100% Slotkin did a great job. So did Al green but there CAN be two heroes can't there?

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Keith Olbermann on one of his recent podcasts said we need to put the "Clinton" War room back together and get ahead of the Putin traitor train curve with counter moves and quick thinking people. Drive the message and narrative. Stay on OUR taking points and quit the squirrel bait of magaland.

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I love Keith and his outrage

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Olberman should stick to sports. Clinton pushing NAFTA and losing millions of union jobs in rust belt states was a major contributing factor in causing white workers to leave the democratic party and vote for Trump, twice.

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Yes, it is extremely frustrating to have her as my senator. I make daily calls to her office, using the 5 Calls app, voicing my opinions and urging her to make the right choices.

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I get Bernie Moreno and Jon Husted. 🙄 They're worthless and non-responsive.

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Who did she vote for? All I doubt… I will stick together with the democrats they are 100 percent better then any damn republican!!! The nit pick is what the repubs want. They are good at licking his ass…

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Click the link. She lists right on her website. She's not hiding it. I'm only impressed by a handful of Democrats and Slotkin ain't one of them. I'll keep nitpicking until the politicians in this country remember that THEY are the servants.

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Disgusting cabinet members and are watching the Inited States fall! Vote every R out or we will never get this country back!!!!!!!

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Tell us how Dems are actually working to overturn the dictatorship. Besides a speech and walkout. The writing is on the wall. Democrats are not gonna save us. But you have publications who praised Democrats no matter what even though they’re failing us each and every day. Speech or no speech. Stand up and walk out or sit and comply. They fail us and continue to do so.

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Negative Nellies we do not need …

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I am an outraged Canadian and can see you point somewhat. But, the Democrats are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The Media with the exception of MSNBC and now we really don't know about that, seem to want to indulge in all of the lies and theatrics that trump has to offer. I am DONE. We here in Canada are going to fight back and fight back hard on behalf of all Canadians and our American neighbours who really care and there a a lot. The tariffs, the rhetoric is enough. NOW WE MUST ACT AND ACT WE WILL. Yes, we will all hurt a little but the end game will be DEMOCRACY WINS. Let the Orange Menance and all those elected republicans who kiss the ring and bend the knee head off to their new homeland RUSSIA.

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Thankyou .. we in America that voted against the pig are devastated by the control of cruelty and our courts are in Trumps pocket too. I am 68 and terrified. I can only vote and that seems to be going to become tampered with to. He is a crook!!!

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There is always HOPE Deb, and we are working here in Canada to try and make this all go away along with Democrats in your Country. Prayerfully, we will get all this chaos to be short term. Prayerfully again, let's continue to bring to the attention of all good people how trump and his ilk are taking away all that is good in America and get him out. We here have a wannabe and we are facing an uphill battle as well. Apathy is rampant. Hang in there Deb, it will get better God bless America and Canada and all the good people of the World.

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Negative Nellie? What are Democrats doing right now to fight 47’s impending dictatorship? Serious question.

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maybe it's time to stop focusing on party politics. There are good Rs out there, and definitely a lot of spineless Ds. But the point remains: MAGA is running our economy into the crapper, and we are the laughingstock of the free world.

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Name one good R . They vote for him and our afraid of him. All voted for his dictator type rule! They voted for his

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Adam Kinzinger is a good R and many R voters are following him. I don’t believe Trump won a majority or a mandate—he’s a crackpot as at least some of his “base” has already recognized, and many others stayed home entirely. Whether Ds will recover as a united opposition party remains to be seen. Most important rn is to overturn Citizens United which has perverted the democratic process.

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Glad if you follow the votes of leaders .. but to make assumptions I tell people to look up the votes don’t listen to any one.. I have two r senators and 2 d congresswomen. The republicans follow trump !!

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It was milquetoast that didn’t come close to fighting the dangerous times we find ourselves in Congressman Al Green was the hero in the room.

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It was an address for a national audience of moderates and Democrats, and people who regret their vote for Trump. It was perfect for that crowd.---Jason

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How do you figure that when she didn’t even talk about the most horrendous disgusting things he’s done to the American people in six short weeks. What about the rest of us who are beside our self because we pay attention and they have no fight in them? For God sakes, Jefferies and Schumer couldn’t even address the American people the night. Trump kicked Zelensky out of the White House.

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very, very weak.

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I think both author and commenter are correct here. It was a good rebuttal that can and should have gone further in order to make it a great rebuttal.

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AGREE. Green stood out. That's what we need more of. FIGHT. Not mealy mouth 'logic'. Another couple of dozen Dems should have gotten loud and kicked out to show we mean business, instead of maintaining our status as National Doormats.

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Agree. Where is the call to action to usurp the tyrant and his backers?

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Sadly it is up to the voters to vote them out….

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You understand of course that there won't be any more elections in America. If they are held in 2026 and America is still standing as some sort of despotic democracy and America has not been made a vassal state of Russia or China then the elections are unlikely to be fair (refer Russian elections as an example).

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I thought she came across strong. I was incredibly happy She wasn't in a kitchen.

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Hahahaha! I remember Katie Britt sitting in her very expensive kitchen spouting incendiary lies about immigrants and lamenting that no woman is safe as long as they are allowed to capture, r*pe, and traffic innocent women.

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Wow that's a pretty low bar

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Slotkin gave a great rebuttal speech. Remember Little Marco’s when he choked on his water? The Dems should utilize her more. She’s concise and very relatable.

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I thought that Senator Slotkin did an excellent job. From what I heard, Trump barely made any sense and he lied the entire time. I also heard that the Democrats booed him when he said he supported the police. Good for them!

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Sadly doesn’t matter…his sycophants drank it up…like kool-aid

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They are a lost cause.

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That's my Senator!!!

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My granddaughter lives in Michigan, so I am claiming Senator Slotkin as a senator. Why? I live in SC, and have two "senators" who kiss trump's ring.

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Mine too!

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I thought she was great! 🤗

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Making a speech and acting on that speech or two different things.

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Senator Elissa Slotkin was absolutely incredible!! She had a challenging speech to give and she hit it out of the park!!!!

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Slandered and abused

Beaten, bruised, but still fighting

For you - I am Truth

Not welcomed by all

To those who would do you harm

I’m the enemy

Behold my allies

Diverse views, skepticism

Inconvenient facts

My foes tell their flocks

“Others will lie to you. I’ll

tell you what to think!”

They’re threatened by me

Their power comes from closed minds

Anger, fear and hate

They will convince you

You didn’t see what you saw

Or hear what you heard

They will vilify

Shout-down, demean and malign

Those who speak for me

Trust your eyes and ears

Trust your power to reason

Trust I am there, but …

May be obscure. There’s

not always a smoking gun.

Sometimes, only smoke

But connect the dots

The proof is in the picture

Yes, that’s me you see

I’ve nothing to hide

I can stand your scrutiny

Because I am Truth

©2020 HHThorpe. All rights reserved.

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Poet laureate worthy!

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Great words. Put them into action, now.

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This woman voted to make Krist Noem head of Homeland Security

She can't be trusted

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I agree. These are not normal times. Slotkin said her reason was that a president has a right to select the people in his cabinet. In normal times, this would be true. But today, Slotkin forgot the lesson of Chamberlain and Czechoslovakia. Slotkin is playing politics. The Republicans are waging war.

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Got to remember only one can give a rebuild and they picked her out because she is low key but very relatable and on point

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A good speaker with knowledgeable comments. Believable. Trustworthy

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I think the Democratic rebuttal was very well done

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Let’s hope the Democrats have a plan, and a strong one.

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The plan is to keep beating that drum and win next year, because in Congress they have very little power right now.---Jason

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we (dems) have a couple of special races we might be able to win without waiting for 2026!!

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Democratic plan:

Rebuild the "Clinton" war room with good, honest, bright people to counter punch maga and throw fresh punches. Use a Democratic version of Lee Atwater: attack opponents "supposed strengths," push real polls because most American's back progressive ideas. Stay on topic(s), hammer them everyday make sure they fit on a bumper sticker; ex. When are EGG prices going down? Or, Tariffs = Tax! Or, Murderous dictators are NOT our friends. Rather then constantly asking for money via text, organize and deploy ACTIONS to get people involved.

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I think she did a fantastic job. Very clear, factual and about all the things that most Americans care about. She pulled no punches. I agree, the Democrats need to use her a lot more. Common sense is such a welcome change from the chaos, bluster & lies from Trump. She packed a lot in for a rebuttal speech. So proud of her!

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Well done Sen. Slotkin.

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If we have elections in 2026. Dump will find some reason, however flimsy, to declare a national emergency and suspend them. We must do everything in our power to win the 3 special elections and take back the House this month!

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