He is an absolute disgrace to SC, it’s time for him to go. He’s hypocritical on so many issues including his lifestyle.

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Ms. Lyndsey is a disgrace to the Republican Party, the state of SC and to politics, in general. They have shown their bloomers far too many times. I cannot help but wonder what caused the 180 in Graham’s observations about tRump.

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What caused him to do a 180? He didn't have his good friend John McCain around as a role model of integrity.

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It all depends upon who he is in love with

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dt threatened to expose him as a gay man to the press.

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He is as much a fucking whiney baby as he ever has been. He'll never change. He should be locked up for his role in trying to influence the 2020 election outcome in GA.

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I've thought for over 8 years that Graham has been compromised. Not sure how. Maybe trump. Or, maybe trump's friend, David Pecker has something on him. Or, maybe Putin.

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That is the most likely explanation for the otherwise irrational 180 degree about face moves he has made, especially with respect to his foremost abuser, Trump. Is it some form of blackmail/ kompromat? Or is he worried that they could humiliate him with more evidence that he’s a queen, even though we all know that already? Or is he simply that much of a power seeking groveler that he’ll do any amount of brown-nosing to get re-election help from the GOP? Either way, it’s clear that he has no moral strength or principles or values guiding him. Sooner he’s gone the better.

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 “Witch hunt!”, is the hue and cry of Trump and his defenders when complaining about the soon to disappear indictments of and investigations into Trump’s many alleged crimes. These are legal actions based on facts, evidence and sworn testimony and don’t meet the definition of a “witch hunt.”

 With his threats of vengeance against his enemies and his declaration to be a dictator “on day one”, we could soon find out what “witch hunts” truly are. 

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No bottom to that pit of disingenuous blathering.

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Oh, that is such a good (pardon the expression) straight line; but I'll be good. 😇

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What I think of Graham I really can't write here. He is a total ASS and a disgrace to our country

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Typical Maga Response. No answer but attack the questioner as ant-Trump. Of course Graham has many things in his closet that Trump knows about so he will never attack Trump

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Do you think Trump takes Lindsay’s balls out of his big box every once in a while and lets him see them?

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Like all of the republicans who have kissed up to trump, when asked a serious question, they become offended and go off on a tangent. Listening to him now is like listening to trump. I wouldn’t be welcoming him back anytime soon with how rude he was. I guess this is the new norm. Why does everyone accept this disgraceful behavior?

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Lindsey exist , because Trumps balls won't kick themselves.

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I wish I knew how almost the entire right wing of Congress and the millions of voters who voted for this mess were collectively and effectively brainwashed by the MAGA faction. They can’t have all lost their minds so fast. It can’t be physical or many of us on the left side of the bridge would have been afflicted.

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In my brother's case, it's from years of watching FOX. They've been groomed to hate more than half of this country.

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Yep, i know. I think that a primary cause, but it can’t trap them unless they have the tendency to be swallowed up in other ways.

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All those brains only added up to a small load

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Don’t sell them short, especially on the politics end of things. Where they are now took years of laying the foundation to sway the country.

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It seems Lindsey and the republicans have predetermined that ANYTHING the media says is unfair to Trumpy…..

Except Fox News aka Faux News.

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The sniveling opportunistic shit weasel is out whining for his pimp again I see.

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Graham is a flaming disgrace, a Trump sycophant sex servant, blow boy, floss provider, last resort golf partner, a man with zero sexual preferences, and on top of that, his butt always smells like it hurts. Fairly certain, that he is barely human. I have known rabid rats that are more endearing than this squalid half ass mother fucker specimen of yellow protoplasm.

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He’s bad news because he will let trump stop the service for the vulnerable

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Poor miss Lindsey's gonna have a bad case of the vapors

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Lindsey WHO?

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Lindsey Graham, is a greedy, lying, whiny, backstabbing, weasel. I will never understand why his state keeps voting for him.

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Strom Thurmond’s boy.

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Because, unfortunately it’s a red state through and through. Maybe with all the folks moving to SC, we can become at least purple. 🤞 My issue is who cares if he’s gay. I’m straight but I have a lot of friends who are. What the hell difference does it make. Get over it, people!

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The rights billionaires make sure their puppets go nowhere.

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