Why won’t interviewers just say that’s a lie? You are lying.

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They’re afraid they won’t come back on their shows. To which I say good! Who needs to hear these lying sacks of shit lie every Sunday?

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I came to say this. The mainstream media is just as corrupt and manipulative as trump. You can not count on them to give a fair and accurate account of the news. By not pushing back and calling out the lies, the interviewer lost all credibility and gave weight to what Scott was saying. The absolute opposite of what should have happened here. If you think it’s not by design, it is.

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Fuck the media. Nazi plutocrats lying every day all day. Tired of this shit yet?

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Did read the entire piece? Tapper stated the facts.

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Did he call Scott out in real time? During the interview? When it mattered most? JW

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yes, but Tapper didn’t call him on all those lies as Scott was saying them! I think Tapper knew that if he didn’t tiptoe around things that he would end up in a midnight slot like they tried to do to Jim Acosta, at which point Acosta took the high road and got the hell out of there!! Legacy media really stinks.

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He mildly noted that inflation wasn't 20%. that was it

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He did but left out the *fact* that Scott was flat out lying.

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This a million percent!!!! It is so wrong and unpatriotic! I am off msm but so many believe this crap!!!

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Yes! Jake Tapper should have corrected him right then and there! Stop letting them lie to the viewers!

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Because Jake Tapper is a loser, I hope that answered your question.

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Because the truth is voters usually punish presidents when the economy is poor and reward presidents when the economy is strong, but no matter who sits in the Oval Office, their actual power over economic conditions is limited. The pandemic-era recession and post-pandemic inflation binge were both worldwide phenomena. The real kingpin of economic growth and inflation arguably isn't the president—it's the Federal Reserve chair.

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Scott is as bad as Trump, Vance. Another lying sack of shit. Rick, STFU!

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He owned a company that committed the largest amount of Medicare fraud in history. Why isn’t he in jail?

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I think he pleaded the 5th 75 or more times in his deposition. And yet the voters of Florida elected him governor twice and now senator. Stupid racist assholes!

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And the RNC put him in charge of the piggyback. Isn't something like $80 million unaccounted in that piggyback? So if a poor SS beneficiary gets over paid by $80 because SS made a mistake, it's THEIR fault and they have to pay.

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Yes he blamed it on his staff!

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The CEO assholes get rewarded far more than any one person is worth, then try to blame their subordinates. Disgusting setup we have.

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Yes if you’re a white male CEO! I owned a healthcare consulting /medical billing company and if I had committed Medicare fraud I would have been sent to federal prison without delay.

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What a liar. 👖on 🔥

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We get the government we deserve.

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Pleaded the 5th 75 times… then got re-elected to the senate.. lots of republican crooks live in Florida!!

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He ripped off our Medicare and when under oath , with his health company , he took the 5th instead of answering the questions numerous times! He is the same as Trump!

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The Biden administration added more jobs each month than any other president in history and created more manufacturing jobs as well! Why do the interviewers not point out the real facts….the best economy in the world…the lowest inflation rate since Covid! He is as complicit with allowing him to lie and get away with it!

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Rick Scott, the latest Medicare fraudster in our history, stealing millions of our tax dollars- seems to be lying through his perverted trump lenses.

Please when writing these articles- start with the facts, then the lies, and then why no reporter cdll the BS out!

Trump folks won’t read your the end. Many won’t read your the end. Facts first please. “Rick Scott lied but first, here are the facts so the lies are clear”.

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I came from NY with Schumer and Gillibrand for Senators so living in Florida with this clown as our only Senator - little Marco is SOS - is beyond painful. This guy is horrible and can’t even articulate the Trump playbook. What a waste.

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He’s a MEDICARE $ THIEF! He NEEDS To Be PROSECUTED For MEDICARE $ FRAUDS of MILLIONS Of TAXPAYERS FUNDED $! He’s Just Pissed Off cause he Wasn’t CHOSEN To be in Control!

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Rick Scott is a very rich asshole because his company stole more from Medicare than any other entity in history! What a LYING ASSHOLE he is! When the Revolution occurs, throw this asshole in prison for the rest of his miserable life!!!

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I think he’s spineless and only cares about helping himself not his constituents!

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Scott is a crook and an imbecile. JFC I can’t stand this 🤡 I hate living in Florida. If it wasn’t for me being so close with my kids and my grandkids I’d be out of here. Scott lies then he passes on fascist 47s lies. I can’t keep up with all the lies ffs. I need a bingo card!!!

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Yes my kids and grandkids are here too…

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Rick Scott should be in Prison for massive Medicare fraud in Alabama years ago. He is a LIAR and a Thief. Vote him OUT.

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What was the Largest Clawback in corporate history? 0,yeah!- this Fuckers Illigetimate health insurance scam! So that makes a good resume’ down there in floriduh- ahh, now I get it. Koolaids in da water

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The lies need to be shut down before they are said. Correcting them afterwards doesn’t work. They make their point without being truthful. Scott could have blamed Obama and it would have stuck.

You cannot let the lie be said. It becomes an alternative fact.

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I think these sacks of shit should be shouted down every time they lie…which is whenever they open their hateholes.

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I’m sick of the stupid republicans and trump trying to blame all this on Biden. They need to man up and start telling the truth about what is happening. We the citizens of this United States know what is happening. So they need to fix this or we will!

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It seems like Jake Tapper could be prepared to call out Rick Scott’s lies. But Jake and the media are just plain lazy. It’s easier to let the trumpers lie than come to the table with facts and truth and call out the lying liars and to their faces and not let them obfuscate the truth.

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Voldemort is just another corrupt, lying GOP hypocrite. It’s a shame so many Floridians are too ignorant & hateful to see how badly scum like Scott & his fellow republicans are screwing them & our country over

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Florida never covers government in the news. People are busy working and they really keep them dumb

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I live in FL these days & I’m convinced the heat makes people crazy ;)

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He’s afraid of Trump too! He has to look like a fool to make HIM happy!

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