Jamie Raskin has become a wonderful voice in this terrifying universe of Trump/Musk. I find it heroic when the president makes a point of demolishing people who oppose his views and do it publicly. And I’ll bet Jamie Raskin would say he’s only doing his job. What a gentleman and a scholar!

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I love this guy! I also appreciate the bad guy's brazenness about what they want to do, because it makes defeating them so much easier!

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Go Jamie Raskin!! And Norm Eisen!! and all the other great legal minds who care about our Country and our Government. Thank God you are all on the job. These idiotic criminals must be stopped!

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Chumpy is in massive hot water over the recent deportation of those Venezuelan folks.

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I can't wait to see that cruel felon boiling in a big pot of sewage

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Rep. Raskin is one of our finest members of Congress. Thank goodness we have him in this moment. Everyone hang together. Resist the barrage of crime being thrown at us. Back our judicial branch, demand that the Law be followed. And get ready to mobilize for the upcoming elections! We have to put Congress back in control of the American working class!

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Thank you, Jamie Raskin, for being a voice of reason in the chaotic time!

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Agree. He is a brilliant constitutional lawyer and a really good person. I read his book and it was wonderful and insightful. He has endured a lot and still has strength and perseverance for his constituents and the country.

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It takes a man of strength, courage & dedication to fight against the outright treason that has been happening since 2016, topping out in January 7th. This was when Raskin was fighting his own personal health battle and we who are against a felon being in any level of government, prayed for Raskin who never backed down.

We thank Raskin for presenting us with something we thought we’d never get one bit of for the next 45 months --GOOD NEWS—.

Always dedicated always dependable, Jamie Raskin.

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Love the job Jamie is doing BUT,,,,everyone is waiting for the 2026 midterms and the 2028 election when we have no assurances that those elections won't be rigged. We need to be looking into this and providing the mechanisms for safe elections that reflect what the people want

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Agreed. We need to hear about what is being done about that. That said, we're still going to get out the vote.

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We can’t win the midterms if the voting machines are rigged again!!!

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Agreed! There has to be an immediate way to check for any tampering. Comparing computer votes with paper ballots of each person would be time consuming, but accurately prove if the machines have been tampered with.

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There are special elections happening in Georgia, Florida, New York, and others. Spread the word and lend support where you can.

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We need to ARREST And charge Musk for his crimes against our Constitution and statutes, and hold him and his hackers in custody, now through April 10th, while a contingent of election protection lawyers surveillance the activities of Musk’s satellite company extremely closely, a la the FBI, for election interference and fraud! This is war! They’ll not rig one more election!

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Thank You Rep. Raskin for standing up and shouting!

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Thank you Jamie Raskin! You are a good and strong man, glad America has you on its side. Trump is committing Treason in our country and trying to get rid of all of our values. I am suspicious that Trump even won the election fair and square. Lots of info coming out about what might have really happened. We need to IMPEACH TRUMP! The sooner the better. He needs to go, as well as all of his billionaire minions that make up his cabinet. Scary, scary times!

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I believe he’s right on right now. I just hope that if there are appeals - that the higher courts stay steadfast especially if all goes to SC.?Now the SC I don’t trust since most of them gave that MFer immunity to do what he wants! What Robert’s did was too little & too late! Unless of course he decides to revisit his stupid decision & take away the immunity!

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As I have said many times before. There won't be an election next year, at least not a free and fair one. We need to act now and stop pussyfooting around. Demonstrate, demonstrate, demonstrate. Take it to the streets. That is what my generation did to finally force the governments hand on Vietnam. This is a more important war. It is for democracy and our way of life.

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Totally agree. The protests are helping.

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God bless the judges and justices who are adhering to the Constitution!

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That’s the most positive article I’ve seen in months! Thanks for being a voice of reason, Mr. Raskin.

I get so upset by the shitshow going on, sometimes I feel like my head is going to

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Explode! 🤯 💥

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Thank you!! Go Jamie Raskin!! We need patriots and leaders like you. ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏

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Jamie Raskin will go down in history as a hero for the American people and our democracy. I want to see him lead more rallies I want to see him lead more rallies and hold more press conferences. More exposure.

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