Let’s do something about it. We the people can’t but Mr Raskin and his associates can.

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Yes we can. I’ll do anything I can to help stop this stealing of America

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So will I Peggy. I am so tired of people doing nothing. Steve Schmidt’s Substack says it well. People don’t do anything until it directly affects them personally…It takes discomfort for people to care, and until it does, (and even if it does) we tolerate complete insanity. And it is!

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I agree Carol. I’m looking for other people who want to act. I’m not sure where they are. I am on a Canadian group and they are suggesting we meet together at Niagara Falls as a joint protest of what’s happening. I will say they are more encouraging and welcoming than any other group I’ve found. They do want to act and make sure this horrible shit does not happen in their country. How horrible that would be.

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Hi Peggy. Niagara Falls is a good place, for sure. I’m Canadian born—Hamilton, which is not far from Niagara, and moved to the U.S. as a kid, so dual citizenship. My Canadian relatives are incensed—and at me, too! Are you subscribed to Steve Schmidt’s Substack? One of the best here, I think.

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It’s insane when people blame us for this mess. Including relatives.

Something needs to be done soon. It’s going fast.

I do subscribe to Steve Schmidt’s Substack. He’s one of the best for truth. He’s on Jim Acostas Substack a lot which I also like. I am on a group called

Canada Resists which is a great place to feel connected.

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Raskin is right and needs to be heard

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Me too, I'll fight. I'm a fierce defender of protecting people and what's right.

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One important thing you can do is to join Indivisible wherever you live. Just go to their website. They are doing great things all over the U.S. by standing up and being counted--even here in the deep Red South, Georgia.

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Thank you Kate. I subscribed

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We can make noise…

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It’s on Substack. It’s good for me because there is no fighting. All on the same page.

What did CNN do? I do not watch them.

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They essentially fired Jim Acosta for his political views. They offered him a nighttime slot, even after he was there for 17 years.

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How would I find that group? I’ve joined some like Move On, but size is one issue. It should break into subgroups with different goals to start actually moving!—volunteers from among them might get the active ones going! I’m on Jim Acosta’s as well. Trump is infuriating but the fact that that CNN stabbed him in the back—well, to be expected. I’ll check online for this group…

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We must do everything to stop this administration. This is a good step. They are all cowards and need to know they can be charged and punished. Too bad trump doesn’t read.

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I believe Mr Raskin is the most honest man in the legal profession and a true gentleman.

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Do you fucking know him? You paople post as if you just had coffee with these people

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Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you, Pete, that some people on this forum are more than familiar with the actions of politicians they follow. And who knows, maybe Jean had coffee with the congressman. Regardless, calm down and chill out.

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I’m limit my time here and have deleted everything else (have to try to preserve my mental health—what’s left anyway). Pete just earned himself a block and thank you for this comment.

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Other peoples opinions damage your mental health? You are way to fragile. Please block me too...and thank you for your comment.

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Well that's disrespectful. Does your mother know you treat people like this?

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Thanks Bruce 😃

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This is a man who fairly recently survived his son"s suicide and a long battle with cancer all while admirably soldiering on for the people. And he's shared it with all of us. Yes, we know this incredibly intelligent man. Where've you been?

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I know enough, he’s not a felon, rapist or insurrectionist, that’s all I need to know‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

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I say that we prosecute them to the fullest extent possible.

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Hello dear

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While I’m not an attorney, Rep. Raskin in his letter to Trump provides all the supporting citations that should convince Trump and his attorneys that members of his administration face escalating and serious legal risks for ignoring court orders.

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Hello dear how are you..

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Hot damn I love it. Punish every putrid sack of shit destroying our country

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Stop talking about it and just do it!!!

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I only PRAY that the Courts begin to use these powers. Seems to me that unless and until THEY start paying the price (and see for themselves that tRump doesn’t jump to their defense but just allows it as “collateral damage” because his loyalty is a one-way transaction) we will only see this disaster of this regime gain more and more power. Thank you, Mr. Raskin!

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OK judges. Time for you to apply the law.

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I trust to Raskins brilliant legal mind. But I also fear that Trump is the master of delay. By the time any of this really reaches the courts it might be too late.

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He's talking about court orders that his administration is already defying. It is very difficult for the Executive Branch to delay unlike a private citizens. There are literally dozens and dozens of major cases against the White House working their way through the courts.---Jason

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Thank you for pointing that out Jason, it is good to know that it would be difficult for the executive branch to delay. That's positive news.

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And we've won most of them so far. The Courts are ready and waiting. The lawyers are ready too.

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Yes, I believe Raskin is a constitutional lawyer, so he knows!

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That is my fear as well

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Trump and his cabinet are grifting the funds of the American voters. It has to stop. As I am a military veteran I can not support this administration's treatment my fellow veterans. Impeach both Trump and Vance.

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Get on it

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Go for it, pull out all the legal stops. We the people are horrified at what these fascists are attempting to do

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That's great 🙏🏻☺️

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Whatever it takes! TAKE THEM DOWN!

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My concern is that Trump is such an uncaring and insufferable beast. He cares only for himself. He might not care if others around him get charged. I suppose that it's a matter of how much it affects him. I sure hope it works. It would be great if Musk gets charged!

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"He doesn't care if others around him get charged". There, fixed it for ya'.

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There's no " he might not" to it is there?

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Definitely.We already know he doesn't care because his first administration, many people, In his administration, went to jail for him doing what he wanted.

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