Did house republicans forget they were elected to serve the people not trump…

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Serve the people? Hahahahaha. Dear Leader is all that matters

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I dont think so..MTG first, then Bobert. They constantly interupted Biden....THAT PARTY IS POS!!!!!!

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When Rep Green was removed Democrats went silent.They should have been noisy and forced their own removal one by one.Taken focus from Donnie.They would have been the story.Decorum be damned.He has destroyed our country.Why do they go silent.

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They didn't go silent. Many of them had their backs turned to Trump. Others held up signs. Large numbers of them walked out. Trump got booed by Democrats several times during the speech. Democrats seem to have had a plan to protest throughout.---Jason

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They were far too silent and their silly signs were largely missed. Much of the media coverage did not focus on the signs or back turning, etc. It took an act like Rep. Green's to draw a reaction, and we needed far more of that. The Dems need to stop their incessant hand wringing and get to work.

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Doesn't seem to have been enough. Time to take the gloves off and get down and dirty.

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A showing of complete solidarity would have made a stronger point. I think that the statement made by by only one Dem walking out was less effective than having more walk out. Okay, let some stay but numbers count.

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If we didn't "see" the coordination or the "plan", it didn't exist. Period. Cameras didn't catch even the Jasmine Crockett group of 6 or 7 that walked out with tshirts (not sure which large numbers you're referencing who walked out - do you consider 6 or 7 large?) So if there was a "plan"? That "plan" failed miserably.

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Really, that form of protest did not do crap..little signs, WTF, Some half hearted booos. Every time the RepubliCONs screamed USA, AThe dems the should have yelled TRAITORS TRAITORS TRAITORS.

Why were they even there. AL was the only one who had the balls to do what needed to be done.

If the democratics don't come up with a better protest than what we saw last night, we are going to lose in 2028 because we are showing the American public, we don't have the courage to FIGHT fire with fire.

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I applaud Rep. Green for calling out the lies and hypocrisy!

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That’s exactly what I was thinking. It would have been great!

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I’m sure Mr. Green will welcome the censure! The more attention drawn to him stating reality, the better!

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Bravo to Representative Al Green! Now we need every Dem in Congress to do the same. The soul of our country is in peril.

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I don't know if it's true or not but on a posting it was noted hats aren't allowed. MTG had her MAGA hat on. Was it during Biden's speech MTG and friend were shouting?

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That is true, and yes it was Greene and Boebert, who actually can't stand each other, who were heckling Biden.---Jason

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I could go with that. We’ll have to make sure the bag is strong enough that her MAGA claws won’t be able rip through it.

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I am strongly in favor of MTG wearing a hat, especially one large enough to keep stupid sh..stuff from coming out of her mouth. Assuming such a thing exists.

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Put her in a large plastic bag and seal it shut.

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yessssss please

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I’m sorry. I meant to ask if you were climbing up the Eiffel Tower right now (yes, I’m THAT old!).

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2/9/64 old? America was united then. At least all the cool kids were.

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Hypocrites. Censure the rethuglicans that heckled Joe Biden.

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Don't forget the idiot who yelled "You lie!" at the top of his lungs at Obama, during a State of the Union; or Justice Alito shaking his head and muttering at Obama from his front row seat during another. No censures or resolutions there either.

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Or THAT woman from GA!

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Leave him alone. Trump didn’t get punished for all his convictions

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House Republicans are nothing if not hypocrites….

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House Republicans need to focus on serving : " WE THE PEOPLE"

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It’s udder hypocrisy and I’m tired of the double standards!!

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There is an elemental evil in the hearts of some Republicans, who are fed from the top down. They would welcome lynchings, for this is symbolic of those atrocities. These are white supremacists, settling their score, for now.

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When did Americans get so mean, hateful and selfish? All the red thugs cheering and screaming over an agenda that will only hurt them and their loved ones. "When you don't listen, you feel." I heard that thousands of time from my mother while I was growing up.

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RIDICULOUS. If these clowns had stood up and impeached Shitler our country wouldn’t be going down the toilet now. The Hypocrisy Party.

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Is this possible? Fecking traitors most of them! Disgrace is what this is, nothing else!

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What worries me, is that many of these cowards seats are up for grabs next year. Why aint they thinking about that?? Do they think that people will forgive and forget?

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Let’s not forget.

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No, they're not worried about next year's elections. Either those elections are already fixed for them, or there won't be any.

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If we do not stand up for Rep Green.Democrats will loose me they should have stood up and walked out.That was disgraceful that not one democrat walked out with rep Green!!!!!

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