I believe our biggest problem at this time is the capitulation of the republican congress

They are not protecting the constitution.

It's only a matter of time before the results of the rising voices impact elected Republicans. It's going slow but it will change.

Trump only got about 22% of American votes, far from a landslide.

And Americans will turn this over...courts are towing the line

Let's see if Trump does defy and if Congressional leaders obey...they are not immune

I have faith

As for the damage already done...it will take America a very long time to be seen as trust worthy.

Charges of Treason would be appropriate.

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Restore the fairness doctrine, but it has to apply to all media publication, not just broadcast radio and television like before. Individual posters like us exempt until we get enough followers, but the site algorithm not allowed to promote objectively harmful falsehoods. So we can make a fool of ourselves as much as we want, but the site can’t push us to the top.

So you know some intractable bigots. Don’t generalize that to the entire population that has different feelings than you on who is “qualified.” Clearly Harris, despite her flaws, was 100 times more qualified than trump, and that would be so even if he were not a pathological narcissist. The reason trump “won” was not so much the simple difference in gender and skin. It was the flood of hate and lies coming from the right, plus some massive cheating.

So you’re on the right track: a fairness doctrine with teeth very likely would have made the difference.

But even now the left seems unable to admit that it was wrong to say that the election process was incorruptible, completely safe. The evidence is strong that the tabulation machines were monkeyed with, which trump in his narcissistic pride could not stop himself from boasting about.

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Yes! The fairness doctrine + revoking Citizens United.

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Let’s not forget a new voting rights act!

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We need fair representation in the Supreme Court

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Take money out of politics. Take businesses and religious institutions out of the equation. I swear that is how this all started.

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I would have reversed the order of priority, but right on!

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Either order, I agree with both.

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We need to defeat the extreme right wing billionaires Propaganda catch n kill Machine to take down Maga.

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Yes I agree I posted several articles on Voter Suppression and Bomb threat read Gregg Palast article on this plus Clark County a solid Blue had been that way for years! had an odd count that a investigative Journalist that has done this for years found that their ballots were all Blue but when transferred via StarLink it showed all DJ won President. So he looked into this found discrepancies when it was transferred I’m sure I’m not explaining an exact. He had more details, charts that showed how it happened he’s on YouTube if anyone wants to see it about Clark County Nevada. I feel that PA was bought after I read Court paper about what Musk Lawyer told Judge on last day of his so call lottery Petition. They told judge they paid everyone that signed it from $300 to $2,000 for signing it for info. I bet they were ask to vote for DJT Musk did this in several swing states

Mid 2024 Trump invited 100 to 200 media to a luncheon in Wisconsin Steak House on him makes me wonder why. Then Media kinda goes silent on him it seems to me they did and still has. Facebook turned on VANCE,DJT to follow which I block them during campaign odd then came the garage like right wing crap. I am removing all my pictures and considering closing it. My family lives every where is my problem. Trying to figure another way to share pictures etc so I can close it down

Thanks for reading

Stand strong everyone let your voices be heard


Must has $400 B to lose if we Boycott his products as well as DJT PRODUCTS WHATEVER THAT IS THIS WEEK


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Heard that!

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This is important!

“Yes I agree I posted several articles on Voter Suppression and Bomb threat read Gregg Palast article on this plus Clark County a solid Blue had been that way for years! had an odd count that a investigative Journalist that has done this for years found that their ballots were all Blue but when transferred via StarLink it showed all DJ won President. So he looked into this found discrepancies when it was transferred I’m sure I’m not explaining an exact. He had more details, charts that showed how it happened he’s on YouTube if anyone wants to see it about Clark County Nevada. I feel that PA was bought after I read Court paper about what Musk Lawyer told Judge on last day of his so call lottery Petition. They told judge they paid everyone that signed it from $300 to $2,000 for signing it for info. I bet they were ask to vote for DJT Musk did this in several swing states

Mid 2024 Trump invited 100 to 200 media to a luncheon in Wisconsin Steak House on him makes me wonder why. Then Media kinda goes silent on him it seems to me they did and still has. “

Thank you Nana!

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🎯🎯🎯. RESTORE THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE. Another Teagan f up.

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Reagan, not Teagan.

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Fear, hate, push polls, redirection, projection, "fake" stuff, attacking political rivals etc is all Lee Atwater and people need to know it.

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Actually if the overthrow of the coup was sudden and decisive, admiration for the USA would shoot up immediately. If it instead is a prolonged struggle of many speeches and dubious elections over years, no one abroad would respect that.

The left needs to admit where and how it overreached, ignoring and dismissing the feelings, right or not, of those who were so easily willing to listen to lies and follow a demagogue. Yes the right played them, but the left insultingly disdained them. Most people have at least some prejudice/bias/bigotry. The answer is neither to amplify it nor to shout it down. Only hard core bigots will not respond to persuasion. Most people want to be seen as reasonable and tolerant—within limits. No one should have “inclusion” forced onto them and then be insulted for resisting.

If I like loud music and you don’t, should I play my music in your face and demand you tolerate it? If I like quiet music and you like it loud, should I shut your music off? What do you think would be a solution that shows reasonable respect and preserves peace?

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No one should have inclusion forced on them? How many white men do you think would willingly cede their own power and privilege to a woman or a person of color? Hegseth, our new Secretary of Defense, just fired a highly-qualified black General as Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and replaced him with a white man so under-qualified that he requires a presidential waiver. The left has not overreached — they reached for equality, and MAGA has treated that as an outrage. Doesn’t mean we should stop reaching. It just means we have to fight harder and anticipate reactionary backlash.

FYI, the racists and sexists in my family don’t give a damn about being thought reasonable. That hate is too powerful for rational conversation. We will win if we focus on turnout, on ending voter suppression, and on pressuring the media to tell the true story. And once Democrats are back in power, for God’s sake, restore the Fairness Doctrine.

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We need to figure out how to fight the disinformation and external interference (wealthy donors, Iran, China and Russia)

For my part, I will not stand down, I fact check everything and when I share any reports people can make up their own minds.

It's only a matter of time before everyday MAGA'S are impacted and hurt by Trump and DOGE.

Let's see how fast they start marching with us.

I'm not talking about oath keepers or proud boys.

A scary thing for me is that MAGA'S are the party of criminals, our government is literally a mafia organization

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Then when they Fire these Federal Workers we need to give them a safe place to land and try to bring them to our side. I would think former FBI Agents fired out of a job would have an Axe to Grind for someone from South Africa, don't you?

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You're right, of course, but you're talking about white men of power and privilege. There are a significant number of white men out there who have no power or privilege, and they interpret talk of inclusiveness as >excluding them<. That in turn is all too often interpreted by some on the left as racist/misogynist, etc. That might be partially true, but not entirely.

We can win by recognizing that this is not a race conflict, it is not a gender conflict, it's about recognizing that the word marginalized applies to a much larger population than is usually referred to. This is about the class war being waged by plutocrats against the rest of us, white, black, brown, red, yellow and even blue, men, women or other, gay or straight. All of us.

Let's get our priorities straight.

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These "white men with no power" need to get out of Momma's basement, off their X boxes and get into the real world. Maga is built on race bait, gender bait, gay bait and trans bait. Oh! And EGGS are at an all time HIGH PRICE!

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That's one group of MAGAnuts. Then there's the Fox watching, Schlitz swilling, trailer dwellers.

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Yep. It's not like America was founded on "forced inclusion" because of Slavery or trampling on Native Americans... oh, but magas call that "Woke" History.

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Would need to restore and improve fairness doctrine because it had some real limitations. But, that won't happen because the Fox acolytes like the way it is. If you are interested in learning more about why there is so much division and hate, the laws that got us to this crossroads, and why Nazism is appealing to so many white men; find my latest publication on TheLegalEdition.Substack.com - Why are so many MAGA Men Fascinated with Fascism

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Here is a quick course from 1945 to refresh memories...


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Wow, Stan…you’re equating taste in music to equal rights and protections for all people? Unwittingly, you make a perfect case for why we need laws that guarantee equal rights and protections for all. Let me clarify. Let’s say that someone- let’s call him White Dude - says “ I don’t like LGBTQ people, I don’t like women, I don’t like people who aren’t White. I don’t like people with disabilities. Do I have to like them? No. Should THE LAW HAVE TO TREAT THEM EQUALLY? Damn Right it should. See, a lot of people don’t like men. Especially deliberately clueless, dominating, entitled men. So, does that mean men shouldn’t have the same rights as everyone else? Somehow that question never gets asked. Do you know why?

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I agree with you, as to equal rights. You make my point: those who try to compel others to LIKE or CELEBRATE persons who do things they see as repugnant, disgusting, filthy, deranged, you know, like being deliberately clueless, dominating, entitled. This forced imposition will cause backlash, exactly as we see now, with demagogues whipping up the conflict of feelings. Let the person who is divergent, or stupid, or whatever, be themselves, but don’t force me to applaud them, or bless them.

My point was, respect differences, but don’t impose them. Play your music loud, but not in my face. Be gay if you must, but don’t leer in my face and shout abuses at me for believing it’s wrong. (Not accusing you of doing that, that’s a rhetorical ‘you’.)

If a gay couple wants to buy a cake, sell them a cake. But if they want me to write a message on it blessing their union, should I be compelled to write it? Not if I think it’s wrong. That’s compelled speech (expression).

Discrimination in housing is difficult to prevent, but properly written regulations can minimize it. A landlord should not be allowed to prejudge people based on divergency, culture or color, but neither should they be compelled to be blind to factors that put his property at risk from the tenant’s behavior. If the tenant respects the property (and pays the rent), the landlord should respect the tenant.

Getting along peacefully in a diverse society is challenging when some are inclined to stir up animosity. Although the right is very much doing that, the left isn’t entirely innocent.

A lot more could be said, but substack comments aren’t where the world’s problems will be solved.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your point could be summarized as: Yes, equal rights should be a policy, but it shouldn't be loudly >promoted< as the most urgent issue facing the country when we have a Plutocratic/Kleptocratic/Aristocratic class waging class war against the rest of us.

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That’s fair. Pushing “gender equality” right now is feeding the dragon you are battling. Be satisfied with gender tolerance, peaceful coexistence, not my-way-or-the-highway confrontation. You will lose that war. Your opponent is fiercely dug in. There are some on the other side you could win over to reasonable compromise, but they will stay firmly against you if you taunt and bully them and insist on complete capitulation.

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Stan....wtf ru smokin'....it's 'equality' and only equality....with a qualifier like 'gender' on it....it immediately becomes "inequality"....that's the game the mōfῠs have played on us since the beginning....the deal's probably all been a lie the whole time.

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Are you one of the “opponents or just speaking for them?

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I am not much of a "turn the other cheek" sort there Stan. It starts with a message on a cake or not, or a bus seat, or a lunch counter, or a water fountain, or a bathroom, or a school house. I remember Jim Crow with the "Whites Only Signs" and your "attitude" would slide us right back to 1962.

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Inclusion is simply a word for “appointing the best person for the job, irrespective of colour, gender, sexual identity or disability status.” It’s really not too much to ask. In fact, it’s a basic requirement of good management.

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So, explain all the "Whites Only Signs" I saw in the confederate traitor states as a kid? All those folks that were lynched, beaten by cops, denied a seat on a bus or a bathroom were just "not the best qualified?" Or, was it "Color Status?" I am confused. If "Blacks" get good jobs, aren't they better citizens? - Help them to make a better community?

Or perhaps, "good management" is just plain racist subjectivity again?

I thought we left this argument behind when Emmett Till was buried in 1955.

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There should be investigations into Trump‘s and Vance’s relationships with Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, Musk, Russ Vought (Heritage Foundation), and Christian Nationalists (it’s hard to say or type the word Christian as they’re anything but). They’ve all known each other for years/decades and deplore democracy and regulations.

It’s all in Project 2025 to destroy our freedom and democracy (which Trump lied that he knew anything about). Musk dismantling the government department by department, firing most all government employees (under the ruse of cutting cost and fraud), getting control of the computer systems and replacing them with their AI systems is the apparently the last phase.

They want to decimate our democracy and replace it with a white supremacist, AI driven autocracy while enforcing an extreme and oppressive Christian ideology.

Many Republicans have signed onto this, thus their insane cabinet approvals and lack of interest. And some Republicans’ lives or careers have been threatened.

Time is critical to stop this!!

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The magas, like Nazis lied and promised everything to everyone.

Links to Army Talk from 1945 that Explains Nazis and how they came to power, read it:



It will clear up any confusion about our enemy within.

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Whaaat? Now Trumpers are snowflakes???? I have only seen Trump people abusing us lefty liberals. Frankly I am sick of their abuse, nasty flags with expletives about Biden, their constant red herrings, gas lighting. They can fuck right off. This is their doing! Their fear. Their hate. Their jealousy. Their ignorance.

I have been sick and tired for so long. I'm over them. I hope they bask in their filth now.

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Heard that!

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I wasn’t referencing the most extreme right, the ones who love to hate, but those who are aligned with them because they have been lied to and believe that “inclusion” doesn’t mean fair meritocracy, but shoehorning less qualified people into positions just because they are a “minority.” Actually, giving a minority a chance to qualify, to learn a job so as to become equal at it, is fair. But putting in a truly unqualified person isn’t. To the extreme bigot, qualification is determined by skin, full stop. But there are others who would let a minority person prove himself, even though with some grumbling and skepticism. That is the group you want to peel away from MAGA. Not all wars are won by going nuclear.

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Unfortunately, Republicans have been acting this way since [strikeout] 1980 [/strikeout] [strikeout] 1968 [/strikeout] 1953.

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It is no accident it started after Brown vs The Board of Ed...

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I should revise my comment, that decision was in 1954.

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Yeah, that too. I was referring more to "McCarthyizm" and his "Un-American Activities Committee" - of which Tricky Dickie and his "Southern Strategy" played a significant role. So yes, there is a strong connection there.

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Absolutely right. Hopefully Trump's egregious acts will will work in reverse, and actually unite America!

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Check out my latest publication at TheLegalEdition.Substack.com - Why So Many MAGA Men are Fascinated by Fascism... Like, Subscribe and Restack!

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Thankyou. I share your thoughts

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This results in not protecting their constituents.

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Yes. Dems, and Republicans should have addressed the subject of Treason already. He’s aiding and abetting our enemy. It’s clear cut.

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Charges of treason and jail timec are not appropriate. They are a MUST and we, the people, should accept nothing less.

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I like and agree with your comments. The Republican Congress has capitulated, but another problem is that the Democrats are floundering. The actions they take seem to have no impact and I get 5 or 6 emails a day from them asking for money.

My guess is that millions of Americans around the country feel as I do - angry, disappointed, frustrated, saddened, and disgusted. Instead of providing a vehicle for us to vent these emotions (by organizing nationwide protests for instance), Democrats in Congress continue to talk about how few votes they lost crucial votes by and to ask for more money.

At least in Michigan, little notification is given of the few townhalls and protests that have taken place. I only hear about them when they are over.

If Democrats treated the current crisis with the urgency that is necessary, the public would rally behind them.


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Faith and Hope are good but not a Plan. Set the Example and be the Hero of your Life! Fly American flags upside down at home or on you cars, boycott maga on every corner and let them know it, distance yourself from family members that are cult magas, call all your elected officials from top to bottom to let them have it, support the non-maga economy as much as you can, join local Democratic or Progressive groups in your local region, consider a weapon for personal and/or family defense, drop Zuck - facebs and let him know it, march and protest. This Land Is Our Land and it has been hijacked by billionaires that prey on the weak and it is Time to Fight Back!

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Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has been and will continue to back every illegal action he takes.

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I trust your judgement. This blackmailing Ukraine for mineral rights is so wrong. Ljs

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Right, making him grovel for help like that.. talk about kicking someone when they're down!!

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Next big step 2/28/25. No buying day! Buy from small local businesses not stores/corporations like Walmart, Amazon, etc.

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I admit I was scared at first, quickly changed to anger, then action. Take action. Call, email, protest. We are legion, they are not. We are brave, they are not. If we keep ourselves action oriented, we will win. We don't have time for defeatist attitudes.

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Yes! We can’t back off!! We need to keep calling. Keep protesting, Keep letting them know we are Watching them!!!

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Amen to that

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I needed some good news today. It’s felt like democracy is attempting to roll a boulder up the side of a mountain lately. Our collective mental health is suffering from all the bad news since January 20,so any positivity is a much needed balm!

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How do we get the mainstream press to report what is going on?

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Have found that not giving up, continuing to speak the truth/not letting the BS go unchallenged helps (it can take a while). Am looking at it like a job, the most important job I’ve ever had.

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Agreed! I am seeing more and more wake up out of the shock and realizing how important it is! Doing everything I can to promote the momentum!

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MSNBC is reporting it!

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If enough of us write to their "sponsors" - AKA the advertisers - and tell them "we want real news or we're boycotting your ass", that just might do the trick. And if it doesn't, then wage a boycott campaign against them.

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Great idea.

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Leave MSM to their delusion and demise. The ownership needs to change.

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Dream on.

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yay Bernie! My question, where in TF are the Democratic leaders??? THEY are the ones that should be doing this type of thing. Got to get rid of Schumer.....yesterday! Bernie isn't even really a Democrat but thank God he has the cahones to do this.

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Adam Schiff is on trumps list but at least he is working for democracy

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Ditto Chris Murphy, and quite a few others as well.

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Bernie himself said "I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party".

One minor nitpick: cojones.

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There should be investigations into Trump‘s and Vance’s relationships with Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, Musk, Russ Vought (Heritage Foundation), and Christian Nationalists (it’s hard to say or type the word Christian as they’re anything but). They’ve all known each other for years/decades and deplore democracy and regulations.

It’s all in Project 2025 to destroy our freedom and democracy (which Trump lied that he knew anything about). Musk dismantling the government department by department, firing most all government employees (under the ruse of cutting cost and fraud), getting control of the computer systems and replacing them with their AI systems is the apparently the last phase.

They want to decimate our democracy and replace it with a white supremacist, AI driven autocracy while enforcing an extreme and oppressive Christian ideology.

Many Republicans have signed onto this, thus their insane cabinet approvals and lack of interest. And some Republicans’ lives or careers have been threatened.

Time is critical to stop this!!

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Yes!!! I hope we stay strong as a resistance movement all the way until the time the current administration gets escorted from the White House. And then as we rebuild this country, I pray we stay together as a force for reconciliation.

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Let's escort them out of our country!

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I love that idea. And don't let them back in. EVER.

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Better still, let's escort them to the guillotine. Trump himself said "You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?"


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This is the best news I’ve heard since our desperately disappointing election results. I just knew that Kamala Harris would win, and I’ve been in a lingering state of shock since. I’m still having a difficult time actually believing that my well-intentioned, reasonable, honest neighbors voted for such a monster—and I do mean monster. Wells

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We might want to let these cowardly Repuubmlican legislators know we will keep them safe from their extremists who have threatened ther lives and families.

NOTE: ONLY, three voted with Democrats and only one of those was an old white male, the other two were courageous White women. Put that in your white man pipes and smoke it, Vance, Miller, Trump and Musk.

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But how to keep them safe?

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Get rid of the King of Revenge

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Thanks for posting… it’s rather easy to get discouraged so every positive helps!

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Im not religious but if I were, i'd say...godspeed!

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Today I went to a local market and saw someone walking alone carrying a sign No King in The USA I walked up to chat and was pleased to see it was a walking acquaintance. When I got home I found a yard sign-! Wrote the same message and planted it in the snow in my front yard. All our efforts add up to protest and tear down the effort to destroy our country. Democracy here and abroad

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National Day of Protest, MARCH 4

Find a location near you: https://www.fiftyfifty.one/

For more action steps, go to http://indivisible.org/.

Together we are a force more powerful!


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Thanks for the heads up!

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Wow! Thank you for this! NYC next Tuesday at noon! I gotta work on a poster now.

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Something to consider is Trump and his Project 2025 puppet masters are completely out of touch with the American spirit. Putin may think we are docile peasants easily rolled over like Russian peasants. But we are a completely different breed.

Americans were the rowdy, non-conformist, self-actualized peasants who rejected the old hierarchies and founded a whole different system expressly for the purpose of rejecting tyranny. Our system of separated powers, state sovereignty and a healthy rejection of absolute power is still alive and kicking. Europeans have experienced fascism in the last generation. We don't have that lived experience, therefore many aren't quite grasping the warning signs.

But, when Trump's propaganda is contrasted to the actual lived experiences of Americans, they aren't going to bow down and say 'we do what Trump's says just because we fear him'. That's not our history or our culture. The American 'peasant' does not go quietly.

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There should be investigations into Trump‘s and Vance’s relationships with Curtis Yarvin, Peter Thiel, Musk, Russ Vought (Heritage Foundation), and Christian Nationalists (it’s hard to say or type the word Christian as they’re anything but). They’ve all known each other for years/decades and deplore democracy and regulations.

It’s all in Project 2025 to destroy our freedom and democracy (which Trump lied that he knew anything about). Musk dismantling the government department by department, firing most all government employees (under the ruse of cutting cost and fraud), getting control of the computer systems and replacing them with their AI systems is the apparently the last phase.

They want to decimate our democracy and replace it with a white supremacist, AI driven autocracy while enforcing an extreme and oppressive Christian ideology.

Many Republicans have signed onto this, thus their insane cabinet approvals and lack of interest. And some Republicans’ lives or careers have been threatened.

Time is critical to stop this!!

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