Feb 12Edited

DON'T PASS ANYTHING that includes any further tax cuts for the rich, cuts social security, medicare, medicaid, or other safety-net iprograms for the American people! Damn republicans can burn as far as I'm concerned. They don't want to do anything for the democrats or the American people, but suddenly they want to make nice in the sand and get everyone to go along with their plans to continue to enrich the wealthy and leave the rest of us in the dirt? To hell with them!

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Excellent ideas! This is supposed to be a UNITED States, and policies were to benefit the majority, not the minority.

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Vote to impeach Trump

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Is anyone surprised??? They do nothing. But talk, talk, talk. Hate, hate, hate. Take away from the needy to give the rich benefits and tell the poor to get off their azzes and get a job. When many are disabled and sick or have disabilities. They make me sick. And they're following this petulant child they elected as a felon for president. They are in their positions only to benefit themselves and could care less about the every day average American. They can kick rocks..

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There are solutions for your pleas for charity. As America becomes wealthier and more successful, there should be more money available for everyone.

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The Rich oligarchy now in place is cutting for the poor while giving to the rich. Do you think they give a shit about the actual average American? Go sell your B.S. Somewhere else.

That's why the programs were there to begin with. Go take another drink of your orange koolaid Sir.

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Duncan, forgive me, but this country has never had a trickle down economy. Trump needs to fulfill his promises to the mega wealthy by giving them Even more $trillions of dollars in tax breaks. He owes them.

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I hope it doesn't pass because it's for the very rich. It's funny that none of them have asked for it and they certainly don't need it. Then who's it really for then methinks something is very fishy.

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HeyRobynne: By far the most dangerous Oligarch immersed in American politics, is George Soros. He is behind the hiring of left wing attorneys general who refuse to incarcerate convicted criminals. He is a Democrat. .Republicans have just exposed that, thanks to Democrats, the American tax payer has been paying Soros to put these criminals back on the streets. Talk about corruption and abuse.

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Go away trumper ur not welcome here!!

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What the fuck is the obsession you pocket warrior pseudo liberals have with oligarchy? You find a word or phrase, and like the sheep you are, you use it all day every day: At the end of the day, gaining traction,keeping receipts, now oligarchy. Did you use a cell phone today,,use a General Motor product, buy a McDonald's hamburger, Google anything, sleep on a mattress, drive a car, fill up that car with oligarchy gasoline, brush your teeth, play a tune, buy dog food, toilet paper, toothpaste, aspirin,,,,use Reynolds wrap, Bounty papers towels blah blah blah???!!! You people are not the children of Jesus, you were not delivered by the Easter Bunny, you did not just pop out of a birthday cake. Have you ever had a Dr Pepper, Coke, Pepsi,Budweiser.??? There is not a fucking thing you do all day every day that does not line the pockets of or have e something to do with ,,,as you say "oligarchy" Jesus Fuck,,,,get over it... Take a shower in the fire hydrant, piss in a Dixie cup, and turn off TV, toss it, cut off Netflix, and Spotify , and electricity, Then you will be living the proud rebel life. OMFG Hey,,, Duncan,,you are scary fucking limited and dumb

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The USA is wealthy and successful, at least it was until Jan20th.

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Nonsense troll is trolling nonsense.

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Too much free suff in America. We have to incentivize Americans to work for their success.

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Hahahahaha. Some people can't work. Are your for real? How about the injured from the military or the disabled from an accident at work or born with severe abnormalities. 🤔 are you for real??? You don't get it of course another Maga cult member 🙄

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Wow you are more stupid that you were 15 seconds ago,, i was way too kind...wow

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I can think of a number of diabolical things - deport Elon and Co as undesirables and take back his citizenship - I know illegal but we live in Trump times, arrest all the January 6th rioters that Trump let loose and have them serve their time - check their citizenship status while you are at it. Float a resolution that all Trump's pardons are illegal - won't pass but will get Republicans wondering if the Dems went rogue - no we are ticked off. I would also have a special group of Dems set up to review all of Trumps real estate holdings and have them checked to see financials and if they are up to code - that includes his golf courses. Yes I know petty and ridiculous but so is THE DONALD and most of his Congress. Investigate Marjorie Taylor Green for whatever the FBI can think of - cause she is a royal pain. She how she likes it.

That was fun LOL!!!

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I am absolutely delighted to hear that they don't have the votes to pass it on their own. Praying that the Democrats will stand strong and refuse to cooperate. I have come to despise Mike Johnson, and look forward to hearing that he has been deposed.

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Democrats please don't help them destroy America without a fight.

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Some may sell us out! We all need to let our Democratic representatives and senators to stand for Americans and the constitution and not bow down to a president that wants to be king. And those whose elected officials are Republicans, need to start calling them. They are supposed to represent Americans…not only the billionaires and friends of the president!

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These greedy repubs should be fined $1,000 every day they are unable to pass a budget because of their constant attempts to cut taxes for the rich.

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Consider a freeze on Federal Taxes April 15th as a bargaining chip.

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Diabolical and I love it

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No democrat better help them out.

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As expected. Now let’s watch the GOP whine to the Dems to be adults for them. Just hope most of the press actually gets on them about it.

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Great responses. Dems, shut down the place. Do not give them one vote on anything. They broke it, they bought it. Remember that from the Gulf War. Hold the religious/political cult responsible to "The Rule of Law."

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Thank you to all the common sense people writing here.

Sometimes I feel very alone in this “fight.”

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DON'T SIGN IT! Don't agree to help the republicans with so much as one signature They won't do anything to help the American people and they want to cut safety-net programs like social security, medicare, medicaid, child care. NO! They refuse to compromise for the PEOPLE and instead want to help the WEALTHY - As far as I am concerned, they can burn! We CANNOT play nice in the sand anymore while they work to destroy this country and it's citizens!

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I was convinced that even if Trump was reelected the Dems would retake the House. I also thought Lauren Bobblehead had no chance of being reelected. Oh, how wrong I was. I want to make it 100% clear that I haven't given up. Far from it. But it's obvious the Democrats must develop and fully define a message that will successfully reach the average middle- and lower middle class voter. We MUST retake the House of Representatives if we have any chance of reining-in Trump.

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Keep calling and writing your congressional representative and Senators. Don't stop. I've contacted them more in 2025 than the last 20 years. DON'T STOP.

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You are right and what the message is not:Poison in lawn fertilizers, global warming, gay rights, transgenger rights, changing the daylight savings time,rules of baseball, Congress etc... the issues are:the fucked up roads, the fucked up prices, rinse and repeat

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch!

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Their budget plan is S**T! WHY are we not able to make it CLEAR AS DAY, that the TAX CUTS” Rump spouts off to his idiots about , are NOT FOR THEM?!!?? THEY RECEIVE TAX INCREASES! Please MAKE IT KNOWN.

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