I hope there’s a God who can bless Hakeem Jefferies, who is the only person who is speaking out against these horrible Republicans, who are liars, cheats, and thieves

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There are others, it's happening but you won't see it on mainstream media.

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Agree, there's a lot going on.

I believe Trump took everyone by surprise by handing the presidency to Musk.

And only Trump is immune from doing misdeeds...what he is doing may disqualify him from immunity ...disregarding the constitution and laws is not part of his job

And Musk is not immune

Look to 4 or 5 elections coming up in April to block as much as possible

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Musk bought and paid for his presidency. The 34-time convicted felon is broke. It was all part of the get-out-of-jail-free card. Musk paid and kept him out of jail and the fat ignorant fuck handed him the keys to the kingdom. Musk needs to be destroyed. Trump does not have the brain cells to think as deftly as Musk to disrupt the whole system.

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True very true

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Cory Booker appeared to be very firm on Sunday morning.

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Thank you for your speech. Let’s go for tax cuts for the 80 % of the population and raise the tax for the top 20%. Trickle down economics don’t work.

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Trickle down works exactly like Reagan and his crooks planned: you give tax breaks to the wealthy people and corporations. They then go buy drinks with some of the money. After a few hours they all go out onto a huge balcony and piss on all the workers who walk past.

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That’s why they call us peons.

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Exactly, Ray!! I forgot that part. 😂😂

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Thanks Radha! Now I know exactly how trickle down works. I long suspected something similar, but you put it so eloquently. Bravo!

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Even in Reagan's time, "Trickle down" really means "piss on you". TY for your comments.

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Not everyone making less than $50,000 in 1980 understood that the entire aim was to break unions, accrue money to the 10% while bringing lower year to year the wages and benefits of wage and salary workers.

Most Americans don’t know diarrhea from shinola when it comes to labor history in USA. Sidney Lens and Studs Terkel are both G.O.A.T.s in that regard. James Baldwin, Malcolm X and MLK, Jr., I.F. Stone and William Appleton Williams and Gabriel Kolko knew more about American society/culture than Ross Vought has yet to imagine.

These Project 2025 motherfuckers foresee turning USA into early feudal Europe. The so called lawyer, J.D. Vance has apparently never heard of the 1803 SCOTUS decision in the case Marbury v. Madison which I taught to high school and college students

It established the principle that judges can absolutely overrule presidential executive orders or congressional bills as unconstitutional. Pseudo-hillbilly (he actually grew up in a Cincy suburb not in Appalachian Kentucky. He spent roughly 2 weeks/year in Kentucky.

Like “self-made” Don and Boer Elon who came to USA illegally and requires immediate deportation to South Africa, JeD is a fake and more than a bit ridiculous.

Fortunately for Trump/Vance they were actually born in USA and never had to pass a citizenship test. I doubt they could: ant, anthill, man, woman, child, Ivanka.

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I’m a retired after working for forty years. Now Elon Musk, an unelected politician, has stolen my earned SSI benefits! I want them back NOW!

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No one can touch your SSI, not even Elon Musk.---Jason

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How do you know? trump is not obeying the injunctions. He is flouting the law. He can do anything he pleases because he has all of his people in the government now, including the majority of the Supreme Court.

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The States are stepping in and yes they can override what the Federal Court can not.

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Only if they stop sending in their federal tax dollars.

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The government can. As SS is a tax - a tax (!) - the government can do with that collected (!) tax anything they deem necessary - and if that means not paying it out to retirees and funding the military budget with it, so be it then. There is nothing written anywhere that the government has an obligation to pay out. And to that extent there have been lawsuits filed since the mid 1940's with the verdicts confirming just the above.

One of the latest examples was Bush Jr. who took $1.3B from it to pay for the tax cuts for tge uktrarich and corporations (sound familiar anyone?) and to fund his unjust war in Iraq - and NO: he did not return those funds into tge SS bucket.

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Well, That's a relief!

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Good idea. I wonder if they would do it. Bring back President Biden, Kamala, and their Cabinet to get things back in order until we can have another election.

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Forgot to hit the reply.

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Those are inspiring words, but we need more than words. We need an active resistance that produces results!! Why is no one filing a court case against the executive branch governing by EO? This has essentially removed Congress as a coequal branch and has allowed the executive branch to usurp its powers. This is blatantly unconstitutional and is a foundational premise. None of the other piecemeal lawsuits would be necessary if this fundamental issue were addressed. That and deporting musk would help restore some of the many things we have lost in just 3 weeks of irrational rule based on vengeance by a demented paranoid narcissist

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Those cases are already happening on each of his illegal EOs.----Jason

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Then he damn well should stop saying that there’s nothing much the Dems can do because they’re in the minority. Do what MCCONNELL would do He sure as hell put disrupted the Democrat agenda every time when they were in the major majority. NO bipartisanship!

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Well said Mr Jeffries. These are frightening times. Thank you for being the voice of reason

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Hakeem Jeffries speaks the Truth. We need to listen to him and pay attention, because the Rights of We the People are in danger with the GOPers in control of Congress.

My ancestors fought and died in the American Revolution. Fought and died. And I'll not stand idly by and watch MAGA GOPers steal them away.

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Word. And ABOUT TIME. Now, we need ALL Democratic members of Congress to STAND TOGETHER.


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Love it !! Great way to get ahead of them, on the budget predictions.

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I like the explaination hk just gave because it’s 100% true. The Republicans gave themselves tax cuts that they now want us to include again in the proposed budget. Hk is saying no, so should we all be saying no. Deadline for the budget is mar14. Say no to republicans. Say no to trump!

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Why would anyone think it would be different this time? We watched him hand massive tax cuts to his rich buddies in 2017. Why would anybody think he would have a change of heart? Republicans continue to vote against their own best interests, despite everything that Democrats have done to warn them. The very states that are the deepest red are the ones that consume the largest amount of food stamps, AFDC, housing subsidies, Medicaid, free school lunches, and other aid programs. This isn't hyperbole; look it up. Every single person needs to call their Senators and Representatives to let them know that we expect them to work for US - not the billionaires, not the gun lobby, not big pharma - US. And if they do not, they better find a new job. We voted them in and we can vote them out. But we have to speak up. Protest, write, call, and let them know that you are watching what they do for the people who put them in office.

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The answer is that most people don't pay attention and aren't aware of what is going on.---Jason

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If you’re getting Social Security check your bank on Feb 12 and see if your check came in.

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I get mine the beginning of the month 💙✌🏻

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In fact I just read that 53% of Americans in a recent poll approve of what Trump is doing. I couldn’t believe it. Must be more than that group that voted for him. Wait until he and his enablers cut back social security, healthcare and Medicaid to pay for more tax cuts for billionaires.

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Likely current Trump support so strong because these people either don’t follow politics or still get their opinions from watching Fox News and other right wing outlets. Sickening. We must all keep supporting Dems that are standing in opposition to this takeover of our democracy and calling our MOC every day to ask them why they support breaking the rule of law by Trump and Musk. Also please ask your Rep Senators to NOTE confirm Kash Patel as head of FBI.

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I think thats crap

Most people arent answering because they are scared they are going to lose everyone

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There was some horrifying statistic about how only 34% of registered Democrats actually voted in the last election, if I'm remembering that right. I will never understand how people can leave something so important to "the other guy."

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Absolutely right Kathy. With the rights of women to control their own reproductive health on the line, why did so many stay home?

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It's true many people sat it out and young black and Latino men voted for Trump. Lol is this their idea of Machosimo? Sad isn't it?

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That my friend is exactly how we got here.

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I think it's because they don't hi know what's going on as Fox news doesn't report on it. I've seen other journalist posts on here that said there is zero coverage on these issues. Magats are still thinking he's going to deliver on his promises (read: lies) from pre-election.

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I am retired and have been collecting my SSI benefits for years now. I earned my SSI along with millions of other recipients. My benefits are NOT entitlements. I am literally exhausted by the mental anguish that the Republican agenda (MAGA) is causing myself and my fellow citizens. Thank you for not kissing the ring nor bending the knee to the Christian Nationalists and the agenda of Project 25 as proposed by our current POTUS and his lackeys that compose this current administration.

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They are doing exactly what they said they were going to do. Why the hell is anyone shocked or surprised? There are court orders & tro's put in place by federal judges that mean absolutely nothing to Trump, Musk or the R congress or senate. Trump & Musk have absolutely no respect for the law, the courts or the US Constitution & they will not follow the court orders. And, who out there will make them do it? Certainly not the bought & paid for R scotus. The R members of Congress & Senate have lost their spine & will not speak out in public against the dismantling of our government, in defense of their constituency, the law or the US Constitution. Welcome to the US of Oligarchy, Kleptocract Authoritarian Dictictatorship of America. I really hope the people who voted for this enjoy it when it all tumbles down into a burning heap of smouldering ash, they are left with nothing & it effects them because there will be absolutely no one to dig them out from under it, certainly not their perceived golden calf savior felon bible selling grifter Jebus & his billionaire immigrant government corporate welfare receiving side kick. They will be riding off with all the cash to their new shiny beach resort without a care about anyone but themselves leaving the people & country broken, in severe debt, destroyed & hated by the rest of the world for someone else to pick up the ashes and attempt to start over.


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You said it better than I could. Excellent job but those who need to hear this don’t care or not paying attention

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Breathe you need your strength to resist. The States can overturn decisions so if you like in a Blue State you still have some protection.

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Well that what I'm trying to decide, should I sell now, if I can, and move to a Blue state or Canada .I'm not going to lose the money from my house when I have to leave

Major decision for a retiree

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We need strong, and I mean fierce and unequivocal messaging from Democrats to expose the truth of what is going on, namely the Kleptocracy being installed by the GOP. Republicans are on the take, funded by the oligarchs. We need to see the charts of their wealth increase… it is shameful, and deliberately concealed. Kudos to Jeffries. Every Democratic representative needs to be shouting THEFT, CRIMES, LIES, CHEATING. No more “Constitutional crisis”… this is rampant CRIME.

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Maybe the D house & senate members need to go to the well/floor & read the parts of the Constitution & the corresponding federal laws & court orders that are being violated & ignored by Trump, Musk & the R house/senate with the tv, independent media, newspaper press present & broadcasting over tv, YouTube & other social media outlets.

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Good speech; ineffective delivery. Hakeem Jeffries is a decent person and a fine MOC.

He is, however, not a good speaker. For a speech like this to "hit home," it should have been delivered by AOC or Jamie Raskin. We need to hear passion with our truth!

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HOLD. THE. LINE! No deals on budget, no helping them pass their awful agenda. Shut it down if needed - it won’t be worse than what they plan to do anyway. Make them own this!!

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Carville just said in Acosta— there is nothing we can do, if Trump ignores the judges. That damn well better not be true! Jeffries- SOMBODY has got to bring the proof of election interference to the public! You were afraid his supporters would create civil war……

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I tried to tell everybody(Dems,Biden, Harris) better the civil war come in January 2025, while Biden still in charge of National Guard and Military. There was at least suspicion, election, was rigged and corrupt voter suppression. Better conflict then, than now.

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They will try but remember we all own guns. It's the military we have to worry about.

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