Such a weak little ass-kissing pussy .. oh yes, great leader, your wish is my command … a disgrace to democracy and America 👎👎

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Not to mention, to actual Christians.

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Hes not a real Christian. He's the kind who only listen to what his inner voices tell him which justify his mindset. He feels God is not doing his work, so he's gonna do it himself. His Bible is probably gathering dust in a basement somewhere.

BTW, as anyone asked him what part of the Trump policies conforms to the Bible?

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Proverbs chapter 14: Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

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He compared himself with Moses, with a straight face. I want to know how many rubes (&or rich assholes) enabled him enough to even get him into the House in the first place.

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Johnson's bible has been shoved somewhere to the back of his porn favorites.

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Donald is such a weak and small man not to mention absolutely no negotiating skills whatsoever.

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if the opposition COLLECTIVELY confronted his directives, his true autocratic and dictatorship cover would be exposed and you will find Republicans who will agree that he has crossed the line, perhaps - and very big perhaps - the corporate media and MAGA's with a marginal sense of reason might open their eyes. We would all find out that this paper tiger places all his power on loyalty......except that this loyalists or in it for the money and/or the power

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This goes for Trump/MAGA’s domestic AND international opposition. Yes, it should be coordinated and collective.

These authoritarians divide us to conquer us. One problem with liberals is the instinct to “compromise” and “negotiate”. We have arrived at a point where illegitimate and unconstitutional powers are being executed against us. Lines have been crossed, and confrontation will probably be unavoidable, mostly because governing has become dominance for its own sake, or to extract our wealth and freedoms.

Trump and much of MAGA is not a traditional political movement in our society. It seeks to treat us as subjects to be ordered around, dominated and abused in order to enhance the amusement and assuage the perceived cultural grievances of its members. It is a political cult that is less interested in legitimate political ends than it is in causing others pain. It’s an organizing principle.

Appeasement will just strengthen that movement. It must be told NO, and its opponents need to confront it COLLECTIVELY. That might mean all blue states withholding their tax dollars and deploying militias to defend their states. They might have to force their banks and other businesses to cooperate.

We haven’t arrived there, yet, but we may get there sooner than we think because the cult won’t stop on its own and will just feed on weakness.

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I haven’t arrived at full court bloody revolution yet because The Orange Turd’s ploy is to get his loyalists in place in the military leadership. This coupled with the high underground number of military soldiers who are avowed trumpists make for a difficult problem. I say we continue hammering the corporate media journalists for their lack of reporting non-adherence to the Democratic principles of the Constitution and forcing them to report on this administrations many failings. (Ex: interviews with Trump voters about prices of consumer goods, why equating rounding up undocumented immigrants with cleaning up crime while releasing 1600 proven criminals, etc.,)

I also think we need to pressure the fourth estate’s journalists to push their inner professional integrity and confront the politicians live and on camera so to speak, because all our pleadings directly to the politicos falls on deaf ears does not seem to work. They will ignore our calls and texts and emails, but interviews are ego-driven.

Just like Trump uses the media to get his lies out there, journalists need to question him and his people live and on camera with researched facts about their lies constantly so that they either answer the questions or get flooded with negative coverage.


Matthew Yglesias wrote a piece about how wrong he judged Biden, then followed it up with another negatively slanted story about Biden and Harris, as if to tell the Turd’s people, “ Hey guys, I’m still on your side! Just had to appease those pesky Demo readers.”

They did it to Biden and Harris and the GOP loved it. Time for the professional journalists like Jim Acosta to turn the tables. We should not let corporate media continue their subtle support of the criminals in power, against the tenets of our constitutional rights for facts and truths.

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We need the spineless mainstream media and oligarchs to remember our founding principles and get back on the democracy train. Not holding my breath. 🤬

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I made a quick glance in corporate media to see how they covered the crash. Naturally, a lot of coverage on The Orange Turd’s erroneous and racist claim that DEI was the reason.

But I had to reach out to my trusted Substack to find out The Turd and deputy POTUS Musk got rid of the aviation advisor board and there was no head in the aviation dept PLUS he is requesting cuts in FAA staff

Corporate media dis not point this out AT ALL.

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That's all coming more quickly than you think. The bat-shit crazy circus will collapse.

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Let us hope! Maybe Trump's attempt to pass the blame to Dems and DEI for this tragic air crash that occurred on his watch will be the straw that broke the camel's back. Again, not holding my breath 🤬

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He’s never had to negotiate when he can buy off the opposition. So he never learned when he’s losing, instead belittling and humiliating the opposition.

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I’d love to heat that!!

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Ah the ole no true Scottsman.

At the end of the day he's a perfect example of the problem with Christianity in the America, though.

If the GOP aren't "real Christians," then lets see some pushback from our extensive network of churches to set the record straight on what "real" Christianity is. Spoilers: it won't happen. This is who the vast majority of them really are.

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A follower of Jesus would quite from the New Testament, from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

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Yes a "Christian nationalist" who shows as much fealty to the actual teaching of Christ as he shows to the Constitution of this nation, none. Power hungry grovelling little fascist.

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He is a particularly weak “leader”. These Republicans have handed over their balls to Trump. And to think all of these macho men voted these guys on because “women are weak”.

But, fascism is the ideology of weak men who need mobs to feel powerful. The real leader reduces them all to dick suckers.

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History has shown that there is not a single autocratic leader who has left or passed on with their head held high. They'd rather run to another country, die like cowards or committed suicide (Hitler)

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Mr. Rodriguez, And we can only hope that one of those 3 options occur soon. He’s only been in office a week and has stirred up more nonsense and offensive rhetoric than most folks do in a lifetime. I can’t even watch the news anymore.

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Despot rule always ends in failure after they bring poverty to their countries then are chased out or killed

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Often true, no contest. Once in

A while someone wins the top seat. An "enlightened despot".

Actually most dictators, established or aspiring, claim to be one. Obviously few deserve the title! Besides, even if true! This "leader", a true protector of the nation, successful, trusted, loved even, dies. And very, very seldom, is followed by another such leader. There are so few people of quality around. All the truer with those arrogant .... hooked on power, on money or on 100 year old Cognnac or tick-tacks even.

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I have to disagree with you on weak women look at Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett she’s pretty strong, And Elizabeth Warren, she speaks up.

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Jazz Paw is articulating the conservative mindset that “women are weak.” This is not his personal statement. In fact, the statement is more in line with our disdain for those who think “women are weak.” I certainly don’t.

Were it not for my dear blessed Mom, I would not be here.

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We have a pussy speaker and a crazy dick in charge. The dems in office need to stop being passive and do their jobs actively/relentlessly.

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I don't mind hurting a little if it means for our Demos stand up to this felon autocrat charlatan

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I agree we can comment over and over again, but where are The Dems and a plan to attack?

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I can’t get this clip out of my head when I hear about that prick:


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Love it! We need a cartoon!

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I wish I could draw. I have such a trove of ridicule to hurl at the whole bunch of them. We spend so much time being outraged, but we would be much better off showing how foolish and ridiculous they are.

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get ChatGPT or DeepSeek app. instruct them to draw the cartoon and you can add the text

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My first LOL in last 48 hours. Thank you!

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Where are the Dems and who is leading them? I left a nice message on Hakeem's VM. It's in God's hands. Really, that's all you got?

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Those families of the plane/helicopter crash need to sue Cheeto face AND his SecDef! IMPEACH HIS ASS!!

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And better yet, that POS

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He’s a weasel

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What a great description!! A small statured creature, NOT MAN, bothered by his small size. He has to do somethng to make himself feel tall and strong and manly. His declarations about his Christianity are part of that. He is an unchristian tiny little "ass-kissing pussy" who worries about his porn use OUT LOUD, so he is also concerned about that portion of his physicality. #PATHETIC!! The whole bunch should be tarred and feathered like the good old days!!!

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I agree!!!!!!!!

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Johnson knows he's hanging on by a thread and it's very fragile. The look on his face says he realizes how dangerous POTUS has become.

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He looks terrified. I bet he’s already getting nasty threats from cult members.

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Spineless Johnson reminds me of the ad for deoderant:

don't let them see you sweat.

Every time I see Johnson up close he looks like he is about to puke.

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Plus he must be constipated.

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“Measured approach”, Mike??? That is not possible from tRump. STFU.

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Or wisdom!

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In the last two weeks since inauguration, we’ve had 3 plane crashes, the water in California used for growing our food running out of the giant spicket theory, all the federal workers getting the axe, wackos lined up to dictate policy in the country and Johnson folding like a wet noodle, can it get any worse? You bet it can and will We’ve got to fight this crap with everything we got !

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Oh…and we were the only ones who voted WITH Russia and North Korea at a U.N. mtg on Ukraine. So there’s that.

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That's exactly my first thought on his statement. What a spineless nitwit he is!

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More trickle down economics, 40 years after Reagan touted it. Didn’t work then, won’t work now.

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Trickle down economics began the downward slide towards higher deficits and class stratification

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And when Reagan reduced the tax rate for the top money hoarders

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I always knew that trump would not lower prices. If that were possible, President Biden would have done it. No, trump is going to cause prices to go up. He will find someone else to blame when that happens.

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And you know he’s going to enjoy the suffering of the masses.

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Yes, but his voters are going to suffer, too.

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He'll put his signature on (Red-State-only) stimulus checks and hire the thugs. And the supporters in purple places were already blaming "the left" so why would that suddenly change?

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...and not understand it. It'll continue to be Biden's fault.

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He already is. I just went grocery shopping and the stores are already jumping on the train. 3 months from now we are going to hear about company profits and not a word about salary increases

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There might be salary increases for upper management but unlikely to be hourly wage increases for the people who do most of the work, the cashiers, stocktakers, and shelvers out on the floor, and the truckers and warehouse staff.

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Group of friends on soc media have determined we are only going to afford essentials, and it has only been two weeks of orange POS's clusterfu*k admin.

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Every1 should know that all of trump's greedy CEOs are determined to make their own billions$$ on the backs of consumers, so NO prices will be going down until we stop buying.

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We will all be buying less. I am. I don’t have the income to pay these high prices. Those big companies will realize soon that regular Americans can’t afford their high prices. They will be left with a lot of inventory that is not leaving their warehouses. There are more of us than them. It adds up. They need us. What are they going to do if we don’t buy?

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I truly wonder what the oligarchs will do to grow their wealth once they choke out all of the consumers. Groceries and rent will be the only things that average people can buy, and poor people will be starving while living on the street. As demand drops and supply rises, who are the oligarchs going to sell cars, homes, and other middle class goodies to?

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Instead of plundering Society they will turn to plundering Nature.

Of course to the detriment of All.

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They will get by. Their wealth earns money.

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Tariffs gonna fix things for bully trump. He has planned to do this for a long time. His reasoning is just more gaslighting.

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Absolutely indefensible. Johnson is complete wimp.

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Any replacement speaker for Johnson would just be another disaster. Could be worse.

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He’s the son that Stephen Miller wants!

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Johnson is an example in a suit, a little pimple of a wimpy. a fraud of a “title c version of “c-hristian” Doesn’t cut it to deserve a capital letter version of one, either. Doesn’t really practice what he easily preaches, not like Jesus did, nor The Right Rev. Marian Edgar Budde, a lady, priest, a woman, who lives what she believes, asks of a not so hot shot, fraud, in a suit, too swelled a head a gut, with fake “power,” a Liar, and Fraud, gutless, Creep. Dares him to do the Honestly, Correct Right Way.

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He is a creepy wimp. Exemplifies everything the Republicans "stand for."

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I’m not normally into name calling, but Johnson is nothing but a whimpering coward, knowing his butt is in the wringer if he doesn’t continue to act as Trumpass’ puppet!

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I agree with you on the name calling, but you’re right — there’s just something about Johnson… Personally I think he’s more of a SIMPERING coward, and his butt will always be in the wringer regardless: MAGA isn’t sure he’s hardcore enough for them, and the few normal Republicans left aren’t sure just how far tfg has him wrapped around his stubby little finger. Basically, he vacillates with the wind. 💨

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Wait til March when trump n Elon have a yuge laugh when they shut down the govt. Another way they can put govt workers out of their jobs. As we get closer to govt shutdown, expect to hear more frightening message for govt employees to vacate their jobs!

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I want to taunt him...'Go home and get your nightly facial...'

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How much is a job worth? To these people, democracy, that’s what.

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Maga Moses is so weak he has no spine. I learned after Reagan never trust or believe anything fascist republicans say all they do is lie and blame democrats.

I still have a list of promises that felon 47 made in 2016, not one promise was kept. Hold their feet to the fire and vote them all out in 2026. The dems need to file articles of impeachment every day. I know he won’t be impeached, but at least it will be on record.

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Yes!!! This. Everyone keeps telling me oh you can impeach him. It’s not possible blah blah blah who cares just let them know that we know their whole act is a sham and we will impeach impeach impeach so that people will know that we knew what was happening.

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We will see Speaker Johnson in this familiar position more and more often: can't say, doesn't know, look that way, it will become clear, give it time. His skills in avoiding substance are critical to pleasing whoever is in front of him. His lack of experience made him the perfect choice for this role, in this administration. His inability to learn on the job is making his role more tenuous, as surely he perceives the danger and impossibility of taking a position about anything - this is why he serves as if he works in the mail room, carrying information to others.

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It becomes very difficult for Johnson to learn on the job when he busy trying not to wet his pants. As Dirty Harry always said, “A man’s got to know his limitations”.

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Johnson's close-ups lately have him looking like his bleeding ulcer is very active.

Johnson is a little trump puppy that pees himself every time trump get near. His devotion is complete.

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I'm grasping most of your comment, but ... Who "in front of him" was "pleased" by that performance? I can see that it's all about pleasing whoever's breathing down his neck, of course...

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yes a mailroom clerk. Perfect analogy

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Keep pressing them for reality checks and they waffle and fall apart!!! Well done!!!

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Worthless until he's the hell out of the speakership. Nobody cares that Prez Spoiled Bully says nothing of substance or insight - why should it be anymore important in a placeholder like Mikey?

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Republicans in the House, and in the Senate, are liars who care nothing about the common US citizen struggling to make ends meet- they are spineless jellyfish who have no business being in their current positions- they cowtow to the Orange convicted Felon who shouldn’t even be a dog catcher, let alone hold the highest office in the land. They are greedy and only want to hold on to their overpaid jobs that supposedly serve us, but in fact, they only care about keeping in office and serving themselves.

I cannot believe Johnson is a true Christian, when he is a sycophant for an immoral and deranged man who pretends to be President, but wants to be like his master, Putin-poot- the Russian weasel.

He gives all Christians a bad name, no wonder non- Christians call us hypocrites- I’m ashamed at having these spineless puppets represent our country- they lower what the world thinks of us.

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I'm an igtheist now but I've never called all Christians hypocrites.

Just most of them.

Because most (or pretty close to most) humans are, on some level.

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Magical thinking! At its most unproductive!! A Republican strength, I’ve heard

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Political Onanism

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That’s NOT how tariffs work, Mikey. Base Price + Tariff assessed on Producer = HIGHER PRICE paid by the CONSUMER. Look it up!!

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I always thought, and still do, that Lindsey Graham was slimy. Johnson is worse.

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Quickly finding out it's much easier to be critical of the former administration of the opposing party than to defend the policies of your own party.

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