Musk has no authority to do what he is doing so Hakeem who is minority leader of Congress has every right to have musk arrested!!! He can have the capitol police arrest him!!!
Jeeper, the very reason trump runs things as he does - fear. Some will decide 'give me liberty or give me death' meaning they will step up. We have so many decent Democrats, the fighters are coalescing.
Support them with your voices and votes. Trump is a weak and cowardly bully who will back down when he's challenged. Do the right thing Congress and Senate and get rid of this pos.
Exactly. He has /They have ..successfully threatened the reps AND their families, AND their job security AND. GOTTEN. AWAY.WITH . IT. With no accountability THIS.WILL.CONTINUE.
I want to know why TF didn't the dems pack the supreme court when they had the chance!?!? They could have gotten all bidens appointees in there before they changed it back. The left is so freaking WEAK. They refuse to do what needs to be done. They have to be JUST as dirty as them! Start lying! Normalize it! Start blaming every single thing on them be completely disingenuous, and most of all drop this woke nonsense. Wokism is the reason we will NEVER win another election. Trump could make every last one of us destitute and people will still vote for him to end this cringe woke pandering.
…democrats are USELESS, PATHETIC and INCOMPETENT, for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS they couldn’t produce a viable candidate with a REAL and DECISIVE PLAN substituting old man with a GIMMICK Kamala who’s campaign was exactly just like trump’s campaign - all emotions without REAL ISSUES and running business as usual, never go after criminals and expecting to win…?!
…if country allows dictator to become dictator after he said he will be dictator DESERVE DICTATOR !
The party has been completely hijacked from the center by these insane activists. Go watch the DNC's elections from last week it will blow your mind. They literally stopped the election because a trans person or whatever didn't get elected. The entire thing was one activists screaming blatantly racist anti strait white male racism and sexism that they claim to be so against. So instead of picking the most competent they are going to FORCE them to pick someone based on external factors such as whatever they claim their identity to be... it is so absolutely insane. These are the things that the average person sees and just thinks to themselves, I have absolutely NOTHING in common with these people. They care more about pandering to this tiny group of activists than worrying about the fact that Americans cannot buy groceries or afford even a place to live. They are more concerned about a pandering to this tiny fraction of the population so they can virtue signal to each other on Bluesky. People are DONE with that shit. If some common sense democrats don't stand up to these far left radicals and not worry about being cancelled by these loud obnoxious activists to take back control of this party for the average working American we will NEVER take power back from the corporate and billionaire interests under disguise as the republican party. Our government has never been more broken and has never been so unrepresentative. We have extreme far left radicals running the democratic part, and extreme far right radicals running the republican party. The overwhelming majority of center normal average Americans has absolutely ZERO representation in our government, and as so they hear Trump lie and pander to them and they think to themselves, well, these democrat people clearly HATE me, Trump says he's gonna look out so I guess I'm voting for Trump! Now here we are... The left exists in just as insulated a bubble as the right. Completely and utterly out of touch with the average working American.
Where does Hakeem derive any authoity to arrest anyone? He is an elected politician, not a law enforcement or judicial officer.
He could file impeachment orders, but I expect they would be DOA. And anyway (a) Trump wopuld simply claim presidential immunity, or (b) even if Trump were impeached, you get the Hillbilly.
As Minority Leader he doesn't have the numbers to impeach - or even subpeona - and as an individual elected rep he has zero authority to bring charges against anyone. He is a legislator, not a DA or a cop.
I am not directing my comments to Haeekm Jeffries at all - but to Our "Katherine Farrington" who keeps on asserting in post after post that Mr Jeffries has powers to arrest Elon Musk. It isn't true whatsoever, and I'm politely correcting her.
A demand that Elon Musk be subpoenaed was also over-ruled by the 3M (the MUSK MAGA MAJORITY). What is difficult to understand here? The Dems have very little power.
You either miss the point or are intentionally ignoring it. Calls for arresting Musk are calls for outrage. It's Republican 101. Do what you cannot seems to work for them
You mis-underestimate me ... of course there may be political points to be scored by calling for the arrest of Musk - not that I'm even sure about that - MAGAs love what he's doing it seems, draining the swamp with a big bucket.
I am just responding to the erroneous comment (repeated here several times) that the Minority Leader in the House of Reps has powers of arrest over Americans ... it is simply not true. I am not intentionally ignoring anything of substance.
Hakeem has no legal right - or legal capacity - to have Musk arrested.
What would he do - call up a sheriff or marshall and order they go arrest him? Doesn't work that way - as I said elsewhere, voters elect politicians to the House, but they are not law enforcement appointments.
I don't think he has King Imminity. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think what he is doing is within his authority as President. Even if he wants to cos play dictator. Trump needs to start behaving like a Man and put Musk & company in jail for treason.
…you are right - you are not a lawyer, you also not really aware of what dictatorship is, because he did not run for president this time
..”dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.”
Tell that to my family who lived thru mussalini and Hitler. Those ego were in camps. Those who were shot at. As far as I'm concerned I see Trump and Musk as gd evil dictators. Musk needs deporting, Trump needs prison.
Sure ... but as a minority, any impeachment motion from the Dems might have some symbolic impact I guess (but so what - Trump, Musk, and the goon squad couldn't care less), and no legal effect.
…”dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.”
That sounds a little bit too Republican. I’d love to see them all in jail as they deserve to be, but if I want to live in this country with the freedoms it affords I want to see things done lawfully.
Yeah, everyone wants to just arrest trump and his minions. Who’s going to do it? This is all going to end in civil war.
I don’t disagree, he should be in jail, as should his pal musk. Arrest trump, we have Vance, unless we arrest him as well. Arrest Vance, better get to Johnson fast as he’s the next in line. Take bondi out of DoJ quickly, just cuz she’ll be calling for the arrest of everyone who’s arresting people - so better find little kash before he starts in. Ah, and don’t forget muscle man himself, hegseth, even if he might just be getting drunk on more than just his new power.
Yeah, half the people in this electorate voted these quacks in, so this fight will be a civil war. But all we have to do is write opinions. Very worthwhile.
I don't care about Trump, Musk and all of their minions, I don't care about their due process rights. Arrest all of them on Treason, because this is exactly what it is, then let their lawyers sort out the details later. If the arrests just caused a 24 HR delay, we might be able to get our country back. We can't wait for democrats to bring shit bills to the floor, waste of time. Lawsuits take to long! Arrest now and worry about their civil rights later. These deplorables certainly aren't worried about any of our rights as they try to fire whole agencies of workers, round up immigrants, which many are American citizens. Where are our rights in all of this? Add stealing absolutely everyone's digital info! Just my thoughts
"Arrest all of them on Treason, because this is exactly what it is, then let their lawyers sort out the details later."
You seem to be overlooking the critical part - the people who could do the arresting are controlled and owned by the people you want to see arrested. This is what a coup looks like.
Somehow I got a chuckle out the supremeless court upholding the law and the constitution. They already gave him unlimited powers in their decision last year. They knew what they were doing. This is project 2025 in action.
I know I'm feeling pretty down about things right now. If muskrat has his way and they destroy my social security and Medicare, I will be on the get sick and die on the street plan.
I have upheld democracy every day of my life, but it was for nothing. Now I must go. Fight back the tears and write to every politician I know, because that's all I am physically able to do right now. Please everyone, do the same!
Musk should have no power!!! He was not elected he didn’t take the oath to abide by the constitution!!! He just took over with no consent from anyone but criminal Trump who needs to be impeached again and hopefully it will stick this time!!!!!
The Supreme Court can interpret the law but the executive branch, as indicated by the word execute, must enforce the law. See the problem with his destruction of federal law enforcement and the firing of lawyers. If trumps executive branch won't enforce the law we have no way to make him.
Social Security are not the peoples fund. As much as I wish it were. SS is a tax - collected by the government like any other tax. And it is at the discretion of the government how to use those taxes. There is absolutely no legal and or binding legislation that states that the government has to make SS payouts.
This has been confirmed in lawsuits starting in the mid 1940's and time and again.
Not to mention the example of the former alcoholic and apparently mentally challenged Bush Jr., who took $1.3B out if it to pay for the tax cuts for the ultrawealthy and corporations, as well as fund the unjust and build on false "evidence" war against Iraq, killing 1Mio Iraquis, not to mention the killing and maiming of US services members physically and mentally, and destabilizing that region. And no, he did not pay it back into SS.
I think if he had that power he would do it. This is an unprecedented situation, that is shifting rapidly and on many levels. We have people acting outside the law with an Executive who is sanctioning unconstitutional power with a loyalists in enough powerful positions to push there actions. I trust dem leadership to strategize to do what they can to slow down and thwart the process. Dem leadership may not be able to prevent all the damage that is happening and wishing they could just stop this mess or being angry at them is not going to make it stop. Dem leaders cannot do it alone. They need our voices and our backing.
Trumps job is not to disrupt our government but work within the constitution and the governing powers that have been established for many years !!! But he has unleashed an evil entity to overthrow the status quo!! Musk who has no right to even interfere with the established government!!!! Musk has no power or right to do what he is doing and Trump has no right to let Musk do what he is doing!! Trump must be impeached!!!!
This won’t end unless we end it!! I emailed Hakeem and you all can too!! He has the power to help us to get Trump impeached and Musk arrested!! Don’t doubt what I’m saying!! Hakeem just has to know it!!! Google his email and tell him we need him to stand up for us and what is right!!!!
You are wrong Kamala could have refused to certify Trump as president and Musk is not an elected part of our government the only solution is to impeach Trump and there is much cause for Congress to do so!! And if they don’t they are complicit in distroying our country!!! Trump is very evil and won’t stop he needs to be held accountable for all the evil shit he has done and all the evil he has allowed Musk to do!!! We can do this but it takes our democrats in Congress to stop this madness!!!!!
Oh I WISH SHE HAD THE BALLS to refuse to certify him. Of course, she didn't want the backlash. Ultimately everyone in DC is self interested. That really disappointed me. Seems the Dems can't use their power when they have it and when the thugs come they seem to just roll over and fucking take it, saying thank you all the while and hiding behind the veneer of "playing by the rules." The other side threw the rule book out the window!! I mean, Biden and Harris kept warning that he was a threat to democracy and then they welcomed him into the White House with fucking smiles on their faces and handshakes in front of the fire. Nauseating.
Oh good grief ... both you and especially "Katherine Farrington" need to get on top of how this government stuff works.
The Vice President has a purely ceremonial role in the counting of the certifications from the 50 states. The states (through their "electors") are the certifying authorities. The VP has no more power to "certify" (or refuse to certify) the incoming president than Kermit the Frog.
I agree that a decent Congress could attempt the impeachment of Trump, but Trump is only able to do what he is doing (through Musk) because he has the backing of basically all the GOP members in Congress, and basically all red-state governors, and indeed the Supreme Court.
They have the lot - it might be a long four years ... or at least two, until the Midterm Elections.
You are correct.....but I really, really like what Katherine is saying. Let me bask in the possibilities because I have truly lost faith. I would like to just pretend and have blinders on for a bit. And think that maybe our country has a future. That maybe I can finish my life in a great country. That maybe my kids and grandkids will have opportunities and rights that I did or MORE. I just want blinders on for a bit. NO... it's not stopping me doing what we must. I'm a GREAT letter writer and like to educate people (If anyone thinks that even 1/2 of Americans pay attention to elections or those who are running....think again. That answer is a flat NO and it's on both sides! Most ppl are too busy with their LIVES, trust me on this one). I'm not stopping reaching out to people and educating every chance that I get and sharing all information that I have. But my fantasy world is what Katherine is saying. And yes that world is butterflies and rainbows and everyone loves everyone and lets people be who they are.
He does not have the authority to do so, but he can lead an impeachment. The Republicans have only a very small lead in Congress. Three or four rational Republicans can make a difference. Keep trumps (lower case intended) feet to the fire and let him feel the heat. Do not let up. We the people will stand with Rep. Jeffries.
So, i was thinking about this, and I'm pretty sure every president appoints czars in positions and they have been given access to this stuff in the past. I don't think there's a legal leg to stand on. Unfortunately. The oligarchs will own everything and we will work 16 hrs a day for a studio appt and sack lunches. We will own nothing and like it.
today Chris Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Gerry Connolly and a MD Dem Congressman tried to storm the USAID building to get to the musk kids installing hard drives, but could not get in. Thank you. I'd like to see all the DEM Congress members doing this. Go to Treasury. Musk has now broken into a lot of agencies, Dept of Education and a lot more, continuing to get access to private info, now all the students with loans/sholarships, etc. Get AOC to go with you, and Jasmine Crockett.
WHY couldn’t they get in? But Elon can storm all these agencies and get in? So excuse me if I just don’t believe it. Who’s letting Elon in? You know that Trump isn’t standing there, letting people in and blocking entry. OUR OWN CONGRESS PEOPLE CANT GET IN BUT ELON CAN??? With what security?
The agency heads letting him in after trump tells them too. Trump is orchestrating it. They have the keys. We no longer do. The secretary of treasury let him in.
Too many self-concerned and unpatriotic Republicans have bowed to trump's madness. Sure a quick fix would be great but we wound up with trump because there has been no available quick fix.
Trump is a racist, misogynist, rapist, and a felon. Apparently this is what a lot of Americans wanted. He needs to be removed from office immediately. Congress needs to act NOW
Well you don’t know till you try now do ya ? And in case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s cracks starting to develop in the Republican Party.
Well it’s the Speaker who gets to call up matters for a vote. I don’t see any crack there - unless you’re suggesting “crackpot”. With that I’d have to agree.
Yep, what Trump and Elon have done is completely out of traditional norms when it comes to running government. If Dems think that using traditional lawsuits and legislation is going to solve the problem of Trump and Elon, they are completely wrong. Because Trump and Elon don’t work within the system. They’re abolishing the very system that Democrats think will work to abolish Trump and Elon. The only way to win against Trump and Elon is to work outside the box. But Dems can’t even think outside the box.
The rot in Congress may have become so pervasive that IDK if there is enough political will to actually convict him even if impeachment were to go forward. Too many fascist bootlicking sycophants and self enriching stock trading sellouts sucking on the lobbyist teats in Congress.
At least he and the congressional dems are FINALLY doing something about the lawlessness we’re seeing from this administration. However, I think the horse has already left the barn with regard to the treasury department. That data is already in their hands and likely already off shore somewhere.
not just that agency, reporting on a ton more they have hacked and have the info. Dept of Education was one of them today, have all the student loan info.
Exactly! I have already considered my checking account used for tax refunds and SSN as compromised. I will be opening a new account. I filed a consumer complaint with the NC attorney. Time is of the essence. Consumers should be in damage control mode.
I don’t but i have received tax refunds and that’s why i consider my checking account and SSN as compromised. However, I would not expect other bank accounts to be compromised although federally insured because they haven’t been used for tax refunds. I have already locked my SSN using E-Verify and set up pin for tax filing. With those measures and credit freezes, I hope to minimize any identity theft.
Hell yes!! LFG Rep. Jeffries! I want to see Dems use every single tool at their advantage to stop this madness. The Republicans wanted total control so they need to have total ownership. I’m sick of the Dems who are still trying to play nice with a corrupt and cruel party as if they are a legitimate equal partner in governing. Every Dem that supports/sides with the Republicans is giving them cover to continue this destruction and chaos. Defy. Obstruct. Call out the lies, tell the truth, and do not give them one vote. Not ONE! Form your shadow government Rep. Jeffries!
If, and only if, anything is allowed to take place in two years. Forget 4 years, b/c midterms being there or not will tell what the chances are of 2028 even being an election year.
I agree....I have felt this way since the results of the election. I stayed up all night watching the results come in. I finally went to bed after 2am crying and I cried for days.
Trump said openly that if Christians voted for him we wouldn't have to ever vote again because he would fix it so we wouldn't need to. Seems like these conservative elite billionaires will accomplish that too.
They need to do a lot more like throw Musk and his little minions in jail! Then impeach tRump for malfeasance and attempt to overthrow the rule of law and our Constitution!
I know you are correct.....but I do like the sound of what Frances is saying. It's hopeful even though it's a pipe dream. Reading it, my heart loves it. Even if my brain says....won't happen.
That will not stop the Democrats from shutting it all down. tRump told everyone what he was going to do starting Day One. Apparently no one believed him. Now, at least, our leaders are fighting back.
Just do it! And quickly!!! Don’t tell everyone. You need to hold your cards close to the vest. I know you want people to know you are doing something, but if you telegraph it you lose any element of surprise.
What a waste of time. Sorry Jim Costa, I think you are a good guy but please if you must talk about plans do it in private and please this is not the time to talk about COVID and emergency preparedness. We already have an emergency that takes precedence - the slide into a dictatorship which is actively happening as we, you speak. Do something, ACT!!!
Trump and Musk must be stopped. Their intention to crush our democracy seems obvious. Shutting down the government may be the only option that will work. Chicken shit Republican House and Senate members are just too afraid of Trump to make even complaints. Our convicted felon president will do whatever is required to protect himself, not caring about any damage he does.
It is past time, but his plan is good. It is time for our Democratic leaders to enter the fight. We have been doing our part making calls and sending letters. Now to get Musk and his employees out of the treasury and out of government completely.
I’ll take the pain of waiting for them to accept the Demo deal, unlike the right willing to pay “an extra 25¢ for a cup of coffee to send the “rapists and criminals back to their country.”
The M.O. for this decrepit-piece-of humanity Trump is to make threats, insult people, deny an existing program, then claim only he can fix it. Only to cut the program, then put it back the way it was and said he “fixed it.”
There is nothing extraordinary about this low IQ run of the mill dufus who happens to be rich because of his father’s racism slums and inflation increasing the value of whatever he has.
Everything else he bankrupted.
The Achilles heel for this inept low self esteemed ordinary rich man is shame and ridicule and the inability to buy anyone.
He only buys greedy people. The rest he sues until they cave in. Because he is rich
Those are great plans. However, the Democrats need to act like the opposition party and not vote for Republican bills especially the Senate Democrats should not vote for any of Trump’s pics for heading offices. We can see what they’ve done already.
Fetterman is in the Senate. Not the House where Jeffries is Minority leader. I don’t see any comparable “shut down the government “ language from Senate Minority Leader Schumer if the Senate tries to move first as has been reported.
What Hakeem needs to do is have Musk arrested and thrown in prison for meddling in our government affairs and stealing private citizens information!!!
Musk has no authority to do what he is doing so Hakeem who is minority leader of Congress has every right to have musk arrested!!! He can have the capitol police arrest him!!!
wouldnt trump just pardon him and send a hit man after Hakeem?
Jeeper, the very reason trump runs things as he does - fear. Some will decide 'give me liberty or give me death' meaning they will step up. We have so many decent Democrats, the fighters are coalescing.
Support them with your voices and votes. Trump is a weak and cowardly bully who will back down when he's challenged. Do the right thing Congress and Senate and get rid of this pos.
Exactly. He has /They have ..successfully threatened the reps AND their families, AND their job security AND. GOTTEN. AWAY.WITH . IT. With no accountability THIS.WILL.CONTINUE.
…yep, and remember another prison free card he has of “king’s immunity” gifted him by supreme court and Biden was so afraid to use it ?
I want to know why TF didn't the dems pack the supreme court when they had the chance!?!? They could have gotten all bidens appointees in there before they changed it back. The left is so freaking WEAK. They refuse to do what needs to be done. They have to be JUST as dirty as them! Start lying! Normalize it! Start blaming every single thing on them be completely disingenuous, and most of all drop this woke nonsense. Wokism is the reason we will NEVER win another election. Trump could make every last one of us destitute and people will still vote for him to end this cringe woke pandering.
…democrats are USELESS, PATHETIC and INCOMPETENT, for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS they couldn’t produce a viable candidate with a REAL and DECISIVE PLAN substituting old man with a GIMMICK Kamala who’s campaign was exactly just like trump’s campaign - all emotions without REAL ISSUES and running business as usual, never go after criminals and expecting to win…?!
…if country allows dictator to become dictator after he said he will be dictator DESERVE DICTATOR !
The party has been completely hijacked from the center by these insane activists. Go watch the DNC's elections from last week it will blow your mind. They literally stopped the election because a trans person or whatever didn't get elected. The entire thing was one activists screaming blatantly racist anti strait white male racism and sexism that they claim to be so against. So instead of picking the most competent they are going to FORCE them to pick someone based on external factors such as whatever they claim their identity to be... it is so absolutely insane. These are the things that the average person sees and just thinks to themselves, I have absolutely NOTHING in common with these people. They care more about pandering to this tiny group of activists than worrying about the fact that Americans cannot buy groceries or afford even a place to live. They are more concerned about a pandering to this tiny fraction of the population so they can virtue signal to each other on Bluesky. People are DONE with that shit. If some common sense democrats don't stand up to these far left radicals and not worry about being cancelled by these loud obnoxious activists to take back control of this party for the average working American we will NEVER take power back from the corporate and billionaire interests under disguise as the republican party. Our government has never been more broken and has never been so unrepresentative. We have extreme far left radicals running the democratic part, and extreme far right radicals running the republican party. The overwhelming majority of center normal average Americans has absolutely ZERO representation in our government, and as so they hear Trump lie and pander to them and they think to themselves, well, these democrat people clearly HATE me, Trump says he's gonna look out so I guess I'm voting for Trump! Now here we are... The left exists in just as insulated a bubble as the right. Completely and utterly out of touch with the average working American.
We had s viable option. No thanks to eel musk and his covert intel & interference & manipulation of votes we are here.
Yeah love love Congressman Jeffries. Finally a leader taking a gun to a gun fight!!!
You pardon convictions. Not an arrest. Even so, INCONVENIENCE every last one of them.
Where does Hakeem derive any authoity to arrest anyone? He is an elected politician, not a law enforcement or judicial officer.
He could file impeachment orders, but I expect they would be DOA. And anyway (a) Trump wopuld simply claim presidential immunity, or (b) even if Trump were impeached, you get the Hillbilly.
Hakeem is considered a lawmaker he has the right to bring charges against Musk!!!!
Can you show me how he has that authority?
As Minority Leader he doesn't have the numbers to impeach - or even subpeona - and as an individual elected rep he has zero authority to bring charges against anyone. He is a legislator, not a DA or a cop.
Ian where does Mr Jeffries bring up arresting anyone. You're speaking like a orange geesus lackey.
Are you not comprehending the thread?
I am not directing my comments to Haeekm Jeffries at all - but to Our "Katherine Farrington" who keeps on asserting in post after post that Mr Jeffries has powers to arrest Elon Musk. It isn't true whatsoever, and I'm politely correcting her.
A demand that Elon Musk be subpoenaed was also over-ruled by the 3M (the MUSK MAGA MAJORITY). What is difficult to understand here? The Dems have very little power.
You either miss the point or are intentionally ignoring it. Calls for arresting Musk are calls for outrage. It's Republican 101. Do what you cannot seems to work for them
You mis-underestimate me ... of course there may be political points to be scored by calling for the arrest of Musk - not that I'm even sure about that - MAGAs love what he's doing it seems, draining the swamp with a big bucket.
I am just responding to the erroneous comment (repeated here several times) that the Minority Leader in the House of Reps has powers of arrest over Americans ... it is simply not true. I am not intentionally ignoring anything of substance.
Sadly the hillbilly may be better as we have a better chance of stopping him from his continued drinking of the cool aid.
Please do not insult hillbillies. Vance is a fake one, anyway.
Hakeem has no legal right - or legal capacity - to have Musk arrested.
What would he do - call up a sheriff or marshall and order they go arrest him? Doesn't work that way - as I said elsewhere, voters elect politicians to the House, but they are not law enforcement appointments.
Hakeem has the right to file articles of impeachment on Trump for all the illegal things he has been doing too!!!!
…didn’t they impeach him already ?
…TWICE! …at that time when he wasn’t an official dictator yet, but now he is and he’s got the “kings immunity”
I hate to say that you're right and that's a tragedy
I don't think he has King Imminity. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think what he is doing is within his authority as President. Even if he wants to cos play dictator. Trump needs to start behaving like a Man and put Musk & company in jail for treason.
…you are right - you are not a lawyer, you also not really aware of what dictatorship is, because he did not run for president this time
..”dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.”
Tell that to my family who lived thru mussalini and Hitler. Those ego were in camps. Those who were shot at. As far as I'm concerned I see Trump and Musk as gd evil dictators. Musk needs deporting, Trump needs prison.
Sure ... but as a minority, any impeachment motion from the Dems might have some symbolic impact I guess (but so what - Trump, Musk, and the goon squad couldn't care less), and no legal effect.
Oh Lord....this is why we are where we are...
He has absolutely NO power to do so!
…”dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants rather than ancient dictators. Ancient philosophers’ descriptions of the tyrannies of Greece and Sicily go far toward characterizing modern dictatorships. Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in order to sustain their public support.”
…are you alright ?
Who is going to arrest him? Under what authority?
Arrest him first on any charges then figure the specifics out later.
That sounds a little bit too Republican. I’d love to see them all in jail as they deserve to be, but if I want to live in this country with the freedoms it affords I want to see things done lawfully.
Was trump elected legally? After illegallly depriving millions of Americans of their right to vote?
Has doing things lawfully been doing anything for our democracy? Plus he is guilty of authorizing the steal of our U.S.Treasury funds!
Yeah, everyone wants to just arrest trump and his minions. Who’s going to do it? This is all going to end in civil war.
I don’t disagree, he should be in jail, as should his pal musk. Arrest trump, we have Vance, unless we arrest him as well. Arrest Vance, better get to Johnson fast as he’s the next in line. Take bondi out of DoJ quickly, just cuz she’ll be calling for the arrest of everyone who’s arresting people - so better find little kash before he starts in. Ah, and don’t forget muscle man himself, hegseth, even if he might just be getting drunk on more than just his new power.
Yeah, half the people in this electorate voted these quacks in, so this fight will be a civil war. But all we have to do is write opinions. Very worthwhile.
I don't care about Trump, Musk and all of their minions, I don't care about their due process rights. Arrest all of them on Treason, because this is exactly what it is, then let their lawyers sort out the details later. If the arrests just caused a 24 HR delay, we might be able to get our country back. We can't wait for democrats to bring shit bills to the floor, waste of time. Lawsuits take to long! Arrest now and worry about their civil rights later. These deplorables certainly aren't worried about any of our rights as they try to fire whole agencies of workers, round up immigrants, which many are American citizens. Where are our rights in all of this? Add stealing absolutely everyone's digital info! Just my thoughts
"Arrest all of them on Treason, because this is exactly what it is, then let their lawyers sort out the details later."
You seem to be overlooking the critical part - the people who could do the arresting are controlled and owned by the people you want to see arrested. This is what a coup looks like.
I agree!!!!
Courts can have US Marshall’s arrest him.
FBI, CIA ...
Somehow I got a chuckle out the supremeless court upholding the law and the constitution. They already gave him unlimited powers in their decision last year. They knew what they were doing. This is project 2025 in action.
I know I'm feeling pretty down about things right now. If muskrat has his way and they destroy my social security and Medicare, I will be on the get sick and die on the street plan.
I have upheld democracy every day of my life, but it was for nothing. Now I must go. Fight back the tears and write to every politician I know, because that's all I am physically able to do right now. Please everyone, do the same!
Musk should have no power!!! He was not elected he didn’t take the oath to abide by the constitution!!! He just took over with no consent from anyone but criminal Trump who needs to be impeached again and hopefully it will stick this time!!!!!
doesnt seem like it lately:(
…which planet you just came from ?
Respectfully, who are you responding to? Me?
…no, Linda
They are the ones who got us into this debacle!
The Supreme Court can interpret the law but the executive branch, as indicated by the word execute, must enforce the law. See the problem with his destruction of federal law enforcement and the firing of lawyers. If trumps executive branch won't enforce the law we have no way to make him.
..we are not lacking laws or lawyers to bring it on, we have nobody who could enforce it …regime doesn’t play by rules or obey the law
Social Security are not the peoples fund. As much as I wish it were. SS is a tax - collected by the government like any other tax. And it is at the discretion of the government how to use those taxes. There is absolutely no legal and or binding legislation that states that the government has to make SS payouts.
This has been confirmed in lawsuits starting in the mid 1940's and time and again.
Not to mention the example of the former alcoholic and apparently mentally challenged Bush Jr., who took $1.3B out if it to pay for the tax cuts for the ultrawealthy and corporations, as well as fund the unjust and build on false "evidence" war against Iraq, killing 1Mio Iraquis, not to mention the killing and maiming of US services members physically and mentally, and destabilizing that region. And no, he did not pay it back into SS.
I think if he had that power he would do it. This is an unprecedented situation, that is shifting rapidly and on many levels. We have people acting outside the law with an Executive who is sanctioning unconstitutional power with a loyalists in enough powerful positions to push there actions. I trust dem leadership to strategize to do what they can to slow down and thwart the process. Dem leadership may not be able to prevent all the damage that is happening and wishing they could just stop this mess or being angry at them is not going to make it stop. Dem leaders cannot do it alone. They need our voices and our backing.
Trumps job is not to disrupt our government but work within the constitution and the governing powers that have been established for many years !!! But he has unleashed an evil entity to overthrow the status quo!! Musk who has no right to even interfere with the established government!!!! Musk has no power or right to do what he is doing and Trump has no right to let Musk do what he is doing!! Trump must be impeached!!!!
This won’t end unless we end it!! I emailed Hakeem and you all can too!! He has the power to help us to get Trump impeached and Musk arrested!! Don’t doubt what I’m saying!! Hakeem just has to know it!!! Google his email and tell him we need him to stand up for us and what is right!!!!
You are wrong Kamala could have refused to certify Trump as president and Musk is not an elected part of our government the only solution is to impeach Trump and there is much cause for Congress to do so!! And if they don’t they are complicit in distroying our country!!! Trump is very evil and won’t stop he needs to be held accountable for all the evil shit he has done and all the evil he has allowed Musk to do!!! We can do this but it takes our democrats in Congress to stop this madness!!!!!
Oh I WISH SHE HAD THE BALLS to refuse to certify him. Of course, she didn't want the backlash. Ultimately everyone in DC is self interested. That really disappointed me. Seems the Dems can't use their power when they have it and when the thugs come they seem to just roll over and fucking take it, saying thank you all the while and hiding behind the veneer of "playing by the rules." The other side threw the rule book out the window!! I mean, Biden and Harris kept warning that he was a threat to democracy and then they welcomed him into the White House with fucking smiles on their faces and handshakes in front of the fire. Nauseating.
Oh good grief ... both you and especially "Katherine Farrington" need to get on top of how this government stuff works.
The Vice President has a purely ceremonial role in the counting of the certifications from the 50 states. The states (through their "electors") are the certifying authorities. The VP has no more power to "certify" (or refuse to certify) the incoming president than Kermit the Frog.
I agree that a decent Congress could attempt the impeachment of Trump, but Trump is only able to do what he is doing (through Musk) because he has the backing of basically all the GOP members in Congress, and basically all red-state governors, and indeed the Supreme Court.
They have the lot - it might be a long four years ... or at least two, until the Midterm Elections.
You are correct.....but I really, really like what Katherine is saying. Let me bask in the possibilities because I have truly lost faith. I would like to just pretend and have blinders on for a bit. And think that maybe our country has a future. That maybe I can finish my life in a great country. That maybe my kids and grandkids will have opportunities and rights that I did or MORE. I just want blinders on for a bit. NO... it's not stopping me doing what we must. I'm a GREAT letter writer and like to educate people (If anyone thinks that even 1/2 of Americans pay attention to elections or those who are running....think again. That answer is a flat NO and it's on both sides! Most ppl are too busy with their LIVES, trust me on this one). I'm not stopping reaching out to people and educating every chance that I get and sharing all information that I have. But my fantasy world is what Katherine is saying. And yes that world is butterflies and rainbows and everyone loves everyone and lets people be who they are.
Qhat I keep preaching toll I'm blue in the face.
He does not have the authority to do so, but he can lead an impeachment. The Republicans have only a very small lead in Congress. Three or four rational Republicans can make a difference. Keep trumps (lower case intended) feet to the fire and let him feel the heat. Do not let up. We the people will stand with Rep. Jeffries.
How about election interference
So, i was thinking about this, and I'm pretty sure every president appoints czars in positions and they have been given access to this stuff in the past. I don't think there's a legal leg to stand on. Unfortunately. The oligarchs will own everything and we will work 16 hrs a day for a studio appt and sack lunches. We will own nothing and like it.
…they think it’s not time yet, or maybe they’re fine with it as they were fine with trump’s crime spree for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS ?
Oh, please. If you have a realistic suggestion then make it, of course. But really, really, really try to think about what you’re saying.
Yes. Yes. Yes!!!
The Democrats need to do whatever it takes to stop this insane President !
It’d be nice if they stop talking about it and just do something. What’s taking so long?
today Chris Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Gerry Connolly and a MD Dem Congressman tried to storm the USAID building to get to the musk kids installing hard drives, but could not get in. Thank you. I'd like to see all the DEM Congress members doing this. Go to Treasury. Musk has now broken into a lot of agencies, Dept of Education and a lot more, continuing to get access to private info, now all the students with loans/sholarships, etc. Get AOC to go with you, and Jasmine Crockett.
Too bad they didn't use battering rams, then republicans would call them patriots.
What kind of security stopped
The Second Point has been blown away as Musk and his DOGE advisory group are working without any ethical oversight.
WHY couldn’t they get in? But Elon can storm all these agencies and get in? So excuse me if I just don’t believe it. Who’s letting Elon in? You know that Trump isn’t standing there, letting people in and blocking entry. OUR OWN CONGRESS PEOPLE CANT GET IN BUT ELON CAN??? With what security?
The agency heads letting him in after trump tells them too. Trump is orchestrating it. They have the keys. We no longer do. The secretary of treasury let him in.
My question, too! Who let them in, and who stopped the Dems?
DOJ, believe it or not ...
Too many self-concerned and unpatriotic Republicans have bowed to trump's madness. Sure a quick fix would be great but we wound up with trump because there has been no available quick fix.
Oh dear-we’re trying to do things by the constitution while they’re obliterating it!
They just went back to work yesterday.
They just went back to work yesterday. Yet Elon and his boys broke into the office Friday afternoon. I rest my case.
I know!!!!! It's infuriating!! A five alarm fire is going off and little ACTION seems to be happening.
I agree.
Trump is a racist, misogynist, rapist, and a felon. Apparently this is what a lot of Americans wanted. He needs to be removed from office immediately. Congress needs to act NOW
Dont forget he's a perpetual liar! The talk he had with Netanyahu today was full of lies. He's so fake.
That’s what’s known as Impeaching him. And it’s a two step process.
And it begins in the House of Representatives with the Speaker of the House. Sure! That will happen- right?
Well you don’t know till you try now do ya ? And in case you haven’t been paying attention, there’s cracks starting to develop in the Republican Party.
Well it’s the Speaker who gets to call up matters for a vote. I don’t see any crack there - unless you’re suggesting “crackpot”. With that I’d have to agree.
Yep, what Trump and Elon have done is completely out of traditional norms when it comes to running government. If Dems think that using traditional lawsuits and legislation is going to solve the problem of Trump and Elon, they are completely wrong. Because Trump and Elon don’t work within the system. They’re abolishing the very system that Democrats think will work to abolish Trump and Elon. The only way to win against Trump and Elon is to work outside the box. But Dems can’t even think outside the box.
Ok, that’s fine, what’s your alternative ? Somebody that’s a better shot ? I’m really interested in what else you propose that we do.
And you would like them to do what exactly? They are using all of the tools available to them under our constitution and the law
The rot in Congress may have become so pervasive that IDK if there is enough political will to actually convict him even if impeachment were to go forward. Too many fascist bootlicking sycophants and self enriching stock trading sellouts sucking on the lobbyist teats in Congress.
At least he and the congressional dems are FINALLY doing something about the lawlessness we’re seeing from this administration. However, I think the horse has already left the barn with regard to the treasury department. That data is already in their hands and likely already off shore somewhere.
not just that agency, reporting on a ton more they have hacked and have the info. Dept of Education was one of them today, have all the student loan info.
Exactly! I have already considered my checking account used for tax refunds and SSN as compromised. I will be opening a new account. I filed a consumer complaint with the NC attorney. Time is of the essence. Consumers should be in damage control mode.
Banks are federally insured. All accounts with ss# are reported to the federal government
Yes, but i wouldn’t expect that info to be in the us treasury payments system
If you get SS, Medicare, Medicaid it’s all paid through the treasury
I don’t but i have received tax refunds and that’s why i consider my checking account and SSN as compromised. However, I would not expect other bank accounts to be compromised although federally insured because they haven’t been used for tax refunds. I have already locked my SSN using E-Verify and set up pin for tax filing. With those measures and credit freezes, I hope to minimize any identity theft.
They HAVE been working on it!
Hell yes!! LFG Rep. Jeffries! I want to see Dems use every single tool at their advantage to stop this madness. The Republicans wanted total control so they need to have total ownership. I’m sick of the Dems who are still trying to play nice with a corrupt and cruel party as if they are a legitimate equal partner in governing. Every Dem that supports/sides with the Republicans is giving them cover to continue this destruction and chaos. Defy. Obstruct. Call out the lies, tell the truth, and do not give them one vote. Not ONE! Form your shadow government Rep. Jeffries!
If, and only if, anything is allowed to take place in two years. Forget 4 years, b/c midterms being there or not will tell what the chances are of 2028 even being an election year.
I'm fearful I voted in my last major election unless we come up with a way to stop this madness now!!!
I agree....I have felt this way since the results of the election. I stayed up all night watching the results come in. I finally went to bed after 2am crying and I cried for days.
If not REPUKELICONS and the us will be in civil war!
Trump said openly that if Christians voted for him we wouldn't have to ever vote again because he would fix it so we wouldn't need to. Seems like these conservative elite billionaires will accomplish that too.
1. Ill believe it when I see it
2. Why do we have to announce our playbook - JUST DO IT!! Damn - grow a spine Dems!!!!
He announced it because it's time to implement it. Jesus! Dems are damned if they do and damned if they don't! How about a positive reply.
Look - I don’t like getting nasty with others even though we may disagree but I honestly do not think we are being aggressive enough as a party.
What exactly do you want them to do that they’re not doing. Specifically. What strategy do you have in mind
Not sure what reality you are living in.
Hallelujah! I’m glad to see someone is taking some action that could actually make a difference. Thank you!
H Jefferies you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work and shut this down.
They need to do a lot more like throw Musk and his little minions in jail! Then impeach tRump for malfeasance and attempt to overthrow the rule of law and our Constitution!
explain how with the Congress that's in power right now, any impeachment is happening?
The paper work has been filed. Proceed with impeachment. It won't happen if you don't do it. It may happen if you do. Choices.
I know you are correct.....but I do like the sound of what Frances is saying. It's hopeful even though it's a pipe dream. Reading it, my heart loves it. Even if my brain says....won't happen.
I agree!!
I don’t think you should be posting your plans where Trump and his trumpistas are able to see them.
That will not stop the Democrats from shutting it all down. tRump told everyone what he was going to do starting Day One. Apparently no one believed him. Now, at least, our leaders are fighting back.
Just do it! And quickly!!! Don’t tell everyone. You need to hold your cards close to the vest. I know you want people to know you are doing something, but if you telegraph it you lose any element of surprise.
What a waste of time. Sorry Jim Costa, I think you are a good guy but please if you must talk about plans do it in private and please this is not the time to talk about COVID and emergency preparedness. We already have an emergency that takes precedence - the slide into a dictatorship which is actively happening as we, you speak. Do something, ACT!!!
Are you thinking of someone else?
AGREE!!! We have zero game!!
Right! He’s been barraging us daily with chaos. He need chaos in his world. Throw him and his buddies off their game.
We DO NOT have zero game. Why are people bitching at him. THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING.
Cause they like to hear themselves talk. Not a one of the complainers offer a feasible strategy.
Trump and Musk must be stopped. Their intention to crush our democracy seems obvious. Shutting down the government may be the only option that will work. Chicken shit Republican House and Senate members are just too afraid of Trump to make even complaints. Our convicted felon president will do whatever is required to protect himself, not caring about any damage he does.
It is past time, but his plan is good. It is time for our Democratic leaders to enter the fight. We have been doing our part making calls and sending letters. Now to get Musk and his employees out of the treasury and out of government completely.
And exiled
I’ll take the pain of waiting for them to accept the Demo deal, unlike the right willing to pay “an extra 25¢ for a cup of coffee to send the “rapists and criminals back to their country.”
How can anything Obama accomplished possibly be resurrected under the current regime?
The M.O. for this decrepit-piece-of humanity Trump is to make threats, insult people, deny an existing program, then claim only he can fix it. Only to cut the program, then put it back the way it was and said he “fixed it.”
There is nothing extraordinary about this low IQ run of the mill dufus who happens to be rich because of his father’s racism slums and inflation increasing the value of whatever he has.
Everything else he bankrupted.
The Achilles heel for this inept low self esteemed ordinary rich man is shame and ridicule and the inability to buy anyone.
He only buys greedy people. The rest he sues until they cave in. Because he is rich
Rename it Trump.
I’ll need to check out those plans. It’s been awhile. Thank you for the thought.
Those are great plans. However, the Democrats need to act like the opposition party and not vote for Republican bills especially the Senate Democrats should not vote for any of Trump’s pics for heading offices. We can see what they’ve done already.
We have democrats acting like republicans. Fetterman from pennsylvania has turned into a big disappointment. I can't.
Believe that he's turning rotten.
Leave him out. He is with you or against you. He can’t play both sides
Yep…another Joe Manchin. Trying to play both sides. Doesn’t work at a time like this. Principles matter.
I know, he was like a stab in the back. What with his Everyman persons with the sweatshirts telling us he's a good guy. He's gone to the dark side.
Fight fire with fire 🔥! Go for it Leader Jeffries. Stop ‘em where they crap!!!
Better make sure there aren’t any Democrats that chicken out-Fetterman-and blow up this plan.
Yeah, that’s a real concern!
Fetterman is in the Senate. Not the House where Jeffries is Minority leader. I don’t see any comparable “shut down the government “ language from Senate Minority Leader Schumer if the Senate tries to move first as has been reported.
They’ll need both houses.