Totally agree with any resistance and walkout

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Boycott, walk out either are an acceptable means of protesting the Trump regime and their actions and policies but Dems need to be united. It would mean so much more and send a much clearer message if every democrat in congress either failed to show, while participating in other worthwhile activities, or walked out in unison. The Democratic leadership needs to LEAD. The need to rally together and sent a cohesive message that says to Trump and Co. NO! We’re not having it!

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Agree 1000%. ALL Democrats MUST be UNITED and ALL must get a little tiny bit of f*ucking COURAGE & RESIST physically, visibly in front of as many people as possible!!! UNITED!!! Quit wimping out!!! When will they get it??? They are four weeks behind in realizing they are allowing the country to be taken before their very eyes, ears, and minds out of democracy into autocracy!!! How can they live with themselves —- the way they’ve been going with the flow??????? Take a lesson from the Vietnam War movement; take another read on Hitler’s actions through the 1920s and ‘30s. REPRESENT your constituency, Democrats!!!!!

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All house and senate democrats should boycott. There is nothing he has to say that they should listen to. It will serve as an embarrassment to the administration. It will also energize their constituents to see them take a strong united stand.

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Go to the Chamber. When he enters, stand, then walkout.

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I think that's a better way to do it. Maybe some of the Democrats will do this tonight.

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ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Duhhh!!!!!!

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What he hates most are empty seats. In the chamber, online, and in general.

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Empty heads hate empty seats.

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Oh no

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I’d rather eat a bowl of concrete than watch that farce tonight. He continues to break laws, and refuses to follow our Constitution. Perhaps, the folks we should be contacting are the Supreme Court Justices. Let’s flood their offices with post cards & calls telling them how mad we are for making him a King.

Mail: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543

Phone: (202) 479-3000, M-F, 9 AM–5:30 PM

TTY: (202) 479-3472

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Great idea (mail the Supreme Court)!

Thank You!!

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Postal mail. Flood the building with mail because emails are ignored. Overwhelm the mail room, will drive them crazy.

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Thank you. Good to have that information for the UNsupreme court. 🇺🇸

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Thank you very much Sir.

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Not enough.

Look to LBJ’s daisy ad. Every Republican House district and the 20 states who have Republican Senators standing for reelection in 2026 should get a targeted, emotional billboard and tv ad campaign, highlighting pictures of the kids, elderly, and veterans that are impacted by VA, SS, SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare cuts and statistics FOR THAT DISTRICT of the number of impacted families and individuals.


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Scott: I've thought about this and there's enough ad agency, marketing talent out there to do something like this. Yes, the LBJ daisy ad was controversial in its day - but it drove home a point. The R's seem to have mastered the weaponization, if you will, of messaging and media.

The Democrats have needed to raise their game in these areas for a while.

The Harris campaign was doing a good job (my take, having friends and family who are ad people and marketing folks) but much of it was too little, too late - previous "consultants" seemed to have been driving (regurgitating) old strategies.

Human. Personal. Real.

And across various platforms, tap into the energy of younger members who know how to message across various platforms, empower younger leaders. We need them NOW.

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There is the Daisy ad and it was effective. Life Magazine did an incredible job of reporting the Vietnam War in pictures. Pictures make events and actions real. Think of Mrs. Till, Emmett Till’s mother, when she insisted on an open casket—a truly great & courageous lady. Think of Kent State and the pictures in the aftermath.

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The dems should treat Trump like Obama was treated by Republican chants of “he lies”. Comical with Barack absolutely true with Trump! Maybe the jack boots will come out and remove anyone brave enough to perform their civic duty to protest!

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Kevin, while on one level I would love to see that happening I keep thinking about the sequence of events in The Handmaid's Tale - I do not put it past FOTUS to order his thugs to fire on those in the Chamber. Yeah, that's bleak.

But my expectations for him are in the basement and digging ...

I also have concerns for those D's attending to be able to get their collective act together to act in unison to do anything (seriously: have they rehearsed, talked among themselves, anything?) Lots of ideas out there - many of them good.

Where will the leadership be this evening? What will they be doing?

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I heard each member is allowed any form of expression they want by their leadership (?) although they apparently aren’t going to coordinate. So long as we are divided the response will be muted and ridiculed by DJT and his enablers.

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Do you have a link to any of that re leadership allowing any form of expression? Talking to our local Rep (whose staff returns phone calls and emails - yay!) - that's not what they're hearing, per recent conversations.

And if by "leadership" - that's Schumer or Jeffries - are they giving any direction or basically .... well, I'll stop here as I don't see them giving direction on anything in recent days.

I had asked this Reps staff that question (what will the D response be? do they have a sense of who is attending? )last week when various responses (questioned asked by AOC and others) were requested if there was a plan (phrased: how can we support D's around this speech?)

Hope that makes sense?

Full disclosure, our uncommunicating/noncommunicative Senator is delivering the D "response" - and I am not confident (unfortunately)

My concern is that a fragmented, every-little-person-for-themselves display or response results in something between a total shitshow or weak performative displays by individuals or small groups. (hey! I got attention!)

I did seriously ask if there was a plan, were the D's going to rehearse? Would there be a script? (yes, some of them know me and I am sarcastic and pointed)

Yes: if we are divided, we're sunk.

It's one night - can they get it together?

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I can dig out the articles I read. There were several and they were not coordinated on a large scale. If the dems do something dramatic, they probably won’t share it in advance. I hope this is the plan. Whatever, coordination is a must to be effective. It will be interesting for sure.

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Maybe if those who do attend and do not walk out, might stand and turn their backs to the speaker’s podium.

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I think if they don’t show- it will be interpreted as compliance and used to change the narrative as gop loves to do. I’d rather Dems show up and disrupt- call him out on every single lie. Have signs, yell, make noise etc etc etc. playing small amounts to compliance. That could include a noisy walkout.

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I respectfully disagree with yelling but I like the signs. If Democrats boo or yell out as MTG, Boebert and Mike Lee who pointedly yelled "you're lying" when President Biden said GOP wanted to cut SS (which they did and do and hope to accomplish), all it did was make them look despicable. I'm not in the "if they go low, we go high", but unlike the GOP, I think respect should still be demonstrated in the Capitol - not to the Felon47, but to its history. I also really like the walking out whether they do it at the same time or one by one. I won't be watching anywhere so y'all can let me know what we ended up doing.

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I think, for the best effect, Dems should stand up and walk out en masse. Not right away, but when he starts to get a "head of steam" going.

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Do as they please? Are you kidding? Where is leadership? They should all be required to show-up. They should all wear black, sit silently until the first piece of misinformation leaves The Tangerine Twat’s lips, each person has a sign that says “Liar” and for each lie hold the sign above your head, remain silent.

Halfway through this ear filth, they should all stand, recite “The Pledge of Allegiance” as loud as they can then file out singing America, the Beautiful. Just my thoughts.

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Why bother. All he’s gonna do is lie and mock all those there. It actually does not make any difference whether they’re there or not, he’ll just use it against them like he always does.

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But I believe, unlike Pelosi or Jeffries, Johnson WILL get the Sergeant at Arms to publicly remove them and those are not optics that I would want to promote. I was shocked that the Sergeant wasn't called on MTG or Boebert or Mike Lee to remove them for their yelling and disruptive behavior but typical Dem response I guess. GOP won't take that I'm sure and Johnson has most likely been instructed by his "dear leader" to do that.

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Ooh good point.

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only walk out with TRAITOR SIGNS ON THEIR BACK!

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Of course, they all should. What do they expect to learn from it? Why waste the time?

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Stand and turn their backs would be better

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Yes. It would make for great TV, as he would say.

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Spot on‼️👏

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One recommendation for those who are attending is to wear an outfit similar to what Zelenskyy wore on Friday or - even better- to stand up every time the president LIES. They could hold up signs that say LIE each time as well. Wouldn't that be a spectacle!

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People need to be there to show resistance, demonstrate support of Ukraine, and work on “good trouble!” Complete absence gives the ultimate gaslighter a free show.

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For those who do attend, I support a planned walkout. A public display of resistance for the world to see that as patriots we do not in any way support the thuggery of the current criminal regime.

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I really liked something I read earlier today , a suggestion by the writers 86 year old mother that Dems wear yellow and blue, for Ukraine, as a sign of protest to Trump, and support for Zelensky.

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My first reaction is that I would do the same thing. But my second response is isn’t that what he’s hoping for? For us to remain silent and disengaged?

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I actually prefer the walkout to the boycott myself for that very reason. It would be much more impactful if the Democrats got up and walked out while he was speaking.---Jason

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That's a thought. Bring signs, flags, something to show when he begins to tell lies--which surely will be from when the bell first rings. Or wear anti-MAGA hats. Like "MAFA"--make America fall again. Wear a small bell around your neck so you can blow it when he lies. Laugh a lot.

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Agreed here they need to be present and resist and walk out or call them out over and over

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As long as the Dems stand together I don’t have a definite answer other than that

Dems MUST unite and push this fucker out

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Powers: THIS - exactly.

My concern is their ability as a group to do anything 'together' (not flash mob candidates there... ) but they do need to send some message, while keeping themselves safe.

As others have noted, I don't think "Speaker Johnson" would hesitate to physically remove, assault attendees - with the blessings, previous permissions, support of FOTUS.

"what great TV"

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It needs to have the visual effect, the shock-and-awe effect. It needs to be loud. It needs to be the better news of the night. Otherwise, it’s just slinking away.

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The Democrats should choose a spokesperson and form a shadow government to provide their direct response to all his actions.

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Yes! Every day.

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