Raskin is right in that Trump’s motivation is to amass personal wealth. But Trump is a puppet. The billionaire techno-elites who pull Trump’s strings are using him as a vehicle to destroy democracy.

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Billionaires don't care about democracy. Please disavow yourself of this notion. Billionaires want the money. They want the federal treasury to be redirected to them. This is all about money.----Jason

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Oh yeah, Jason. I totally agree. But it’s so much easier to amass wealth if democracy is dead.

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And that's the truth. Trump is not letting democracy get in the way of his goals.

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Heard that. I would add, "and make everyone a serf or slave."

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Of course he’s right. We need more voices like Congressman Raskin to call it like it is. We also need a focused direction from Democrats and a leader.

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Welcome to the party Jason. As my Greatest Generation Grandpa used to say, "Millionaires didn't get all that money by giving it away." He also said, "The only good republican was a dead one!" - He had anger issues after the Depression hit and lost his farm in the Dust Bowl.

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The Republican Depression brought by 3 straight Republican Presidents: Warren Harding, the most corrupt president until Trump, Calvin Coolidge, the laissez-faire president, & Herbert Hoover & their Republican led Congress. 10 of the last 11 recessions have been in Republican presidencies, including all the deep ones, & Trump is bound & determined to make it 11 out of 12 before the end of the year.

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I agree. Billionaires don't care about democracy. In fact, if I understand correctly, irregardless of the specific type of government regime in countries with a strongman in control, the primary motivation is money. They all want the same thing which is everything which is money. In order to obtain all the money, they have to deprive the citizens in their countries.

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Yes, this is called trumpism, it is like fascism , only not as good as fascism!!

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U got that right!

Pottervile for u gold towers for me

Bayonets and bullets baby

Guns are cheap!

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Trump’s personal motivation may in part be corruption (although with a heavy dose of pure exhilaration over his exercise of power). He, however, is nothing but a useful idiot for two separate but intertwined cabals: the Project 2025 Christian Nationalists and the libertarian tech bros.

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Yes. Also think he’s owned by Putin.

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Mango is so in love with himself, he probably kisses the mirror. His loving fans (HA!) are so terrified it is pitiful. All those R Senators learned nothing in the schoolyard. If you stand up to bullies, they cower because they are so cowardly.

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And Putin

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Spot on!!

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Raskin is on point!

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This man is in love with his country and I support him 💯. This administration is the most corruptive government ever 🤬

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Raskin knows what is going on and wants the public to know. Those that won't listen will only know the propaganda they hear. Raskin speaks truth.

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Jamie Raskin, what can we do?

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Get loud. Call your member of Congress every day, especially if you have a Republican member of Congress. Organize a protest. Remember, corruption thrives in darkness and silence. So anytime you can shine light on what's happening, that's a win. Also, with Democrats being in the House and Senate minority public encouragement and protest helps them bring attention to Trump's corruption.---Jason

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I know and do those things but something else needs to be done. Are the Dem leaders just going to allow this to happen? Calling reps only goes so far. Planning on attending a local protest tomorrow but I am 71 and it’s going to be single digit wind chills tomorrow.

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"Dem leaders going along?" On this planet? I have news for you, the Democrats are the only thing standing between you and the "labor camps" of old; NOT the news, not social media, not the courts and sadly not the military. This is it!

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Bless your heart. Dress warmly.

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People continue to holler about the "Democrats" , but what are senior senate republicans doing ? not a damn thing .

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Write to John Roberts. He and cohorts are the final arbiters of this mess the SC has legitimized.

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Wish i could, mailboxes are full and no one is listening.

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Boycott Project 2025 donors. I posted a link on this blog...

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Let's bring this farce to a halt !!!

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I really like Jamie Raskin…he supports the people! But what I want to know now is hard facts about what he is doing to get Congress to act!

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There is no one in the Democratic Party that can do anything. They are in the minority, and the Republican Party has already indicated by their actions and by their Speaker of the House, that the Republicans do not want to hear anything from the "other side."

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Donald Trump is cruel. He seems to hate the United States because his oath of office meant nothing to him. His wife seems to HATE him. Elon Musk is his new voice. The entire GOP has lost any spine that existed and they lay supine while the DOGE Criminals program us into a dictatorship. Traditional media IGNORES the millions of people protesting in the streets. I’m stunned though that people refused to believe Trump when he told us who he was. “You knew I was a snake when you let me in.” Quote. His words not mine. GOP gerrymandering was the only way they could cheat their way to winning. Voter apathy could not be worse. How do we stop them?

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As usual, Jamie Raskin knows what’s what

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Raskin knows what he's talking about , Trump is an evil, selfish corrupt man, to those who voted for him, and continue to support his destruction of our country, I'll take pleasure when the cult loses their food stamps , social security, and healthcare. Can't wait to hear them blame it on the libs.

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You don't have to wait. The Republitards are already blaming the Libs. Without proof, of course, but that never stops them because FACTS don't matter to LIARS.

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Except I’m in NYC and I will lose my SS, Medicare, Medicaid & food stamps. I will lose my apartment thanks to them! 🤬😡🤬😡

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I believe Raskin has a plausible understanding of the diabolical strategies employed to cause a coup by radical right wing conservatives who are breaking their vows and promises to defend our constitution and its laws. They scorn the American values and the lives or our diverse population. The arrogance of aggression exhibited by renaming The Panama Canal, the Gulf of Mexico and all the other foolishness about Greenland and usurpation of Gaza are dangerous irresponsible aggressive intimidation that inscrutably threatens world peace and presupposes that greed and domination are more important than peace. They BETRAY OUR NORTHERN FRIENDSHIP with Canada. The insults are ludicrous. They are tearing down the recent successful presidency to elevate their own ambitious agenda of rule, not by laws, but by autocracy, cruel and biased inhumane treatment for most while they promote the wellbeing of the tax free extremely wealthy minority. Our nation is a shambles under the Trump administration. We must rise up.

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We have long boasted about having the longest unarmed borders between 2 nations in the world. I wonder how much longer that will hold up. I bet Canada is thinking about arming up to defend itself from a US invasion.

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Rep. Raskin is a standout in Congress. He is of the few Reps & Senators that are there to improve this country. It is a shame, but far too many are only there for what they can get out of it. Rep. Raskin just states the facts. This is all about money. All else put out by the Felon and hanger ons is just smoke & mirrors. It is unfortunate so many kids, sick folks, elderly, and working Americans are going to be harmed by their greed. Every move they make is only taken for personal monetary gain. Whether the move harms anyone is not ever considered. Only the dollar matters. Only the Dollar!!!

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Yes, he’s too lazy to care about being an authoritarian.

Although a hot Mike caught him saying, after watching a Kim Jon Un display of obedience.

“I would like my people to do that for me”

Trumps mind is not organised enough for complex problems.

He is good at grifting and stealing money from people. He is particularly effective because he has so conscience and no sense of shame or guilt. As he said during an interview about Covid deaths if he felt responsible. He declared. ‘No im not responsible, not responsible at all.’ How many times have we heard him say “I don’t Care’ Trustpilot him when he says that because he really doesn’t care. Neither does his wife.

What I don’t understand is how does he think that he will get away with this forever? How many laws has he broken already?

His statement today demonstrates his attitude towards breaking laws. It means nothing. Maybe because he’s never been held accountable, he has dodged every single inditement.

The irony is he has made his fortune by suing people at the drop of a hat. Trump feels above the law. He is a delinquent liar, a man baby who has manipulated the system and will continue to do so until he is stopped.

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Despite “winning” a debate able question. There are laws and procedures to navigate. Trump is ignoring them all

How is this tolerated by the lawyers the judiciary and lastly the people. Are they not outraged?

There will be consequences, there always are.

Where does Trump think he can go to avoid them?

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I think he and his thugs are planning to stay in the WH. These people that are breaking the law do not have Presidential immunity. If they think they will get away with crimes...they won't if Dems get elected. They will try and rig the election for a third time though.

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Yes I think they are planning to stick around for quite sometime.

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How does he get away with? Because he won the election. That, apparently legitimises everything. They are right about one thing: The system needs to change. Too bad they didn't ask what change before they voted for it.

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He stole the election. Musk & Putin fixed it for him with voter suppression & vote manipulation.

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They have admitted doing this. They said they removed enough legitimately registered voters in swing states to tilt the vote his way. Leon Skum is handy to have around, since he's a techie with other techiesworking for him

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..."The purpose of this administration is corruption, and where corruption has taken residence, graft and theft are also usually present

I am in complete agreement with Jamie Raskin. He is "da man," and should be the spokesperson for House Dems, because he is so clear, on message and feisty. He absolutely does not mince words!

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Our problem is death isn't happening.

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EXACTLY. So lock him up! Thank you Congressman. Prayers for you as always and heart felt camaraderie.

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