Medicaid portals are reportedly down due to Trump's federal funding freeze, and there is a real possibility that this will set off a crisis in red states.
He doesn’t care! He’s the “you”ll never have to vote again” fake pres He’s not looking to please any future voters. They’ve reached their expiration date
This is the first, but surely not the last example of how DANGEROUS this Project 2025 group of extremists is! Their crazy brain fart that they are going to USE this demented white nationalist to trash our established federal systems to reform them to further ENRICH billionaires at the expense of 99% of our citizens is blowing up in their faces! This is the white supremacist Koch Brothers scheming, whose racist father co-founded the John Birch Society! (look it up!). These are robber barons posing as “evangelicals”! Do not be fooled. THIS INSANITY MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY BY THE REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS WHO HAVE ENABLED IT. The alternative will be national unrest! To Mitch McConnell, I say you created this mess—now YOU can clean it up, starting with impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, who hijacked the presidency on November 5th!
To your point, where are Jefferies, Pelosi, Schumer, Booker and others yelling about the Trump freeze food aid cuts hurting Red States? Dems: their messaging efforts suck all day, every day.
they need to be yelling about this from the rooftops, but most of them seem to be in a state of watch and wait- for what? How much worse do things need to get before we have a live opposition party?
Trump’s illegal impounding of Constitutionally approved funds must be overridden! I have contacted my Senators and urged them to halt any business before the Senate in order to directly address this crisis. Additionally, I have contacted my state Governor and Attorney General to see if the states can take actions to stop this unlawful regime from goose-stepping away our democracy and the system of checks and balances on which it relies to prevent unlawful power grabs.
Ya, I came on to say the same. He's not a "big picture" kind of guy. U gotta see both the forest and the trees. Most people are aware medicaid/medicare are both Federally and state funded. It's health care for Gawds sake! Why would he put a freeze on this dept--chronically under funded w such a direct impact to people (1st) his supporters second. If health care can't bill, soon this population will not b able to receive health care at all. What else will b impacted? I don't know, but wonder if there's a Federal connection to State School lunch programs, the SSI small quarterly extra pmts, SSI in general, etc. So much for giving power back to the people, eh?
I don’t he has ever taken the time to understand the consequences of his “orders” or “agenda” or “actions”. So although cruel, I don’t think it is deliberate on his part. He has never in his life had to think about anyone except himself.
That’s what happens when an illiterate person allows equally ignorant individuals to advise about subjects they know nothing about!!! It is going to get worse since they are not going to admit their ignorance and the biggest ignorant is going to blame others and nothing will be done to right the wrongs.
I believe it’s his way to force dems to increase debt ceiling so he can give his billionaires a tax break. This is going to hurt dems as well as trumpers. Living in a red state I have since 2016 realized that we are not a 2 party system any longer. We aren’t republican and democrat. The sad thing is the republicans don’t realize this. They are more powerless under trump than any democrat president.
My Cancer grant has been cancelled . He stopped all grant monies. Sorry but I am pissed off. Stage Four Metastatic Breast Cancer here, fighting to stay alive.
I am sorry. Please be pissed off as long as you need to be. I will send all the good energy to you that I can. If you need to rant, swear, curse etc. I can be there for you. I am new to this platform. Seriously, just let me know. 🙏
Pamela, hope they get your grant back. Idea: Call your member of Congress, one of their local offices. Let them know how serious your situation is. Ask them to help you. I see 'Constituent Help' links on all Congressional sites.So sorry you are struggling. Asking the Universe to send comfort,
My son's coverage is on pause also and dealing with cancer. I disagree that "he" didn't do this on purpose...."he" does everything with a personally purpose for himself! There are NO decent "names" that fits his criteria!
I have a heart for many of them. Not those that are educated and understand their hurting their fellow citizens, but for those who are not educated, do not understand the implications of his EOs beyond the main words on the document, they don't understand. I think for the country to heal, for people/families to have income, food, health care coverage, it would serve all of us well if we stopped not having a heart for a certain group of "them." Trying to blame one group for various ills of the country doesn't serve us well. It just puts out negative energy that will hurt those who say it and those who hear it. Identifying our commonalities and working to achieve the good of all through compromise is the only way out of this mess, and had the other side won, would have been the only way out of their mess as well.
We did FAFO. We saw 47 getting lies to the young men who don’t vote (red meat to the jackals) and didn’t try to stop it because that cohort “doesn’t vote”. I don’t really blame us; when there’s a firehose of lies and unlimited spending to spread them, it’s pretty damn uphill work. When we tried to explain the “exmigration” to people, somehow we couldn’t get them to understand. “Not my family, just other bad families…”. I think Black people have learned over and over for centuries here that some of them are the “good Blacks” only until it becomes expedient to throw them under the bus along with their not-so-good brothers who might be not so well educated or not live in the “right” part of the country, or perhaps got the promotion that some white guy/gal wanted. White friendship can be like living on an iceberg in a tropical paradise. Everything is just fine until it just ends.
Nope, just no. I'm not going to go around calling MAGA Republicans bad names and have never called Trump by anything other than his name but no. You can't talk with these people. There is no common ground and they are disgusting and cruel. I don't care what propaganda you've been sold, when you vote to dehumanize vast swaths of people because they are different from you, you are. in fact. a bad person. When you think black and brown people, women, native Americans, hungry children, lgbtq ect, deserve to suffer...shame...shame on you. I will not argue with them, call them out maybe, but civil discussion is not possible.
Trump supporters are about to experience the pain of electing an incompetent orange clown.
If they think that they can control him. Ie the likes of Bannon thiel and musk and other cronies, then they should think again. They have set a Caligula or a Nero onto society. Trump will not be told what to do. He is unpredictable and dangerous. The Russians understand this. His mind is fractured and now it is rotting.
This is the same type of chaos that happened in his first term. Remember the Muslim travel ban and the thousands trapped in airports? I keep reading how he's supposed to be much smarter this time around. Doesn't look like it so far.
What fools thought that the increasingly mentally/physically challenged 47 would be much smarter now? Have turds suddenly started to smell like Chanel No. 5?
I fully expected the Trump administration to cause deprivation and suffering amongst our poor disabled and elderly. Trump and his ilk are a cruel and selfish bunch. We are also on the precipace of another pandemic with H5N1 Bird Flu. An insane time to pull funding from the WHO and NIH! Stupidity reigns supreme with this Fascist bunch.
I live in the only blue state in the five most impacted states listed. I didn't vote for this. This will hurt, painfully and deeply. It will hurt me personally and I already live on the razors edge. I knew it was coming and the level of anxiety and fear is rapidly becoming to much to bear. New Mexico is poor state, no one denies that but this is obscene.
Not just red States disabled people live everywhere I live in California I rely on my Medicaid providers getting paid. I mean holy F. People say not sorry for trumpers what about the rest of us. No not FAFO there are seniors and disabled people who rely on Medicaid in every freaking State as well as children and low-income folk. You all should be caring about everyone! I'm shocked I'm just shocked at the responses at the lack of understanding how many people this could affect. This article is insulting and so are many of these comments. Not just about punishing the trumpers people. Lord have mercy my daily life depends on Medicaid working because that's where my caregivers come from through IHSS. Have some compassion. I think that our constituents better do something about this now!
AMEN. Yes that’s a shout. Just because many of those being hurt live in Red states doesn’t mean that the evil isn’t going to rain down on EVERYONE who’s on Medicaid. Your cousin who needs medical equipment from the auto accident. That nice lady at your favorite shop who has Parkinson’s Disease and can’t afford her medication or doctor appointments on her gigantic salary of $17 per hour. NObody deserves what’s coming down, except those who knew and voted for him anyway or because they liked the message, because it is going to be a colossal shit storm, and they are still Human Beings dammit.
I know an ardent Trump lover who depends on Medicaid. Wanna see what her response will be now. She needs it to survive.
Please let us know!
He doesn’t care! He’s the “you”ll never have to vote again” fake pres He’s not looking to please any future voters. They’ve reached their expiration date
A sociopath cares nothing for others
Obviously trump, or whoever is last in his ear, have not bothered to research the impact of this or probably just doesn’t care who is hurt by it
The cruelty is the point. They don’t care, mfrs
they don't care that is why he wants to hire MAGAzombies and billionaires
No plan in place before you destruction oh right. Only a concept of a plan.
Trumps goal is to make everyone miserable. He will do no good for America, so far he’s done nothing but outrageous bullshit 😑
This is the first, but surely not the last example of how DANGEROUS this Project 2025 group of extremists is! Their crazy brain fart that they are going to USE this demented white nationalist to trash our established federal systems to reform them to further ENRICH billionaires at the expense of 99% of our citizens is blowing up in their faces! This is the white supremacist Koch Brothers scheming, whose racist father co-founded the John Birch Society! (look it up!). These are robber barons posing as “evangelicals”! Do not be fooled. THIS INSANITY MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY BY THE REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS WHO HAVE ENABLED IT. The alternative will be national unrest! To Mitch McConnell, I say you created this mess—now YOU can clean it up, starting with impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, who hijacked the presidency on November 5th!
Every person who suffers because of this NEEDS to be given the direct correlation between Trump’s executive order and their pain.
I'm sure he'll find a way to blame dems.
To your point, where are Jefferies, Pelosi, Schumer, Booker and others yelling about the Trump freeze food aid cuts hurting Red States? Dems: their messaging efforts suck all day, every day.
they need to be yelling about this from the rooftops, but most of them seem to be in a state of watch and wait- for what? How much worse do things need to get before we have a live opposition party?
They did speak out. Sit down.
And the real impact of their VOTE. This is the reality they voted for.
This has been the problem for some time now.
Someone has to connect the dots for them since they are not capable of understanding this connection for themselves
Trump’s illegal impounding of Constitutionally approved funds must be overridden! I have contacted my Senators and urged them to halt any business before the Senate in order to directly address this crisis. Additionally, I have contacted my state Governor and Attorney General to see if the states can take actions to stop this unlawful regime from goose-stepping away our democracy and the system of checks and balances on which it relies to prevent unlawful power grabs.
The funding freeze isn’t the brightest idea from Trump he isn’t the brightest light bulb of any kind,
Ya, I came on to say the same. He's not a "big picture" kind of guy. U gotta see both the forest and the trees. Most people are aware medicaid/medicare are both Federally and state funded. It's health care for Gawds sake! Why would he put a freeze on this dept--chronically under funded w such a direct impact to people (1st) his supporters second. If health care can't bill, soon this population will not b able to receive health care at all. What else will b impacted? I don't know, but wonder if there's a Federal connection to State School lunch programs, the SSI small quarterly extra pmts, SSI in general, etc. So much for giving power back to the people, eh?
My colleague Luca a brilliant analyst who wisely evaluates today’s news is concerned about this issue.
Frankly, we don’t need brilliant analysts right now—we need a few real patriots willing to RID our White House of an illegitimate pariah!
Howdy everybody
He’s a fucking tool!
I will when appropriate
Impeach 47! He is ruining our economy and in a very short time. His Retribution tour must be stopped.
No this is not stupidity, it is cruelty, which is the main page in his playbook The man and his minions are truly despicable. Hillary was right..
Hillary was SPOT ON 9 fucking years ago!
I don’t he has ever taken the time to understand the consequences of his “orders” or “agenda” or “actions”. So although cruel, I don’t think it is deliberate on his part. He has never in his life had to think about anyone except himself.
🙄R You Kidding Me ??? Of course he knows... He said it out loud in the Hannity interview, "I Don't Care" ....
That’s what happens when an illiterate person allows equally ignorant individuals to advise about subjects they know nothing about!!! It is going to get worse since they are not going to admit their ignorance and the biggest ignorant is going to blame others and nothing will be done to right the wrongs.
Ignorant advisors, or amoral?
Bring it on--let these people reap what they sowed
I believe it’s his way to force dems to increase debt ceiling so he can give his billionaires a tax break. This is going to hurt dems as well as trumpers. Living in a red state I have since 2016 realized that we are not a 2 party system any longer. We aren’t republican and democrat. The sad thing is the republicans don’t realize this. They are more powerless under trump than any democrat president.
There are no republicans anymore, only MAGAts
I felt the same way but being in one of those red states it’s going to hurt democrats too. My daughter being one
You are undoubtedly correct but I don't think this freeze will stand up to challenges
To all Trump Voters:
Be careful what you wish for….
You think? Not sorry for trumpers who will be hurt by their own vote
They are the welfare queens that voted for Trump. Their savior. Stupid is as stupid does. Lawyers gonna be busy.
Please let’s not descend to his level. We don’t need, nor will it help our cause, to lump groups of people together and give them demeaning names.
My Cancer grant has been cancelled . He stopped all grant monies. Sorry but I am pissed off. Stage Four Metastatic Breast Cancer here, fighting to stay alive.
I am sorry. Please be pissed off as long as you need to be. I will send all the good energy to you that I can. If you need to rant, swear, curse etc. I can be there for you. I am new to this platform. Seriously, just let me know. 🙏
Thank you for your kindness
Maybe this will help a little.
Pamela, hope they get your grant back. Idea: Call your member of Congress, one of their local offices. Let them know how serious your situation is. Ask them to help you. I see 'Constituent Help' links on all Congressional sites.So sorry you are struggling. Asking the Universe to send comfort,
love & blessings your way. 💖
My son's coverage is on pause also and dealing with cancer. I disagree that "he" didn't do this on purpose...."he" does everything with a personally purpose for himself! There are NO decent "names" that fits his criteria!
Sending love and light to you and your son.
I am sorry. I hope this gets resolved quickly, but 🤷🏻💕. However, I am all for calling 💩4️⃣🧠 very bad name we can find of makeup. British Emotional support People have some recommended words. Look here.
Grams, hope restart is soon.
We can not tell folks how to react or feel that's how we got here , lack of critical thinking
Welfare queens like Elmo, banks and airlines? They are the real ones sucking at USA teat.
I have a heart for many of them. Not those that are educated and understand their hurting their fellow citizens, but for those who are not educated, do not understand the implications of his EOs beyond the main words on the document, they don't understand. I think for the country to heal, for people/families to have income, food, health care coverage, it would serve all of us well if we stopped not having a heart for a certain group of "them." Trying to blame one group for various ills of the country doesn't serve us well. It just puts out negative energy that will hurt those who say it and those who hear it. Identifying our commonalities and working to achieve the good of all through compromise is the only way out of this mess, and had the other side won, would have been the only way out of their mess as well.
We did FAFO. We saw 47 getting lies to the young men who don’t vote (red meat to the jackals) and didn’t try to stop it because that cohort “doesn’t vote”. I don’t really blame us; when there’s a firehose of lies and unlimited spending to spread them, it’s pretty damn uphill work. When we tried to explain the “exmigration” to people, somehow we couldn’t get them to understand. “Not my family, just other bad families…”. I think Black people have learned over and over for centuries here that some of them are the “good Blacks” only until it becomes expedient to throw them under the bus along with their not-so-good brothers who might be not so well educated or not live in the “right” part of the country, or perhaps got the promotion that some white guy/gal wanted. White friendship can be like living on an iceberg in a tropical paradise. Everything is just fine until it just ends.
Nope, just no. I'm not going to go around calling MAGA Republicans bad names and have never called Trump by anything other than his name but no. You can't talk with these people. There is no common ground and they are disgusting and cruel. I don't care what propaganda you've been sold, when you vote to dehumanize vast swaths of people because they are different from you, you are. in fact. a bad person. When you think black and brown people, women, native Americans, hungry children, lgbtq ect, deserve to suffer...shame...shame on you. I will not argue with them, call them out maybe, but civil discussion is not possible.
No gain without pain.
Trump supporters are about to experience the pain of electing an incompetent orange clown.
If they think that they can control him. Ie the likes of Bannon thiel and musk and other cronies, then they should think again. They have set a Caligula or a Nero onto society. Trump will not be told what to do. He is unpredictable and dangerous. The Russians understand this. His mind is fractured and now it is rotting.
This is the same type of chaos that happened in his first term. Remember the Muslim travel ban and the thousands trapped in airports? I keep reading how he's supposed to be much smarter this time around. Doesn't look like it so far.
What fools thought that the increasingly mentally/physically challenged 47 would be much smarter now? Have turds suddenly started to smell like Chanel No. 5?
I fully expected the Trump administration to cause deprivation and suffering amongst our poor disabled and elderly. Trump and his ilk are a cruel and selfish bunch. We are also on the precipace of another pandemic with H5N1 Bird Flu. An insane time to pull funding from the WHO and NIH! Stupidity reigns supreme with this Fascist bunch.
I live in the only blue state in the five most impacted states listed. I didn't vote for this. This will hurt, painfully and deeply. It will hurt me personally and I already live on the razors edge. I knew it was coming and the level of anxiety and fear is rapidly becoming to much to bear. New Mexico is poor state, no one denies that but this is obscene.
Not just red States disabled people live everywhere I live in California I rely on my Medicaid providers getting paid. I mean holy F. People say not sorry for trumpers what about the rest of us. No not FAFO there are seniors and disabled people who rely on Medicaid in every freaking State as well as children and low-income folk. You all should be caring about everyone! I'm shocked I'm just shocked at the responses at the lack of understanding how many people this could affect. This article is insulting and so are many of these comments. Not just about punishing the trumpers people. Lord have mercy my daily life depends on Medicaid working because that's where my caregivers come from through IHSS. Have some compassion. I think that our constituents better do something about this now!
AMEN. Yes that’s a shout. Just because many of those being hurt live in Red states doesn’t mean that the evil isn’t going to rain down on EVERYONE who’s on Medicaid. Your cousin who needs medical equipment from the auto accident. That nice lady at your favorite shop who has Parkinson’s Disease and can’t afford her medication or doctor appointments on her gigantic salary of $17 per hour. NObody deserves what’s coming down, except those who knew and voted for him anyway or because they liked the message, because it is going to be a colossal shit storm, and they are still Human Beings dammit.