So, no more press conferences? What was the press screaming about with Biden who's secretary had one every SINGLE day? Oh, yeah, he hurt their feelings.
Great question. We can only hope the Judge, given his clear ruling, is closely monitoring actions/reactions from this Administration that would violate the RO.
It appears the lawyers Trump hired to execute these OMB directives were not (as Trump likes to say) the best of the best. At the other (less capable) end of the DEI spectrum are Dictator Enabling Ideologues!
It is a small chip in the larger plan. They will keep trying to break the law little by little. It will take courageous judges to stop this from being a complete takeover.
They have plans and backup plans. And Trump is very determined, he has to have his own way.
BWAHAHAHA (EVIL LAUGHTER!). Another "swing and miss" from the Dumbo tRump team. Guess having the backing of "all the money in the world" doesn't cancel DEMOCRACY!!
Thank goodness for upright judges! Trump snd his oligarch Mafia are trying to dismantle our govt and find ways to enrich himself and his thuggish cronies off the backs of our general population. Wake up, Americans.
And a young, blonde, who told the truth and the lawyers who are trying to fuck us over!! And she was a believer who has shot herself in the foot!!! Look out FOX or other right wing TV!
Glad to hear judges doing the right and legal thing to protect this country.
Thank goodness at least some of the courts are not bowing to the insane prez and his clown show.
That press secretary will be fired shortly.
And replaced with another pretty blonde, no doubt.
Pretty? More like suitable for the pervert Felon.
Blonde looking like ivanka. All these guys are pervs
They are required to have "BoTox" faces, with duck lips and lumps
I call his blonde PS 🐂 💩 Barbie.
All of them seem to be blonde…
“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?” Yes, it’s terrible you sick bastard.
Wearing an even bigger cross around her neck🙄🙄🙄
Possibly younger?
So, no more press conferences? What was the press screaming about with Biden who's secretary had one every SINGLE day? Oh, yeah, he hurt their feelings.
Yes. Can you say Sean Spicer.
Only if I get to watch Melissa McCarthy on SNL parody him.
I hope so
Reassuring to see Judges who can see through these illegal actions and not be afraid to enforce what are unconstitutional actions by DJT.
Just how will this judge enforce the Restraining Order if Trump simply decides to ignore it????
Great question. We can only hope the Judge, given his clear ruling, is closely monitoring actions/reactions from this Administration that would violate the RO.
It appears the lawyers Trump hired to execute these OMB directives were not (as Trump likes to say) the best of the best. At the other (less capable) end of the DEI spectrum are Dictator Enabling Ideologues!
It is a small chip in the larger plan. They will keep trying to break the law little by little. It will take courageous judges to stop this from being a complete takeover.
They have plans and backup plans. And Trump is very determined, he has to have his own way.
We do have a voice people. Keep up the unconstitutional and illegal opposition.
Hopefully more courts will respond in kind to Trump's attempts to ignore the law with lies and backdoor stunts.
I am cautiously relieved
Thank you for that! I was searching for the right words...
Smack down! WWE move!
We keep resisting and depend on judges to rule against illegal actions
The Gang That Couldn't Think Straight Still Can't Think Straight.
BWAHAHAHA (EVIL LAUGHTER!). Another "swing and miss" from the Dumbo tRump team. Guess having the backing of "all the money in the world" doesn't cancel DEMOCRACY!!
Thank goodness for upright judges! Trump snd his oligarch Mafia are trying to dismantle our govt and find ways to enrich himself and his thuggish cronies off the backs of our general population. Wake up, Americans.
And a young, blonde, who told the truth and the lawyers who are trying to fuck us over!! And she was a believer who has shot herself in the foot!!! Look out FOX or other right wing TV!
Fuck trump