Here is a list of the Senate Democrats who voted for ending the filibuster of the dreadful Trump CR that cuts funding for veterans and nutritional programs.
Can AOC run for Schumer seat in NY? It time I think we should get around Captain Mark Kelly for Minority Leader replace Schumer it’s time for fights not pacifying Schumer
Yes to AOC running against Schumer. Of course, there will be loads of corporate money arrayed against her, but I think she can handle it. No to Mark Kelly, the most conservative Democrat after Fettermanchinema. Chris Murphy would be a great choice. Other strong choices, in my opinion, are Cory Booker, Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren & Ron Wyden.
It's because the corporate establishment in the party put their finger on the election, told Buttigieg, Klobuchar & Steyer to get out of the race & endorse Biden just before Super Tuesday to sabotage her & Bernie's campaigns. That's what we're up against & must replace: that corporate establishment that has been running & ruining the party since last century, pulling the party ever more rightward.
There's a huge void on the left side of the political spectrum, even though progressive policies are overwhelmingly popular, because progressives are mostly blocked out of mainstream media, are poorly organized & are dispersed among the Democratic Party (where they form a sizable minority), independents & various minorities parties. They have tried & failed for decades to win over the Democratic Party. It is time they all unite & coalesce under a new party to challenge the corporatist Duopoly.
That is because Democrats are strictly a state and regional power... they are ineffective as a national party and as long as you have idiots like Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, Booker, AOC.... you will never ever be of national importance
See my reply above. I live in NYS. I have been saddled with Stefanik for 10 years. No town halls. No speaking to local media. Only Fox and other toxic media. Only cavorts and cares about the very very rich and very very dishonest. A walking smear machine, Good riddance Elise.
We moved from NY to Georgia - less taxes, yes. Horrible schools, too many churches meddling in everything, and quite a few people who are less than sane.
Taxes pay for services. See all those red states that depend upon contributions from blue states, although the money they get doesn't get to social services. It goes to the fat cats.
Low taxes means low IQ and no evidence of sanity. You want civilization or chaos? Civilization requires taxation. Chaoes just needs a wrecking ball and a handout.
Again no facts here, did you know there was no income taxes until around the 1920's. The government ran/collect tariffs from other countries until the 'great new deal".
Only an idiot would reply as you have. Take a look at Linda Briel's experience - " less taxes, yes. Horrible schools, too many churches meddling in everything, and quite a few people who are less than sane."
Did you know that Lincoln instituted an income tax to pay for the Civil War? Smarter than Dubya who put two wars and the expenses from the Wall Street universal bank fraud concerning mortgages perpetrated by the professionals upon credulous (like you) mortgagors.
Not so enough. I am pissed on his decision to vote for CR after all the protests and calling to Democrats why I don’t understand this would force republicans to man up to their corruption in WH and Musk these Billionaires don’t give shit about working Americans. Every single Democrat should delete FACEBOOK, Instagram stop shopping on Amazon don’t by Tesla, drop subscriptions to WASH POST, Wall Street J, LA TIMES, Fox anything for at least a month BECAUSE THEY WOULD FEEL IT HARD IN THEIR POCKET BOOK. ITS THE ONLY WAY. STOP USING THESE IDIOTS PRODUCTS FOR SUPPORTING DJT THAT WOULD GET THEIR ATTENTION
No fed money if they don’t talk to the felon always best to keep enemy close in case fema $$ is needed look what Newsome had to do for fire in LA. It might be pissy but Govs have a state to run when disasters happen either they talk or end up like GA DJT WOULD GIVE UNTIL HE CALLED SEVERAL TIMES. BIDEN WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND HE CALLED GOV WHICH IT SHOULD BE DUE TO THE STATES IN STATE OF EMERGENCY. REPUBLICANS ARE FUCKING IDIOTS I BLAME EVERYONE OF THEM PLUS MORE SO ON MITCH MCCONNELL IMPEACHMENT AND CONVICT HIM WOULD HAVE END THIS CRAP
Really Sarah?! Democrats are the traitors because they know the "History" of past government shutdowns... "Traitors says you? Of with their heads?" And what of the Voters in 2024 that traded our democracy for cheap EGGS?... Shade them? Shade Kevin McCarthy for kissing tRump's butt in mago lardo after January 6th, WHEN Kevin had said January 6th was tRump's fault. Lets not forget the suntan lotion for Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Patrick Soon-Shiong, or Murdoch that control "media." Joe Rogaine needs some shade? Let's throw some shade on the Senate Maga's that put people like heroin addict RFK jr. in charge of our Health along with the other cast of perverts, drunks, liars and thieves in other major Government roles. Musk and his doge-rats anyone? Pardons for actual real traitors of January 6th not gettin' enough shade? REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS! And, be very careful what you "wish" for Sarah?
they aren't traitors in the eyes of who they are most worried about. Why do you like many believe either party really cares what average Americans think?
Manie: "you certainly don't know what is in them?" Please explain what is in them? There is no reasonable argument here without facts, but if you want to disagree like CNN, go ahead and thank you.
Due in, Shuman and Fetterman. I have this to say to you. Don’t ever ask me for any money for future campaigns. What you did today is a complete sell out. Trump outsmarted you and he is as dumb as a box of rocks. So what does that make you.
We could have voted republican -- at least we would have known what we were getting. These traitorous democrat actions gives us the republican results we were trying to avoid.
I am devastated by the number of clueless Democrats who voted with the Republicans. Schumer, Fetterman and Durbin I expected, but was shocked by Cortez Mastro and Schatz. Apparently, fear and ambition can erase conscience. However, I am heartened by the “no” vote of my senator, Jon Ossoff. He is a courageous young man, because next year he is up for reelection, and Republicans are financing a terrible MAGA candidate to run against him. Indivisible will be “boots on the ground” here in blood Red Georgia.
Durbin was a no. Hear tell Schumer called Senators to change their vote, and they effing did it it?! I'll bet Durbin is not running again. Shaheen and Peters are not running for reelection, so WTH gives?!
Adding them to my LIST OF SHAME, headed by FetterRat!
Withdrawing all ongoing donations to the party. Will instead donate to a few YOUNG folks who are BRAVE and BOLD. I'm a female Boomer who is fucking disgusted!
I quit donating to the DNC years ago because of the poor choices they made as to which candidates to support. Probably cost us the only chance to get rid of Ted Cruz. I instead doing my own research and support those I think are worthy and the Midwest Values PAC. They seem to support good people.
LOL Ted Cruz is a Republican in an actually blood Red state, that hasn’t voted for a Democrat in 30+ years nor did it vote for Clinton, Biden, Harris, or Obama so is not a competitive one at all normally and extremely difficult to compete in: Georgia is a Purple state, not Red, btw.
It’s like blaming a Dem for not winning in Florida or Missouri, I bet you’re saying this from a safe Blue no matter who would vote for any Dem ever state in reverse.
Then your assumption would be wrong. I'm in El Paso, Texas and actually a 5th generation Texas and FORMER Republican. Bush changed me to Independent. Just like this is not my country in more, this is not my Texas. Beto O'Rourke came very close to beating him. Cruz was sweating it. So stop assuming you know me or what transpired.
That's my point, you misunderstand- I said Beto is the only reason that was close, Cruz would've won easily against any other Dem.
Funds didn't make that race close, btw, Cruz had a 52% approval rating in 2018 in the CNN exit polls as did O'Rourke have a 52% one in Texas at the time- he got that close and almost won BECAUSE he defied the Dem establishment. Cruz was more popular than Trump at the time, in the state-- even Cornyn was, back then.
Likewise, I'm just saying he specifically was the reason- his party did him a misdeed not taking his 2020 bid seriously, Beto was doing well against Trump for a good while but his party placed him well below where the country was imo.
Exactly I’m sick and tired of the pleas for money from Schumer- he should have voted against and then not run for re- election if he doesn’t have the courage or stomach to fight for democracy at least then he won’t go down in history as tossing the country to the wolves.
I just got a request from Murphy and Duckworth - both reasonable Dems saying they voted no then sticking their hands out! Tell me exactly how you plan to use that money - don’t make some broad statement! I’m so tired to Democrats panhandling with no results. Let’s hear how they think We the People should be responding to this regime. Let’s see them at the protests! At least Al Green had the balls to shake his cane!
Absolutely. Take a break trust and believe it's affecting your blood pressure, your heart rate, and cells. As you can see we have a fight before us, let chill a little
Lord have mercy on us. It's going to be all right but it will a while. A long while and we are not going to like some of the changes we will go through. But this one thing I do know is that this Republic will last and democracy will prevail
Wow!!! Besides the republicans betraying their constituents, we now have these ten democrats that betrayed their people of the United States. Definitely a sad day!!! Shame on you, shame on all of you for betraying your country and the people you represent!!!!
We need more aoc’s and jasmine Crockett’s to be elected and fight for us. Too many democrats caved. Yes 10 senators did. That was ten too many!! We need women like aoc and jasmine crockett in the senate. They won’t cave and betray our democracy. They will fight for what is right and call them old fucks like Schumer out for caving. Let’s elect people we know will fight for us. Nit ones that will cave and suck trumps dick!!
Pelosie told Schumer to "listen to the women!!" I think there are too many male egos that don't want their feelings to get hurt!!! HOWEVER...I'm surprised at Gillibrand!!
Not at all surprised by Gillibrand. She has often sabotaged Democrats & progressive policies. Schatz is the most surprising of them. He is generally progressive & environmentalist.
These ten senators made the Democratic Party complicit in all felon trump and his husband Elon commit - they own it too. Poor senate minority leader given great interview but is too out of touch THESE ARE NOT NORMAL TIMES
I live in NY and will work tirelessly to oust Schumer and Gillibrand.
Can AOC run for Schumer seat in NY? It time I think we should get around Captain Mark Kelly for Minority Leader replace Schumer it’s time for fights not pacifying Schumer
We need a Churchill now, not a Neville Chamberlain.
I TOTALLY AGREE… We had a PRESIDENT in KELLY… I truly respect and voted for OUR KAMALA, but our great, but backwards country was not
( & won’t be for a while) ready for a woman. KELLY would & still could “SAVE OUR COUNTRY from TRUMP TYRANY”
Mark Kelly was on the list to vote with the Republicans until last night.
He’s my senator, but not sure I trust him.
That's disinformation. He's steadfastly against and has campaigned against it.
I trust him. Ruben Gallegos was the one who was iffy
Not what I read he was against it.
Where are you reading this? We need to do much more in combating misinformation...
I’m not sure I would trust him either. I don’t see him, yet, as a Fetterman or Schumer, but you never know.
Yes to AOC running against Schumer. Of course, there will be loads of corporate money arrayed against her, but I think she can handle it. No to Mark Kelly, the most conservative Democrat after Fettermanchinema. Chris Murphy would be a great choice. Other strong choices, in my opinion, are Cory Booker, Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse, Elizabeth Warren & Ron Wyden.
Elizabeth Warren or Chris Murphy.
Warren is my Senator and she’s great but last time she ran for POTUS she didn’t even win her own state.
It's because the corporate establishment in the party put their finger on the election, told Buttigieg, Klobuchar & Steyer to get out of the race & endorse Biden just before Super Tuesday to sabotage her & Bernie's campaigns. That's what we're up against & must replace: that corporate establishment that has been running & ruining the party since last century, pulling the party ever more rightward.
There's a huge void on the left side of the political spectrum, even though progressive policies are overwhelmingly popular, because progressives are mostly blocked out of mainstream media, are poorly organized & are dispersed among the Democratic Party (where they form a sizable minority), independents & various minorities parties. They have tried & failed for decades to win over the Democratic Party. It is time they all unite & coalesce under a new party to challenge the corporatist Duopoly.
That is because Democrats are strictly a state and regional power... they are ineffective as a national party and as long as you have idiots like Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, Booker, AOC.... you will never ever be of national importance
Thank you!
Me too!
Thank you, too! West Coast, here!
Me too, sister. What a trifecta we've had where I live - these two cowards and Stefanik. Three time losers.
Stefanik is not a Democrat. She's from a red part of NY and she votes that way.
See my reply above. I live in NYS. I have been saddled with Stefanik for 10 years. No town halls. No speaking to local media. Only Fox and other toxic media. Only cavorts and cares about the very very rich and very very dishonest. A walking smear machine, Good riddance Elise.
Time to move to a state with less taxes and sane people.
We moved from NY to Georgia - less taxes, yes. Horrible schools, too many churches meddling in everything, and quite a few people who are less than sane.
They don't exist.
Taxes pay for services. See all those red states that depend upon contributions from blue states, although the money they get doesn't get to social services. It goes to the fat cats.
Low taxes means low IQ and no evidence of sanity. You want civilization or chaos? Civilization requires taxation. Chaoes just needs a wrecking ball and a handout.
Again no facts here, did you know there was no income taxes until around the 1920's. The government ran/collect tariffs from other countries until the 'great new deal".
Only an idiot would reply as you have. Take a look at Linda Briel's experience - " less taxes, yes. Horrible schools, too many churches meddling in everything, and quite a few people who are less than sane."
Did you know that Lincoln instituted an income tax to pay for the Civil War? Smarter than Dubya who put two wars and the expenses from the Wall Street universal bank fraud concerning mortgages perpetrated by the professionals upon credulous (like you) mortgagors.
You're a bleeding idiot.
Let me know if you find that.
Sister>????? You fucking think this is Age of Aquarius?????
What's your problem?
Where do we begin...?
Really? Fuck off .Make some french toast and shut the fuck up.
You fuck off pete.
Your mother must be so proud.
Are we certain Petey had a mom?
Bet your a single frustrated boy...grow up
Stick the French toast up your anus.
This French toast thing is weird. Be constructive.
I would like to know why those 10 thought it was a good idea to vote yes
They should be making the GOP miserable every day right?
Are they up for reelection Fettermans an idiot at fort not so bad but to cosy with DJT IDEAS
French toast: I know. Cranky. Can’t take the morons. It’s overwhelming.
Keep up the good work.
For Pete
For Pete's sake!
(Haven't heard that expression for a very long time, but my mom often said it when she was upset by someone's irrationality or contrariness.)
You first.
Found the block especially for Pete 🧌
Schumer is retiring I think.
Not so enough. I am pissed on his decision to vote for CR after all the protests and calling to Democrats why I don’t understand this would force republicans to man up to their corruption in WH and Musk these Billionaires don’t give shit about working Americans. Every single Democrat should delete FACEBOOK, Instagram stop shopping on Amazon don’t by Tesla, drop subscriptions to WASH POST, Wall Street J, LA TIMES, Fox anything for at least a month BECAUSE THEY WOULD FEEL IT HARD IN THEIR POCKET BOOK. ITS THE ONLY WAY. STOP USING THESE IDIOTS PRODUCTS FOR SUPPORTING DJT THAT WOULD GET THEIR ATTENTION
This is what every single one of us should do-just deleted my Amazon account,. Fight the Oligarchs!!
Fossils like him never retire.
Thank you!
No fed money if they don’t talk to the felon always best to keep enemy close in case fema $$ is needed look what Newsome had to do for fire in LA. It might be pissy but Govs have a state to run when disasters happen either they talk or end up like GA DJT WOULD GIVE UNTIL HE CALLED SEVERAL TIMES. BIDEN WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND HE CALLED GOV WHICH IT SHOULD BE DUE TO THE STATES IN STATE OF EMERGENCY. REPUBLICANS ARE FUCKING IDIOTS I BLAME EVERYONE OF THEM PLUS MORE SO ON MITCH MCCONNELL IMPEACHMENT AND CONVICT HIM WOULD HAVE END THIS CRAP
Fetterman is a big disappointment
He won't be reelected
Brain Damage!
He is a lapdog for Trump
Makes me want to donate to a certain senator from GA!
I had donated to Ossoff before the vote and was beginning to regret it when he was waffling. I will continue to donate to him now.
I can’t help but wonder if his stroke permanently affected his cognitive functions.
They are traitors we need leaders not cowards
Really Sarah?! Democrats are the traitors because they know the "History" of past government shutdowns... "Traitors says you? Of with their heads?" And what of the Voters in 2024 that traded our democracy for cheap EGGS?... Shade them? Shade Kevin McCarthy for kissing tRump's butt in mago lardo after January 6th, WHEN Kevin had said January 6th was tRump's fault. Lets not forget the suntan lotion for Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Patrick Soon-Shiong, or Murdoch that control "media." Joe Rogaine needs some shade? Let's throw some shade on the Senate Maga's that put people like heroin addict RFK jr. in charge of our Health along with the other cast of perverts, drunks, liars and thieves in other major Government roles. Musk and his doge-rats anyone? Pardons for actual real traitors of January 6th not gettin' enough shade? REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS! And, be very careful what you "wish" for Sarah?
Of course you are right!
But one does not collaborate with a wannabe fascist regime.
Collaboration at the wrong time can be treason though.
And it certainls divides -just what the fascist wanted.
they aren't traitors in the eyes of who they are most worried about. Why do you like many believe either party really cares what average Americans think?
11 million. We can do this.
We little old ladies need to get some cats, or do you already have some?
Why would she need another pussy when you’re here, Ed? Go to your room. The grown-ups are talking.
Nice argument--call out names with no facts.......are you a cat person?
You people are fucking nuts They are not traitors the Republicans still do not have the votes to pass a law for monkeys
Thank you Pete! These people obviously do not fully understand what was at stake. They are overreacting & blowing things out of proportion.
In Nevada, disgusted with Cortez-Mastro! And Schumer is the worst of all.
Agree. A big disappointment Cortez-Mastro.
I am angry with Senator Cortez Masto and will not be voting for her again in Nevada!
Ossoff need campaign money! Donate!
I live in Ga & you bet I'm donating 🇺🇲
We uneducated country hicks like our bibles and guns.
And you apparently don’t, or can’t, read your bibles. You certainly don’t know what is in them.
Manie: "you certainly don't know what is in them?" Please explain what is in them? There is no reasonable argument here without facts, but if you want to disagree like CNN, go ahead and thank you.
You sound like a moron
Already did
Due in, Shuman and Fetterman. I have this to say to you. Don’t ever ask me for any money for future campaigns. What you did today is a complete sell out. Trump outsmarted you and he is as dumb as a box of rocks. So what does that make you.
Only fund the ones individually do not give to the Democratic Party!
Yep, blocking funding emails from Durbin.
Village idiots!!
Shame on you Dick Durbin.
Just got a request from fetterman for money! Nope! Big disappointment!
Tell him why in no uncertaon terms. This is FL and Rick Scott is already a cowardly theif.
He always has been. I don’t understand how Fl stays red it never used be guess all billionaires are their now sorry
Unfuckingbelievable! It’s obvious he has no timing or doesn’t understand what the hell is doing to our country
We could have voted republican -- at least we would have known what we were getting. These traitorous democrat actions gives us the republican results we were trying to avoid.
Tell him to ask the Maga folk's from here on out.
Cowards and traitors. Primary them. Fetterman needs to go.
I am devastated by the number of clueless Democrats who voted with the Republicans. Schumer, Fetterman and Durbin I expected, but was shocked by Cortez Mastro and Schatz. Apparently, fear and ambition can erase conscience. However, I am heartened by the “no” vote of my senator, Jon Ossoff. He is a courageous young man, because next year he is up for reelection, and Republicans are financing a terrible MAGA candidate to run against him. Indivisible will be “boots on the ground” here in blood Red Georgia.
Durbin was a no. Hear tell Schumer called Senators to change their vote, and they effing did it it?! I'll bet Durbin is not running again. Shaheen and Peters are not running for reelection, so WTH gives?!
I may have to leave America (California) and caravan to the states where the Democrat traitors need to retire.
I was happy by the number of clueless Democrats who voted with the Republicans.
Adding them to my LIST OF SHAME, headed by FetterRat!
Withdrawing all ongoing donations to the party. Will instead donate to a few YOUNG folks who are BRAVE and BOLD. I'm a female Boomer who is fucking disgusted!
I quit donating to the DNC years ago because of the poor choices they made as to which candidates to support. Probably cost us the only chance to get rid of Ted Cruz. I instead doing my own research and support those I think are worthy and the Midwest Values PAC. They seem to support good people.
LOL Ted Cruz is a Republican in an actually blood Red state, that hasn’t voted for a Democrat in 30+ years nor did it vote for Clinton, Biden, Harris, or Obama so is not a competitive one at all normally and extremely difficult to compete in: Georgia is a Purple state, not Red, btw.
It’s like blaming a Dem for not winning in Florida or Missouri, I bet you’re saying this from a safe Blue no matter who would vote for any Dem ever state in reverse.
Then your assumption would be wrong. I'm in El Paso, Texas and actually a 5th generation Texas and FORMER Republican. Bush changed me to Independent. Just like this is not my country in more, this is not my Texas. Beto O'Rourke came very close to beating him. Cruz was sweating it. So stop assuming you know me or what transpired.
That's my point, you misunderstand- I said Beto is the only reason that was close, Cruz would've won easily against any other Dem.
Funds didn't make that race close, btw, Cruz had a 52% approval rating in 2018 in the CNN exit polls as did O'Rourke have a 52% one in Texas at the time- he got that close and almost won BECAUSE he defied the Dem establishment. Cruz was more popular than Trump at the time, in the state-- even Cornyn was, back then.
Your right, I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying and my apologies for flying off the handle. Seems to happen a lot these days.
Likewise, I'm just saying he specifically was the reason- his party did him a misdeed not taking his 2020 bid seriously, Beto was doing well against Trump for a good while but his party placed him well below where the country was imo.
No money, no vote…write their names in shame!
Exactly I’m sick and tired of the pleas for money from Schumer- he should have voted against and then not run for re- election if he doesn’t have the courage or stomach to fight for democracy at least then he won’t go down in history as tossing the country to the wolves.
I just got a request from Murphy and Duckworth - both reasonable Dems saying they voted no then sticking their hands out! Tell me exactly how you plan to use that money - don’t make some broad statement! I’m so tired to Democrats panhandling with no results. Let’s hear how they think We the People should be responding to this regime. Let’s see them at the protests! At least Al Green had the balls to shake his cane!
Al Green is a HERO
Schumer has a book coming out I think BOYCOTT HIS BOOK!
Book tour tomorrow! Cares more about his pockets than the people??
I hope he is barraged by unhappy voters!
I’m sorry!
Okay. We see them. It's Friday evening I'm headed to a jazz evening in Grosse Pointe. Let's all take a break it's been an intense week. 💙💜
And come back starting Sunday night with plans to get rid of the quislings! (Look it up.)
Absolutely. Take a break trust and believe it's affecting your blood pressure, your heart rate, and cells. As you can see we have a fight before us, let chill a little
I have a rash. Orhers can't sleep. Othes stomachaches. It is no joke
Lord have mercy on us. It's going to be all right but it will a while. A long while and we are not going to like some of the changes we will go through. But this one thing I do know is that this Republic will last and democracy will prevail
From your keyboard to God's ears.
Good plan, Harriet. Enjoy the jazz! 🎷
Wow!!! Besides the republicans betraying their constituents, we now have these ten democrats that betrayed their people of the United States. Definitely a sad day!!! Shame on you, shame on all of you for betraying your country and the people you represent!!!!
We need more aoc’s and jasmine Crockett’s to be elected and fight for us. Too many democrats caved. Yes 10 senators did. That was ten too many!! We need women like aoc and jasmine crockett in the senate. They won’t cave and betray our democracy. They will fight for what is right and call them old fucks like Schumer out for caving. Let’s elect people we know will fight for us. Nit ones that will cave and suck trumps dick!!
Pelosie told Schumer to "listen to the women!!" I think there are too many male egos that don't want their feelings to get hurt!!! HOWEVER...I'm surprised at Gillibrand!!
Not at all surprised by Gillibrand. She has often sabotaged Democrats & progressive policies. Schatz is the most surprising of them. He is generally progressive & environmentalist.
These ten senators made the Democratic Party complicit in all felon trump and his husband Elon commit - they own it too. Poor senate minority leader given great interview but is too out of touch THESE ARE NOT NORMAL TIMES
They are not complicit in anything.. you are fucking nuts