Shame on him and the others. They have lost all trust and credibility. He does not own his seat. He does not employ us. We employ him. He and the others handed the bully his candy and ball on a silver platter. Shame on him and Dick Durbin. It’s almost unbelievable, they have shown us exactly who they are, spineless, lacking any moral courage and completely ineffective . Both must go.

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Fcuk you

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I’m just a woman who’s father at the age of 19 flew a B26 300 feet above the ground during WW2 so you have the freedom to say and write what you want. That plane was called The Widow Maker.

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Thank God for people like your dad. My 3 brothers all served in Viet Nam. The oldest one also served in Korea. These namby pambys just run their mouths.

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Your father as well as others are the true heros of America and deserve respect and honored as such. The same as the working women, who worked with little pay during the wars when there wasn't enough manpower. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing your father's story. Quite impressive at 19!

My father served in the navy during WWII.

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Did Pete’s fee fees get ruffled and he had a whittle verbal tantrum

Go see if Daddy will give you a hug

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Pete’s comments are blocked. Coward.

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Pete, did you get kicked off Twitter/X? Substack is only for respectful people

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Enjoy your results, Pete - you’ve done a fabulous job of fcuking yourself.

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Hey Pete...your a jackass.

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Really????? Spoken like a true surburban back yard liberal

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I live in Connecticut and am a former New Yorker. Does that make me a country bumpkin? What exactly matters where you live and what you believe? Do you know farmers in Midwest are being hurt? Trump and Musk are Putin puppets and are planning to destroy our democracy!

They see themselves as Oligarchs and so does his billionaire cabinet. The only people who are ok with all this Shit… is the wealthiest of our country because of tax cuts!! You’re an ass!!

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Good on you for sticking it to that trailer trash magatard. If the mindless Trumpian KKKoolaid Zombies had any spine or genuine love for the USA beyond jingoism, they wouldn't let the Trump/Musk Cabal get away with trying to ruin our nation for the enrichment of a handful of hyper-wealthy people.

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Thank you Eileen! This one is probably a maga troll just trying to add to the hate and discontent in our country. He can go pound sand!!!

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Not a suburbanite, nor do I like or have cats.

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Huh, Pete. A lot of us “true suburban back yard liberals” are happier about being knowledgeable, informed, and levelheaded than being blind, hicks-from-the-sticks MAGA conservatives.

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Sounds like you know a lot about suburban back yard politics. Still waiting for your "yellow" trickle down? Don't lose hope. Keep licking.

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Were you beaten as a child or should we start now?

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You will miss Biden.

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Fk off assole!

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Looks like you're following the lead of Cuck Schumer....fucking coward!!

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Yes, really.

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Schumer needs to be replaced… he’s out of touch

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I couldn’t agree more. We need younger leaders.

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Thanks for bending over CHUCK ( and others) now WE ALL GET SCREWED

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Bullshit Schumer knew exactly what to do

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“Without a smile”

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Schumer needs to be taken down from minority leader and when he comes up for re-election we vote him out. Also the other nine senate democrats who for the CR. We don’t need those type of people representing us. Because frankly they don’t care about us

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They need recalled. Don’t wait to vote them out recall their seat.

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I looked that up only the senate can boot him out. We as citizens cannot recall senators or representatives.

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His Wall Street benefactors told him not to vote to close the government. We all know democrats feed from the same trough as republicans and this country is truly an Oligarchy.

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On the Ides of March we take the place of Caesar, as the Senators betray us.😡

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That’s today.

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Schumer, you made a big mistake. More dismantling of the USA immediately followed your screw up

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I am LIVID! When I heard the results last night I started physically shaking with RAGE. I am SO ANGRY!!! You can't be a leader if no one is following you, CHUCK! Traitor!

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Schumer needs to go because he’s not a fighter ,and that’s what the democrats need the most @ this time.

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I am not donating another dime to the Dems. I am fuming over what Sen. Schumer and the other 9 Dems did. You should be fighting for us not giving in to a wannabe strongman.

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Trump wanted a shut down. He could then gut everything including the courts. Schumer did the right thing. Even though the bill is horrible, a shutdown would be much worse.

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If this is true, Schumer, at the very least, played this issue very poorly. The Democratic voters had been primed for a shutdown. The consequences of a shutdown should have been known by party leadership for weeks. To pull this stunt at the last minute was really stupid move.

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FU Schumer. Coward!!!!

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Didn’t blow up in his face, he must’ve gotten something really nice. DJT thanked him.right away.

This is blowing up in all our faces. Benedict Arnold has nothing on this guy and 9 others who have gotten lost in their own personal well being and forgotten about their country at one of the most critical moments in 150 years.

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I forgot to add 53 current Republican Senators to this. They belong here too.

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I’m from New York State. Both of our “senators” caved. Disgusting. And Gillebrand was always talking about supporting veterans. What a crock of shit

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Disappointed and hung out to dry

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We need a new Minority Leader!

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Illinois will soon have Duckworth as SENIOR senator.

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