I agree with the judges decision however I'm concerned Trump & GOP don't give a damn about laws and I don't think they care one bit about being in contempt. It's a coup.
There are too many that do care and they’re not going to sit on their hands and let trump get away with it. The judge won’t either. They hate to be ignored.
I'm afraid you are right. Even Dem House Speaker Jeffries said there is nothing we can do: They have the House, the Senate the Executive branch and the Supreme Court. All we can do now is send us into default on the debt by not agreeing to their bill to raise the debt ceiling. That will hurt not only the GOP but us as well. I hope the military isn't pro Trump.
Exactly! GET LOUD! Get in their faces and DEMAND action!! February 17th is going to be a national day of protest, people are going to be confronting their congressional reps by phone, text and email, many are going to their LOCAL places of government to protest Trump ignoring the law, Musk's illegal and dangerous activity and more. EVERY ONE OF US has a duty to RESIST the coup and FIGHT BACK!!!
Yea? I don't have any R political reps. If I try to contact one, they ask for my zip code and if it's not in their district they hang up on me. Our Dem politicians are in the minority and the R's don't give a damn about the rule of law. We can NOT do this the old fashioned way. Civil war is the only way this is going to change.
Yes, Reps only deal directly with their constituents, so my comment was in part directed to people like myself who live in a Felon47 red state. I still make noise by clogging their phone lines to protest their actions, I will be at the state house on the 17th with a resist sign and my voice. You can also use your social media, post on their social media, write a letter to your paper to galvanize others, and pressure your Democrat reps to SHUT the GOVERNMENT DOWN until the coup attempt is stopped. Go to Sons of Liberty media sites on FB, IG, YouTube, or whatever social media you find comfortable. They have brilliant content, and have been actively organizing protests and providing information on how to get in the fight. But yes, if Felon47 and his handler Muskrat try to ingnore the courts and continue to perform illegal actions, then yes, WE THE PEOPLE are the last defense, and it will be necessary to rebel. I am ready, as a veteran, I swore an Oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I intend to uphold my oath.
The military is like the rest of us; part republican, part democrat, and part apathetic. A lot of low income people go into the military to further their education and get a job with benefits. If they actually see that tRump is taking that away from them and trying to get us in a war, they might get wise to him.
It’s not the soldiers who decide which side to attack. What side are the leaders on? Will the lower level officers obey the generals? They have been very quiet. I don’t know if that is ominous or it signals impotence, paralysis. I suspect we’ll find out within 10 days or so. Maybe within hours. Perhaps they are making a list and checking it twice, and they’re not Santa.
Some of those generals are hold-overs from Trump's 1st term and are very much with him. We can only hope the enlisted men and women will be willing to disobey any orders from their superiors that are in conflict with the oath they all took when signing up.
Well, they can't jail Trump because he has immunity for official acts, but his OMB Director or other members of his administration have no such immunity.---Jason
Yes, they were paid off and they gave him complete immunity... But we should tie his administration up in the courts for every time he steps over the line.
No, SCOTUS said that impeachment was the legal remedy.
Do not say it can't happen! The first rule of resisting a tyrant is DO NOT CONCEDE BEFORE THE FIGHT!
We have some republicans who oppose what is happening that can potentially be peeled away from the MAGA train. We need to write and call them, urge them to stand up and protect our Democracy and the Rule of Law. They need to see that the Peoples' will is firm, and that we aren't going to allow a coup!
Meanwhile, get on Bluesky, get organized, get you dissenting voice out there on all your Social media, among your friends, and in the legal system. Many organizations are already bringing law suits, there are judges ruling against Felon47's bullshit. Keep the pressure on! Call your legislators and tell them you are their constituent, and expect them to support legislative action to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION and protect our rights!!
He is getting a lot of public criticism, and there are still old-school Republicans who don't agree with what he's doing. Some of them might finally grow a spine. DO NOT CONCEDE BEFORE THE FIGHT.
What is he waiting for? Get him NOW. Prove to him that he cannot ignore the judiciary! If the SCROTUS protects him, then get every single appointee who is ignoring this order three squares a day at Riker's Island until a compliance order is worked out. And for God's sake, take that ridiculous cowboy hat away from the puppy killer!
Yes. That’s the issue here. He has so many brainwashed that I don’t think they will enforce laws. I think we are in a lawless country right now. Law and order??? Yeah, right.
The courts have the federal marshalls and their bailiffs available to them. Also John Roberts can call for an Emergency Hearing on revokation of the Presidential Immunity decision.
I agree. Shutting down the government will be painful but temporary. The alternative is far far worse. The republicans have demonstrated they have no care for the working class, disabled people, seniors or the poor. They will drive this country into a depression and wars.
We’ll see. They disobeyed the first order. The true test will come Wednesday, February 12th, with the first disbursement of social security benefits since the treasury take over. They’ll be cooked if they do that. Seniors will demand THEIR money.
We need to start calling and tell the Dem Reps to stop cowtowing to the Repubs and refuse to talk budget until court order is followed and get receipts because, as we all know, those MFers LIE!!!
No. Stop calling the Dems. You need to start calling the Republicans until they cry UNCLE. Let them know that you are a constituent and you're not only unhappy with their fear of Trump, you're disgusted with their refusing to represent YOU.
A better order from the court would be a $100M fine per day if the order isn’t followed to be paid by the head of DOGE and the loser president, not from the funds they ‘froze’ (stole).
If the spending freeze goes into effect despite the court's intervention, then ALL federal spending should be affected, including paying the salaries of all elected officials.
Nothing seems more incongruous to me than electing a felon for president who takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and ensure that laws are faithfully executed, and then literally on his first day in office, goes to work to contravene those laws. I don't think it's hyperbole to say this is where tyranny begins.
Hurray for this Judge. Now the Supremes must act accordingly when issues come before them. I won't hold my breath for them though. Unfortunately the Lawyers will be the only one getting rich.
I agree with the judges decision however I'm concerned Trump & GOP don't give a damn about laws and I don't think they care one bit about being in contempt. It's a coup.
There are too many that do care and they’re not going to sit on their hands and let trump get away with it. The judge won’t either. They hate to be ignored.
I hope you're right. I really do.
So do I, Sandra!
Really? Like who? There are nothing but midgets out there!
and get off the PC stuff, tRump killed PC.
Fight fire with fire!
No more wet noodles, Dems!
I agree, the Judge needs to hold their feet to the fire and send in US Marshalls and arrest them.
I'm afraid you are right. Even Dem House Speaker Jeffries said there is nothing we can do: They have the House, the Senate the Executive branch and the Supreme Court. All we can do now is send us into default on the debt by not agreeing to their bill to raise the debt ceiling. That will hurt not only the GOP but us as well. I hope the military isn't pro Trump.
We can rally, call our Dem Senators and House members, and protest at the Reps district offices and raise Holy Hell!
Exactly! GET LOUD! Get in their faces and DEMAND action!! February 17th is going to be a national day of protest, people are going to be confronting their congressional reps by phone, text and email, many are going to their LOCAL places of government to protest Trump ignoring the law, Musk's illegal and dangerous activity and more. EVERY ONE OF US has a duty to RESIST the coup and FIGHT BACK!!!
Yea? I don't have any R political reps. If I try to contact one, they ask for my zip code and if it's not in their district they hang up on me. Our Dem politicians are in the minority and the R's don't give a damn about the rule of law. We can NOT do this the old fashioned way. Civil war is the only way this is going to change.
Yes, Reps only deal directly with their constituents, so my comment was in part directed to people like myself who live in a Felon47 red state. I still make noise by clogging their phone lines to protest their actions, I will be at the state house on the 17th with a resist sign and my voice. You can also use your social media, post on their social media, write a letter to your paper to galvanize others, and pressure your Democrat reps to SHUT the GOVERNMENT DOWN until the coup attempt is stopped. Go to Sons of Liberty media sites on FB, IG, YouTube, or whatever social media you find comfortable. They have brilliant content, and have been actively organizing protests and providing information on how to get in the fight. But yes, if Felon47 and his handler Muskrat try to ingnore the courts and continue to perform illegal actions, then yes, WE THE PEOPLE are the last defense, and it will be necessary to rebel. I am ready, as a veteran, I swore an Oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I intend to uphold my oath.
The military is like the rest of us; part republican, part democrat, and part apathetic. A lot of low income people go into the military to further their education and get a job with benefits. If they actually see that tRump is taking that away from them and trying to get us in a war, they might get wise to him.
It’s not the soldiers who decide which side to attack. What side are the leaders on? Will the lower level officers obey the generals? They have been very quiet. I don’t know if that is ominous or it signals impotence, paralysis. I suspect we’ll find out within 10 days or so. Maybe within hours. Perhaps they are making a list and checking it twice, and they’re not Santa.
Soldiers DO have to decide whether to uphold their Oath and refuse to carry out illegal orders. I am a veteran and know how I will respond.
Some of those generals are hold-overs from Trump's 1st term and are very much with him. We can only hope the enlisted men and women will be willing to disobey any orders from their superiors that are in conflict with the oath they all took when signing up.
I do too. I don’t see how they could be. Capt. Bone Spurs, Arlington, slurs, those alone should have pissed them off.
What Sandra Steffen said. The felon and his cabinet are all people with zero regard for the rule of law. Who will enforce this? The US Marshals? Nope
Judges can appoint deputies and jail the offenders
Well, they can't jail Trump because he has immunity for official acts, but his OMB Director or other members of his administration have no such immunity.---Jason
they should still charge him (IMO) and let the judges decide if this is "official act" or stomping on the Constitution...
They will jail the heads of depts or the actual perpetrators doing the dirty work.
Question: Does SCOTUS granted presidential immunity mean even if the votes were there, he is unimpeachable?
Yes, they were paid off and they gave him complete immunity... But we should tie his administration up in the courts for every time he steps over the line.
No, SCOTUS said that impeachment was the legal remedy.
Do not say it can't happen! The first rule of resisting a tyrant is DO NOT CONCEDE BEFORE THE FIGHT!
We have some republicans who oppose what is happening that can potentially be peeled away from the MAGA train. We need to write and call them, urge them to stand up and protect our Democracy and the Rule of Law. They need to see that the Peoples' will is firm, and that we aren't going to allow a coup!
Meanwhile, get on Bluesky, get organized, get you dissenting voice out there on all your Social media, among your friends, and in the legal system. Many organizations are already bringing law suits, there are judges ruling against Felon47's bullshit. Keep the pressure on! Call your legislators and tell them you are their constituent, and expect them to support legislative action to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION and protect our rights!!
He can still be impeached but who is going to do it? The democrats don’t have enough votes and the republicans don’t have the spine.
He is getting a lot of public criticism, and there are still old-school Republicans who don't agree with what he's doing. Some of them might finally grow a spine. DO NOT CONCEDE BEFORE THE FIGHT.
Good question
The legal system is NOT our way out of this mess!
What is?
No immunity YET.
What is he waiting for? Get him NOW. Prove to him that he cannot ignore the judiciary! If the SCROTUS protects him, then get every single appointee who is ignoring this order three squares a day at Riker's Island until a compliance order is worked out. And for God's sake, take that ridiculous cowboy hat away from the puppy killer!
And they should..
Tell us more.
Excellent! Hopefully if the administration now continues to violate the Order there will be real consequences
Great, but who will enforce them?
Well… there is something called “law enforcement.” The question is, do THEY want to?
Fingers crossed
You need to get a grip! The military, FBI, CIA, are ALL controlled by Trump appointees! Where have you been the past 3 weeks?????
Yes. That’s the issue here. He has so many brainwashed that I don’t think they will enforce laws. I think we are in a lawless country right now. Law and order??? Yeah, right.
We are in the midst of a COUP!
Agree 100%. People need to wake the fuck up. Nobody is going to do shit.
The courts have the federal marshalls and their bailiffs available to them. Also John Roberts can call for an Emergency Hearing on revokation of the Presidential Immunity decision.
Democrats need to refuse to cooperate in any way with Trump and Musk’s lawlessness!
I agree. Shutting down the government will be painful but temporary. The alternative is far far worse. The republicans have demonstrated they have no care for the working class, disabled people, seniors or the poor. They will drive this country into a depression and wars.
We’ll see. They disobeyed the first order. The true test will come Wednesday, February 12th, with the first disbursement of social security benefits since the treasury take over. They’ll be cooked if they do that. Seniors will demand THEIR money.
My bank shows that my SS payment is pending for Wednesday.
Well see if it actually deposits. If not retirees need to file class action law suit. Maybe AARP, ACLU lawyers would take it on & file it.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 🤞
I'm 🙏
right !
If they Ef with us, they’re going to feel the BOOM in boomers.
We need to start calling and tell the Dem Reps to stop cowtowing to the Repubs and refuse to talk budget until court order is followed and get receipts because, as we all know, those MFers LIE!!!
No. Stop calling the Dems. You need to start calling the Republicans until they cry UNCLE. Let them know that you are a constituent and you're not only unhappy with their fear of Trump, you're disgusted with their refusing to represent YOU.
And talk to the Rs about their oaths to support the Constitution.
Currently, they don't have the votes/seats for anything other than soft power. What would you have them do?
A better order from the court would be a $100M fine per day if the order isn’t followed to be paid by the head of DOGE and the loser president, not from the funds they ‘froze’ (stole).
Hurt in pocketbook. Yes!
We must get on the street and in their faces
God bless you judge John McConnell! Thank You!
If the spending freeze goes into effect despite the court's intervention, then ALL federal spending should be affected, including paying the salaries of all elected officials.
Trump and Musk and possibly JD Vance some serious consequences for their arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and contempt of our Constitution.
This is going to keep quite a few lawyers busy
Those are the Only jobs Drumpf makes!
What happens when they ignore the courts orders, who is going to enforce those court orders, the MAGA DOJ, the bought and paid for Supreme Court?
Good point
Nothing seems more incongruous to me than electing a felon for president who takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and ensure that laws are faithfully executed, and then literally on his first day in office, goes to work to contravene those laws. I don't think it's hyperbole to say this is where tyranny begins.
Hurray for this Judge. Now the Supremes must act accordingly when issues come before them. I won't hold my breath for them though. Unfortunately the Lawyers will be the only one getting rich.