire obscene wealth for him and his crime family who will kill anyone who gets in the way of that goal. He is as has been said for years, "A clear and present danger."

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1000 Musks and T rumps are worthless. Let’s not compare them in any way to Bernie or Bernie to them. They are anti-US. Bernie truly loves the U.S. may he live long enough to see this administration

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I like Bernie and his principles, but as a president— he is and was never electable.

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You must be joking..... He is a money deposit for the drug industry.... You people are just so fucking gullible

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Stupid comment noted... COMRADE

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And you’re a troll. See ya!


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Why do you say that

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Is he a billionaire? Is he a millionaire?

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I agree with you and i follow him too. By the way do you know how to get rid of folks who make hateful comments to our posts?🧐

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Why is Bernie doing this alone. Is it possible if more of our Democratic leaders joined with him on this tour, the impact would be even stronger? How about each going separately to other areas at the same time. Imagine…….

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He is far from doing this alone. Members of Congress are holding rallies, town halls, and tele-town halls almost daily. When someone posts why aren't more Democrats doing this? It is always a sign to me that that person watches or reads mainstream media, and they are not covering what Democrats are doing.

Wednesday-Friday alone there were at least 5 major rallies led by different Democrats in the House and Senate. Bernie is rallying his progressive base, and using his supporter network, but he is not alone out there.---Jason

PS- I wish that I could write about all of these rallies, but I may begin to post the scheduled rallies and town halls so people will have a better idea of what is going on.

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I have to give Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) props for doing a telephone town hall and answering tough questions. Her peers in Maine (Collins) and North Carolina (Tillis) are too cowardly to do even that.

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That’s true. Tillis, how can I put this, has no scrotum. He’s a coward just like the rest of them. Resist, or it will persist. ✊🇺🇸😎

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Murkowski seems to be the closest thing to a genuinely "moderate" Republican - ever.

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My thoughts about this was to create such a time when this happened all at the same time, creating an even larger impact and showing a cohesive strength at one time that seems to speak to MAGA. And you are wrong about only following mainstream media…..it’s been s very long since I personally have followed it. I am a Substack , Meidas etc follower for real.news for a long time now.

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Meidas isn't real news, but opinion. But they do what they do well. ---Jason

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I'd say the same thing about Fox News, total opinion, hasn't been news for years.

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It'll happen. Just watch, you'll see. It's growing. There will come a time when it all coalesces.

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Listen to your instincts.

They are right on.

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Yes, Congress is doing an amazing job, but where are the following Leaders?

Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton.

Michelle Obama, Hillary, Kamala, Gore…

Hell, VP Pence has spoken out. Where in the hell are these leaders? If not now, when?!?!?!!

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There has been a norm that former Presidents don’t speak out/criticize sitting Presidents. But Trump blew a past that long ago. Time for them to rally.

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Thank you for bringing that up! I have been wondering the same thing!!!! Is it because they're all wealthy??

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Good idea to get the word out.

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Great idea! Come on, Democrats! He needs help. Time for a campaign Don't Ask What Bernie Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Bernie ?

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Bernie is far from alone out there. Jamie Raskin, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Chris Murphy, AOC and many others held rallies this week.--Jason

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Good to know, thank you!

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I was at the Warren town Hall in Framingham, MA we had to wait in line over an hour to get in. The crowd was energized. It entirely made any feelings of being alone in this go immediately away!

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Love that! ❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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You might be interested in a proposal by Cheri Jacobus for the Dems doing Daily Press Briefings. She has a video on how it could be done.


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He is the only MALE politician with balls in the U.S. There are women of course with the necessary balls, but no one listens to them.

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I can't agree 100% here. People listen to Tammy Duckworth, and she's not by any means the only one.

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I’m so frustrated with them.

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I watched online. His strategy (which I think is a good one) is to teach some history and remind the people that as a collective we are stronger than the trump/musk regime. Afterall we have won wars, rights and progress with the grassroots people and we can do it again!

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I think more Senators should do the same thing and inspire people to rise up because in explaining the issues, people become educated and act against injustice

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They are. This list includes Sheldon Whitehouse, Chris Murphy, Chris Van Hollen, Cory Booker, and that is just off the top of my head. I wish I could write about them all. I am trying to get to as many as I can.--Jason

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I just asked my Senator in Michigan to do the same.

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Corey Booker? He has not done shit except eat at Mike Jersey Subs

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Not true. Popup rallies in DC, for one. He's vocal.

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Exactly my point... Get over this obsession with this diea that if they just has more information, or access to the "truth" ,they would understand... That is Democratic folly. You can not fucking reason with people who do believe in reason,

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You only need to convince enough people to take back the house and or Senate in the midterms. You start from there and do not stop or back down!

The Dems need to be on street corners in the big cities, small towns, and every well attended public outing telling the people there are better ways, and then laying out what those ways are.

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Exactly, and it does not do diddly boop to drag out a socialist fossil like Uncle Bernie Sanders to talk at rallies. Who gives a shit? The assole helped, by not being a team player the Republicans to get where they are now. What the Democrats need to do is not pat the converted on the back.,.but convert the MAGA maniacs to Democrats… These pep rallies are bullshit

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True in one sense, however, Bernie is still a Democrat as well. He just believes in social programs, like public schools, libraries, programs to feed the poor and their children, our veterans and their families, and other things as well. There is nothing wrong with that. I believe in them too. His messaging is strong and very believable regarding what we are fighting Trump about. I’d like to see more Democrats get into this fight just as he is doing. I know there are some that starting to speak up, but we need a heck of a lot more of them!!!

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I do not care what Bernie belie ves in… Millions of pepole think the same thing, bult if you keep losing elections, you will never be able to so shit. If Bernie were not so much in denial and split the vote,Democrats would win

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You are not alone or unique.

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You do not get it... This is not about educating.. These people do not need more information. They hate knowledge.. that is why they are such ignorant morons, and smell very very bad.

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It will take a margin. We don't need the MAGAs.

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Um...where are all the others? Love to Bernie.

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Please read my comment above. They are out there, but getting zero attention nationally. Interestingly, they are getting local attention, which might matter more right now as Democrats are trying to flip the House.---Jason

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I assume you mean they're getting zero attention from the lamestream press. That's true, but at least they're getting some attention from more credible venues - like this one!

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Don't forget you are streaming. Those who have notoriety and speak without fear of losing Republicans on the Hill are doing their job.

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Thank you Senator Sanders.

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Viva la Resistance ❗💃💥

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The 315 Movement started as a small group of Americans. Since then, 315 has grown into nationwide movement.

The 315 Movement has no formal leadership structure.


When will it happen?

March 15th, 2025.


To stop the rise of fascism and take America away from the oligarchs who are ruining the United States.

A corrupt billionaire class of oligarchs is dividing Americans. They are pitting us against each other. On March 15, we will demonstrate our power to oppose them.

Can 315 help?

YES. Billionaire oligarchs can't function without employees and other Americans who work for a living or buy stuff from oligarchs.

Oligarchs and their fascism must be stopped. The longer we wait to oppose them, the harder it will be to take our country back from them.

Who are the Americans organizing the 315 Movement?

You are. We are. All of us are every day Americans from diverse cultural and political backgrounds. We share the goal of opposing America's oligarchy.

315 is not a 1-day event.

It is the beginning of the end of rule by oligarchs.

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Come on…let’s stand together!

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Bernie absolutely rocks. Someone with complete moral character.

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Do you know him? Jesus shit Christ!!!!!

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Do YOU know him? Sh*t !

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Bernie brought the Burn

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Congratulations! Please distribute your itinerary so I can participate!

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Please ask Senator Bernie to come to New Orleans 🙏🏽

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Thank you Bernie for hopefully getting this movement started..it will take all of us to convince the scared to death Republicans to stand up to save our Democracy. They would rather save their seats and bow to these wealthy terrorists that are destroying our Nation, than stand up with integrity for our Constitution. It’s like Trump and his Cabal have injected the Kool Aid into these disgusting sheep bleating and running scared!

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They've been doing that for decades now. It's all they know how to do. From Grover Norquist to The Brothers Koch, they've been kowtowing to the palm greasers for their entire careers.

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Bernie, showing America how it’s done. We have to show up for each other, for our children, for our children’s children.

Our taxes siphoned from federal workers working on cancer research, schools, air traffic safety, nuclear safety!, bird flu, top military officers who protect us … they take our taxes for us to die, to feed the greed of the few.

Vote out these republicans who take our hard earned taxes for programs that help our families and hand them to the rich, who don’t need it!

Kids are dying, planes are crashing, fed workers losing their jobs, where will our taxes go? To pockets of the rich? More yachts for Bezos, more islands for Zuckerberg, for Musk to fire fed workers who protect us, control all our data to use against us, & Musk to buy more elections in countries.

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Great work Senator Sanders. Finally, someone standing up and fighting. Most if not all Republican congressmen don't have the courage to stand up to Musk/Trump.

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