Thank you to the judge who issued this order!

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Trump is Hitler wanna be. A FACIST Bigoted monster

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I am puzzled and upset it took 3 days to find a judge willing to defend the Country and the constitution against such an egregious assumption of power!

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Thank you Judge!! May the rest of the judges continue to be so clear and so smart!!

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We must not be distracted by the 'shock & awe' tactics of #Turnip but instead concentrate on the real battles such as his attempts to strip reproductive, civil and voting rights. Without those we are severely handicapped in the fight to save Democracy.

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I have already heard supporters of trump’s effort to gut the constitutional guarantees of the 14th Amendment try to explain that the birthright was for freed slaves and should only be interpreted as such. Let’s see them apply that logic to “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state….”!

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Ask them how they feel about trump himself, whose mother was an immigrant, and four of his kids, whose mothers were immigrants. I am not sure if any of them were citizens when they were born.

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They were not.

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Some are saying that trump did this because he's still jealous of President Obama.

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Probably, he likes to brood

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This shows what a horrid dictator does. Thank you, Judge, for doing what’s right. It’s a shame that some judges have forgotten (conveniently) how truth and the Constitution need to be respected in the rule of law. And true law is being thrown out the window by all of these horrific followers of the evil orange idiot.

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Trump is Hitler reincarnated. He is following the Nazi playbook almost to the letter. Thank goodness there are still some judges who respect our Constitution. This won't be the last of Trumps "executive" orders that need to be blocked.

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May this be the first of many.

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Ok....now let's block the rest of his nonsensical EOs.....starting with the health & sciences info from the WHO & CDC that he has blocked & the hell his mandate to round up illegals, whether they're illegal or not .... there is no time to waste here.....that bloated orange bag of vomit is spewing trash everywhere....& put the Constitution back up on the White House website STAT

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WAHOO! There are some Republicans who haven’t completely lost their minds!

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I seem to remember Russian oligarchs’ wives staying at Trump properties so their children would be born in the US. Am I imagining this?

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You are NOT imagining that. I don't know how many rich Russians have brought their pregnant wives here to give birth to anchor babies over the years. Many of them did stay at Trumps properties while waiting to give birth.https://www.thedailybeast.com/russians-flock-to-trump-properties-to-give-birth-to-us-citizens/

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Thank god for Judge Coughenour and the 9th Circuit. In his many decades on the bench he has universally been viewed as a tough, no-nonsense judge with very little patience for poor, stupid, politically-motivated lawyering in his courtroom. I can almost hear him cutting off the government lawyer in his first ridiculous sentence. No one familiar with his rulings would call him a liberal, but that won't stupid Trump from fuming his poisonous insults about "crazy liberal woke 9th circuit judges" because at the end of the day all Trump has are insults.

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That judge sentenced me in a case 7 years ago. He's like 90 yo. Fair though.

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If it wasn't so serious, it would be humorous that the judge (a Repugnican nomination) was "boggled" that any lawyer would consider it constitutional and push it forward.

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It is unconstitutional as are many of Trump's executive orders. It is unfortunate that the criminalization of immigration has been a bipartisan effort and that we choose to put so much energy into genocide and regime change around the world instead of taking care of the people displaced by our militarism and cancer capitalism.

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