About time! Shut it down! This government is two parties not just maga!!

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Shut this shit show DOWN!!!

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About fucking time the democrats hear our voices!

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Damn straight!!!!!!!!!!

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The far left Democrats are playing to their base. In doing so they are pushing moderates and Independents away just as they did with Harris in November. This is not a winning strategy.

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There is no winning strategy when one side refuses to have respect regard for the other. What winning is there when they're trashing vets and immigrants and poor people? Life is not just politics and it's a shame that one half of our Congress is so dedicated to division. There is nothing the Democrats could do when the other side is so intent on vilifying and dividing.

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Try understanding that the uber wealthy are a minority. Stop treating them like their poop does not stink. It does and so does #dearleader. I cannot think of one redeemable quality that #dearleader and his merry band of selfish, stupid, asshats have. They are fake, dishonest, selfish, selfcentered, thoughtless, destructive, nasty, putrid, disloyal to their families, even supporters. Burntsienna even said publicly that he would not support jd's run for President. I happen to agree BUT I also did not vote for Burntsienna EVER!

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I agree with Melani. We are at war, for all intents and purposes. Does the General say give in? Hell NO!!

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And note that the General doesn't say wait stop everything and go scratch up that car (Tesla) for what purpose would that waste of energy and lack of focus on the fight and winning be?

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I am not far left. I’m a moderate, and I agree that they should stop being afraid of the damn Republicans that insist on playing hardball. So be it. The Dems need to hit that hardball right back at them. Enough is Enough!

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It may be good timing to cram the phone with thank you messages of support.

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Are you trolling? We no longer have a far left. Republicans have moved so far to the right that as Democrats tried to be “moderate” that they became centrists.

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Men in women sports? Protecting illegal criminals? Fire bombing charging stations? There is no far left you say? Sorry but having a different opinion than you is not trolling.

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We need that shutdown. Only opportunity to tell the rino’s in numbers of people that WE DO NOT SUPPORT WHAT THEY ARE DOING‼️

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Let us hope they have the courage of their voters. This is the first time they have stood up and it needs to be constant and visible to the public. They need to be out there in their own districts making their positions known publicly so the people of their districts can weigh in as well. Btw, you have more than the wealthy people in your districts so please step out of your comfort zones and engage with everyone.

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what? -- really? -- but his mommy said he is a genius!!!

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Dems need to get out to the public and repeatedly explain why the Trump bots are too blame for the shutdown. Flood the zone, use they're own tactics against them. Need a massive campaign, otherwise this will be twisted by the bots making it look like the Dems are to blame. We have seen this so many times before. Flood the damn zone!!

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they need to come out here and rally us and talk to us -- follow Bernie's lead -- and break the mold by following Mark Kelly's example and visit Ukraine -- it would give all of the downtrodden hope -- it would be what an abused individual does to survive -- they reach out and around their abuser -- it deflates the abuser and strengthens the abused -- it also deflects gaslighting -- we need hope and rally's and drums!!

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That is what Bannon would say

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Bannon is so evil and vile.

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They finally listened to us! Good.👍🏻 now we have to flood the zone bc republicans already started blaming the Dems for the shut down!

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If Republicans won’t do a town hall, invite a Democrat to hold the town hall. Tim Walz will do this! Find others.

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That is what Bernie Sanders is doing -- Holding rally's all over the country in Red states.

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this is war and they were on the front line and did the right thing -- maybe thanks are in order -- a show of support -- coupled with a demand they come out and host rally's and speak to us -- or go to Ukraine -- both would be a powerful push against the evil we are up against here

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Finally some courage from Democrats! Don't cave in, or we WILL visit your townhall meetings...

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I want to say this:

The Senate Democrats only got to this point because of the loud and strong VOICE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE calling Capitol Hill, calling home offices, and showing up with friends. Thank you, ALL OF US, for getting the message through to the electeds.

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Democrats have no solutions to the problems they create. Meanwhile, People are still in shock and cannot understand how Harris could have lost to Trump. First, the Democrats had the mainstream media in their pockets. Second, Taylor Swift and other celebrities endorsed her. Finally, Kamala had such a compelling policy position concerning yellow school buses, green lawns, being unburdened by the burdens of burden, and a wonderful appreciation of Venn diagrams! How was it possible?

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Does it occur to you that teh GOP suppressed voters in the south, ran billions in ads paid for by Musk and others, trashed Kamala nonstop, and propped up Putin's puppet every day? He was awful at the Biden debate-never answered one question. But because he's loud and bangs his fist on the podium, he's somehow lucid and strong? No he's the same creepy bully her was at age 12 when Mommy sent him to military school. He's still and at Mommy and he takes it out on all females.

He is a FELON, a crook, a liar, acheat and he's your hero? Good Lord, wake up. He is destroying freedom.

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Please explain why 60% of America voted him in.

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Many, widely-discussed reasons. Please explain why 55% of men picked Trump.

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Black, Latino and young men at that. A lot of men were sick of being told they are terrible and there is nothing they can do, and that's I think the huge mistake that Democrats made.And the unwillingness of anybody on the center-left to just have a straightforward conversation about men's mental health, about male employment, about male wages had created a gigantic vacuum in our culture and in our politics.

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55% of men voted for Trump because they felt that their unexpressed feelings were hurt. Gotcha.

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The Democrats did not have MSM in their pockets. MSM has been fluffing Trump for ratings for quite some time. It’s why they’re hemorrhaging subscribers and viewers.

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F.y., Chuck Schumer.

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Oh, I hope they stand strong and don't cave!!!! If we can just live until the midterms, things will be all different, I'm positive.

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Heck, a Democrat just won today's special election in the Minnesota Senate, so our voting still has power and Dems can still win. We don't even have to wait until the midterms, there's special elections going on, now all over the country. Every little election counts!

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April 1 in Florida District 1 and 6 for Congress!!!!!! Vote Valimont and Vote Weil!!!!!

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Things will be gone. As Steve Schmidt said, "no one is coming to save us." We can do this.

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Nobody wants to shut down government, but fucking enough is enough... There has not been this much built up anger and frustration since the sixties.. This mother fucker Trump is trying to create anti opinion and thinking laws.. This is 1984 visualized on steroids... You can not suppress college demonstrations... The campus has been the embryo of creative thought and dissension since Rome. I remember Berkeley... I remember the Bombing at Madison,,, I remember all of it,,,,and there is one thing , of many, that I know: You can not legislate morality and you do not take a United States citizen, tear him away from his life, his pregnant wife, and his home, and place him in detention in a grantite hole in Louisiana.. The assole running ICE should have a baseball shoved up his ass, and his car bombed. They all should be utterly ashamed of themselves This egregious shit is awful beyond description and everybody is starting to get pissed... This Trump nighmare is giving many many people reason for concern....and you can only push so far, before reasonable people, with reasonable opinions can stand no more.

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Until musk and all those he brought in are removed shut it down.

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Which eight senate democrats were wavering? We will need to keep up the messaging

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May be a bigger issue than the CR vote. Need to ask what powers does a shutdown give the president?

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Fetterman for one

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Its all over the media. Google it.

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Dear Schumer,

Shut this shit down!!!

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Shut it down! I do not say that lightly, I know there are people who will experience some hardship during this shutdown, but two thoughts...

The alternative will mean that Democrats have lost their last chance to hold any sway over this administration and once you give away that control, we will see MUCH WORSE happen since they will have complete free reign.


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Someone has to continue to show they have a spine. Let's just hope the American voter takes the time to inform themselves as to why Senate Democrats refuse to vote for this shit-filled piece of legislation.

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