Thank you for holding the line.

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Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I am going to add another weapon to my magazombie protection of my family... just in case. Suggest you all consider it too. I am a life long Democrat that first voted for Carter. I have never seen snake crap like this posing as "government."

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Stay strong! We are happy that you didn’t kiss the ring!!!

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I hope the AP can hold the line and not capitulate. I’m thinking there are ways the other news outlets can support the AP, like boycotting coverage until the AP is reinstated. More news outlets must take a stand or they will all suffer censorship in future.

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Unfortunately, other news outlets will capitulate out of fear. I hope the AP files suit as this is clearly a First Amendment violation. Just a sobering thought: In Germany in the 1930s, the AP bent the knee to Hitler (see a remarkable and depressing book titled Newshawks in Berlin: The Associated Press and Nazi Germany). I hope they have more of a spine now.

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American's don't know jack about history anymore and neither does the press corp. We kicked the crap out of the NAZI's 80 years ago and will have to do it again. These NAZI sympathizers will fail too in the end.

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AP Boycotting coverage is an excellent idea. Trump loves to be seen.

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Boycott everything associate with the magaidiot I say.

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You are exactly right. I hope that they all realize it!

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Keep standing up for your rights we need you!💙💙💙👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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So AP needs to lead the resistance to the disastrous Drumpf administration. Sue them. Confront and ask tough questions. Drumpf is scared and weak.

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You are on the right side - keep the faith and stay strong - integrity matters

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God bless the AP!

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YES !!! Stand UP stand up ! that’s right !! don’t back down !

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One of Hitler’s very first acts ~~ control all media outlets. Joseph Goeble, the greatest propagandist in history, poisoned the public with lies, hatred and antisemitism. FOX pretend news comes to mind.

HANG IN THERE AP! We have to know the truth!

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Thank you! Keep it up! We need you!!!

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Thank you so much for standing up for the first amendment! Continue to be strong as the American people need to have accurate newsfeed. 💕

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🫡I salute the AP and would do more were it within my power.🫡⚓️from a retired Navy Chief🫡

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SO proud of AP!! Are they here on Substack? I’d love to subscribe. (Leaves the chat to go look)!! 👀

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When you come back, tell us, too!

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I’m so proud of you! I know how hard it must be to do this but if you stand up to him, others might get a backbone and follow. It’s horrendous how so many are caving to his crazy demands. Part of this right wing agenda is to control the news (just like Putin and the other dictators). It’s insane and has to be stopped or you/we won’t have freedom of speech anyway.

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Stay strong, stand up to this fascist tyrant, and sue the pants off him!

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AP has big History in our Nation and also has a BIG BACKBONE. Carry-ON!

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