That’s exactly what it was, a setup/ambush! Unconscionable, it just reeks of the Cheeto beholden to Putin…

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As I watched the nightmare unfold, my first thought was that the whole thing was a setup. I agree with Chris Murphy’s statement 100%!

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Yup. I watched it. Total setup. Disgusting. Our country is being led by idiots. ✊🇺🇸😎

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Trump and Vance are traitors.

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tRump , Vance, Musk and Johnson are fascists and exercising treasonous behaviors and treasonous decisions against the United States.

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We, those of us who would prefer not to live in a MAGA installed Fascist country, will not be able to solve our Trump/Vance/Musk/Johnson problem until either a third of (R) congressmen rebel (HIGHLY unlikely, given their bobble head integrity) OR; a blue wave midterm in 2026 gives enough voting power back to those willing to make an impeachable offense actually remove corrupted officials from office. Buckle your seatbelts and grit your teeth….

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Do we have that amount of time. Things are moving fast. Will there be any more 'fair' elections?

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Extremely valid questions !

Several justified challenges are outstanding - with supporting evidence - that Trump/Musk and minions are actively compromising the software used to tally the votes after they are fed into the voting machines. We’ve heard Trump brag that we; “…won’t have to vote anymore!” Without the tech savvy to know, I’m left with the hope that the software engineers at the companies that built the system are good enough to now anticipate devious actors and secure those systems or replace them.

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Enough people will suffer and die before the midterms, but people are so absent minded and don't care about others who are less fortunate than themselves and rightfully they will vote or not depending on what they are enjoying at that moment in time.

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Absolutely. And all the MAGA Republicans in the House and across the country are as guilty of treason as those four are. They're just the four ringleaders. 🇺🇸💙

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They are all enablers, co-conspirators.. All GOP's going along with these perversions of justice, are equally guilty. Notably, the penalty for treason is death.

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I'm sorry, but you left out the majority of the GOP Senate and House. They are hanging together because they will hang separately once they are on the outside looking back at what they caused and they most assuredly have caused too much damage. In any other country they would be in prison.

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Context is everything, and even without knowing what happened before Zelinskyy entered the OO, it's plain to see what's going on because:

1. Trump is craven and obvious, and Vance is a sycophant desperate for power; and

2. Zelinskyy remains as consistent as he has been for the past 3 years, and as soon as 3 days ago literally offered to resign to stop the war and invasion.

So Trump and Vance just continue to reveal their lack of character, and then when the entire GOP Congress stays silent and ineffectual, they reveal the context that we now live in an authoritarian state.

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All cowards!

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Of the many explanations, this is one of the most plausible. It remains, what is in it for Trump to support Putin so staunchly? Russia is clearly on the back foot right now and with a little support, the US could easily achieve the goal of removing them from the world stage and any further serious competition. What does Tump get for saving Putin? There is always something in it for Trump

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Trump acts as if he is beholden to Putin in some way. All his actions make sense only if he is in some way a Russian asset.

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He's been a Russian asset since he was turned in 1980.

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The senile old traitor has been a Russian asset since he was turned back in 1980., Call him by his real name, the one his Russian handlers gave him back then: Krasnov.

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Perhaps Krasnov wants to become one of Putin’s oligarchs and to elevate America to being one of his satellite states.

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Drumpf was again Putin to office, with Muskrat's help. Russia spoke out that Drumpf Must make good for Russia's help to put Drumpf back in the WH

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Clever use of words: "Drumpf was again 'Putin' to office".

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Thank you

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This may sound idiotic but I think DJT is incapable of seeing anything beyond his own bottom line…as in, real estate/business investments in Russia, and perhaps even a skim off rare earth metals mining in Ukraine. Vance as well has a history of amoral finance deal making. Thank G-d Zelenskyy didn’t fall for this ruse.

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Trump Moscow that he was working on before he was elected the first corruptible time.

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Thank you Chris Murphy for explaining the truth!

I believe in Zelensky and the Ukrainian people.

I do not believe in the lying, convicted-felon Donald tRump.

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Chris Murphy was exactly correct about the meeting being staged to push Zelenskyy into surrendering to Russia so Putin could march in and consume the Ukrainians!

He stood his ground and Trump went crazy!

Trump wanted a victory for making it happen.

Now, Trump doesn’t understand why all of the European Leaders endorsed support for Zelleskii! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Trump nor Vance have any negotiating skills or leadership capabilities and it showed bigly!!! 😳

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But they excel at bullying big time.

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But their elementary school playground bullying act didn't work, did it? So they're even failures at that, along with every other thing they try to do and fail at.

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Any informed person was already informed about the orange imbecile and his BULLYING before he was ever elected. They must have been closet bullies and wanted a bully in the White House to kick ass and take names except they will now become a victim of the BIG BULLY BULLSHITTER AND LIAR SUPREME.

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Well said. Sad to say that the posting was as accurate as it was sad for the U.S.

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I totally agree adding who the hell cares what Zelenskyy had on! What about Musk in his t-shirt!!!!

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And at a cabinet meeting, no less. Pot, meet kettle.

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And his 4 yr. old telling Drumpf to "shush his f ing mouth, he's Not the President and should just go away "

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But he's the most wealthy drug addict in the world and paid almost a half billion dollars for the chance to destroy America and profit from the destruction putting himself in the place of profitable enterprises and kicking out those who don't kiss his feet like the orange imbecile Trump.

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We have awful and stupid men in chsrge of our country. So sad. And embarrassing.

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Because we have 77million sub-Pithecanthropus droolers in this country.

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And, we had 90 million who chose not to vote at all for whatever reason.

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They are the responsible ones who have betrayed the American people because they were too lazy to get off their duffs to go vote.

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Yep. And now we are an enemy of the free world. Can ya believe that. SMH.


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tramp is not a negotiator and vance certainly is less qualified to negotiate anything. Zelensky listened to their setup and destroyed their m.o by asking vance a question. A question that Zelensky already knew the answer. Zelensky went from defense to offense and the emotions in vance,then tramp, exploded and the true meaning of the ambush came to light. The fools got fooled and Zelensky made them like it. Wonderful example of a LEADER/Zelensky!!! And two losers

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Exactly Norman, President Zelensky asked Vance if he has ever been to Ukraine, inviting him to do so, just Once! Stupid ass Vance said," no but I saw pictures." What a Fuck Face Vance IS! I won't honor Vance with the title he most surely disgraces!

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We have to deal with the dumbass crew that was elected but I can’t wait for it to end.

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Ya. That was a pretty stupid response, wasn't it.

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Well he got his own crowd this weekend in Vermont . Let's hope the crowd keeps playing it forward until he won't want to be in USA .

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Zelensky is a very bright man, and those two bozos couldn’t hold a candle to him.

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Clothes do not maketh the man, Vance had a suit on, but he is still just a fucking hillbilly, given his background is it possible he suffers from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome, he is as unbalanced as Trump and then we have Musk. The lunatics have truly taken over the asylum that is today's US.

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Maga’s president trump and maga vp vance showed how uncouth, despicable, disgusting, hateful, hillbilly maggots do the deal. Way to go asswipes. You out did your nasty selves. 🤢🤮😡

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Shameful behavior. I'm so embarrassed to be an American at this moment in time.

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The rest of the world knows that not all Americans are supporters of The Felon and his minions. They see the protests.

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Thank you Sharon.

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Sadly Sharon the time to protest was at your last election. This is not new Trump, this is the same Trump from his last term, but emboldened because not only did he win the election the American voters gave him the congress and Senate to go with his handpicked, corrupt supreme court.

Putin clearly has something on Trump, I wonder how much money he owns Russians and we are truly going to find out how high a price the world is going to pay to stop the publication of whatever it is that Putin has.

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Don't give up. That's what they want. We have to stand together and resist however we are able.

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Zelensky is a Man. He has integrity and is very intelligent. He kept his cool. He was ready for the sham moves thrown at him. President Felon & VP Pork chop became upset when they tried to play Zelensky & he stood up to them. It is what punks do when halted. Another embarrassment. But this was on the World stage. We must all join together to end this national disaster. Put pressure on all of your representatives on every level to resist this coup on America!!!

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Pure gaslighting to trick people into believing Z is to blame - everyone knows what they saw- turning into the salute gate all over again .

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i felt so sad for president of ukraine

i wouldnt trust trump with a bottle of ketchup

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But he showed his leadership as he "held his own" during the assault. For a minion VP to shout at a courageous President of a country fighting for its survival sank America to a new low.

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And the flaming proud Republican voters will still vote for their BOY REGARDLESS IF THEY ARE PROVEN CRIMINALS.

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I did too delmonte amendola, the Brave Ukrainian President has been fighting for not only their freedom but also for ours! That's why President Zelensky spoke out about the ocean that separates us but not a guarantee that the US is immune from Russian attacks

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And the orange stupid puppet of Putin spouted his intolerable crapola.

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And sadly the genius Lumpy couldn't even understand what Zelensky was trying to point out . Because he's so defensive to Putin .. .not the USA ...this was proof of that ...undeniably

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