Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer announced that the state attorneys general would be immediately suing Trump over his federal funding freeze.
Once again it is up to the voters. But we must react as one. If we deluge our state and federal representatives with an overwhelming threat to not vote for them until they impeach and get rid of Trump, he will simply double down on his disastrous behavior!
I am not interested in impeachment right now. Been there, done that. I am pressuring for fighting back on illegal actions. This morning I read he took the page dedicated to the constitution off the white house page. That says to
Me we have to fight harder. We ALL need to flood our senators and congress people. Blue or red.
He was impeached twice. How did that work? Convicting him of the crimes he has committed should be a better path. And getting rid of the corrupt Judges he has appointed will help. THEY have allowed the Delay tactics.
Bye, attempting to destroy the rule of law, he will run headlong into his own destruction by the very system he wants to destroy. Keep the lawsuits coming!
It needs to be done each and every time this criminal, lawless racist, animal decides he can do whatever he wants! We, the people demand he remember our country is a democracy and WE will not give it up without a fight!
Schumer "to the rescue" gives me no comfort. Where are the goddamned Republican senators???? Oh! Right. On their knees bowing before das Fuhrer Donald. This country ccannot and will not survive four years of this. Most likely, not even one or two years of this draconian assault.
Those who voted for Trump will begin to realize who and what they voted for into office. This president is a con artist and a convicted felon. God help America.
Given that the majority of them obviously are part of the 30% of Americans who cannot read and comprehend at a 5th grade level, don't hold your breath.
I can just imagine the outcry when MAGA voters have their favorite program cut! Or they don't have a job to go to because of firings or cuts. How they will feel when their mother does get Meals-on-Wheels anymore! Much of this is blackmail so Democrats will vote to up the debt ceiling. Trump was going to cut these programs no matter what! Democratic legislators must not buckle to blackmail so Trump can reward his biggest supporters with a big tax break! This was always the plan in Project 2025.
This is Trump’s playbook, cause fear and chaos, hold the country to ransom by doing something totally illegal and beyond his power and hope that it’ll fly and he’ll get his way, which in this case is raising the debt ceiling. I pray this fundamentally broken congress finds the backbone to stand up for the American people and stop this insanity in its tracks,and may the states Attorneys General be victorious over this lawless despot.
It's about time people started doing something - Trump and his Project 2025 cohort are proceeding with their "shock and awe" campaigns to seize complete control, subjugate the citizens and impose their distorted Christian (supposedly) Nationalist views. Glad to see that the elected officials and AGs who actually care about people are standing up.
You need to call your republican house of representative, too. Go onto all social media accounts and comment on his accounts, too. Republicans need to hear this until they are drowning in the cacophony of tears from their constituents. And then turn to your neighbors and ask WTF did you do? Look how that florida felon is destroying our country and the Republicans are aiding and abetting him. They should all be locked up!
And you realize that when traditional means are now broken since Trump has broken them, still using traditional means of accomplishing change will not work.
This needs to happen across the board for all the things he’s doing. We need to hear from the Democrats their outrage. Stop Congress and the Senate from doing anything until they stop this assault on America
I am glad they are fighting back. DO NOT HELP THE FELON or his cohorts
Once again it is up to the voters. But we must react as one. If we deluge our state and federal representatives with an overwhelming threat to not vote for them until they impeach and get rid of Trump, he will simply double down on his disastrous behavior!
I am not interested in impeachment right now. Been there, done that. I am pressuring for fighting back on illegal actions. This morning I read he took the page dedicated to the constitution off the white house page. That says to
Me we have to fight harder. We ALL need to flood our senators and congress people. Blue or red.
Impeachment will not work so long as the majority party is in thrall to the wannabe dictator.
He was impeached twice. How did that work? Convicting him of the crimes he has committed should be a better path. And getting rid of the corrupt Judges he has appointed will help. THEY have allowed the Delay tactics.
Pee in his soup and on his burger
Bye, attempting to destroy the rule of law, he will run headlong into his own destruction by the very system he wants to destroy. Keep the lawsuits coming!
It needs to be done each and every time this criminal, lawless racist, animal decides he can do whatever he wants! We, the people demand he remember our country is a democracy and WE will not give it up without a fight!
Schumer "to the rescue" gives me no comfort. Where are the goddamned Republican senators???? Oh! Right. On their knees bowing before das Fuhrer Donald. This country ccannot and will not survive four years of this. Most likely, not even one or two years of this draconian assault.
The goddamned Republican Senators can be found at the same place as the House Republicans: in thrall to the wannabe dictator.
Schumer is among the worst. All gas and no go.
Those who voted for Trump will begin to realize who and what they voted for into office. This president is a con artist and a convicted felon. God help America.
Given that the majority of them obviously are part of the 30% of Americans who cannot read and comprehend at a 5th grade level, don't hold your breath.
I can just imagine the outcry when MAGA voters have their favorite program cut! Or they don't have a job to go to because of firings or cuts. How they will feel when their mother does get Meals-on-Wheels anymore! Much of this is blackmail so Democrats will vote to up the debt ceiling. Trump was going to cut these programs no matter what! Democratic legislators must not buckle to blackmail so Trump can reward his biggest supporters with a big tax break! This was always the plan in Project 2025.
It's going to hurt the red states more. Their populations need to rise up against the Rs they elected.
Don't hold your breath. You're a nice person and I wouldn't want to see you turn blue and die. :-)
I'm already blue. And will have to move to another state in a few months. Luckily a blue one.
Personal note: since you're in the LA area, I pray you and yours are safe.
More than lawsuits need to be done to eliminate this monster "president".
This is Trump’s playbook, cause fear and chaos, hold the country to ransom by doing something totally illegal and beyond his power and hope that it’ll fly and he’ll get his way, which in this case is raising the debt ceiling. I pray this fundamentally broken congress finds the backbone to stand up for the American people and stop this insanity in its tracks,and may the states Attorneys General be victorious over this lawless despot.
Gotta start someplace.
It's about time people started doing something - Trump and his Project 2025 cohort are proceeding with their "shock and awe" campaigns to seize complete control, subjugate the citizens and impose their distorted Christian (supposedly) Nationalist views. Glad to see that the elected officials and AGs who actually care about people are standing up.
Glad they are trying this.
This is unconscionable!!
I am calling both of my senators. They are both Democrats. My Representative in the House is a Republican.
You need to call your republican house of representative, too. Go onto all social media accounts and comment on his accounts, too. Republicans need to hear this until they are drowning in the cacophony of tears from their constituents. And then turn to your neighbors and ask WTF did you do? Look how that florida felon is destroying our country and the Republicans are aiding and abetting him. They should all be locked up!
I will do that today.
Same here, Virginia. Sigh 😑
Like another lawsuit against Trump will do anything. Big Sigh.
Right. I’ll celebrate when we get the results we want. Put Jasmine Crockett and AOC in charge then something might actually succeed.
If lawsuits are how Dems are going to fight, we are all in big trouble.
Lawsuits are what we have. You do remember we aren't the majority in congress, don't you?
And you realize that when traditional means are now broken since Trump has broken them, still using traditional means of accomplishing change will not work.
This needs to happen across the board for all the things he’s doing. We need to hear from the Democrats their outrage. Stop Congress and the Senate from doing anything until they stop this assault on America
I see Ds all the time. Then again, I watch MSNBC which actually has them on.
Do not raise the debt limit or succumb to traitorous Republicans. Every AG should have gone to court against Donald already.